What's Your Topical And Oral Hair Loss Routine?


May 13, 2017
been Saving some money up to buy a good 6 to 12 months supply of everything for general health and hair growth and do a log ,one thing I'm trying to do is minimise my routines though and be more productive. Would love products that can just sit on my shelf and I apply or pop without needing to make up diy solutions.

things I find make a difference are topical and oral taurine and Msm, found castor oil was working but my god it's a pain in the **** and I can't remember but oral use was reported to have unpleasant sides so stopped oral too. Oral taurine is not agreeing with me though so stopping it. Msm is a wonder drug to me, no sides, high dosages. Will be starting estroban and possibly the b complex too soon.

Things of interest are =
Solban = caffeine, aspirin, b3
msm/magnesium oil spray
T3 oral and topical
Red light (red man mini)

Could u guys post what you use topical and oral, would be helpful thanks.


Aug 6, 2015
Things of interest are =
Solban = caffeine, aspirin, b3 - honestly, not necessary,
msm/magnesium oil spray - magnesium oil is good but not on the scalp
T3 oral and topical - maybe, this can be helpful,
Red light (red man mini) - this is helpful
Cypro - probably unnecessary,

truthfully, there are no topical solutions that are guaranteed to work

fix your diet,
dairy, eggs, liver pate, shellfish, fruit and safe starches like jackson's honest,

basic supplements like D, k2, magnesium oil, the b vitamins and caffeine, thyroid and pregnenolone,
Sep 7, 2017
My current approach is centered around improving circulation to the scalp. Anything that systemically improves cardio vascular health is a YES for me. At the end of the day, I think (my) hair falls out because it's not getting adequate blood supply. That's why PRP injections work.

- Ray Peat centric diet focused on foods that aid thyroid function
- OJ/Baby Spinach Smoothies (boosts NO)
- 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar in water (after dinner usually)
- Ginger Tea
- Upper Circulation Herbal Formula from "God's Herbs" (no affiliation)

- Scalp massage with wood bristle brush (near daily, as much as my scalp can handle without it feeling too sore)
- 1mm derma-rolling once every 10-14 days
- Topical oils Coconut/Castor/Rosemary/Sage/Lavender (Overnight, shampoo out in morning. When my hair is longer I only do this once every 3 days since excessive shampooing makes my hair look fried).
- 20 mins red light on top of head and face everyday
- Scalp exercises mentioned on Exercise Five - Shape Your Face
- Handstands

And that's pretty much all of it.
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Jun 21, 2017
My current approach is centered around improving circulation to the scalp. Anything that systemically improves cardio vascular health is a YES for me. At the end of the day, I think (my) hair falls out because it's not getting adequate blood supply. That's why PRP injections work.

- Ray Peat centric diet focused on foods that aid thyroid function
- OJ/Baby Spinach Smoothies (boosts NO)
- 1 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar in water (after dinner usually)
- Ginger Tea
- Upper Circulation Herbal Formula from "God's Herbs" (no affiliation)

- Scalp massage with wood bristle brush (near daily, as much as my scalp can handle without it feeling too sore)
- 1mm derma-rolling once every 10-14 days
- Topical oils Coconut/Castor/Rosemary/Sage/Lavender (Overnight, shampoo out in morning. When my hair is longer I only do this once every 3 days since excessive shampooing makes my hair look fried).
- 20 mins red light on top of head and face everyday
- Scalp exercises mentioned on Exercise Five - Shape Your Face
- Handstands

And that's pretty much all of it.

PRP works? are you kidding me man? There are hundreds of proof that PRP doesn't work. Just check hairloss forums, plenty of people who took PRP with no results. It's a scam at this point.
Sep 7, 2017
PRP works? are you kidding me man? There are hundreds of proof that PRP doesn't work. Just check hairloss forums, plenty of people who took PRP with no results. It's a scam at this point.

Are you joking! /mirandasingsvoice

Maybe I'm misinformed on this then. My approach isn't intended to help cases where the head is slick bald. I'm more focused on diffuse thinning since that's what I have trouble with. I've heard good things about PRP in general. Maybe I'm being bamboozled on it's efficacy for hair loss though. I'll have to read more about it.

Either way, improved blood flow = better hair, and I'm sticking to that. lol
Sep 7, 2017

Don't want to hi-jack the thread here and change topics but, would you be able to briefly answer some questions I have about lifestyle factors? I'm curious because I read through your posts and you also seem to be a diffuse thinner like myself.

- Do you smoke anything at all?
- Do you do cardio regularly?
- Do you eat red meat regularly?
- Are you under a lot of stress?
- Are there a lot of what you could consider to be "toxic" people in your life?

