Very Large Ovarian Cyst


May 5, 2015
Maybe one or several of the supplements you are taking are causing elevated estrogen, and could be responsible for the cyst. If I take even 250 mg of aspirin, I retain water for several days,, and you are taking 1000 mg. Have you considered stopping all supplements, waiting, then adding one back at a time, to see how you respond?


Vitamin E is, according to Ray, one of the best anti-estrogens around. I notice that it isn't on your list of supplements.

Please do keep us posted. And good luck.


Jul 12, 2014
Vitamin E is, according to Ray, one of the best anti-estrogens around. I notice that it isn't on your list of supplements.

Please do keep us posted. And good luck.

Progest-E has Vit. E. I could probably do more and thank you.


Jul 12, 2014
Maybe one or several of the supplements you are taking are causing elevated estrogen, and could be responsible for the cyst. If I take even 250 mg of aspirin, I retain water for several days,, and you are taking 1000 mg. Have you considered stopping all supplements, waiting, then adding one back at a time, to see how you respond?

Anything is possible. I have stopped most supplements before. I get lazy when I have to refill my stash from doing my own encapsulation. I usually keep up with aspirin, Progest-E and Mg. The others, I just started up again.


Jun 12, 2013
I thought Progest E had enough too, but it wasn't, at least not for me, even at those high doses of Progest E I used to take. (I quit taking it because the last two bottles I got didn't seem to taste quite right or work the same). Also I tried a few other brands of Vit. E over the years and never had any results. I didn't get why people kept saying take Vitamin E when it didn't do anything for me. It was only when I used Swanson's Gamma Tocopherols that I had results and fast.


Jan 20, 2015
Can't offer much advice, more than I used 600 mg/progest-e a day for about a month (used four bottles in the first week alone). I was always careful about it, but at some point just said **** it and it worked. I had a cyst, but smaller, along with tons of other estrogen symptoms, cyst is gone and the other symptoms manageable. Don't know if it's the right approach at all (possibly not), just that a few drops would have gotten me nowhere and I feel much better.


Jul 12, 2014

Hi All. I just wanted to post an update. I had surgery April 6th. I honestly do not think any amount of 'peating' would have helped this monster shrink. I've included a dropbox link below for those of you who want to see it. Brace yourself! I've been calling it my alien baby.

I'm very grateful the pathology report showed that all tests were benign. The cyst measured a whopping 37.7 x 19.3 x 18.5 cm (around 15 inches), not including the fallopian tube which measured 11.5 x 0.5 cm. I was surprised it only weighed 12 pounds. I mean, 12 pounds is heavy, don't get me wrong, but the picture looks like it weighs much more than that!

I had my staples removed yesterday (there were 46 and my incision is 18" vertical on my torso) so I'm hoping I'll start feeling even better now. I'm moving around a lot with minimal pain and of course 'peating' to help myself heal....luv my homemade jello.

I'm noticing some things with my body, for example my glucose clearance is amazing, not perfect. I'm not sure if it's just the reduction in pain and my ability to sleep more or if the actual tumor was causing something to go haywire. I was Dx with T2D 2 years ago (during a time when I was very ill). I was only doing insulin and now I'm noticing I can drink regular coke, drink OJ, eat my sugar laden homemade jello, yogurt with jam (all for bfast) and then check my blood sugar 2 hours later and it's 106....without taking any insulin. I'm curious to see how my body is without chronic pain and the ability to be mobile, something I haven't experienced in the last 3 years!

Thanks for the support when I first posted this.'s Alien Baby 2.jpg?dl=0


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Wow! You must feel better!!! Thanks for the update. I hope you continue to heal well.


Jul 1, 2013
United States
Hi All. I just wanted to post an update. I had surgery April 6th. I honestly do not think any amount of 'peating' would have helped this monster shrink. I've included a dropbox link below for those of you who want to see it. Brace yourself! I've been calling it my alien baby.

I'm very grateful the pathology report showed that all tests were benign. The cyst measured a whopping 37.7 x 19.3 x 18.5 cm (around 15 inches), not including the fallopian tube which measured 11.5 x 0.5 cm. I was surprised it only weighed 12 pounds. I mean, 12 pounds is heavy, don't get me wrong, but the picture looks like it weighs much more than that!

I had my staples removed yesterday (there were 46 and my incision is 18" vertical on my torso) so I'm hoping I'll start feeling even better now. I'm moving around a lot with minimal pain and of course 'peating' to help myself heal....luv my homemade jello.

