White/Yellow tongue, dry mouth, and thick saliva for years. These are the things that I have tried. What else should I try?

Jan 6, 2022
Harrisonburg, VA

Things I have tried that didn't work:

- Supplemented on Vitamin B2 (100 MG), B3 (500 MG as Niacinamide), B6 (50 MG as Pyridoxal-5-phosphate), B9 (1 MG), B12 (1000mcg as Methylcobalamin) for a month
- Supplemented on Zinc for a month
- Took Zypan Betaine HCL and Apple Cidar Vinegar pills after meals
- Took 10,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 per day for a month
- (4 hour gap between dinner and sleep) Ate dinner around 8-9 PM and slept around 1-2 AM
- Salads containing Spinach, Kale, Carrots, and Cucumbers every night before dinner.
- 2 servings of fruit per day
- Chewed my food properly
- Inclined Pillow
- Antibacterial mouthwash given by dentist
- Nystatin
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Many different strains of probiotics in the billions
- Not drinking water for at least 30 minutes after meals
- Flossing and brushing every day of course
- Drink lots of water

Things I have tried that seemed to work but comes back as soon as I stop:​

- Zero carb diet (Got rid of white coating in the front but not the yellow coating in the center and back)
- Pedialyte electrolyte drink (Got rid of white coating in the front but not yellow coating in the center and back)

Other health issues:​

- Acid or Bile coming up my esophagus after eating almost anything. Drinking water seems to wash it back down for a few minutes. (Either acid reflux or bile reflux)
- Dandruff
- Body acne all over upper body (improved 80% with zero carb diet)
- Constant throat pain when swallowing
- Dry skin
- Constipation (I go once every 2-3 days but it comes out in 1 or 2 huge pieces)
- Vitamin B and D deficiency (shown in old lab tests)

What I eat on a regular day:​

- Breakfast - 3-4 eggs with bread, a protein bar, and some almonds after. OR Oatmeal with cashews and dark chocolate.
- Lunch - Rice with chicken and Greek yogurt everyday.
- Dinner - Salad containing 3-4 vegetables. Pasta made from Chickpea flour with cheese and ground beef. OR Salmon sandwich.


- Age 23
- Gender - Male
- Height - 6'2
- Weight - 155 lbs

I do have other health issues but I am currently worried about the bad breath that I get from my tongue coating. I'm always in a social environment and don't
want to always be worried about my breath. I've avoided relationships for the past few years because of this as well.



Sep 13, 2012
Sounds like cholestasis, backed up liver/gallbladder. Try limiting the egg yolks, it's supposed to help fatty liver but some studies have shown too many eggs can actually cause it!

Chickpea flour? I've never even heard of it! Doesn't sound too fun for your gut. Vegetables also will not be fun for your gut unfortunately we lack the capacity to digest vegetables thus our gut bacteria do it for us which for some people with gut dysbiosis could cause liver problems as it struggles with the fermentation. @Korven posted an old old old book about using hot water 4 times a day before meals with lean beef mince to clean out the liver and gut. Not sure what to think of it but goes to show that when someone is fermenting instead of digesting it can cause all kinds of disease.


Oct 6, 2021
How do you feel after having a cup of coffee with a squirt of lemon juice on an empty stomach the first thing in the morning? If you feel a kind of relief than it might relate to a backed up liver / bile problem. Does your thyroid work properly? How's your temperature?
Did you try one of the more safe antibiotics (doxycycline, minocycline...)?
Jan 6, 2022
Harrisonburg, VA
Sounds like cholestasis, backed up liver/gallbladder. Try limiting the egg yolks, it's supposed to help fatty liver but some studies have shown too many eggs can actually cause it!

Chickpea flour? I've never even heard of it! Doesn't sound too fun for your gut. Vegetables also will not be fun for your gut unfortunately we lack the capacity to digest vegetables thus our gut bacteria do it for us which for some people with gut dysbiosis could cause liver problems as it struggles with the fermentation. @Korven posted an old old old book about using hot water 4 times a day before meals with lean beef mince to clean out the liver and gut. Not sure what to think of it but goes to show that when someone is fermenting instead of digesting it can cause all kinds of disease.
Thanks for responding. I found the book that @Korven mentioned and will follow the low fermentation diet. Last year, my doctor found a bump on my liver but I don't know if that has to do with anything. Will post back when I see results.
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Jan 6, 2022
Harrisonburg, VA
How do you feel after having a cup of coffee with a squirt of lemon juice on an empty stomach the first thing in the morning? If you feel a kind of relief than it might relate to a backed up liver / bile problem. Does your thyroid work properly? How's your temperature?
Did you try one of the more safe antibiotics (doxycycline, minocycline...)?
Yes, I was on doxycycline for a while but it did nothing. I haven't tried coffee with lemon juice but coffee alone doesn't feel good in my stomach and makes my skin super oily. People tell me that my hands are very cold. I'm not sure about my thyroids though.


