What the heck is WRONG with peatarian.com

Nov 26, 2013

Obviously that creature isn't fit to eat grass, looking at the color of the skin we can see accumulation of omega-3 and hypochromic anemia. He should move to the mountains and start eating a cow once a week, and read up on the flaws of the China Study.


Jul 22, 2012
Such_Saturation said:

Obviously that creature isn't fit to eat grass, looking at the color of the skin we can see accumulation of omega-3 and hypochromic anemia. He should move to the mountains and start eating a cow once a week, and read up on the flaws of the China Study.

Yeah, a steady diet of innocent little kids...
that can't be Peatian.
Maybe if it made a big cauldron of well-cooked greens as a side dish
to offset the high phosphate... :oops:
Nov 26, 2013
Yes the children would also be very high in iron, but also quite saturated in their fat. Unless they ate omega-3 enriched formula.


Jul 22, 2012
Another angle:

Is China a stronger country
because it forcibly prevents citizens from publicly remembering Tiananmen Square,
and uses all its censoring apparatus to try to erase the event from history?


narouz can't help himself, he must repeatedly prove his subnormal IQ.


Jul 22, 2012
I believe Peat was among the first wave of Vietnam War protesters.
He was a war protester before it was cool.
We're talking early-mid '60's.
Nov 26, 2013
I don't see any proof of narouz's IQ being any different from ours. Also any act of censorship means directly shifting your own wave function out of phase with that of the universe. This causes destructive interference and you (only you) will bear the consequences of this. China is only essential as long as it is an opponent to the West and whatever force is behind the West.
Nov 26, 2013
narouz said:
I believe Peat was among the first wave of Vietnam War protesters.
He was a war protester before it was cool.
We're talking early-mid '60's.

Ray Peat is proof that anywhere in the world you might run a school in a rational manner, the CIA will find you, plant drugs in your school, and call you a hippie.

Edit: it appears we can't write "cia".


Jan 22, 2013
what it you made up a new word and defined it to mean the same as the, word, 'cure', and then simply gave an honest talk substituting your word for the word cure,
even if you openly stated that that's what you were doing, could you still be sued? like is it a semantic thing, cause I see people still say 'aleviate' or 'remedy' and stuff, or is it just an issue of implying something too strongly? I don't understand where the line is drawn between someone 'acting as a medical practioner', or just giving an opinion or advice


Feb 9, 2013
Archer2.0 said:
So I've been eating a diet that follows the general structure of a 'Ray Peat Diet'. I feel great, I even tolerate dairy which used to be like poison to me. I no longer lift weights, yet hold visibly more muscle mass than I've ever held before. So no problemo with Ray Peat's philosophy, seems to work well for MY body. Anyways, I haven't really read any of the forums much, just Ray's articles and various studies on PubMed etc. I took a look finally at this forum and peatarian.com....WOW. What is WRONG with the people over there. They shouldn't even associate their site with Ray Peat's name. Countless posts from users such as 'Bukowski' and 'Dewitt' ripping apart Ray's take on the dietary matter with cherry picked studies. Then trolls like 'IslandGirl' and 'Alex' chime in about how they feel great eating mass quantities of PUFAS and grains. And, the owner of the site, Bruno, apparently has stopped eating a Peat inspired diet at all? WTF it's incredibly weird...I get incredibly strong self-hate vibe from the people over there.

So are any of you aware of this? Anyone have a take on this? I'd be especially interested in haidut's take on some of the studies they cite.

http://peatarian.com/24000/critical-ser ... l-function
http://peatarian.com/39419/critical-rev ... ial-growth
http://peatarian.com/39553/critical-rev ... recommends

^^^ some of Bukowski's posts.

I'm not even going to post what the pro PUFA trolls on there say.

Apologies if this is the wrong section, please move if so, Mods.

