When Does The Peat-body Start Buzzing With Energy?


Aug 9, 2019
So, as I've come to understand, we're all about lowering the stress hormones, ramping up metabolism & androgens & youth hormones.
Many of us come from a background of 'running on stress hormones', and getting our energy from such hormones.
When we first lower our stress hormones, we feel down, we feel low energy. This is the point where I'm at.

My question is at what point do we start shifting into a higher gear, at which point do we reach the high-energy & low-stress state & uplifting mental mood?

What are the signs?

Is it when PUFA depletion is complete? That is a long-time, I can't live like a sedated zombie for 4 years :(

At this moment, I have:
  • no energy
  • no libido
  • no drive & lust for live
At least I'm stronger in the gym, looking back to my Carnivore times.
I do feel some short bursts of energy whenever I'm gulping down OJ or sugared water. but I want consistent high energy levels and mental clarity.


Jul 8, 2014
My question is at what point do we start shifting into a higher gear, at which point do we reach the high-energy & low-stress state & uplifting mental mood?
For me, assuming I'm not dealing with any serious factors beyond my control like the loss of a loved one, I see a shift within a day. One of the main things for me is avoiding the foods that mess with my gut — for me that's mainly dairy and too much starch — and focusing on ones I digest well and that keep my blood sugar from crashing — for me that's simple sugars from fruit, coconut water and sugarcane juice, animal protein from glycine rich shellfish, some fat from coconut, and extra minerals from herbal extracts like nettles. The other main thing is meditation — for me that's music, dancing and water activities. My mood is the first thing to be affected — I'll get anxiety or weepy/depressed if my sugars drop too low. Also, I'll have high adrenaline symptoms like cold hands and feet, a racing heart, labored breathing, a hard time falling asleep, nightmares etc.
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Aug 9, 2019
For me, assuming I'm not dealing with any serious factors beyond my control like the loss of a loved one, I see a shift within a day. One of the main things for me is avoiding the foods that mess with my gut — for me that's mainly dairy and too much starch
I can imagine this. Some rare days I will eat foods that my gut can handle well, and the shift in energy levels the next day is noticeable.
The problem is that so many foods mess with my gut, it's impossible to avoid them all, and thus I spend most of my days poorly digesting my foods.

Too much milk / dairy clogs up my nose and constipates me.

Are you saying starch causes sugar crashes? Even if taken with fat and protein?


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
I get full of energy if I look forward to doing something. It's not always diet related, although it plays a big role, but doing thinks that make you happy energizes you. Having a perspective that you're doing things that will make your future better is energizing.


Apr 30, 2015
Probably at the point where you move somewhere obscure, above 10k feet elevation, and begin painting.


Jul 8, 2014
I can imagine this. Some rare days I will eat foods that my gut can handle well, and the shift in energy levels the next day is noticeable.
The problem is that so many foods mess with my gut, it's impossible to avoid them all, and thus I spend most of my days poorly digesting my foods.

Too much milk / dairy clogs up my nose and constipates me.

Are you saying starch causes sugar crashes? Even if taken with fat and protein?
The same happens to me with dairy, and it also causes me gastritis. Any food that irritates my gut will block my right nostril.

Yep, too much starch causes me heartburn, constipation, a white coated tongue and brain fog. I struggle with a weak thyroid and adrenals so starch is harder for my body to metabolize since it's a complex sugar. It's even worse for me when combined with protein and fat.

How are your thyroid and adrenals?


Aug 9, 2019
@Jennifer I am slightly hypo, but getting closer and closer to euthyroid, tracking my temps and they're going up.
Not sure about adrenals, not knowledgeable about them, I do suffer from low energy levels & fatigue. Also did 1 year of Intermittent Fasting / prolonged fasting.


Jul 8, 2014
@GreekDemiGod — Oh, okay. I tend to relate fatigue to an adrenal weakness, but they can be weak due to the thyroid since they're forced to overcompensate for the thyroid when it's underactive. Does your systolic blood pressure tend to run low — below 120 (taken on both arms, when you're relaxed)? That would point to weaker adrenals. Also, low cholesterol (below 160) points to the adrenals, but I'm thinking you had elevated cholesterol since you're slightly hypo?

