Whole body extremely itchy and susceptible to heat rash after potential fungal infection after traveling to latin america


Jan 1, 2015
I traveled to Mexico and Colombia for 2 weeks in sketchy airbnbs and I contracted a rash under both armpits that look like a fungal infection. After avoiding heat and humidity and using anti fungal OTC cream clotrimazole it seems to be getting better slowly after 1 week.

What is extremely concerning to me is that my entire body has become extremely itchy and I get heat rash like pimples if lean on my arm for 30min. I cannot sleep on a bed I must sleep on the floor as contact with cloth itches too much. I also must use a small quantity of steroid cream betaderm on my arms rashes or it itches too much and I can't sleep.

At the moment if I am careful I have no visible heat rashes and can sleep on the floor, but I am still pretty itchy and if I'm not careful they come back.

The doctor didn't know exactly what I had, he just prescribed the 2 creams and said to come back if it gets worse or doesn't get better.

Anyone knows why I'm so itchy and sensitive to heat all of a sudden? Will it go away with time? Its been 1 week.


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Mar 10, 2021
What a miserable experience for you. Try Epsom salt baths. Sugar, salt and caffeine are natural antihistamines so use them. Wear 100% cotton and no hot baths or showers, Luke warm and diva cold rinse afterwards to stop sweating and oozing. Your armpits make me think you could be dealing with a yeast infection.


Jan 1, 2015
update: I used the anti fungal cream for 2 weeks, not sure if it helped. I used the steroid cream only a few times when it was itching too much and I couldnt sleep. I also used it a few times under my armpit, after the fungal cream was over. the steroid cream seems to work really well but Im sure has really bad side effects so I used it like 6 times total.

it seems to mostly have calmed down now, another thing I noticed is the type of clothes I wear make the rash come back, it seems 100% cotton doesn't do it, not sure yet I'm still experimenting. but sweating using different underwear has made the rash come back for a few days so I must be extremely careful of what I wear and not to sweat too much.

I still dont know what happened or what I had exactly.
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