Vaccines for pets


May 23, 2021
What’s the truth re the need for vaccinations in pets? Can we trust the pharmaceutical industry when it comes to the well-being of our animals? Has Ray spoken about this at all?

I wondered if there were any vets using the forum, or anyone who has researched and implemented their knowledge on their own animals.

I have recently got a young dog, now 6 months old. He was due to be vaccinated at 8 and then 12 weeks, plus whatever required after that (annually I presume). I have not yet vaccinated him. Tempted to get the initial puppy ones soon, but only boost it every 3/4 years? Unsure.

I also have 2 x horses, they may have been vaccinated as foals, they’re now 8 and 9 years old. Haven’t vaccinated them, keep them as naturally as possible, they are exceptionally bright and healthy. But should I worry as they get older? Am I being irresponsible?

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
I would have to think that animal vaccines, for years, as well as now, have had mercury or aluminum in them. So, it would not be surprising that many pet issues are vaccine related, yet people have not correlated these health problems to vaccines. I would love to see a lifespan study with non-vaccinated animals, maybe compared to vaccinated. I completely understand the risks of being non-vaccinated for the animals, but I think much of the need for some of these vaccines are not proven. Just like commercial pet food, loaded with PUFAs, pesticides, etc., and then we wonder how and why pets are suddenly getting cancer, disease, and short lives. Maybe vaccines work, but the adjuvants are heavy metal toxins that create all kinds of damage, mostly neurotoxic damage.


Nov 19, 2019
Don't bother vaccinating your animals.
The vaccine lie is as prominent as vaccines for humans.
The adjuvents cause harm, and bringing your pets to the vet for yearly shots is a revenue regenerating system.
The most important thing you can do for your animals is what you feed them. Processed food will shorten their life span and create disease.
Lots of autoimmune issues will crop up especially skin and joint issues.
Stay away from kibble for your dog, very damaging.
I worked in this big pharma vet industry in the past and what I saw was an eye opener.


Aug 17, 2016
What’s the truth re the need for vaccinations in pets? Can we trust the pharmaceutical industry when it comes to the well-being of our animals? Has Ray spoken about this at all?

I wondered if there were any vets using the forum, or anyone who has researched and implemented their knowledge on their own animals.

I have recently got a young dog, now 6 months old. He was due to be vaccinated at 8 and then 12 weeks, plus whatever required after that (annually I presume). I have not yet vaccinated him. Tempted to get the initial puppy ones soon, but only boost it every 3/4 years? Unsure.

I also have 2 x horses, they may have been vaccinated as foals, they’re now 8 and 9 years old. Haven’t vaccinated them, keep them as naturally as possible, they are exceptionally bright and healthy. But should I worry as they get older? Am I being irresponsible?
what Nicky says. +1

They don't need any. I adopted the dog I now have in 2006. They said he was 2 yrs old. One year later, I went my vet for his annual check up. She said he must have his rabies vaccine. She said it was the only one he was required to have and she had to give it to him. I let her.
The next 10 years of my life were devoted to heal him from what that poison did to him. He was officially recorded as having "vaccinosis."
Well, it's 2021. He's 16, 17 or 18 yrs old ow. All my friends dogs are long gone since we met up in the park with our dogs. He's like the last rose of summer.


Nov 19, 2019
Good for you Regina.
Also rabies was created in petrie dish, think Pasteur.


Nov 6, 2015
Some years ago I read an article in a pet magazine where a vet basically claimed that all pet vaccines are useless and just a money-generator for the pharma companies. And indeed, in more than 40 years of being alive I have yet to see a rabies-infested animal. I honestly doubt this disease even exists.

To top it off, animal vaccines are just as damaging as human vaccines. I spoke to a farmer who owns a few cows and he said one of his cows recently gave birth to a dead calf. The vet who came to examine said it is common knowledge that stillbirth and other reproductive issues are a consequence of the vaccine against bluetongue disease that has been obligatory here for some years now, despite our country having had almost no cases of this disease, let alone an epidemic. I then searched and found many articles speaking about this happening massively also to sheep and goat breeders ever since this vaccine came into use.

So like Nicky and Regina I would avoid the poison at all costs.
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Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
The reason vets give rabies injections into a leg, instead of the back of the neck like they used to do, is because of so many cancers. The rationale is amputating a leg is better than the pet dying from cancer on the neck that can't be treated.


Nov 19, 2019
Yes rabies vaccine injected in the right leg for identification of which vaccine caused the cancerous tumor.
The letter R
The feline leukemia vaccine in the left leg.
The letter L


Aug 17, 2016
In Chicago 2015, the "bordatella" epidemic was an obvious rehearsal and false flag.
It began with being told there is an outbreak and then everyone running to get their dog vaccinated.
Then the dogs really started getting sick. Then the unvaccinated dogs got blamed. "Irresponsible owners."....
Then one after another dog-friendly establishment required proof of bordatella vaccine to enter.
Then I could no longer take my dog to training or compete in agility. He had 1st place ribbons in Advanced Competition Obedience, Rallly, Agility, Flyball and Schutzhund. We were banned from attendance. No more going to cute pet boutiques. I went out oof my way to support local businesses to buy my dog food.
It was not worth the trip if I couldn't bring my dog.
So, you might be up against obstracization.
But as I say, my dog is the last rose of summer.



