Unable to sleep, exhausted all day/everyday - developing dark circles under eyes. Getting desperate.

Dec 28, 2021
I had restful, deep sleep all my life up through college. I am late 20's now and the quality of my sleep has completely deteriorated over the past year or so. I can't stay asleep for more than 6 hours straight. I am completely exhausted upon waking and throughout the day. I struggle to keep my eyes open upon waking and throughout the day. I have developed really unattractive dark circles under my eyes over the last few months.

There are only two scenarios that have brought me the deep, restful sleep I desire:
1. Binge drinking alcohol. The trick here really is in the word "binge". If I have two glasses of wine in the evening, I won't be able to sleep. If I drink 7 beers while out with the boys, I'll feel deeply rested upon waking the next morning (albeit, with a bad hangover). I gave up alcohol a couple months ago while working through my sleep issue.
2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room.

I workout daily. I get 60min of sunlight every day (I'm maintaining a really dark tan); I don't wear sunglasses while outside. My diet consists mainly of eggs, red meat, beef liver, chicken breast, shrimp, oysters, gelatin, milk, tallow, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, brussel sprouts, spinach, orange juice, other fruit juices, white rice, and white potatoes. I've tried various supplements: a multivitamin, zinc, magnesium, ZMA, glycine, lysine, vitamin D, some others... but I've never taken a single supplement in my life that actually changed the way I feel (I am currently not taking any supplements as a result).

Any ideas are really appreciated. This sleep disorder is ruining my life and preventing me from achieving my goals. I think the dark circles under my eyes are really hurting me when it comes to dating. I'm tired of being tired and losing hope.


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Jul 29, 2023
I had restful, deep sleep all my life up through college. I am late 20's now and the quality of my sleep has completely deteriorated over the past year or so. I can't stay asleep for more than 6 hours straight. I am completely exhausted upon waking and throughout the day. I struggle to keep my eyes open upon waking and throughout the day. I have developed really unattractive dark circles under my eyes over the last few months.

There are only two scenarios that have brought me the deep, restful sleep I desire:
1. Binge drinking alcohol. The trick here really is in the word "binge". If I have two glasses of wine in the evening, I won't be able to sleep. If I drink 7 beers while out with the boys, I'll feel deeply rested upon waking the next morning (albeit, with a bad hangover). I gave up alcohol a couple months ago while working through my sleep issue.
2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room.

I workout daily. I get 60min of sunlight every day (I'm maintaining a really dark tan); I don't wear sunglasses while outside. My diet consists mainly of eggs, red meat, beef liver, chicken breast, shrimp, oysters, gelatin, milk, tallow, ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, brussel sprouts, spinach, orange juice, other fruit juices, white rice, and white potatoes. I've tried various supplements: a multivitamin, zinc, magnesium, ZMA, glycine, lysine, vitamin D, some others... but I've never taken a single supplement in my life that actually changed the way I feel (I am currently not taking any supplements as a result).

Any ideas are really appreciated. This sleep disorder is ruining my life and preventing me from achieving my goals. I think the dark circles under my eyes are really hurting me when it comes to dating. I'm tired of being tired and losing hope.
Have you checked for parasites/dysbiotic bacteria? Looks like also a number of liver flushes are a good idea.
Dec 28, 2021
How much liver are you eating on a weekly basis?
I eat one of these liver slices, one day per week. Each slice is about 113g.



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Jul 29, 2023
@DrivesOldTruck Andrea Moritz' procedure is what I use, but I have tweaked it so I pretty much eat my normal clean diet in the 5 days of prep for the flush day. I also use malic acid, and not apple juice. Generally I find folks that have severe sleep trouble but eat and supplement well either don't eat enough carbs and have terrible cortisol issues or have gut dysbiosis (which will cause stress), which can be checked with something like a GI-MAP stool test. If you don't have gut dysbiosis, next thing I would check is hair elements for imbalances and would consider limbic system retraining (search for it, there are a few good courses on it out there, e.g. search for "limbic Gupta", but that would be a last resort if everything else is defo dialed in.)


Feb 14, 2022
2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room.
I think there you have your answer. Think about if there is anything at your place that could influence you like EMF, sprayed insecticides in the past, habits that promote mold growth, abusive flat mates/family, addictive behaviours that you don't follow when traveling, etc.


