Who Benefits From Peak Corona Virus Panic?

Nov 21, 2015
I am quite certain that the US will shut down and lock down for a few weeks or months.


May 11, 2017
Maybe. In Bavaria, Germany the Day Nursery‘s and Schools have now officialy closed for one Month.....
In NRW too . Till 19th April minimum.
This extraordinary measures make me think that oficial statistic is too optimistic...i am not convinced that all this virus history is fabricated only for profit. Too little information we have. And i don't see comments of people , who got coronavirus and then got healthy. There must be a lot of people to this moment, who know everything from own experience.


Jan 25, 2014
And i don't see comments of people , who got coronavirus and then got healthy. There must be a lot of people to this moment, who know everything from own experience.

Out of a world of 7+ billion people, only 145,000 have been diagnosed with this "novel" corona virus, and of those, just over 70,000 have recovered. So odds are, you wouldn't see any comments from those 70,000 people in a world of 7,000,000,000.

However, if you have had a cold in your lifetime, or know someone who has, then you likely have had **a** corona virus, and survived. It's one of the most common causes of the common cold and flu.


Jan 25, 2014
I am quite certain that the US will shut down and lock down for a few weeks or months.

It largely has. So many events have been cancelled, most schools have done the same. And many people are being told to "work from home." I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "lock down," but if you consider travel bans or border security, well, that could already be in effect.

I kinda doubt they will go to more extreme measures, mainly because I think a) they got basically what they want from this operation and b)from what I understand, organizations like the CDC and FDA operate in the Federal Corporation known as the United States, not the Republic that is The United States of America. They risk directly violating the rights of State Citizens, although they basically do this to people who claim to be U.S. Citizens, but technically it's "voluntary." A violation of that sort might wake more people up to the idea (especially since it would involve clear violations of the Bill of Rights), and push people like me who have a more rudimentary understanding of it to go further than we already have.

Plus, the more extreme the measures, the more people will want things to back up this idea. If they haven't inflated official numbers, and people aren't getting sick and dying in the streets (as it's being painted largely right now), I think people are going to start questions the measures and the entire thing.


Nov 29, 2017
Check out X22 Report on YouTube. If you hate Trump save yourself the aggravation. If you are open minded, some interesting connections that spin this corona nonsense in a different direction. I’ve always been a conspiracy theorist and very suspicious of NWO. Trump may very well be controlled opposition but with the amount of hate he receives from most people and media, it makes me wonder. I also saw his former apartment in Trump towers on the 66th floor and it was very occult-esq but I don’t completely dislike him for some reason. I’d like to believe something good may come out of this but wtf do I know.

Pawns in the game


Sep 13, 2012
So far Florida is a state that doesn't have most schools shut down. And with one of the most populated states you'd think they'd be one of the first! There aren't cases in children to justify it. Plus Florida weather generally lends towards less contagion. This whole thing has been so overblown that people are having panic attacks over it. I guess the good that came of it is I have a pretty strong conclusion on what causes infection and am more confident because of this.


Jul 29, 2014
Maybe. In Bavaria, Germany the Day Nursery‘s and Schools have now officialy closed for one Month.....

Schools are closed in Ontario too I think. I work from home and my kids are home-schooled so literally nothing changes for me.

It's called escaping to the bunkers or the big **** yacht he bought a month back. Guess why.

He's scared of catching a cold?


Nov 29, 2017
I think there’s other things going on behind scenes as I said in previous post. Power battles/arrests. Pelosi wants to gtfo of dodge and I don’t think it’s because she’s scared of the virus.


Mar 20, 2013
Went to several grocery stores today and the shelves were empty. Like 90%. Random non-food and non-sanitation items were still there.

Milk? Gone. Eggs? Gone. Meat? Gone. Juice? Gone. Canned/dried food? Gone. All gone.

I even went to a gigantic Asian supermarket and every last bag of rice was gone. I'm talking 25 and 50lb bags. All gone. Except for sticky rice. There were a few 25lb bags left.

If making people panic is part of the agenda here, then mission accomplished. Crazy. Had to see it to believe it.


Mar 29, 2016
I think a person working for a world organization with an imagination (not needing to be that great) to write a TV series as an evolving story, depending on how his audience reacts to the previous season, would be able to write the COVID script easily.

After all, the reaction of people and governments are very predictable. He can have an outcome well decided in advance, and he can shape events to make that outcome come true.

All he has to do is to have an agent in each major country ready to spread the virus at any given time, or not, dependent on his call.

Or to limit the plot being uncovered, the risk could be minimized by just employing one agent. An agent of death. Regardless, the less involved, the less the chance of beans being spilled.

Wuhan. Then take a 2 month vacation. See how it unfolds.

South Korea. Japan. Their proximity would invite no suspicion. Even as they're immaterial to the outcome. Just makes the narrative plausible.

Iran. Italy. Still plausible. As China and Iran have deepening relationships - Iran officials getting sick is easily explained by having meetings with Chinese officials (except that Chinese high-level officials aren't reported to be getting sick). Italy - a fave destination for Chinese tourists (but why not France?) Still, there is plausible deniability.

At this point, the focus shifts to WHO. Then to the IMF. Most of the world turns to world gov for direction and guidance. Give me vaccines! Give us money (Iran just asked IMF for money)!

This is happening at a time when populists are gaining traction in politics around the world. This development has to change course, and the spread of the virus favors world government. It had to happen after populists got their say in UK. That victory is going to be hollow. Does it play into the hands of the EU and the Remoaners?

