Why I Will NEVER Get An X-ray Again!


Jul 6, 2014
Dr. Peat has written and spoken much about the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Have you researched this subject yourself? Do you know the mechanisms and potential consequences behind x-ray exposure?

There's a very important study that you need to know about by Carmel E. Mothersill from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - one that the nuclear industry will never acknowledge because it would mean its demise. Either we as people research these things for ourselves or we move forward like fools, believing those too greedy to tell us that the routine diagnostic procedure of X-rays occuring at doctors offices worldwide are killing us.

Two Weeks Ago I Injured My Knee and Stood Up Against Medical X-rays

While at work two weeks ago I injured my knee. When I went to the doctor and she recommended an X-ray, I told her I've researched the subject and have chosen not to get one. As a result, I made a video on the subject to explain the research why the worldwide radiation risk model is unsafe.

After that I reviewed my medical doctor on ratemds.com and gave her 5-stars for respecting my decision to not get an x-ray. Then, I linked my video in the review so that the doctor will then see my review - AND LEARN from the research that I guarantee she has never heard before. This will also help educate the public and show them that they too need to have this conversation with their doctor.

You can see the review at this link... mine is at the top talking about the radiation risk model:
Dr. Navneet Sandhu

If we as a civilization are to create a better world, we're going to have to move away entirely from the use of ionizing radiation because it's simply not worth it. Here's the study I used in the video below as an example:

Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish

Scientist Carmel E. Mothersill and her colleagues from McMaster University, in cooperation with scientists from the University of Guelph conducted a study published in 2016 to see if the damage or 'bystander effects' of ionizing radiation could be transferred multi-generationally. In a 2006 they had already proved that just A SINGLE X-RAY (dose 0.5gy) CAUSES BYSTANDER EFFECTS THAT LAST FOR THE REMAINDER OF THAT FISH'S LIFE. In their 2016 study, they found that the offspring of an irradiated fish - even though it had never been irradiated itself - STILL had the bystander effects occurring inside of it which had been transferred to it from it's mother.
Study: Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish - ScienceDirect

It is clear that ionizing x-ray radiation is not worth the risk in any form - neither for medical diagnostic tests nor for energy production or weapons. The worldwide radiation risk model is unsafe and we are being annihilated by it. Members of the Ray Peat forum generally like to think more than the average person, it is us who need to take the reigns and lead the way in this by having this conversation with your doctor and teaching them that what the nuclear industry has taught them in school is propaganda.

X-ray ionizing radiation used for diagnostic tests and free and healthy human beings cannot exist simultaneously. If we are to make a better world this conversation needs to be had with every family doctor until we phase out the use of X-rays and replace it with something safer like MRI's (without the use of toxic contrast agent). Carbon dioxide is a safe (and even medicinal) alternative to toxic contrast agent or nothing at all is also safe.

Watch the story unfold below in my video for more information on the study I mentioned earlier.



Mar 1, 2013
a bunch of doctors came together and talkedabout rays views on xrays and said one xray is not enough and then again we have to look pers at how much pufa in the person their health etc. Im talking to biology soon so my opinion may chance but generally avoid it if you can. The question of what is the lesser of two evils is hard to know. Ultrasound just isnt high enough resolution.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
appreciate the good story but I would have given the doctor 1 star for blowing up at you like that. What a total unprofessional; "I went to med school for 6 years blah blah blah." She seems like an arrogant bully and I'm sure her little temper tantrum works on 99% of her patients. Just because it didnt work on you, says a lot more about your strength of character, and very little about hers.

BTW I just went through this with my refusing to let them inject me with a harmful MRI contrast agent and my doctor was a 100% ok with that. No temper tantrum or pulling the authoritay card.


Jul 14, 2016
These X‐rays have been shown to induce γ-interferon, a cytokine that induces phospholipase A₂ and tryptophan dioxygenase. This cannot be good. Also, I did see some very good correlations between dental X‐rays and thyroid cancer. Why thyroid cancer you might ask? Well: the best I can come up with is the fact that iodine has a high nuclear cross section—almost the same as lead. This means that the thyroid is more radiographically opaque than the surrounding tissue because iodine catches more X‐rays than most atoms. This should lead to more ionizations and free radicals when the iodine re‐emits the energy absorbed.

