Turning Away from the Idea That Viruses Exist - Into Another Dimension, Another Plane, Another Reality


Mar 29, 2016
Peter Duesberg lost his shine with the masters when he questioned HIV-AIDS: no such thing as an HIV virus. I wasn't sure if he questioned the existence of all viruses.

Stefan Lanka questioned its existence, won a lawsuit about it, and recently proved that there isn't a virus by using an experiment, with the use of controls - something virologists conveniently dispensed with.

The world didn't listen, or the world was listening, but heard nothing of it from great propaganda by Hollywood, print media, broadcast media, and by internet social media - all under the guardianship and shepherdry of the Zionist control complex. Aside from perpetual disease, the same Apollo of perpetual wars, perpetual poverty, and perpetual decay.

It sounded far-fetched that viruses don't exist. It was very fringe. Thanks to two recent events - election theft and COVID-19 - for the sheer brazenness of the perpetrators and the sheer credulity of the masses - I have come to become more accepting of the idea that viruses don't exist.

It helped me a lot that Pat Timpone brought in Tom Cowan to his show. Even though Ray Peat has talked about viruses, I consider his use of the word is as a placeholder for something other than a virus, given that he discusses the idea of exosomes that jibes with Tom Cowan. This for me is understandable, as we often talk about cell membranes even though Gilbert Ling has proven there is no such thing.

A week ago, Pat brought in Tracey Northern as a guest, and I had a good listen. She brought in a lot more ideas for me to work on that idea. It was very engaging, especially that she speaks with an Irish brough of another kind. He had links to 3 recent videos of her on bitchute, and I listened to all of them. She also has a blog that talks more of non-viru
If you haven't come across them, then here they are the podcasts/videos:

One Radio Network -

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VKH7yym2zSNh/
(you can also listen to this podcast on Castbox if you have time to kill listening while walking or driving)

The Crazz Files -

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/erD483GOAf8m/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sE0M1J6jswYZ/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MBNDfDGmfIza/

Note: There are more videos by Tracey on this channel, with new ones coming out, but these are the 3 videos Pat linked.

A week after listening to them, I'm still trying to digest them. While Tracey has done a great job laying the groundwork for piecing together the puzzle, there are still many missing pieces left. For the most part, I still can't shake off using "viruses" for something that affects me other than toxins, injury, malnutrition (all these mentioned by Tracey) and bacteria. It is as if someone had to hand me a new bible, with all the revisions in them, with the revisions having to be revised constantly.

I have to watch or listen again to these videos, with an eye towards more understanding from being critical of the ideas presed, as if I'm out to rewrite the entire curriculum not only for med students, but also for k-12. Just writing this, I had to rub both my eyes with both my hands as if I'm telling myself what have I gotten myself into. But I'm not going to do it. Perhaps someone else will do it. I know I'm biting off more than I can chew. Perhaps Tracey has already started it, and she'll have a completely pieced together puzzle in a few decades.

In the meantime, I will just have to work with what we've got. And I'll have to use the term "virus" as a placeholder for something that cannot be explained by bacteria, toxins, physical injury, and deficiencies.


Feb 21, 2021
Hey yerrag, I too have just been exposed to this alternate "crazy" thinking. I feel like I know the worlds biggest secret. It's a great feeling. Viruses DO NOT exist. I'd bet my life on it. It's all a scam. There has never been any case where scientists take virus particles and either put them in nasal tract or inject under skin of another person and that person gets "sick". Never. This has not happened with any "virus" since they started this entire scam. They have NEVER isolated a live virus. Never. They have NEVER seen a "virus" infect another cell. I will watch your linked movies. Here's one I watched that was fascinating.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/


Mar 29, 2016
Hey yerrag, I too have just been exposed to this alternate "crazy" thinking. I feel like I know the worlds biggest secret. It's a great feeling. Viruses DO NOT exist. I'd bet my life on it. It's all a scam. There has never been any case where scientists take virus particles and either put them in nasal tract or inject under skin of another person and that person gets "sick". Never. This has not happened with any "virus" since they started this entire scam. They have NEVER isolated a live virus. Never. They have NEVER seen a "virus" infect another cell. I will watch your linked movies. Here's one I watched that was fascinating.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YKktYdEGBRnP/

I just finished watching this. Thank you vadzim!

It is a very controversial idea. It takes a lot of getting used to, especially when I hold Ray Peat in high regard. And he has not warmed up to this idea. And he isn't in agreement with Lanka and Cowan. I am like in the same boat as Pat Timpone as Peat kept asking Peat about his stance in his latest interview of Ray. It was clear that Pat agrees more with Cowan than with Peat and was hoping for Ray to agree to Koch's postulates. Perhaps his explanation was too deep, as I couldn't really understand Ray's stance.

