What's Your Opinion On 9/11? All Ideas Welcome

  • Thread starter Deleted member 5487
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Deleted member 5487

Do you believe the government narrative?

Who is behind it and why?


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Almost no one believes the government any more.


Here's for the media:



Mar 6, 2016
Buildings were demolished. Many engineers have said it was not possible for a single airplane to collapse those buildings. If you look at the videos you'll see how they caved in on themselves. A fire on the top floors wouldn't cause that. Reasons as to who or why ? Many ideas out there. Who knows but my guess is it has something to do with........ummm MONEY.


Jun 26, 2017
I don't know what happened or who caused it, but I do know what did not happen - as reported in the media: 1) nothing hit WTC 7 and caused it to collapse at free-fall speed later in the afternoon; 2) CNN listed passenger list within 24-48 hours and the first list did not list "Saudi hijackers" and then in the next day or so the list of the "17 hijackers" and boxcutter story appeared; NO INVESTIGATION of this complex event can reach even a preliminary conclusion in 2-4 days; 3) BBC announced the fall of WTC 7 before it actually happened, so evidently they had a script; 4) NORAD was stood down - it is inconceivable that 4 hijacked planes could fly around for about 45 minutes without NORAD intercepting with fighter jets; 5) NTSB was not allowed to investigate; 6) no Boeing 757 flew a corkscrew dive pattern into the pentagon at 500 mph, leaving behind no identifiable 757 debris; 7) no novice "couldn't land a single-engine plane" hijackers flew at over 500mph into the twin towers, which would be very tall skinny toothpick-sized targets; 8) the debris was shipped out on barges as soon as it cooled down enough to handle, after it melted and smoked for several weeks and EPA pronounced the air "safe" but emergency workers have had high rates of cancer; 9) in 2001 cell phones in airplanes did not work above about 3000 feet; 10) and so on...


Oct 11, 2016
How could anyone deny how much effort it takes to make it seem like no one really wants a reinvestigation within all mainstream media?


New Member
Aug 30, 2017
It was a satanic ritual to celebrate something very important for them..

The "number of casualties" is of secondary importance.

The "lie" part of it is the most important, by far.

They gave us an anticipation in the 2001 movie with the "Star Child", their messiah....the one that will unify the World.

Actually, that is very related to the health issues in this forum.

Let us say, the deceivers who designed the attacks work under the same principles of the deceivers who lie about all health matters.

Their most important duty, and they know that very well, is to lie, basically
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Oct 11, 2016
It was a satanic ritual to celebrate something very important for them..

The "number of casualties" is of secondary importance.

The "lie" part of it is the most important, by far.

They gave us an anticipation in the 2001 movie with the "Star Child", their messiah....the one that will unify the World.

Actually, that is very related to the health issuies in this forum.

Let us say, the deceivers who designed the attacks work under the same principles of the deceivers who lie about all health matters.

Their most important duty, and they now that very well, is to lie, basically

But isn't that more due to the similarities between deceptions than similarities between deception's actors?


Mar 7, 2017
On a recent episode of a podcast called Cryptoconomy, the hosts go through 911 from the info provided from Q-anon (anonymous insiders from US intelligence agencies).


It covers a huge range of topics in about 2.5hrs, which give a very unique perspective on the CIA's role in world events, and how it connects to the Federal Reserve and the sinking of the Titanic.
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Jun 18, 2016
Good book:
Where did the towers go? By Judy Woods (explains the part free energy could have contributed).
To note-there was a hurricane that day in Manhattan (not reported on mainstream news).
The towers did just turn to dust in the air if you watch the videos-meaning there was likely something more sinister at play than explosives, missiles, or bombs.
The twin towers were built on the "bath tub" of the whole lower Manhattan subway system.
The importance of this, is that if the towers would have collapsed on top of each other (official story), lower Manhattan would have been flooded (Hudson River), causing millions of casualties and costing trillions of dollars in clean up/repairs. Interesting to note that NY city power-players had the famous arch in NY city moved (much to the anger of local residents) to frame the twin towers prior to them being brought down. On the arch there is an inscription, "the ends justify the means."
I watched a youtube of a gentleman reporting his stewardess wife calling him that morning from the plane. She told him the plane had been hijaked. Right before she hung up, she whispered "its a fake". Her name was C.C.-not sure if you can still see the video of him on youtube.

If you can handle it-check out the web site-"Stop-look-think" for many videos on this subject and other uncomfortable subjects.

Something else to consider-the airplane was clocked at a "sea-level" speed that an airplane cannot fly when it is so low-something like 560 mph.
Leading to suspicion that it may not have been an airplane?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Interesting to note that NY city power-players had the famous arch in NY city moved (much to the anger of local residents) to frame the twin towers prior to them being brought down. On the arch there is an inscription, "the ends justify the means."
Interesting, do you have a source or some more information on that?
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Mar 6, 2016
It was a satanic ritual to celebrate something very important for them..