I think Linus Pauling actually spent some time warning people about X‐rays but I haven't read any of his books or articles on this . . . but I did just find one (see below):

Pauling, Linus. "Genetic and Somatic Effects of High-Energy Radiation." Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (1970)
Memon, Anjum, et al. "Dental x-rays and the risk of thyroid cancer: a case-control study." Acta Oncologica (2010)
Gottlöber, Petra. "Interferon-gamma in 5 patients with cutaneous radiation syndrome after radiation therapy." International Journal of Radiation Oncology (2001)
Wingren, G. "Diagnostic X-ray exposure and female papillary thyroid cancer: a pooled analysis of two Swedish studies." European journal of cancer prevention (1997)

McKinney, Leslie C. "Ionizing radiation potentiates the induction of nitric oxide synthase by IFN-γ and/or LPS in murine macrophage cell lines: role of TNF-α." Journal of leukocyte biology (1998)


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Dr. Peat has written and spoken much about the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Have you researched this subject yourself? Do you know the mechanisms and potential consequences behind x-ray exposure?

There's a very important study that you need to know about by Carmel E. Mothersill from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - one that the nuclear industry will never acknowledge because it would mean its demise. Either we as people research these things for ourselves or we move forward like fools, believing those too greedy to tell us that the routine diagnostic procedure of X-rays occuring at doctors offices worldwide are killing us.

Two Weeks Ago I Injured My Knee and Stood Up Against Medical X-rays

While at work two weeks ago I injured my knee. When I went to the doctor and she recommended an X-ray, I told her I've researched the subject and have chosen not to get one. As a result, I made a video on the subject to explain the research why the worldwide radiation risk model is unsafe.

After that I reviewed my medical doctor on ratemds.com and gave her 5-stars for respecting my decision to not get an x-ray. Then, I linked my video in the review so that the doctor will then see my review - AND LEARN from the research that I guarantee she has never heard before. This will also help educate the public and show them that they too need to have this conversation with their doctor.

You can see the review at this link... mine is at the top talking about the radiation risk model:
Dr. Navneet Sandhu

If we as a civilization are to create a better world, we're going to have to move away entirely from the use of ionizing radiation because it's simply not worth it. Here's the study I used in the video below as an example:

Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish

Scientist Carmel E. Mothersill and her colleagues from McMaster University, in cooperation with scientists from the University of Guelph conducted a study published in 2016 to see if the damage or 'bystander effects' of ionizing radiation could be transferred multi-generationally. In a 2006 they had already proved that just A SINGLE X-RAY (dose 0.5gy) CAUSES BYSTANDER EFFECTS THAT LAST FOR THE REMAINDER OF THAT FISH'S LIFE. In their 2016 study, they found that the offspring of an irradiated fish - even though it had never been irradiated itself - STILL had the bystander effects occurring inside of it which had been transferred to it from it's mother.
Study: Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish - ScienceDirect

It is clear that ionizing x-ray radiation is not worth the risk in any form - neither for medical diagnostic tests nor for energy production or weapons. The worldwide radiation risk model is unsafe and we are being annihilated by it. Members of the Ray Peat forum generally like to think more than the average person, it is us who need to take the reigns and lead the way in this by having this conversation with your doctor and teaching them that what the nuclear industry has taught them in school is propaganda.

X-ray ionizing radiation used for diagnostic tests and free and healthy human beings cannot exist simultaneously. If we are to make a better world this conversation needs to be had with every family doctor until we phase out the use of X-rays and replace it with something safer like MRI's (without the use of toxic contrast agent). Carbon dioxide is a safe (and even medicinal) alternative to toxic contrast agent or nothing at all is also safe.

Watch the story unfold below in my video for more information on the study I mentioned earlier.

Actually, the truth has been publicly and officially acknowledged quite a few times already - i.e medical radiation is a scientific fraud driven primarily by commercial (and military) interests. If the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) can engage in purposeful fraud (and impose that on the rest of the world) in the interests of GE and other radiation device peddlers, not sure how a person can have ANY trust in their doctor or public health authorities. Sadly, they sometimes mean well, but cases of massive fraud at the national/international level like the one below can undo any good done for public health.
NAS falsified data on radiation safety to justify widespread use!

The "safe" level of radiation exposure from artificial sources is ZERO. Anybody mumbling about "hormesis" from low dose exposure is a paid shill of Big Pharma or is not in their right mind. Often, these two go hand in hand.


Jul 24, 2014
@haidut What are the effects of X-ray exposure? I had a bunch of dental x-rays done a few years ago, right around the time I started Peating. Do the effects linger, or is it something that is counteracted by pro-metabolic nutrition and lifestyle?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
@haidut What are the effects of X-ray exposure? I had a bunch of dental x-rays done a few years ago, right around the time I started Peating. Do the effects linger, or is it something that is counteracted by pro-metabolic nutrition and lifestyle?