The main things that have helped my energy levels are consistent sleep and getting plenty of whole, easy to digest sugars so I try to get to bed by 10pm every night and sip on the coconut water and sugarcane juice all throughout the day. The reason I mention whole is because potassium is said to be important for sugar metabolism and given my adrenals (from my understanding, the main glands involved in sugar metabolism) are weak, and tests show I'm deficient in potassium, even a simple carb like white sugar gives me issues.


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
So, as I've come to understand, we're all about lowering the stress hormones, ramping up metabolism & androgens & youth hormones.
Many of us come from a background of 'running on stress hormones', and getting our energy from such hormones.
When we first lower our stress hormones, we feel down, we feel low energy. This is the point where I'm at.

My question is at what point do we start shifting into a higher gear, at which point do we reach the high-energy & low-stress state & uplifting mental mood?

What are the signs?

Is it when PUFA depletion is complete? That is a long-time, I can't live like a sedated zombie for 4 years :(

At this moment, I have:
  • no energy
  • no libido
  • no drive & lust for live
At least I'm stronger in the gym, looking back to my Carnivore times.
I do feel some short bursts of energy whenever I'm gulping down OJ or sugared water. but I want consistent high energy levels and mental clarity.
I think, nobody knows when.
I,ve been living like a zombie for 5 years (before that wasnt much better anyway). Started pufa-shmufa depletion recently. Assuming after 4 years Im still alive and completely clean, I wonder: would my mitochondria be healed and start, at last, producing the buzzing energy? Is there a 100% guaranty that pufa purge will make those little mother suckers work?

A few years ago I spoke with a local man. His mother had died recently.... at 104 yo. In perfect health. A strong as an ox rural woman, who never in her lifetime had a slightest idea of pufa, dieting, calorie count, etc.

So, imho, it,s more complex than we imagine, but I,m unable to find so far something better than dr Peat,s work.

Nicole W.

Nov 28, 2016
@Jennifer I am slightly hypo, but getting closer and closer to euthyroid, tracking my temps and they're going up.
Not sure about adrenals, not knowledgeable about them, I do suffer from low energy levels & fatigue. Also did 1 year of Intermittent Fasting / prolonged fasting.
Intermittent fasting can cause serious problems for anyone, but especially those that have thyroid or adrenal issues. I did intermittent fasting for 6 months and became hypoglycemic. It was probably because I had had subclinical hypothyroidism and week adrenals due to chronic stress. It took a year for me to heal from that experiment. Although this is by no means a definitive test for adrenal insufficiency, it might give you a clue: are your finger tips pruned ( as if you’ve been a pool for too long)? Or are they firm, pink and plump? If they are constantly wrinkled that could point to adrenal insufficiency which might account for the fatigue.
If you are fatigued and not feeling well generally, what are you doing at the gym? You are already running a deficit, don’t add to the problem. It’s hard to accept this, but resting as much as possible and eating ( what you can tolerate) is usually the path to recovery. That might involve weight gain/being out of shape and that is scary for a lot, if not most people. No one wants that and think this deep fear is what prevents many from recovery... they can’t stop restricting and working out so they never get well. If you can brave it, I think you’ll find that lots of rest and lots of food are intrinsic to healing and feeling better.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Good digestion and feeling good go together for me. Starch is really hard on my digestion. I have my limits, like a tiny bit of Unbleached white flour to make potato pancakes is fine, but pasta or bread more than 2 days in a row constipates me immediately. I am really mean and self centered if I am constipated or bloated. It sucks. I literally lose the capacity to think of anyone but myself and my own feelings.

I also can experience very negative buzzing with energy. I notice if I eat wheat based starch, and am around day 19-27 or my cycle, high estrogen symptoms start to kick in. So even if I’m really tired and falling asleep, I’ll get this coming out of my skin feeling in bed. Or wake up very wired and upset, the energy is literally making my legs shuffle around constantly, but it’s not the kind of energy that will get me out of bed to do something enjoyable. I would prefer to feel good, or better than I’ve felt for a long time, but it’s been a very slow process for me to learn what works and what doesn’t work. I am enjoying the process in and of itself though, even if I have had plenty of days of feeling pretty pretty bad. I think food is meant to be enjoyed, and it’s been hard for me to figure out what works because I respond so differently depending on the day and situation. For instance cutting out all bread, and then having a slice of yeast free sourdough with butter and feeling so good after eating it. But then I start to eat it with eggs or cheese, and after a few days I feel like hell. So yea, everything is so complex and specific for me.