Thank you for bringing this up Archer. I feel exactly the same way. I used to post there quite regularly but it grew more and more tiresome to constantly hear Ray's ideas being torn down by arrogant 20-yr-old know-it-alls, as if he hadn't been researching this stuff for 45 yrs. Healthy discussions are one thing but it got to the point where people were actively ridiculing those of us who DID want to follow the advice in the articles. (Imagine that - wanting to implement Ray Peat's suggestions on a Ray Peat website!) I actually found some of it quite dangerous and let Bruno know, but he seems to be off in lala land and does zero moderating. (He only created Peatarian to solve his own problems btw.) In my case I had posted on Peatarian for insights about some adrenaline systems that I was experiencing at the same time as many hypo symptoms. But I was completely shot down by this Bukowski person you mention as well as that Island Girl troll, who basically told me I was delusional to even think I could be hypo - and I was "obviously hyper".

Meanwhile, in the months since then, I've realized that as I suspected, they haven't the slightest clue about thyroid dosing - which is hands down the trickiest part to figure out. If I had listened to their bullying I'd be much worse off than when I started. Thank goodness I received some advice off the forum to try tiny daytime T3 dosing and T3/T4 at night. The adrenaline symptoms have completely gone away and I'm glad I stuck it out to figure out my symptoms.

I hope others don't run into the same experience from these bullies. Island Girl I sincerely believe is a mentally ill person with sociopathic tendencies.
Nov 26, 2013
I found their messageboard format to be much more Peatish, but the discussions never went very deep at all so I chose this forum. Also it seems impossible to access anything but the most recent topics.


ilovethesea said:
I used to post there quite regularly but it grew more and more tiresome to constantly hear Ray's ideas being torn down by arrogant 20-yr-old know-it-alls, as if he hadn't been researching this stuff for 45 yrs.

It's not just Peatarian, we have been getting more young know-it-alls as well. Often young people studying something related to medicine, they feel they're geniuses, and the hubris can be overwhelming. But they're not always science guys, there are all sorts of know-it-alls.
Mar 21, 2014
j. said:
It's not just Peatarian, we have been getting more young know-it-alls as well. Often young people studying something related to medicine, they feel they're geniuses, and the hubris can be overwhelming.

This is how Ray Peat was regarded when he was younger. He didn't wait until he had been researching for decades to begin talking and writing about what he saw as important, even when it directly attacked the research of his elders. At what age do you think a person should begin to form an opinion, or ask hard questions?

“You're afraid of making mistakes. Don't be. Mistakes can be profited by. Man, when I was young I shoved my ignorance in people's faces. They beat me with sticks. By the time I was forty my blunt instrument had been honed to a fine cutting point for me. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you'll never learn.”
-Ray Bradbury
Mar 21, 2014
Also, in science questioning your elders can be a sign of respect. It means the work they did was important and foundational so it's worth understanding and advancing. To not questions someones work is usually to ignore it, or (worse) accept it without understanding so that it can't be applied meaningfully to solve important problems. I think this is one way where science is very different from normal human culture, and can stir up a lot of emotions.


Jan 25, 2014
Just a matter of our own perception..

Science is not truth, science evolves as time passes by. Some ideas will be rejected some will be further defined. We're still in the days that if you think you're there, 10 new questions arise (at least this should be). Questioning things is not really age associated I think, sometimes kids ask the most intruiging questions! Although decent knowledgde can sometimes be needed.

Someone can be 60, working in the field for 40 years and still be stiff, soaked in misconceptions and working on dead end things in someone else's view. Nothing wrong with that. Just think it's people's ego is what is limiting as is associating yourself with science. This would also lead to much less fraud, which is not to be neglected in science.


Feb 9, 2013
Just for the record - what you guys are talking about is something different. I have no trouble if people want to disagree with or question Ray's points.

What I do have trouble with is literally being ridiculed for my choice to try implementing his suggestions.


Mar 24, 2014
That place is nuts. I only go there because the interface appeals to me. But between Island Girl, Anon (wouldn't be entirely surprised if they were actually the same person) and people just generally trolling I'm beginning to think the place has become a zoo. As for some of the truly terrible studies I've seen posted there, I don't know if it's satire or not half the time. I think the lack of respect shown Peat on that forum is appalling, and divisive.