It really depends on the metabolic state at the time of irradiation, dosage of exposure, and what (if anything) is done after it. Aspirin, niacinamide, vitamin E, inosine, methylene blue, thyroid, cyproheptadine, etc have all been shown to protect from the effects of radiation exposure. The most damaging effects occur when ionizing radiation disturbs PUFA stores in the body, so the lower overall PUFA stores the less dangerous radiation is. A few X-rays commonly done for lung, spine, and abdominal examination are often not harmful long-term for most people, but a full CT scan (especially of the head) can lead to serious long term disturbances and sometimes cancer. Many of the CT machines in the US turned out to be purposefully miscalibrated to deliver more radiation than the patient was told it would in order to give better imaging and protect the doctors from malpractice lawsuits due to missing signs of disease.
Experts: CT Scans Linked To Radiation Overdoses
"...CT scans can be a lifesaving tool, but they also can cause radiation overdoses. Experts say it's happening more and more at hospitals across the country and perhaps in Georgia. Miscalibrated machines or operator error is exposing patients to dangerous doses of radiation. Becky Coudert went to a hospital in Huntsville, Ala., for what doctors called a routine CT scan. She said what happened was anything but routine. "I thought, there is something wrong with me. Then the nausea and headaches started," said Coudert. Radiation from the scan scorched part of her head and burned some of her hair off, she said. Her hair has grown back, but she still suffers from nausea, dizziness and blurry vision. "As time has gone on it's gotten worse. I keep waiting for it to get better," Coudert said."

Could CT scans cause cancer? - CNN

Getting Burned: Radiation Exposure from CT Scans - NWHN
"...Do you know that radiation exposure from one “CAT” scan can be equivalent to the dose received by some survivors of the Nagasaki atomic bombing? No? Chances are, neither does your doctor."

FDA Issues Warning: CT Scans Reported To Cause Hair Loss and Other Serious Injuries
"...The Food & Drug Administration said Tuesday that it will be taking steps to regulate the three most potent forms of medical radiation. With that, it will require that manufacturers of certain CT scanning equipment redesign machines to incorporate safeguards aimed at reducing patients’ exposure to radiation. The decision comes on the heels of several recent alarming reports of accidental overdoses of radiation from miscalibrated CT scanning machines. Last October, Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles disclosed that more than 200 patients had accidently received extremely high levels of radiation during CT scans of their brains. The FDA later stated that patients were exposed to eight times the amount of radiation typically used during the a CT scan, and that accidental exposure to very high amounts of radiation can cause severe injuries, such as burns, radiation induced hair loss, cataracts, and cancer. The agency has since been investigating similar reports in other states. Companies that would be affected include General Electric Co., Siemens AG and Toshiba Corp."


May 27, 2015
appreciate the good story but I would have given the doctor 1 star for blowing up at you like that. What a total unprofessional; "I went to med school for 6 years blah blah blah." She seems like an arrogant bully and I'm sure her little temper tantrum works on 99% of her patients. Just because it didnt work on you, says a lot more about your strength of character, and very little about hers.

BTW I just went through this with my refusing to let them inject me with a harmful MRI contrast agent and my doctor was a 100% ok with that. No temper tantrum or pulling the authoritay card.
Relatively speaking, that's a pretty good doctor. I fight with so many of them online i can forget some of them are human beings.


May 16, 2013
Are the milimeter wave scanners used in many airports as bad as x-rays? I know Ray mentioned they could interfere with cell function.
Dec 25, 2014
I've had at least 2 dozen x rays over my life due to dental work and broken bones and I feel perfectly fine.

2 years later:



Jan 26, 2016
I opted out of the body scan the airport and they made me wait right next to the x ray machine they use for baggage. I’d just look at it and start sweating. I tried to figure out if it was going to damage me but I eventually just cracked after a couple of minutes and took the damn body scan. They said I might have to wait 15 mins. I was so pissed. I don’t see how standing that close to the x ray machine can’t be damaging
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May 16, 2013
Yah, the whole airport thing is a nightmare. You can’t opt out in the UK anymore, and the scans on random folk seem to happen much more regularly now.


Sep 20, 2015
Dr. Peat has written and spoken much about the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. Have you researched this subject yourself? Do you know the mechanisms and potential consequences behind x-ray exposure?

There's a very important study that you need to know about by Carmel E. Mothersill from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada - one that the nuclear industry will never acknowledge because it would mean its demise. Either we as people research these things for ourselves or we move forward like fools, believing those too greedy to tell us that the routine diagnostic procedure of X-rays occuring at doctors offices worldwide are killing us.

