What if we are already dead and this is actually hell?


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Sep 9, 2019
I'm not doing this for me and as I said previously I was thinking of leaving this forum as it seemed like a place where free thinkers would meet and greet before stepping in but the old 81%/11%/8% is present and correct as evidenced by the reactions for and against as well as those attempting to derail or assail.

Its interesting you mentioned schizophrenics as I'm well versed with them and can safely attest that the true specimen actually has a far more accurate grip on reality as they are malfunctioning mystics hence they drown in the seas of higher dimensional perception as they never learned to swim.
Cheerio mate, nice to see you :wavingyellow


Sep 10, 2019
I don’t think so. Hell is a place of punishment. I’m not sure of any version of hell which allows for moments of happiness. Assuming there are three realms - life, heaven and hell - if this is hell, what does the realm of the living look like? Slightly less suffering and slightly more happiness?


Dec 17, 2018
Given the nature of this limited medium, the topic at hand, the vagaries of projection and the nature of preconception I can empathize why you think what you think but rest assured that is not the case in this instance. If it were why would I even be posting? I'm not doing this for me and as I said previously I was thinking of leaving this forum as it seemed like a place where free thinkers would meet and greet before stepping in but the old 81%/11%/8% is present and correct as evidenced by the reactions for and against as well as those attempting to derail or assail.

Its interesting you mentioned schizophrenics as I'm well versed with them and can safely attest that the true specimen (and not the multitude of others they bundle under this label and then drug to within an inch of unconsciousness) actually has a far more accurate grip on reality as they are malfunctioning mystics hence they drown in the seas of higher dimensional perception as they never learned to swim. If you look into the history of said malady a stark truth is revealed for those with the eyes to see but its beyond this topic currently.

Interestingly enough when I first spoke of the nature of this reality back in the 90s with those still plugged in they'd shake their heads, furrow their brows and wonder if I was off my meds as it all sounded quite insane. "We're inside a video game with really good graphics that actually plays out inside our minds and everything is a figment of our imagination?". Fast forward a bit, the Matrix hit and suddenly everyone was "Oh, you're talking about that movie. I get it!". Except they didn't.

In many ways we're saying the same things but viewing from a different lens. I can see your perspective perfectly but can tell you don't comprehend what I've said from your message and its content. For proof of this feel free to click the link in my sig, pick a random article and start reading and tell me if that seems like it springs from the mind of one who is laden with fearmongering and conspiracy nonsense or mainly blissfully optimistic, leading by example and motivating via presence whilst encouraging others to think different about themselves, their true nature and the gift of the present moment.

Actually, don't bother. You'll only see what you seek and miss what is present as I'm speaking multifaceted to those who see in one dimension. The other 8% get it and didn't need me to say this so as you were, ladies and gentlemen. Or not, if you don't like it as change is always an option and the greatest freedom is that within as its all vibration.

You literally think earth is actually hell. What do you think is the correct way to describe someone who thinks we are actually here to be punished? Would you not describe them in the way I just did? Of course your answer is probably no because you actually think this is the case. You likely make posts like these because you desire to influence others to think like you and to feed your ego as you enjoy antagonizing those who you refer to as slaves. It makes you feel further justified in who you are when you successfully get these kinds of reactions.

I don't trust how schizophrenics perceive reality as a general rule and I don't know how anyone in their right mind would if they actually understood the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. They are often this way due to heavy metal poisoning, or genetic predispositions that often express themselves after trauma or stress of some kind. Or some other illness that eventually leads to mental illness.

You have a tendency to be condescending in your posts when something someone posts irritates or disagrees with you in some way. It is a mistake to assume someone is not comprehending what you are saying as a way to write off their opinion. I easily understood your position. Its like looking in the mirror at my younger self. You are so sure of yourself and your views that you refer to others that don't see how you do as slaves and that you are part of the enlightened 8%. That is a severe error which proves how very little you actually understand.
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Jan 17, 2023
They actually do around here along with hand cut chips, not pre frozen, and very, very fresh fish.

Its expensive for what it is and not really the kind of thing I find myself eating but those two aspects made a huge difference to taste as people would be book reservations to get in just for that dish.

Everything tastes so much better when its prepped with care and attention, don't you think? Its one of the saddest things about this wave of globalization as all these solo dolo food joints that used be in little towns and serve up amazing meals are steadily vanishing due to the chains moving in and putting them out of business by selling more of an inferior product for less.

Learning how to cook is a skill that always pays dividends and is becoming a rarity in this day and age it seems...