The "number of casualties" is of secondary importance.

The "lie" part of it is the most important, by far.

They gave us an anticipation in the 2001 movie with the "Star Child", their messiah....the one that will unify the World.

Actually, that is very related to the health issues in this forum.

Let us say, the deceivers who designed the attacks work under the same principles of the deceivers who lie about all health matters.

Their most important duty, and they know that very well, is to lie, basically
Please elaborate !?

Who are these beings ?
What do they want ?

What is your source ?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
It was a satanic ritual to celebrate something very important for them..

The "number of casualties" is of secondary importance.

The "lie" part of it is the most important, by far.

They gave us an anticipation in the 2001 movie with the "Star Child", their messiah....the one that will unify the World.
yes, they are ushering in the Aeon of Horus as detailed by Aleister Crowley, also known as the New Age. The star child is Horus.
Please elaborate !?

Who are these beings ?
What do they want ?

What is your source ?
Its origins is in the occult and freemasonry which have been used by the power elite to dupe their useful idiots to go along with their satanic plan.


Jun 18, 2016


Mar 6, 2016
yes, they are ushering in the Aeon of Horus as detailed by Aleister Crowley, also known as the New Age. The star child is Horus.

Its origins is in the occult and freemasonry which have been used by the power elite to dupe their useful idiots to go along with their satanic plan.
And what exactly is this plan ?


Mar 6, 2016
Thought 666 represented satanic culture. Is 9111 also ? Representing 9-11-2001 ?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
Here are just a few upon a DuckDuckGo search:

Washington Square Arch View of Twin Towers Prior to 9/11



Here are some additional photos to consider on 911 for a broader spiritual perspective
(scroll down to the middle for 911 photos). This poster said "all ideas welcome":
I have no doubt that the lining up of the Arch with the twin towers was part of the plan as these plans can go back hundreds of years but it looks like they moved the fountain in 2007. Also I cant find any reference that the Arch has the infamous occult saying that the ends justify the means on it. That motto does belong to one of the main players in all of this but I cant see how this amoral phrase woyuld be placed on a monument to Washington

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
And what exactly is this plan ?
the New world Order - global government run by a scientific dictatorship. a neo-feudal society basically

Thought 666 represented satanic culture. Is 9111 also ? Representing 9-11-2001 ?
Ive heard many interpretations so who really knows. 666 represents the solar gods worshiped in Babylon, known as Lucifer today who to the occult is another Sun god. The bringer of light
Ive heard 9/11 is the displacement of God since God is often re[presented by the number 10. So you are skipping God. But these occult symbols have multiple meanings. both 9 and esp 11 are powerful occult numbers
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Mar 6, 2016
Explains why science is growing then.

So basically these elitiest just want to occupy planet earth themselves ? If so, why ? I don't understand the purpose.

What is good and evil then.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
CIA's role in world events
1953 Iranian coup d'état - Wikipedia

CIA involvement in Contra cocaine trafficking - Wikipedia

CIA activities in Nicaragua - Wikipedia

Allegations of CIA drug trafficking - Wikipedia
"To fight its "Secret War" against the Pathet Lao communist movement of Laos, the CIA used the Meo (Hmong) population. Because of the war, the Hmong depended upon opium poppy cultivation for hard currency. The Hmong were very important to CIA operations and the CIA was very concerned with their well-being. The Plain of Jars had been captured by Pathet Lao fighters in 1964, which resulted in the Royal Lao Air Force being unable to land its C-47 transport aircraft on the Plain of Jars for opium transport. The Royal Laotian Air Force had almost no light planes that could land on the dirt runways near the mountaintop poppy fields. Having no way to transport their opium, the Hmong were faced with economic ruin. The CIA front Air America was, therefore, the only airline available in northern Laos. "According to several unproven sources, Air America began flying opium from mountain villages north and east of the Plain of Jars to CIA asset Hmong General Vang Pao's headquarters at Long Tieng."[2]"

Augusto Pinochet - Wikipedia
Peter Winn, who writes that the role of the CIA was crucial to the consolidation of power after the coup; the CIA helped fabricate a conspiracy against the Allende government, which Pinochet was then portrayed as preventing.

Cuban Project - Wikipedia
An official report from the CIA states that, by March 1960, the United States had already decided that Fidel Castro must be displaced. Due to the United States' fear of repercussions from the United Nations, the plan was kept at the highest level of secrecy, and as thus, "plausible deniability" was made a key focal point in American clandestine service policy.

Manuel Noriega - Wikipedia
Noriega acted as a conduit for U.S. support to the Contra militants in Nicaragua for many years, including funds and weapons. He allowed the CIA to establish listening posts in Panama,[32] and also helped the U.S.-backed Salvadoran government against the leftist Salvadoran insurgent Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front.

Project MKUltra - Wikipedia

Operation Cyclone - Wikipedia
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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