On the other side of the Atlantic, Trump is faced with another narrative, after surviving Russia collusion, and Ukraine meddling (the 2019 version). Dems have a weak candidate, whoever gets to be the standard bearer.

Unleash COVID and Trump quickly becomes the ineffective leader. Too slow to act! He is predictable in that he wants the stock market to be steady and up. He's sure to hold... hold... hold like a good general would to make sure you don't waste arrows landing without a blow to the enemy at the vanguard.

As Trump holds, virus are spread by agents in Iran and Italy. To further show that this threat is real and Trump is doing nothing. The coup de grace would be to unleash the virus on major cities in the US. Thus, the narrative is complete. Trump ineffective - for people are predictable in being like sheep in their response. At least that is how the script writer understands crowd and mob behavior to be.

The outcome is for the world to stay under the control of the deep state. Biden the senile puppet wins with Hillary as his running mate (a sure bet to her presidency). The old world order stays. The UK goes back to the EU fold. Iran and China weakened. Russia reshackled. A multi-polar world is no more.

And the US continues its pre-eminent role as world villain, a puppet of a small state ruled by psychopaths professed to rule the world by proxy and by justified of its place as God's Chosen One.
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Oct 11, 2015
Went to several grocery stores today and the shelves were empty. Like 90%. Random non-food and non-sanitation items were still there.

Milk? Gone. Eggs? Gone. Meat? Gone. Juice? Gone. Canned/dried food? Gone. All gone.

I even went to a gigantic Asian supermarket and every last bag of rice was gone. I'm talking 25 and 50lb bags. All gone. Except for sticky rice. There were a few 25lb bags left.

If making people panic is part of the agenda here, then mission accomplished. Crazy. Had to see it to believe it.
Jun 16, 2017
Went to several grocery stores today and the shelves were empty. Like 90%. Random non-food and non-sanitation items were still there.

Milk? Gone. Eggs? Gone. Meat? Gone. Juice? Gone. Canned/dried food? Gone. All gone.

I even went to a gigantic Asian supermarket and every last bag of rice was gone. I'm talking 25 and 50lb bags. All gone. Except for sticky rice. There were a few 25lb bags left.

If making people panic is part of the agenda here, then mission accomplished. Crazy. Had to see it to believe it.
Wow, it must be really weird to see empty shelves like that.

Are you getting your milk from farms then?


Jan 25, 2014
All he has to do is to have an agent in each major country ready to spread the virus at any given time, or not, dependent on his call.

This is completely unnecessary. You need NEWS about the virus, not any sort of virus itself. That's what everyone has been reacting to. It's the hype. There is nothing in the official numbers to justify any of this. But, we are beyond the point of login and reason in this. Everything is based on news and emotion.


Mar 20, 2013
Wow, it must be really weird to see empty shelves like that.

Are you getting your milk from farms then?

For now, just finishing up the little milk I had left. And have ordered some powdered Goat Milk from Azure Standard today. Though they're already running low on that stuff, and it's expensive as hell, and will only last a short while for me.

If you check online, you might be surprised to find that powdered milk, all of a sudden, seems impossible to come by, and is extremely expensive. At least checking on Amazon and eBay the prices seem extremely high and there are also not many products listed.

I haven't checked with any local farms, but I'm very curious if they're depleted too. I would imagine they are.

It was very weird to see empty shelves like that. Reality hit pretty hard. I didn't think anything of the coronavirus panic, but to see the results of people panicking, wow. You cannot get toilet paper or paper towels or many basic things like that anywhere in any store at all right now. It literally happened overnight. A couple days ago everything seemed normal.

I'm not freaking out yet or anything. But it was definitely unsettling. Just walking around grocery stores and seeing people walking around like ghosts just putting whatever scraps they can find into their nearly completely empty shopping carts. It's unsettling to me that this is only the beginning as well. Like if it got this bad overnight, what's it going to be like a week or two from now?

I'm preparing for a completely sub-optimal diet. I have some canned food in storage, like sardines, tuna, a couple cans of this and that, nothing extensive. And then something like 50lbs of rice and 50lbs of rolled oats, which I got a while back when I was on a food storage kick. I keep them in 5 gallon buckets with Gamma Seal lids.

Starch is not ideal, but especially with white rice, it can't be beaten as far as non-perishable food goes. I did get some sticky rice that I mentioned finding at the Asian store, but don't have a setup to cook it, lol. Need to get a steaming basket.

Powdered milk is not ideal but I sure wish I had a whole lot more of it right now. Beggars can't be choosers and I would feel much better if I had a large stockpile of powdered/canned milk, as it's such a huge part of my diet, and covers so many nutritional bases. I'll keep that in mind for the future.

The take home lesson: you can't eat money. And "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good." I'd rather be having a ton of powdered, oxidized milk than trying to live primarily on oats and rice with some random stuff thrown in. If I had to choose between the two, you know.

No idea if the stores are gonna get restocked anytime soon, and if they do, if they're just gonna be emptied immediately again. If that keeps happening then that's definitely not good. People panicking is definitely not helping anything.


Jan 25, 2014
Wow, it must be really weird to see empty shelves like that.

Are you getting your milk from farms then?

I went out today, and saw crowds and empty shelves (which was weird), but had no issues getting milk, cheese, eggs, and other fresh products. Plenty of juice, if I wanted it right now. Rice and Pasta were pretty much gone, as were many frozen items and canned/jarred items (like soup and applesauce), but even then, I was able to get some decent frozen foods at Trader Joes. Oh, and Oysters aplenty!
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