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Jul 8, 2014
2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room.
This also caught my attention. Yes, EMF could be a problem but also geopathic ‘noxious zones’ at the bed place. I posted about this in the past, you can search through my old posts, keywords ‘grounding, earthing, geopathic, shielding’. Since a dowser found out in 1976 that my dad’s deadly stomach cancer was caused by crossing noxious zone at his bed place, (German: ‘Wasseradern, engl. ‘water veins’) I slept all my life with a grounded metal mesh shield under my mattress. After meeting with Dr. James Oschman and Clint Ober (he wrote the book ‘Earthing’) I also sleep grounded by using a conductive half sheet at the foot end of my bed (from Amazon). Then I have a 9V battery between the ground pin of the 110V wall plug and the screen, with the plus pole to the screen and the minus pole to ground (9V battery plugs are available on Amazon or eBay). This stopped nightmares of my son some 20 years ago. The reverse polarity, with a 100 V dry cell battery gave a curious technician that worked in our plasma physics group at UNR the worst nightmares in his life!! I initially tried that with just -27 V and it gave me severe nightmares.

You can buy the aluminum fly screen from Home Depot, there you can also get crimp tools, wire and a power plug. Just be careful to use the correct pin (the round one in the middle, if you live in the US)!


Apr 28, 2018
OK I know you are young and so firstly, stop thinking it is something you "have to take" or eat or drink.
Alcohol is a stimulant at first to the system, it lowers inhibitions that's why ppl do crazy stuff on it. Stop.
Exercise is a stimulant. It gets everything in your body going full on, with high impact work shooting hormones into the blood. Do not "workout" in the last half of the day.
Slow, steady work that makes you tired over several hours is healthy, then feed yourself with a meal that includes potato and protein.
Lastly, do what humans have done for centuries until "modern" quick rinseoff showering became a trend---a hot bath. Adding Epsom salts (magnesium) and baking soda will be absorbed thru your largest organ the skin.
Sleep in a darkened room.
Sleep in utter quiet.
Sleep with fresh air.
Sleep in a cool room with a heavy coverlet.
You should not be able to hold your eyes open if you have soaked at least 20minutes.
If you still fail, repeat to the bath then arrange a professional full body deep tissue massage, then go home, eat, go to bed.


Nov 1, 2021
The exercise/sunlight sounds good. I’d shoot for more than just one hour in the sun, if possible. There may be things that you usually do indoors that you could do just as well outside. A lot of people also find that ‘grounding’ during the day gives them better sleep. It’s as simple as putting your bare feet to the natural ground (socks and concrete in between aren’t ideal.) An example for both ideas could be eating your dinner outside with your feet on some available grass/dirt.

How close to sundown are you trying to go to bed, and how close to sunrise are you getting up? I ask for a few reasons:

-personally I get the best sleep when I go to bed close to sundown. It can be difficult to schedule, and mentally sometimes I’m not ready, but whenever I make it a priority it helps a lot toward sleep quality. I also wake up earlier and more energized so if there was something I wanted to get finished the night before, it’s actually better to get done the next day

-I also have a tendency to wake up when the sun comes up because the light through my window wakes me. If I didn’t get to bed at a reasonable time the night before then I may be able to “sleep” for a couple hours more, but it isn’t ever deep sleep.

Blue light, whether it be from tv, phone, white light bulbs, computer screen, etc. can also throw off sleep for many people. Avoid it as bedtime approaches.


Feb 4, 2019
I would look (diligently) into whether excessive EMFs at your residence are disrupting your sleep. Beware of "smart" meters, especially when a large number of them are situated in one "convenient" location. Can be very problematic for some people.


May 31, 2018
"2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room."

That is your key. NOT diet, etc.

Experiment.. sleep in a different room for a few days, see if that does anything. You may have associated "going to sleep" as a stressful situation. When in a hotel, obviously you are away on vacation or at least away from home and daily grind/worries.


Sep 27, 2015
I would look (diligently) into whether excessive EMFs at your residence are disrupting your sleep. Beware of "smart" meters, especially when a large number of them are situated in one "convenient" location. Can be very problematic for some people.
2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room.
The hotel room item made me think smart meter, might be much closer to the bedroom in your house. Hotels will have other EMFs but maybe the smart meter is a bigger issue for sleep sometimes.


May 31, 2018
Have you checked for parasites/dysbiotic bacteria? Looks like also a number of liver flushes are a good idea.

Be honest: Did you drink a lot for a while before you realized it helped you sleep? Or did you just out of nowhere just start binge drinking to sleep better.