Oct 6, 2021
Yes, I was on doxycycline for a while but it did nothing. I haven't tried coffee with lemon juice but coffee alone doesn't feel good in my stomach and makes my skin super oily. People tell me that my hands are very cold. I'm not sure about my thyroids though.
Can you describe what "doesn't feel good in my stomach" means in detail? That your skin gets oily is a sign that you convert steroid hormones from your fats. Coffee encourages bile and liver enzyme production roughly said. At 6'2 with 155lbs that equals to around 70kg, you're likely to weak and thin for my taste and for your frame.
Looks like hypothyroidism, the occasional coffee speeds up your system and then you get oily skin again. You're having trouble to digest properly. Try more easier to digest foods. Skip the salad in the evening for a while. Try magnesium and Thiamine for your constipation if you like. How much do you drink? How's your salt intake?
Jan 6, 2022
Harrisonburg, VA
Can you describe what "doesn't feel good in my stomach" means in detail? That your skin gets oily is a sign that you convert steroid hormones from your fats. Coffee encourages bile and liver enzyme production roughly said. At 6'2 with 155lbs that equals to around 70kg, you're likely to weak and thin for my taste and for your frame.
Looks like hypothyroidism, the occasional coffee speeds up your system and then you get oily skin again. You're having trouble to digest properly. Try more easier to digest foods. Skip the salad in the evening for a while. Try magnesium and Thiamine for your constipation if you like. How much do you drink? How's your salt intake?
Over the summer was my first time drinking coffee and I drank it for 2 weeks straight because I needed to stay awake at work. The feeling in my stomach happened like 1 or 2 times but it wasn't anything too bad. It just felt a little uncomfortable for 5-10 minutes. Sorry but I don't remember much other than that. I stopped drinking it because my skin was getting oily and I thought it was due to the skin making up for the dryness effects of coffee by producing more oil. Now after reading your post, I'm not so sure it was the dryness causing excess sebum. For the past month, I've been getting oily skin again and I haven't been drinking coffee. And by oily skin I mean oily hair, nose, and forehead. Everywhere else is dry.

If you're asking about by my alcohol intake, I don't drink at all. I do drink around 4-5 regular bottles of water. When it comes to salt, I don't add any salt to my food, so it's probably in the low. I was suspecting hypothyroidism after reading about it, but haven't tested it yet. I will get a blood test on it this week for sure.

Thanks for working with me on this, I really appreciate it.
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Jun 16, 2021
you need to clean out your colon and make sure you have at least 2 bowel movements per day. get a series of colonics and start taking cascara sagrada and some smooth move tea at night. pau de arco tea during the day.


Jun 16, 2015
It sounds a bit like a fungal infection with fungal acne that clears on low carb. But you say nystatin didn't help. Hmmm.

Protein bars are highly suspect and could be contributing to constipation. I would avoid them.

For at least the tongue issue I would suggest oil pulling with coconut oil at least 10 min a day. Note that you will likely have to do it consistently for at least 2 weeks to see results. It's easy to do while you shower or something.
Jan 6, 2022
Harrisonburg, VA
It sounds a bit like a fungal infection with fungal acne that clears on low carb. But you say nystatin didn't help. Hmmm.

Protein bars are highly suspect and could be contributing to constipation. I would avoid them.

For at least the tongue issue I would suggest oil pulling with coconut oil at least 10 min a day. Note that you will likely have to do it consistently for at least 2 weeks to see results. It's easy to do while you shower or something.
I do think it might be a fungal infection but it keeps coming back. So I want to find the underlying cause and fix that, I went on Accutane for my acne and it came back 2 months after stopping it. I forgot to mention but I was also on fluconazole and it helped my acne while I was on it, but did nothing for my tongue. I started eating protein bars and few months ago but I've had these issues for 5 years now. The white tongue sometimes just disappears for 2-3 days once a month, and then it comes back. I feel like even if oil pulling works, it'll just treat the oral part and not the digestion system that it's connected to.


Mar 24, 2021
I have the same thing and have had it a couple years now.

Can you scrape it off with a tongue scraper or something? Mine comes off as this gelatinous goop.

Milk seems to exacerbate it.

When I have tried antibiotics it usually goes away while I'm taking them so I think it's bacterial. Taking anti-fungals like sulfur hasn't done anything.