I'm noticing some things with my body, for example my glucose clearance is amazing, not perfect. I'm not sure if it's just the reduction in pain and my ability to sleep more or if the actual tumor was causing something to go haywire. I was Dx with T2D 2 years ago (during a time when I was very ill). I was only doing insulin and now I'm noticing I can drink regular coke, drink OJ, eat my sugar laden homemade jello, yogurt with jam (all for bfast) and then check my blood sugar 2 hours later and it's 106....without taking any insulin. I'm curious to see how my body is without chronic pain and the ability to be mobile, something I haven't experienced in the last 3 years!

Thanks for the support when I first posted this.

Oh wow!! I just saw this thread, or else I would have responded MUCH sooner. I think you made the best decision. That had to come out, and I'm guessing you are young enough to recuperate fairly easily, though it may take a good amount of time.

I had a grapefruit size ovarian growth 3 years ago that I had removed, along with my left ovary. I experienced the horrible digestive issues and pain you mentioned, which was how I discovered it in the first place. Did you have to have your ovary removed as well? My growth - they referred to it as a benign tumor - caused multiple torsions and cut off the blood flow to my ovary, so in cases like this, I think surgery is the only option if it doesn't shrink away. And I'm sure you will be feeling better! It's probably good you were taking aspirin and progesterone because who knows what your "Alien" baby could have become!

That being said, regrets I had post surgery - I didn't ask my doctor for all the specifics on my particular situation. I would really ask your doctor to read you all notes from him and the oncologist. It wasn't until I stopped menstruating and went back to my gyno and had him review his notes that he told me, "oh yeah - your other ovary was a huge mess and we really thought you had cancer." I discovered RP after my surgery, but if I had known it was as bad as this, I would have taken much bigger action in the healing process. So if you can press your gyno for all the details, I think it will be really helpful for you in your recovery. Once I realized what my situation was (shrinking remaining ovary and early onset of menopause), I started taking thyroid and mega-dozing progesterone - was averaging a bottle of progest-e per week. After a few months of this, my right ovary had returned to it's normal size and was looking healthy on the ultra-sound.

Anyhow, I am very sorry that you had to go through all of this, but I hope you will feel better and heal :) Don't be afraid to rest and lie in bed for weeks if necessary - LOL :) Keep us updated!! And don't stop using that progesterone!! It's been a life-saver for me post surgery - my body is still returning to "normal", but I plan to take progesterone for the rest of my days.

Best Wishes!


Jul 12, 2014
Oh wow!! I just saw this thread, or else I would have responded MUCH sooner. I think you made the best decision. That had to come out, and I'm guessing you are young enough to recuperate fairly easily, though it may take a good amount of time.

I had a grapefruit size ovarian growth 3 years ago that I had removed, along with my left ovary. I experienced the horrible digestive issues and pain you mentioned, which was how I discovered it in the first place. Did you have to have your ovary removed as well? My growth - they referred to it as a benign tumor - caused multiple torsions and cut off the blood flow to my ovary, so in cases like this, I think surgery is the only option if it doesn't shrink away. And I'm sure you will be feeling better! It's probably good you were taking aspirin and progesterone because who knows what your "Alien" baby could have become!

That being said, regrets I had post surgery - I didn't ask my doctor for all the specifics on my particular situation. I would really ask your doctor to read you all notes from him and the oncologist. It wasn't until I stopped menstruating and went back to my gyno and had him review his notes that he told me, "oh yeah - your other ovary was a huge mess and we really thought you had cancer." I discovered RP after my surgery, but if I had known it was as bad as this, I would have taken much bigger action in the healing process. So if you can press your gyno for all the details, I think it will be really helpful for you in your recovery. Once I realized what my situation was (shrinking remaining ovary and early onset of menopause), I started taking thyroid and mega-dozing progesterone - was averaging a bottle of progest-e per week. After a few months of this, my right ovary had returned to it's normal size and was looking healthy on the ultra-sound.

Anyhow, I am very sorry that you had to go through all of this, but I hope you will feel better and heal :) Don't be afraid to rest and lie in bed for weeks if necessary - LOL :) Keep us updated!! And don't stop using that progesterone!! It's been a life-saver for me post surgery - my body is still returning to "normal", but I plan to take progesterone for the rest of my days.

Best Wishes!

Thank you, Lindsay. He did take the right ovary and fallopian tube. He also said my left ovary looks great, so that was a relief. I asked him questions every time I saw him in the hospital and then at my follow up appt. yesterday.

You are right, it was probably good I was taking aspirin and progesterone. I am definitely taking time to rest and heal. I have a great support system here at home.

Thanks again!


Jun 12, 2013
So glad to hear you're free of that burden cyst and recovering well. Take care.


Mar 29, 2014
Congratulations . :)
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