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Jun 19, 2023
2. Sleeping in hotel rooms. I can't figure out why this is the case, but I always wake up feeling absolutely amazing after spending a night in a hotel room.
Hi there.
This really reminds me of myself. I will tell you a personal story.
Also, this what people write about EMFs, I think it might be way simpler then this.

I don't know anything about you and your lifestyle, but I would say that you have a better sleep in hotel rooms because you break the routine. That by itself is very refreshing and you also get a better sleep because of it. I don't know is that even a thing with EMFs. If people don't have a solution for their dire situation in life, then you imagine and come up with all sorts of things. To be constantly aware of the dragon right next to you, without a way of removing it and coming to a safe place, would burn you out and kill you. That is what I notice with people in general and also with myself.

I was living in a "spiritual new age hippy community" for a few years and those people were totally nuts. There was a guy who constantly complained that wifi router is making him wake up in the night, but don't mind that he is divorced, his brother committed suicide when they were children and his mother also divorced his father and he was raised by this mother with an authoritarian attitude. Looking back on this now he had high serotonin definitely. His brain was like a soup. It was not possible to have an enjoyable conversation with him. And guess what, after we shut don't the wifi router he would still wake up in the night, go down to check out is it on, to find out its not.:tearsofjoy:

Also, I had a friend who had a terrible sleep at his house, but when he would come to my house he would sleep in the same bed where I slept and he would have a really great sleep. Me sleeping in that very bed every night, I would have also terrible sleep just like he had in his own house.
So, I would say its not Earths meridians, EMFs or anything invisible, but your messed up life. Georgi talked about this also in some interviews. When people go and travel around, they break the routine and feel refreshed.



Sep 9, 2019
addictive behaviours that you don't follow when traveling
☝️ and alterations in other behavioural patterns.

You may find this helpful @DrivesOldTruck. Restrict any water you're drinking, add more salt to your food and perhaps a small pinch to the milk, orange juice and other fruit juices. If you take it too far you may end up with a kind of high energy insomnia, high sleep latency or short sleep duration. Be prepared to drink a bit of water before you sleep if that happens.

Be patient in self experimentation around this. Where you make behavioural adjustments. Allow 2 - 3 days to notice differences.


May 31, 2018

Hi there.
This really reminds me of myself. I will tell you a personal story.
Also, this what people write about EMFs, I think it might be way simpler then this.

I don't know anything about you and your lifestyle, but I would say that you have a better sleep in hotel rooms because you break the routine. That by itself is very refreshing and you also get a better sleep because of it. I don't know is that even a thing with EMFs. If people don't have a solution for their dire situation in life, then you imagine and come up with all sorts of things. To be constantly aware of the dragon right next to you, without a way of removing it and coming to a safe place, would burn you out and kill you. That is what I notice with people in general and also with myself.

I was living in a "spiritual new age hippy community" for a few years and those people were totally nuts. There was a guy who constantly complained that wifi router is making him wake up in the night, but don't mind that he is divorced, his brother committed suicide when they were children and his mother also divorced his father and he was raised by this mother with an authoritarian attitude. Looking back on this now he had high serotonin definitely. His brain was like a soup. It was not possible to have an enjoyable conversation with him. And guess what, after we shut don't the wifi router he would still wake up in the night, go down to check out is it on, to find out its not.:tearsofjoy:

Also, I had a friend who had a terrible sleep at his house, but when he would come to my house he would sleep in the same bed where I slept and he would have a really great sleep. Me sleeping in that very bed every night, I would have also terrible sleep just like he had in his own house.
So, I would say its not Earths meridians, EMFs or anything invisible, but your messed up life. Georgi talked about this also in some interviews. When people go and travel around, they break the routine and feel refreshed.


This 100%. It's what I said above, but in far lesser terms. Glad you wrote it out for him :)

But since he mentioned lots of alcohol, added to the fact of what you wrote above, alcohol = raised glutamate, a brain excitatory. Works at first, will "kill" you hours later. He can try L-Ornithine to get the alcohol/ammonia out of his system, excellent amino acid for this. Also Taurine to lower Glutamate levels in the brain. I tried GABA for sleep but I was one of those people who it did the opposite for me. Vitamins and minerals to balance the body and mind. Alcohol depletes and kills EVERYTHING, and every healthy level in the body

All of that stuff will balance the body to help with calming the mind. Screw alcohol, take CBD gummies. You will feel BETTER in the morning with these as you'll still be calm and "loose" rather than hungover and dehydrated. Oh yeah, and stay hydrated with balanced electrolytes.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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