I'm looking into trying bacteriophages next to see if that helps. My digestion otherwise is pretty good I have one large bowel movement at least every day. I do get an acid reflux thing that stays in my stomach sometimes but that's mostly related to stress.


Jan 9, 2019
Look into TCM and acid/base balance in the diet. It may provide simpler answers than a complete dissection of your life.

From a quick glance at your regular diet, it looks phosphate heavy, starch based and hard to digest. What you eat and do everyday will always trump what supplements you try here and there.


Jun 16, 2015
I do think it might be a fungal infection but it keeps coming back. So I want to find the underlying cause and fix that, I went on Accutane for my acne and it came back 2 months after stopping it. I forgot to mention but I was also on fluconazole and it helped my acne while I was on it, but did nothing for my tongue. I started eating protein bars and few months ago but I've had these issues for 5 years now. The white tongue sometimes just disappears for 2-3 days once a month, and then it comes back. I feel like even if oil pulling works, it'll just treat the oral part and not the digestion system that it's connected to.
It does indeed sound fungal. Agree that oil pulling might only treat the oral aspect but it's a start and you can always swallow the oil when done to also attack any in your throat. Reducing the overall fungal load might assist your immune system when mounting a defense.

I don't know if you saw this post:

But the book/pdf linked is a really fascinating run down of candida and all the issues it causes due to acetaldehyde production and it provides a treatment approach.


Sep 3, 2017
From my understanding and my own experience with Ray's recommendations:

Kale - anti-thyroid esp if raw
Grapefruit seed extract - grapefruit is anti-thyroid
3-4 eggs - 2 max on account of PUFA - I eat as many egg whites as I need, however eggs cause histamine issues
bread - gluten, starch (endotoxin issues)
protein bar - which? got soy?
almonds - PUFA
Oatmeal - there are issues with oatmeal outside of it being another starch
cashews - OK just not daily
dark chocolate - OK
Rice - OK but still starch
chicken - PUFA - 1X month cooked in coconut oil is probably OK
Greek yogurt - OK but in my case I have gut issues (endotoxin) this doesn't work well for me - cottage cheese is better (no additives)
Many different strains of probiotics in the billions - same problem as yogurt
Salad containing 3-4 vegetables - hard on digestion
Pasta made from Chickpea flour - it's not just chickpea usually, look at the label - it's still a legume and shouldn't be used daily
cheese- OK
ground beef - OK - should be 100% grass fed and always eaten with gelatin or collagen
Salmon sandwich - PUFA, starch, gluten - eat Cod instead

Try eating a shredded carrot salad with EVOO and salt for starters and see if that doesn't help.
Take magnesium glycinate for constipation. The constipation is indicative of a thyroid problem. Balance that out with adequate potassium, salt, calcium
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Dec 28, 2021

Things I have tried that didn't work:

- Supplemented on Vitamin B2 (100 MG), B3 (500 MG as Niacinamide), B6 (50 MG as Pyridoxal-5-phosphate), B9 (1 MG), B12 (1000mcg as Methylcobalamin) for a month
- Supplemented on Zinc for a month
- Took Zypan Betaine HCL and Apple Cidar Vinegar pills after meals
- Took 10,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 per day for a month
- (4 hour gap between dinner and sleep) Ate dinner around 8-9 PM and slept around 1-2 AM
- Salads containing Spinach, Kale, Carrots, and Cucumbers every night before dinner.
- 2 servings of fruit per day
- Chewed my food properly
- Inclined Pillow
- Antibacterial mouthwash given by dentist
- Nystatin
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Many different strains of probiotics in the billions
- Not drinking water for at least 30 minutes after meals
- Flossing and brushing every day of course
- Drink lots of water

Things I have tried that seemed to work but comes back as soon as I stop:​

- Zero carb diet (Got rid of white coating in the front but not the yellow coating in the center and back)
- Pedialyte electrolyte drink (Got rid of white coating in the front but not yellow coating in the center and back)

Other health issues:​

- Acid or Bile coming up my esophagus after eating almost anything. Drinking water seems to wash it back down for a few minutes. (Either acid reflux or bile reflux)
- Dandruff
- Body acne all over upper body (improved 80% with zero carb diet)
- Constant throat pain when swallowing
- Dry skin
- Constipation (I go once every 2-3 days but it comes out in 1 or 2 huge pieces)
- Vitamin B and D deficiency (shown in old lab tests)

What I eat on a regular day:​

- Breakfast - 3-4 eggs with bread, a protein bar, and some almonds after. OR Oatmeal with cashews and dark chocolate.
- Lunch - Rice with chicken and Greek yogurt everyday.
- Dinner - Salad containing 3-4 vegetables. Pasta made from Chickpea flour with cheese and ground beef. OR Salmon sandwich.