Forum Supporter
Dec 2, 2022
omaha nebraska
Warrior. You are always looking for a war.
Maybe warriors create wars. I’m a gardener so In always telling people, next seasons gonna be great! Because I’m thinking of the autumn apples and squash. Then I’m thinking of the winter indoor plants and greenhouse work seeding. Spring is like a busy busy work planting trimming cleaning up. Summer I thinking about chilling out swimming in the lake and keeping bugs off of plants. The cycle of fun never ends for me. It truly is always a movement of life for me.
Maybe you have a lot of fun thinking of the world as a battle! That’s cool too! More power to you! I hope you win the day and create lots of cool future battles for yourself!!!


Oct 21, 2013
I mean, really think about it because everyone is suffering, some can afford to pretend they aren't when they are with the rest walk around numbed and thus content to be ignorant.

We're all scarred on inside and feel something is terribly wrong with this place because its unjust, not righteous and obviously corrupt as the wicked have free reign to do as they wish to those foolish enough to place their faith in them.

I know there are a lot of religious folks on here who believe different things but man, the concept of us already being dead and then coming to Earth to wear a carbon based shell around our unfinite awareness as we serve out a life sentence just makes too much sense. Too many boxes are ticked and it explains precisely why life is how it is. What do you think?

I could go deeper into this and offer my reasons for this perspective but lets see how this goes and if you Peaters wish to share a little something something and you own reasoning or read then thread and click on to the next in silence without contributing.
In a sense, it's true. We are all dead (Thanks Adam and Eve!) But this isn't hell yet. That is still to come. Thankfully, Christ came to save us and give us new life in Him.



Jul 2, 2022
We are in a way more "dead" in this realm as when we "die" we seem to have expanded consciousness. Life after Life as I like to call it.

When we come to this realm, into this physical body the feeling is as if we are being "downgraded" and this is the reason why babies cry when they first come here. Nobody likes the feeling of leaving "home" with few exceptions. When one is a small child the body feels really weird with all the bodily fluids and weird limbs, sex organs , pooping, saliva, urine etc etc. There is a reason why some of us are a bit disgusted/ashamed by our bodies especially during the first years here.

I would not call this place Hell as for some it is Paradise. Your reality is controlled by you and your level of consciousness. There are super rich people who are suicidal and see the world as hell. And there are very poor people who see it as paradise and live a happy Life. Also it seems what you concentrate on becomes your reality. If you look at Bitchute all day long you will turn your reality into a fear and paranoia inducing experience. If you concentrate on making this realm a better place and spread Love to the people your experience can be full of Love.

To me your post seems like you are in a depressed state/not necessary medical depression/ and you need a bit of a glimpse of Spirituality/Non-material view on the World. NDE reports on Youtube is a good start to see there is definitely something more to all this.

If you look a bit deeper you might find what you are talking about in a sense - this place being a Loosh farm.

Maybe it is. I am not sure about that. But definitely a simulation of some sort. Not necessary a technological/what many people think when they hear the simulation theory/ but rather a Divine one.

edit: OP, You might like a youtube channel called Forever Conscious Research. Based on your idea that his is some sort of a hell. This channel gives the best arguments for this theory. They talk about the Soul Reincarnation Trap, the theory that when you die the beings that greet you on the other side that look like your dead relatives or guardian angels are in fact AI holograms and such topics.
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Apr 26, 2018
From my perspective and experience in dealing with over a million people in the flesh I see three types of people on the planet:

8% are Warriors. They see the Game for how it is and that means peering past the thin veneer of happiness that sunshine, rainbows and puppy dogs bring because whilst they are good (and yes, there is some good on the planet) its surrounded by an abyss of darkness. The Warrior is the one who questions the narrative, peers inside themselves and is willing to push at the limiting beliefs and coping strategies therein in order to see the difference that makes a difference then follow that intuition as the undo their programming. In that respect we're within a construct that can look like heaven but actually feels like hell for most of the populace. This brings us onto the next category:

81% are Slaves. They will deny they are suffering and living inauthentic lives as they grasp at illusions and think they know how it is via edited memories, emotional numbing and endless distractions as they fill in days of mindless repetition till the end. Click-whirr in full effect. They are generally content to float along on the surface and thus don't have an inkling of what is truly happening and, generally, they couldn't care less as they're within their own little bubble. They will, however, scream and yelp to defend their position should anyone point this out to them. The third section:

11% are Slave/Masters. As the name suggests they hold the purse strings, sit in positions of influence and feed the narratives to the populace that pull the world over their eyelids. They look at the Slaves as their property to do as they wish with as they're subhuman from their lens and, in effect, dress the sets of this reality show as they pen the scripts which are in sync with the movements of the planets at the behest of whom they are beholden. As above, so below and the rest.