Two Weeks Ago I Injured My Knee and Stood Up Against Medical X-rays

While at work two weeks ago I injured my knee. When I went to the doctor and she recommended an X-ray, I told her I've researched the subject and have chosen not to get one. As a result, I made a video on the subject to explain the research why the worldwide radiation risk model is unsafe.

After that I reviewed my medical doctor on ratemds.com and gave her 5-stars for respecting my decision to not get an x-ray. Then, I linked my video in the review so that the doctor will then see my review - AND LEARN from the research that I guarantee she has never heard before. This will also help educate the public and show them that they too need to have this conversation with their doctor.

You can see the review at this link... mine is at the top talking about the radiation risk model:
Dr. Navneet Sandhu

If we as a civilization are to create a better world, we're going to have to move away entirely from the use of ionizing radiation because it's simply not worth it. Here's the study I used in the video below as an example:

Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish

Scientist Carmel E. Mothersill and her colleagues from McMaster University, in cooperation with scientists from the University of Guelph conducted a study published in 2016 to see if the damage or 'bystander effects' of ionizing radiation could be transferred multi-generationally. In a 2006 they had already proved that just A SINGLE X-RAY (dose 0.5gy) CAUSES BYSTANDER EFFECTS THAT LAST FOR THE REMAINDER OF THAT FISH'S LIFE. In their 2016 study, they found that the offspring of an irradiated fish - even though it had never been irradiated itself - STILL had the bystander effects occurring inside of it which had been transferred to it from it's mother.
Study: Irradiation of rainbow trout at early life stages results in trans-generational effects including the induction of a bystander effect in non-irradiated fish - ScienceDirect

It is clear that ionizing x-ray radiation is not worth the risk in any form - neither for medical diagnostic tests nor for energy production or weapons. The worldwide radiation risk model is unsafe and we are being annihilated by it. Members of the Ray Peat forum generally like to think more than the average person, it is us who need to take the reigns and lead the way in this by having this conversation with your doctor and teaching them that what the nuclear industry has taught them in school is propaganda.

X-ray ionizing radiation used for diagnostic tests and free and healthy human beings cannot exist simultaneously. If we are to make a better world this conversation needs to be had with every family doctor until we phase out the use of X-rays and replace it with something safer like MRI's (without the use of toxic contrast agent). Carbon dioxide is a safe (and even medicinal) alternative to toxic contrast agent or nothing at all is also safe.

Watch the story unfold below in my video for more information on the study I mentioned earlier.

It's a tangent, but re the damage transfer effect mentioned (mediated by nitrous oxide?), I wonder about the same effect from irradiated food. I just bought some cheap potatoes the other day and wondered if they had been irradiated. You used to hear a lot about food irradiation used for preservation and possibly labeling irradiated foods, but of course the industry prevented labeling and you don't hear about it anymore.

Oh, maybe I'm wrong about labeling, but I haven't seen the radiation symbol on food. Irradiated Foods Exposed to Gamma Radiation
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Oct 20, 2016
Yah, the whole airport thing is a nightmare. You can’t opt out in the UK anymore, and the scans on random folk seem to happen much more regularly now.

Yep, went through this a while back... Instant derision at requesting an opt-out and also made to stand in close proximity to the radiation boxes for an extended period of time...
It seems that if you will be flying then taking the radiation hit and getting through that danger zone as quickly as possible may be the pragmatic option. I wonder what the security screeners occupational cancer rate will be in the next 10-20 years time. I doubt that the shielding is effective on those devices.


May 16, 2013
Do all airport staff on the departure side go through those things every day? And pilots, cabin crew etc? Business people travelling regularly must get quite some exposure.

I thought about pretending I was pregnant or something but even then they would say it’s safe.

I am travelling to Greece from the UK by train and boat this summer instead!

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Do all airport staff on the departure side go through those things every day? And pilots, cabin crew etc? Business people travelling regularly must get quite some exposure.

I thought about pretending I was pregnant or something but even then they would say it’s safe.

I am travelling to Greece from the UK by train and boat this summer instead!
I would google how to get around it in the UK. I recall some people recommending that you say you have a shoulder injury and cant lift your arms above your head to get out of it.
Yep, went through this a while back... Instant derision at requesting an opt-out and also made to stand in close proximity to the radiation boxes for an extended period of time...
These people may not have started out to be such sadistic f*cks but they seem to be learning it rather quickly on the job.
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