What To Eat Before Bed To Keep Heart Rate Up During Sleep?


Feb 28, 2018
Does anyone understand this sentence?
aspirin increase glucose metabolism or shifts towards to it and knocks out fat oxidation. Our body prefers glucose as fuel thats why maybe ppl can fall asleep faster on aspirin but when your glycogen storage are empty you will need new glucose, but you re sleeping so so no food and then you will start feel weird and groggy, because your body is used to take energy from fat oxidation during night.


Jul 13, 2014
aspirin increase glucose metabolism or shifts towards to it and knocks out fat oxidation. Our body prefers glucose as fuel thats why maybe ppl can fall asleep faster on aspirin but when your glycogen storage are empty you will need new glucose, but you re sleeping so so no food and then you will start feel weird and groggy, because your body is used to take energy from fat oxidation during night.
Interesting. Could be!


May 24, 2013
Los Angeles
Thanks for sharing the additional info.

That's usually how it tends to go--if something really works well, there tends to be a negative right around the corner.

Do you feel there is anything to countering the libido lowering effects of progesterone with a small dose of DHEA? I have to admit, I'm wary of taking hormones—though, I do have a little experience with them. Of all the hormones, progesterone is my least used, but it has always been my plan to add a small dose of DHEA when I do take this.

Yes that is exactly what I ended up doing. The DHEA does help balance out the low libido and laziness. However I have a long past with using DHEA, and it seems that any dose above 2 grams or so will have negative consequences. If I take 5 grams or so it will start out great, full of energy, ready to take on life feeling, but after a couple hours I begin to get angry and irritable. My irritability and anger have been a pretty big issue for me, and sometime taking things like aspirin, large amounts of caffeine, dhea, anything that raises androgens significantly will make me much more prone to feeling angry. Things like beer, wine and soy, which have estrogen and are known to lower androgens, will have the opposite effect and reduce my anger significantly but leave me feeling weak and tired. So I'm trying to find some middle ground where my metabolism is strong and I have lots of energy but I also have a nice positive cheerful mood and am not prone to mad rage.

Progesterone and DHEA as a combo seemed to work quite well in achieving this goal, actually. The only bad side effect I noticed was feeling like I was in a bit of a daze and could not think quite as clearly as normal, but this usually happens after I have a lot of coffee all day as well, which I was also doing. I have trouble going overboard with all of the things.


Jun 2, 2017
Yes that is exactly what I ended up doing. The DHEA does help balance out the low libido and laziness. However I have a long past with using DHEA, and it seems that any dose above 2 grams or so will have negative consequences. If I take 5 grams or so it will start out great, full of energy, ready to take on life feeling, but after a couple hours I begin to get angry and irritable. My irritability and anger have been a pretty big issue for me, and sometime taking things like aspirin, large amounts of caffeine, dhea, anything that raises androgens significantly will make me much more prone to feeling angry. Things like beer, wine and soy, which have estrogen and are known to lower androgens, will have the opposite effect and reduce my anger significantly but leave me feeling weak and tired. So I'm trying to find some middle ground where my metabolism is strong and I have lots of energy but I also have a nice positive cheerful mood and am not prone to mad rage.

Progesterone and DHEA as a combo seemed to work quite well in achieving this goal, actually. The only bad side effect I noticed was feeling like I was in a bit of a daze and could not think quite as clearly as normal, but this usually happens after I have a lot of coffee all day as well, which I was also doing. I have trouble going overboard with all of the things.
Interesting. So, DHEA helps to counter progesterone, but it's not a perfect counter balance, as you're noting. This has normally been my experience with hormones, and most supplements, as well--it's very difficult to find that perfect balance. That is what led me to not take DHEA for a very long time, the irritability aspect; and, as we've both noted before, K2 can cause this irritability.

BTW, I'm assuming you meant milligrams and not grams, for your DHEA dosing. If I'm wrong, I'd have to say, I would imagine that would make you like a bull. ;)


Mar 27, 2018
I think a teaspoon of plain honey before bed is a good idea for some.

Without sugar or milk before bed, I get up 2-3 times at night to urinate. If I have just a lick of a spoon of honey, I can make it through the night without urinating.

Mind you, I always drink 8 oz of water before bed to wash my supplements down with, so it's not that I'm drinking water close to bedtime, since I always do that.


Jun 2, 2017
I think a teaspoon of plain honey before bed is a good idea for some.

Without sugar or milk before bed, I get up 2-3 times at night to urinate. If I have just a lick of a spoon of honey, I can make it through the night without urinating.

Mind you, I always drink 8 oz of water before bed to wash my supplements down with, so it's not that I'm drinking water close to bedtime, since I always do that.
Yeah, apart from supplememts specifically for sleep, I’d say most Peaters are big fans of milk/ice cream, sugar, and salt before bed. As @sladerunner69 mentioned, coconut oil/fat works as well. I added red light, to milk and coconut fat last night, and I slept 5 hours before getting up for a bathroom trip.


Sep 13, 2012
Sounds like you are in shutdown mode. Need to work on what is causing it. Look up somatic experiencing to help your body regulate better.


Jan 9, 2019
Have you figured this issue out OP?

Have you taken a sleep test? Maybe you need a CPAP machine, or to figure out why your oxygen may be limited. You could also be severely exhausted or mouth breathing, which I wouldn't tape unless you know you can breathe out of your nose.
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