What’s the lowest you’d go for protein intake?


Sep 22, 2021
new york
How low would you possibly drop protein? I’ve become very dehydrated on a cellular level I feel, and fruits mostly and sometimes milk rly help hydrate me, make me breathe better, lower stress, probably all my Increasing carbon dioxide.

I do get cravings for protein and fatty things, but then I feel worse and so agitated after eating. I think it’s because my Body wants to be in a cleaning detox state right now, and not a building state where steak eggs etc would be good.

If i just eat fruit and honey I feel so relaxed short term, but I can tell the l lack of fat soluble vitamins and protein isn’t smart. I also am much warmer when I eat lots of protein, but it’s an adrenaline warm I think , not a calm warm. Protein and fat tends to Be satiating.

I for sure lose muscle hardness without protein but idc. I’ll tell you for CERTAIN potatoes help me fill some of those gaps. Like filling me with glycogen, satiating me,

I’m trying to piece tg a zero tryptophan moderate to low protein and fat (but not detrimentaly low) with a lot of fruit.

I’m thinking lots of pineapple, watermelon, raw honey, potatoes, bone marrow for glycine, raw egg yolks, and milk when I can tolerate it and cheese. Fat will be kept under 40grams. Mind you my maintenance is 4k calories. I’m rly thinking to use a lot of potatoes as they are a protein source. Potatoes and pineapple to me feel like protein when I eat them in the way they make me look/feel. It won’t be high protein by any means maybe 40g at 200lb, but it will have amino acids from potatoes fruit bone marrow.

Also I have access to chicken backs from my butcher that I can make soups with. Will those have tryptophan or methionine ?

I don’t plan on doing this long term, but I’m really trying to regulate my nervous system.
Mar 10, 2021
How low would you possibly drop protein? I’ve become very dehydrated on a cellular level I feel, and fruits mostly and sometimes milk rly help hydrate me, make me breathe better, lower stress, probably all my Increasing carbon dioxide.

I do get cravings for protein and fatty things, but then I feel worse and so agitated after eating. I think it’s because my Body wants to be in a cleaning detox state right now, and not a building state where steak eggs etc would be good.

If i just eat fruit and honey I feel so relaxed short term, but I can tell the l lack of fat soluble vitamins and protein isn’t smart. I also am much warmer when I eat lots of protein, but it’s an adrenaline warm I think , not a calm warm. Protein and fat tends to Be satiating.

I for sure lose muscle hardness without protein but idc. I’ll tell you for CERTAIN potatoes help me fill some of those gaps. Like filling me with glycogen, satiating me,

I’m trying to piece tg a zero tryptophan moderate to low protein and fat (but not detrimentaly low) with a lot of fruit.

I’m thinking lots of pineapple, watermelon, raw honey, potatoes, bone marrow for glycine, raw egg yolks, and milk when I can tolerate it and cheese. Fat will be kept under 40grams. Mind you my maintenance is 4k calories. I’m rly thinking to use a lot of potatoes as they are a protein source. Potatoes and pineapple to me feel like protein when I eat them in the way they make me look/feel. It won’t be high protein by any means maybe 40g at 200lb, but it will have amino acids from potatoes fruit bone marrow.

Also I have access to chicken backs from my butcher that I can make soups with. Will those have tryptophan or methionine ?

I don’t plan on doing this long term, but I’m really trying to regulate my nervous system.
How did your plan go Tommy?
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