I'd like to compare notes.


Jun 21, 2017
Are you joking! /mirandasingsvoice

Maybe I'm misinformed on this then. My approach isn't intended to help cases where the head is slick bald. I'm more focused on diffuse thinning since that's what I have trouble with. I've heard good things about PRP in general. Maybe I'm being bamboozled on it's efficacy for hair loss though. I'll have to read more about it.

Either way, improved blood flow = better hair, and I'm sticking to that. lol

Don't be confused, I also want to fix my diffuse thinning and i'm only 21... But as far as i've seen PRP is huge scam.. Just don't reccomend that to people, it's a waste of money. Goodluck with your hair, I'm currently dermarolling every two weeks with massage every day for 10 min, with heavy taurine use, no results though,

EDIT: Just saw your reply,

No, i've never smoked a cigarette in my life. I did Muay thai ( heavy cardio )for a year, was losing hair still.. I eat meat regulary ( it's pig meat, my grandmother is a farmer, so I have access to pure pork and chicken meat ) I'm under a lot of stress from balding. But generally no, I think I deal quite well with it.

Hair loss is such a sad thing for young people.. I've tried many things yet no sucess, my brother is 4 year older and is bald, so same thing await me.. My diffuse thining already starting to be seen in pictures, **** that man. I've started intermittent 3 weeks ago, also no reduce in shedding.
Sep 7, 2017
Don't be confused, I also want to fix my diffuse thinning and i'm only 21... But as far as i've seen PRP is huge scam.. Just don't reccomend that to people, it's a waste of money. Goodluck with your hair, I'm currently dermarolling every two weeks with massage every day for 10 min, with heavy taurine use, no results though,

There actually is at least one recent study which supports the notion that PRP is good for hair-loss.
Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Half-Head Study to Assess the Efficacy of Platelet-Rich Plasma on the Treatment of Androgenetic Alopecia. - PubMed - NCBI


Aug 9, 2017
Red light, the fat solubles vitamins (the equivalent of 5 doses of Estroban), taurine and a "peaty" diet stopped my hair loss (MPB) ; I have seen some regrowth but interestingly not much thickening (yet?). I started balding very early around 16 and got interested into RP at 18 so maybe I was young enough to stop/reverse the process.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
Red light, the fat solubles vitamins (the equivalent of 5 doses of Estroban), taurine and a "peaty" diet stopped my hair loss (MPB) ; I have seen some regrowth but interestingly not much thickening (yet?). I started balding very early around 16 and got interested into RP at 18 so maybe I was young enough to stop/reverse the process.
Do you take the taurine topically or orally?


Aug 9, 2017
5g orally each day and I take the fat solubles vitamins sublingually. To be honest I never cared much about my hair loss because I had more serious issues so I wasn't interested in topical solutions.


Jun 30, 2015
My routine has been to accept my baldness, because no one on this forum is reversing it to any significant extent. That’s for sure. I have yet to see any conclusive evidence, data, or any consistencies in data or evidence in my 7 years or being aware of Ray Peat’s work, of anyone regrowing hair (more than a little tiny bit of shrubbery).

To me, regrowing hair on a bald head is fantasy sprinkled with fairy dust, just like rebuilding tooth enamel is. Everyone claims they have the answers, but no one can produce conclusive data, results, or real world theories that hold up.

If you have tooth problems, get them fixed with non-toxic dentistry. If you don’t like your bald head, look into wigs, plugs, transplants, etc. I think anyone who has issues with their balding has much deeper issues to deal with. Who really cares?

If you feel good and do good in life, no one gives a rats **** if you have a good head of hair or not.

Lee Simeon

Mar 3, 2017
My routine has been to accept my baldness, because no one on this forum is reversing it to any significant extent. That’s for sure. I have yet to see any conclusive evidence, data, or any consistencies in data or evidence in my 7 years or being aware of Ray Peat’s work, of anyone regrowing hair (more than a little tiny bit of shrubbery).

To me, regrowing hair on a bald head is fantasy sprinkled with fairy dust, just like rebuilding tooth enamel is. Everyone claims they have the answers, but no one can produce conclusive data, results, or real world theories that hold up.

If you have tooth problems, get them fixed with non-toxic dentistry. If you don’t like your bald head, look into wigs, plugs, transplants, etc. I think anyone who has issues with their balding has much deeper issues to deal with. Who really cares?

If you feel good and do good in life, no one gives a rats **** if you have a good head of hair or not.
Tough love, i like it


May 13, 2017
Great info guys, things to think about now.