Aug 17, 2016
The reason vets give rabies injections into a leg, instead of the back of the neck like they used to do, is because of so many cancers. The rationale is amputating a leg is better than the pet dying from cancer on the neck that can't be treated.
Correct. Hence the outrageoous number of three-legged dogs walking around Chicago. Everyone just calls them "tri's."


Nov 19, 2019
Bordatella another BS vaccine, doesn't work.
Kennel cough is more an annoyance than anything, lots of coughing, not fatal.


Jan 23, 2017
I didn't vaccinate my puppy and she's better than I could of invisioned. She doesn't run off, never heard her growl at anyone. is confidant, calm and cheery. The other dogs in the park are complete opposite. They all have problems in one way or another. They can't go off the lead, they just aren't natural. They are timid. ,,A hard No. Don't vaccinate. You searched for - Dogs Naturally

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Bordatella another BS vaccine, doesn't work.
Kennel cough is more an annoyance than anything, lots of coughing, not fatal.
I had a dog that was vaccinated against kennel cough. Boarded him, he came back with the cough. Vet says bring him in for antibiotics, or he will die. I said no thanks, gave him grapefruit seed extract, colloidal silver, oil of oregano, etc. Cough was gone in two days. That is when I got thinking about how animal vaccines may be a bunch of crap, especially when considering they most likely contain the same adjuvants that destroy human's health. I wouldn't vaccinate another animal that I would own. the same caveats apply as to the human vaccines.




Feb 21, 2021
Pasteur "proved" rabies by tying a dog to a tree, drilling a hole in the skull and injecting whatever toxic mess with the so-called virus. The dog foamed at mouth, was very aggressive then died. All BS. But I also believe completely in Terraine Theory not germ theory. All the sickness they say come from viruses really is just toxic poisoning. HIV and polio are easiest to understand that is not a contagious virus.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
The next 10 years of my life were devoted to heal him from what that poison did to him. He was officially recorded as having "vaccinosis."
May I ask how you healed him?


Aug 17, 2016
May I ask how you healed him?
I think he is healed from the vaccinosis.
He's 17 yrs old. So he is slowing down.
But he looks good and is cheerful. He does not have a gray muzzle.
Here's a couple of days ago.

Oops, I read that as "if" he is healed.
It was very long road. I'll skip over the stuff that did not work.
I found a good homeopath and we did some of her remedies. She was in LA and I was in Chicago.
But her remedies were good. She has since passed.

I think vibactra plus was helpful. Pricey. But I used it before I realized ABX could be helpful.

I never did anything recommended by a vet. He never got any other vaccine.
I used to feed raw, both homemade and store bought rations.

I started to buy a freeze-dried version of mixed beef or lamb organs and meat.
He also gets our leftovers or just a full plate of whatever we eat.

Besides his freeze-dried ration, he gets TJ's mandarin slices and orange rind on slices, cottage cheese, kozy shak rice pudding.

Haven't been to a vet in many years.

If he seems off, I give him a doxycycline. Ocassionally a ketoconazole or flucconazole.
A couple of times a year I run him on a course of fedbenazole.

No flea or heartworm medicine.

I spray him with wondercide plain cedar oil daily. I'm sure that is a hormone disruptor.
But the wondercide works fine even in Florida.


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Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I think he is healed from the vaccinosis.
He's 17 yrs old. So he is slowing down.
But he looks good and is cheerful. He does not have a gray muzzle.
Here's a couple of days ago.

Oops, I read that as "if" he is healed.
It was very long road. I'll skip over the stuff that did not work.
I found a good homeopath and we did some of her remedies. She was in LA and I was in Chicago.
But her remedies were good. She has since passed.

I think vibactra plus was helpful. Pricey. But I used it before I realized ABX could be helpful.

I never did anything recommended by a vet. He never got any other vaccine.
I used to feed raw, both homemade and store bought rations.

I started to buy a freeze-dried version of mixed beef or lamb organs and meat.
He also gets our leftovers or just a full plate of whatever we eat.

Besides his freeze-dried ration, he gets TJ's mandarin slices and orange rind on slices, cottage cheese, kozy shak rice pudding.

Haven't been to a vet in many years.

If he seems off, I give him a doxycycline. Ocassionally a ketoconazole or flucconazole.
A couple of times a year I run him on a course of fedbenazole.

No flea or heartworm medicine.

I spray him with wondercide plain cedar oil daily. I'm sure that is a hormone disruptor.
But the wondercide works fine even in Florida.
Thank you so much! He is beautiful.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Yeah, he's definitely sleeping more. But at least he has some couches to choose from and no more jobsite dust. :):
That’s so special, what a beautiful dog!
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