Aug 5, 2019
Energy is all about gut health, proper nutrition and sleep.

There is no magic recipe.

I avoid all foods that mess my gut, if I indulge, I know next couple days will feel a bit off, so I decide of worth eat that or not.


Apr 3, 2013
I think, nobody knows when.
I,ve been living like a zombie for 5 years (before that wasnt much better anyway). Started pufa-shmufa depletion recently. Assuming after 4 years Im still alive and completely clean, I wonder: would my mitochondria be healed and start, at last, producing the buzzing energy? Is there a 100% guaranty that pufa purge will make those little mother suckers work?

A few years ago I spoke with a local man. His mother had died recently.... at 104 yo. In perfect health. A strong as an ox rural woman, who never in her lifetime had a slightest idea of pufa, dieting, calorie count, etc.

So, imho, it,s more complex than we imagine, but I,m unable to find so far something better than dr Peat,s work.
I feel the same, I've been at this for 7 years and have been through lots of stress during that time, but I'm currently going through the worst sickness weakness whatever it is, that I've ever experienced. This is happening after I did three months of super low fat keeping pufa under 2 gram per day, using all the right supplements, taking aspirin, and becoming the leanest and most muscular I've been in a long time. So all of this effort and now I'm in worse shape almost than ever...gas bloating fibro pain cramps burning muscles, fatigue, feeling like I'm made of concrete, my ck levels are really high, high blood pressure, basically housebound, my liver enzymes are high, still have cellulite, itchy skin, I could go on and on and on.
Now I'm trying to cut all supplements and go from there. I do agree with everything peat writes about, but it's not turning into results for me, I feel like I'm 100 years old and want to give up.


Aug 5, 2019
A few years ago I spoke with a local man. His mother had died recently.... at 104 yo. In perfect health. A strong as an ox rural woman, who never in her lifetime had a slightest idea

Low stress life, lots of sun, probably decent muscle due to work in a farm, eating the same things over and over again, not emf exposure during most of her life, no traffic, no commutes and probably genes.


Aug 5, 2019
leanest and most muscular I've been in a long time.

You are in a better situation than 90% of people on this forum.

If you have gut issues, try an elimination diet.

One source of protein and one source of carbs that you tolerate without issues and eat that for several days, then you slowly add foods back till you identify which foods are messing you.
Dec 18, 2018
I can imagine this. Some rare days I will eat foods that my gut can handle well, and the shift in energy levels the next day is noticeable.
The problem is that so many foods mess with my gut, it's impossible to avoid them all, and thus I spend most of my days poorly digesting my foods.

Too much milk / dairy clogs up my nose and constipates me.

Are you saying starch causes sugar crashes? Even if taken with fat and protein?

Ok,do you feel worse on Ray peat Diet of the Milk,the OJ,etc? i would use his reasonable ideas,
but maybe the choice of foodstuff was better before?Meat ,butter,fruits.Also,
i wouldnt do High Salt,but thats just me.


Aug 9, 2019
Ok,do you feel worse on Ray peat Diet of the Milk,the OJ,etc? i would use his reasonable ideas,
but maybe the choice of foodstuff was better before?Meat ,butter,fruits.Also,
i wouldnt do High Salt,but thats just me.
I never felt amazing, never had great energy levels, not even during my teens.
Since doing Carnivore / fasting / low-carb, this has gotten worse.
Carnivore has been a band-aid to my chronic digestion problems, but that's about it.
Only improvement I currently see on Peat is better digestion VS my pre-Carnivore times. I have regular stools now.


Aug 9, 2019
Also, low cholesterol (below 160) points to the adrenals, but I'm thinking you had elevated cholesterol since you're slightly hypo?
I'm a high-responder to Cholesterol, since I eat Saturated Fat. It should be around 200.
On Carnivore, my LDL skyrocketed to 300.

The main things that have helped my energy levels are consistent sleep and getting plenty of whole, easy to digest sugars
Since peating, I wake up several times in the middle of the night. This rarely happened, except when I was Carnivore. So I still have issues there, but getting better.

Sugar is great for me as an emotional pain reliever, and it lowers my anxiety.
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