Now, you can ask things like "Where is your proof of this? Where did you get those fractions?". Well, its easily proven as I previously mentioned elsewhen:

If you take 10 random people and speak to them on something outside of the mainstream narrative like, lets say, "Sugar doesn't make you fat and is actually a prime source of energy for a healthy individual" what would happen? 8 of them would look at you like you're a simpleton who is off his meds as it contradicts their investment and logic. Even if experience says something else. They won't even entertain it nor even consider why you're saying this.

1 person may get it and see the truth behind your reasoning but will deny this and say something like "Yes, but you should try Keto as the web is filled with tales of people who got trim and are now in the best of health from cutting out all sugars" as they are in the business of wilful distraction and the facts your speaking may "infect" the other 8 under groupthink so they wish to throw you off the scent as well.

The last person you speak to may have never heard of the concept and it may totally contradict what he thinks and how he lives but he'll hear you out, juggle the lens of your POV with his own perspective, do the research then give it a spin to see what happens.

You're welcome to put that to the test even though I'm quite sure you already know thats how it is. I never said my perspectives are comforting or anything like what you think because they're from the 8% to the 8% and the rest will act as detailed in the example. This is exactly how it is because this is the nature of the world and its programming to which you've been subjected to since an infant.

Just consider how much you had to unlearn to grasp what Peat was saying and how much it flies in the face of "accepted wisdom" which is actually "inculcated ignorance".

Niccolo Machiaveli once said there are three types of intellect. One that grasps things by itself. The other who can appreciate what another innerstands and the third that can neither figure it out itself nor get it when another says. Warriors. Slave/Masters. Slaves.

Its a Game as old as the empire itself and you're within it. Whether you realize it or not. I'm in it but not of it. Big difference.

Just as you know that the best lies contain 98% of the truth but with a little twist of deception that flips the whole meaning and renders it into something else that is the same as life on this planet. Did you know that most lifeforms are parasitic and its the most popular mode of existence? Ever wondered why that is? What are the implications, I wonder, when seen from the big pic?

If it was endless suffering and a big red man with a fork pitched and prodding in ways obvious and totally bereft of hope that would be Self evident and people would do whatever was needed to get out of this mess. This is that but far more subtle and insidious as it seems perfectly "normal". That word alone is an immense hint because its no measure of health to be well adjust to a society profoundly sick but, as I said, Slaves will clutch to their narrative and programming as it simply is that effective and in that sense they protect the investment of their Masters and ensure their suffering which is why it was said that people perish for a lack of knowledge.

An easy mistake in realm where ignorance is paraded as wisdom. Its all quite 1984 when you think of it. That and I'm not actually speaking from a point of nihilism as there is a solution and it exists within. The last place most will ever visit and the place the Warrior calls his base of operations but thats a deeper topic as its about the nature of consciousness and who we are in and beyond this realm.

Its a lotus blooming on the dirt thing. Sadly most live and die without ever blooming as they quietly wonder why somethings missing...


Get in where you fit in. By now it should be obvious.
You might want to look into one Ray Peat's favorite authors Edward C Randall who wrote such books/essays as "The Dead have Never Died" and my favorite "Frontiers of the after life". It might be very uplifting for you to read some of the works of this very spiritual man. You can read most of these online. Randall, Edward C. (Edward Caleb), 1860- | The Online Books Page


Jul 2, 2022
I can see more people posting about the afterlife,archons and so on. Just like bitchute can create the experience of fear and paranoia it is very important not to get to obsessed with the type of information implying that we are stuck in a hellhole and are powerless.

We are powerful beings and it is very important to remember we can get out of any situation and the idea of more powerful beings like archons,demons, evil architect/AI and so on keeping us here and deceiving us - this is imo not true and even it is - we can win (individually) and exit the construct IF we decide to do so.

There is literally nothing to be afraid of. Let it be totalitarian governments here on Earth or the controllers of some other dimension/realm. All those lets call it "negative" views on reality for the lack of a better term in my mind, are created to lower our frequency as increasing it is the ultimate key to escape/or changing ones current reality into a better one. Once your frequency is much higher than the beings/governments whatever is there to "get you" , they simply cannot do anything about it anymore and your journey continues without them bothering you.

Just my observations.

@frannybananny If Dr. Peat liked this author I will definitely check this book and author. Costs 1$ on amazon for the kidndle version. Already purchased . Thank you for the information !
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Oct 11, 2021
<blockquote>There is literally nothing to be afraid of. Let it be totalitarian governments here on Earth or the controllers of some other dimension/realm. All those lets call it "negative" views on reality for the lack of a better term in my mind, are created to lower our frequency as increasing it is the ultimate key to escape/or changing ones current reality into a better one.</blockquote>

You just tried to minimize very real, external actors and non-self objective realities by reference to the “power of mind” or some such.

I’m sorry but those forces are real and in many cases cause vast amounts of pain and suffering to even the most noble of souls.