- Age 23
- Gender - Male
- Height - 6'2
- Weight - 155 lbs

I do have other health issues but I am currently worried about the bad breath that I get from my tongue coating. I'm always in a social environment and don't
want to always be worried about my breath. I've avoided relationships for the past few years because of this as well.

View attachment 32122

Does sound like cholestasis.

I would try TUDCA as soon as possible.

Do you have a history of:
- drinking?
- medications?

High mercury levels on hair test?


May 31, 2018

Things I have tried that didn't work:

- Supplemented on Vitamin B2 (100 MG), B3 (500 MG as Niacinamide), B6 (50 MG as Pyridoxal-5-phosphate), B9 (1 MG), B12 (1000mcg as Methylcobalamin) for a month
- Supplemented on Zinc for a month
- Took Zypan Betaine HCL and Apple Cidar Vinegar pills after meals
- Took 10,000 IU of Vitamin D-3 per day for a month
- (4 hour gap between dinner and sleep) Ate dinner around 8-9 PM and slept around 1-2 AM
- Salads containing Spinach, Kale, Carrots, and Cucumbers every night before dinner.
- 2 servings of fruit per day
- Chewed my food properly
- Inclined Pillow
- Antibacterial mouthwash given by dentist
- Nystatin
- Grapefruit seed extract
- Many different strains of probiotics in the billions
- Not drinking water for at least 30 minutes after meals
- Flossing and brushing every day of course
- Drink lots of water

Things I have tried that seemed to work but comes back as soon as I stop:​

- Zero carb diet (Got rid of white coating in the front but not the yellow coating in the center and back)
- Pedialyte electrolyte drink (Got rid of white coating in the front but not yellow coating in the center and back)

Other health issues:​

- Acid or Bile coming up my esophagus after eating almost anything. Drinking water seems to wash it back down for a few minutes. (Either acid reflux or bile reflux)
- Dandruff
- Body acne all over upper body (improved 80% with zero carb diet)
- Constant throat pain when swallowing
- Dry skin
- Constipation (I go once every 2-3 days but it comes out in 1 or 2 huge pieces)
- Vitamin B and D deficiency (shown in old lab tests)

What I eat on a regular day:​

- Breakfast - 3-4 eggs with bread, a protein bar, and some almonds after. OR Oatmeal with cashews and dark chocolate.
- Lunch - Rice with chicken and Greek yogurt everyday.
- Dinner - Salad containing 3-4 vegetables. Pasta made from Chickpea flour with cheese and ground beef. OR Salmon sandwich.


- Age 23
- Gender - Male
- Height - 6'2
- Weight - 155 lbs

I do have other health issues but I am currently worried about the bad breath that I get from my tongue coating. I'm always in a social environment and don't
want to always be worried about my breath. I've avoided relationships for the past few years because of this as well.

View attachment 32122

I guess we're all going to have our opinions, but I highly suspect these things:

-protein bar
-almonds after
-Greek yogurt everyday.

I'd start with cutting out the yogurt. Contrary to popular belief, it's not good for everyone. If i eat it, I bloat and get a horrible white tongue, itch, and all hell breaks loose. Pretty much the same with all the other things you listed actually.

Try eating stuff other than what you listed and see if it helps within a couple of days.


Oct 19, 2019
Some of those symptoms sound like Laryngopharyngeal/Silent Reflux (LPR). @charlie has some good posts on that; I think B1 is recommended.


May 31, 2018
Yes, if you have pain swallowing, it's usually a reaction to the food you are eating as "glop" is forming as a reacion as well. If it's with everything you eat, that's a different scenario.
Jan 6, 2022
Harrisonburg, VA
Yes, if you have pain swallowing, it's usually a reaction to the food you are eating as "glop" is forming as a reacion as well. If it's with everything you eat, that's a different scenario.
Yup, you're absolutely right. After doing an endoscopy, my GI doctor said I had an allergic reaction to certain foods but didn't know which ones. After stopping nuts and dairy, the throat pain and acid reflux went away. I still have the other symptoms though. So you're saying that all my symptoms are connected to the foods that I'm eating?


May 31, 2018
Yup, you're absolutely right. After doing an endoscopy, my GI doctor said I had an allergic reaction to certain foods but didn't know which ones. After stopping nuts and dairy, the throat pain and acid reflux went away. I still have the other symptoms though. So you're saying that all my symptoms are connected to the foods that I'm eating?

It's my strong hunch, yes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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