I don't agree with everything Peat recommends, there are a couple places where I'm not so sure he's right but I think 99.999% of what he writes is incredible. I'd have had no idea about G.Pollack, G.Ling, or Albert Szent-Gyorgyi if it weren't for him. And he really illuminated why I was having so much trouble both physiologically under certain conditions and with the fact reality seemed very at odds with modern medicine. I just wish I had more time to study all of their work, but paying the bills is currently very time consuming.

Anyway after a couple of weeks of Peatarian all the moderating here feels like sinking into a warm bath.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Archer2.0 said:
So I've been eating a diet that follows the general structure of a 'Ray Peat Diet'. I feel great, I even tolerate dairy which used to be like poison to me. I no longer lift weights, yet hold visibly more muscle mass than I've ever held before. So no problemo with Ray Peat's philosophy, seems to work well for MY body. Anyways, I haven't really read any of the forums much, just Ray's articles and various studies on PubMed etc. I took a look finally at this forum and peatarian.com....WOW. What is WRONG with the people over there. They shouldn't even associate their site with Ray Peat's name. Countless posts from users such as 'Bukowski' and 'Dewitt' ripping apart Ray's take on the dietary matter with cherry picked studies. Then trolls like 'IslandGirl' and 'Alex' chime in about how they feel great eating mass quantities of PUFAS and grains. And, the owner of the site, Bruno, apparently has stopped eating a Peat inspired diet at all? WTF it's incredibly weird...I get incredibly strong self-hate vibe from the people over there.

So are any of you aware of this? Anyone have a take on this? I'd be especially interested in haidut's take on some of the studies they cite.

http://peatarian.com/24000/critical-ser ... l-function
http://peatarian.com/39419/critical-rev ... ial-growth
http://peatarian.com/39553/critical-rev ... recommends

^^^ some of Bukowski's posts.

I'm not even going to post what the pro PUFA trolls on there say.

Apologies if this is the wrong section, please move if so, Mods.

While I personally agree with Peat and Dialectical Materialism credo that "opposition is true friendship", Peatarian.com does seem to have taken a turn for the radical lately.
I only use it as a search engine before posting on this forum, to verify that what I am about to post is not already posted over there. In terms of answering the attacks of people like Bukowski, Anon, Alex, IslandGirl, etc - for every study they post "showing" that Peat is wrong I can find at least one "showing" he is right. Long story short, I noticed the sentiments on that website turned mostly negative about a year ago and decided not to make an account and post there. As I said above, I used it only as a searchable database. Maybe it's better this way - I concentrate on one website and if there is anything valuable to what I post here then maybe some people that have accounts on Peatarian will repost my post over there as well.


Mar 24, 2014
I think the "opposition is true friendship" is just fodder for trolls on an un-moderated forum like that one. Though otherwise I agree with it too in principle. I don't think I'd really trust someone who agreed with me carte blanch on everything.

I'm beginning to think it's pointless going there as it's impossible to tell if someone has a genuine disagreement with you or are just trying to score a point, or something more insidious (I can't help thinking it). I've not really seen Dewitt attack anyone, he always seems eminently sensible to me. Did I miss a post?

The recent madness there is about ROS caused by fructose. Pretty sure I saw a study in humans showing it reduced ROS, but I can't remember where.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Spokey said:
I think the "opposition is true friendship" is just fodder for trolls on an un-moderated forum like that one. Though otherwise I agree with it too in principle. I don't think I'd really trust someone who agreed with me carte blanch on everything.

I'm beginning to think it's pointless going there as it's impossible to tell if someone has a genuine disagreement with you or are just trying to score a point, or something more insidious (I can't help thinking it). I've not really seen Dewitt attack anyone, he always seems eminently sensible to me. Did I miss a post?

The recent madness there is about ROS caused by fructose. Pretty sure I saw a study in humans showing it reduced ROS, but I can't remember where.

Sorry, my fault. Dewitt infact seems to be in favor of Peat's ideas. I changed my post above.
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