If the Soul Trap/Soul Recycling or Gnostic/Archon theories are true, we should be on guard against people like you.

Because it would be inefficient to the controllers to create an obvious Hell World type of prison where the prisoners know they are ****88, and might develop a sense of rebellion and start to organize.

Far better to create a world with 51% of pain and suffering and using the other 49% percent to fool them into thinking that “it’s really not so bad”, that they “have a fighting chance” and so continue to engage life with hope, despite the inevitable periods of suffering that ensue, which provides a very refined kind of Loosh for the controllers.

Not only to the controllers get to dine on the Loosh from immediate suffering —like, say from being dumped by one’s girlfriend — but also the true delicacy: the victim experiencing existential angst, thinking to himself “but I had hope! I really tried and gave my best shot! Why does this happen to me? Why is life unfair?”

In this sense, people like you could be considered akin to “Lucy” from the Charlie Brown comic strip, who always pulls the football away at the last moment when Charlie tries to kick it. And as soon as Charlie Brown starts to doubt the sense in continuing the endeavor, Lucy manages to whisper in his ear, “Come on, just one more time. This time it will work. Trust me!”


Jul 2, 2022

You just tried to minimize very real, external actors and non-self objective realities by reference to the “power of mind” or some such.
You missed the whole point if you think I am referencing the mainstream BS for the positive thinking/power of the mind type of stuff. I am talking about removing the mind and reaching to who you truly are which is beyond this dimension and has nothing to do with the mind which as you know by digging into this topic is the most simple, basic fake personality construct.

Your real I can see past the illusions including everything in this realm, the bad and the good that comes with it. This holds true for the next realm you are siphoned in after death.

Most people at this point of time are locked into the mind and receive very little to no information from their true self and are completely disconnected. This is the main divide between people, its not the level of intellect. Actually , the "smarter" one is , the bigger the level of disconnect in most cases. You are either connected and able to "think" and feel for yourself or disconnected and the 3D construct controls all your perceptions and therefore actions.

If the Soul Trap/Soul Recycling or Gnostic/Archon theories are true, we should be on guard against people like you.

Let's say the Soul Trap is true and I am a Dark Archon trying to deceive you - IF you feel the need to "guard" yourself from me you are already caught in the illusion and this fear pretty much guarantees you are going to be stuck in the false construct that I have created for you to slowly suffer and provide me and my masters with Loosh.

Not only you need to guard yourself from me but from all other beings you are going to meet along your journey in the afterlife. You will need to guard yourself from all the relatives you are going to meet there as well as every single connection you had along your Soul journey whether in Heaven or some other dimension. They might as well all be evil AI holograms trying to deceive you into remaining in this construct and keep reincarnating.

Inevitably you will reach the conclusion that you'd better create your own dimension when you are out of here and spend the whole remaining journey alone! Better yet - in a dark void type of realm where nothing can reach you so you feel "protected" ! /because of fear which generates Loosh/

Where I am getting at with all this is that if you are "dumped" as you say by your girlfriend and experience "existential angst" , and think "Why does this happen to me? Why is life unfair?”, or you feel a constant need to guard yourself from something/fear/ well, then you are 100% controlled by the construct, completely disconnected and I am the least of your worries.


Forum Supporter
Jul 11, 2023
northern california
I mean, really think about it because everyone is suffering, some can afford to pretend they aren't when they are with the rest walk around numbed and thus content to be ignorant.

We're all scarred on inside and feel something is terribly wrong with this place because its unjust, not righteous and obviously corrupt as the wicked have free reign to do as they wish to those foolish enough to place their faith in them.

I know there are a lot of religious folks on here who believe different things but man, the concept of us already being dead and then coming to Earth to wear a carbon based shell around our unfinite awareness as we serve out a life sentence just makes too much sense. Too many boxes are ticked and it explains precisely why life is how it is. What do you think?

I could go deeper into this and offer my reasons for this perspective but lets see how this goes and if you Peaters wish to share a little something something and you own reasoning or read then thread and click on to the next in silence without contributing.
a totally reasonable question. it inspired a good laugh, as i had not thought about that possibility. so count me as choice #4 'in the process of looking at possibilities - contemplating without necessarily embracing'

your question/theory is as good as any other i have heard. thanks for the food
for thought.



Aug 17, 2018
If you read the Egyptian history, you will learn that the Egyptians during pyramid era perceived Underworld way differently. To them the Underworld was not a scary place and it was positive. There was no suffering. Later on during Middle/new kingdom, the Egyptians started to perceive it as hell.

Something happened for their perception to change. Velikovsky speculates that it was a series of very prolonged catastrophes that changed human psyche. Humanity is subconsciously reliving the disasters that happened way back when because we haven't resolved that trauma.
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