Think I'm going to cut down and use =
Adek, b complex, Mg, taurine and redlight

Anyone reccomend what magnesium, do u pefare oral or topical?
Also red light ,unsure "still" of what one to get for hair, redlight man mini 620 or 670?


Jun 21, 2017
My routine has been to accept my baldness, because no one on this forum is reversing it to any significant extent. That’s for sure. I have yet to see any conclusive evidence, data, or any consistencies in data or evidence in my 7 years or being aware of Ray Peat’s work, of anyone regrowing hair (more than a little tiny bit of shrubbery).

To me, regrowing hair on a bald head is fantasy sprinkled with fairy dust, just like rebuilding tooth enamel is. Everyone claims they have the answers, but no one can produce conclusive data, results, or real world theories that hold up.

If you have tooth problems, get them fixed with non-toxic dentistry. If you don’t like your bald head, look into wigs, plugs, transplants, etc. I think anyone who has issues with their balding has much deeper issues to deal with. Who really cares?

If you feel good and do good in life, no one gives a rats **** if you have a good head of hair or not.

For most people, even keeping what they have would still be nice, but it's hard to do that too.. I kinda like your scepticism, since most of people are posting ***t and saying that something helped them after 1-2 days when reality is that it didn't. But i'm also glad that some other people are trying to solve this and connect the dots


May 13, 2017
One thing I'm not convinced of not working is solban, I tried a diy formula of it at the same concentrations with just what for a couple of weeks, can't say I had regrowth as just 2 weeks but my hair felt super healthy


Mar 2, 2015
currently I use
low dose Caffeine(One I found comes with ECCG..) An Open-Label Randomized Multicenter Study Assessing the Noninferiority of a Caffeine-Based Topical Liquid 0.2% versus Minoxidil 5% Solution in Male Androgenetic Alopecia
I found The ordinary with 5% caffeine and ECGC, study used 0.2 pct, I use two drops in about 20-40ml topical
low low low pct methylene blue
Carnitine L tartetae ? 8
Urea for water barrier, antioxidant
SF lecithin
DaoBao SOD(P. ginseng and Astragillus membranacus(?) cream sold in china, both good for hair, yet my chinese friend looked at me weird when I got excited)
The inductive effect of ginsenoside F2 on hair growth by altering the WNT signal pathway in telogen mouse skin. - PubMed - NCBI
Cromolyn(It's a GSK-3b inhibitor, just like valproic acid or famotidine. online forums: stops shedding. Mice study: actually slowed hair growth, I think Mast cell degran is important for healthy mice hair. A lot of cromolyn comes with bad bad additives, so you have to find a good mix, I found catacrom)
Instant coffee for delicious smell and 11bhsd1 blocking

Peppermint Oil Promotes Hair Growth without Toxic Signs
Baicalin, a flavonoid, affects the activity of human dermal papilla cells and promotes anagen induction in mice. - PubMed - NCBI (But messes with AR)
<i>In vitro</i> Hair Growth Promoting Effects of Naringenin and Hesperetin on Human Dermal Papilla Cells and Keratinocytes
Niacinamide Hair ReGrowth (this time with pics and all) - Ageless Looks
Cetirizine Topical cetirizine 1% for treatment of androgenetic alopecia. - PubMed - NCBI
Melatonin 2 5 (low dosage, increased serum melatonin, RP not a fan, but discussion said wasn't significant)
Methylvanillate 3 (low dosage)

Vivascal marine protein A Marine Protein-based Dietary Supplement for Subclinical Hair Thinning/Loss: Results of a Multisite, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial

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Apr 25, 2018
Has anyone followed danny roddy's recommendations and regrew hair?


Nov 29, 2017
I haven't noticed much regrowth in the areas of lost ground yet but i have noticed my hair has gotten thicker over the last few months which has been quite pleasing.

What I use topically are the following:

b3, taurine, aspirin, caffeine mixed in some distilled water with a little alcohol in a hair applicator bottle. probably used two to three times a day. i just wet the areas, rub it in a little and let it dry. then i comb my hair. (also, the topical supplements are what I use orally as well with the addition of vit d/k2, pau d'arco tincture, l theanine, mb and gelatin...I know I'm missing some stuff but just a quick run down).

redlight 3x a day over my head and thyroid for about 30 seconds each in the various locations

this is of course as a supplement to a somewhat peaty diet including milk, carrot salad ,fruits, cheese, liver (once a week) some meat and lots of coconut oil &meat/mct oil/butter and a little red palm oil (new addition--testing it out)

over the years i have tried many things and none seemed to work quite as effectively. i've noticed a significant improvement over the last six months since including alot of Peat's recommendations
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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