The lack of interest by members in this topic reflects very much Ray's stance. It's also hard to discard the idea of viruses, as a lot of work has been published revolving around the idea of the existence of viruses. Yet this is not a reason for the forum to accept the idea of Gilbert Ling that there is no such thing as a cell membrane, primarily because Ray endorses that idea as well..

This all boils down basically to whether one wants to accept Bechamp's idea of pleomorphism or Pasteur's germ theory. Because Pasteur has said Bechamp's correct in his deathbed, and because the published private diary of Pasteur has revealed he engaged in fraud to prove his germ theory, I am now poised to rethink my thoughts regarding disease and aging. As I said in my original post, I would not have been so convinced of the need to reconsider my belief in the germ theory had COVID-19 not awaken me to the mendacity of institutions and the lunacy of the masses.


Feb 21, 2021
As I said in my original post, I would not have been so convinced of the need to reconsider my belief in the germ theory had COVID-19 not awaken me to the mendacity of institutions and the lunacy of the masses.

Thanks for the response. My wife is not as excited as I am about finding this information. lol She cannot even fathom that viruses do not exist. She keeps asking what about herpes, what about chicken pox. Then she said she's tired of talking about it. I think it makes her head hurt. :)

I like to compare it to living in the early 1500s and having Copernicus as a friend and he's telling you all this wacky crazy stuff about the earth is not the center of the solar system. So, many people just cannot wrap their head around it. I say thank God for the internet. Even though the out the box thinking is being censured, much is still getting around. I have sent the Spacebusters video to many people. Just trying to encourage people to think for themselves and not believe the propaganda that the psychopaths in government tell us. By the way, on Bitchut, Spacebusters has many more videos. Some videos explain the role 5G plays in people having detox symptoms. I used to say "get sick", but that doesn't apply anymore.

Speaking of Ray Peat and bacteria. He says that people with more sterile guts (less bacteria) live longer and he advocates anti biotics to kill the bacteria. But this could be a chicken and egg type scenario. What comes first? If the germ theory is wrong and bacteria are just the waste crew cleaning up waste, a more sick person will then have more bacteria and therefore be closer to death. And a more healthy person will have less bacteria because he has less toxins and fewer of his cells are dying. So maybe it's again blaming the bacteria for the sickness and early deaths instead of the real culprit which is Toxemia. Toxemia comes first then bacteria follow.

Edit/added: Thinking more, maybe intestine is different from other body tissue. The more the rotting food stays in your intestines, the more waste material you will have. So eating quick digesting foods probably better. I'm coming from a sort of pale type diet limiting carbs to 50-70 grams. Not too extreme but different than then 300-400 carbs I get now and eating way less meat. I was a bit skinny. I've gained 14 pounds so look more healthy and feel great as well.
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Apr 15, 2015
Thanks for the response. My wife is not as excited as I am about finding this information. lol She cannot even fathom that viruses do not exist. She keeps asking what about herpes, what about chicken pox. Then she said she's tired of talking about it. I think it makes her head hurt. :)
It is like trying to explain that oils/PUFA are bad or aluminum pot is not good for making coffee or sugar is ok :) . It is a fringe science , people won't believe in anything like that anymore but willingly take tons of pills or get chest x-ray every year because a "doctor" prescribed. Even if you manage to prove that you are right they will still think you are nuts
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Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
Dr Peat thinks viruses are real.
Ray believes they are real, yes, but my understanding is that he thinks, because they cannot live without a host organism and so cannot have arisen exogenously, so-called viruses are actually exosomes, particles emitted by damaged cells that communicate amongst the various tissues. These exosomes are transmissable and can carry the damage-information to another organism which responds to them as if they were its own. If exposed too many exosomes, as in when a transmitter is carrying a high "viral load", the body of the transmittee will react in proportion and begin to show effects. Please correct me if I have misunderstand Ray on this.


Apr 15, 2015
This all boils down basically to whether one wants to accept Bechamp's idea of pleomorphism or Pasteur's germ theory. Because Pasteur has said Bechamp's correct in his deathbed, and because the published private diary of Pasteur has revealed he engaged in fraud to prove his germ theory, I am now poised to rethink my thoughts regarding disease and aging. As I said in my original post, I would not have been so convinced of the need to reconsider my belief in the germ theory had COVID-19 not awaken me to the mendacity of institutions and the lunacy of the masses.
I think it is easy to fall into the trap on this forum and buy into Bechamp's idea just because it seems more convinient and easy to explain smth that we don't fully undestand . Ray Peat with all his expierence is very carefull about what he is talking I'm sure he understands that all the alternative medicine folk can't wait to hear from him to support their alternative views but RP smoothly avoids to give his view on the subject, he is not on that wagon.
I almost bought into this mind-trap myself, I like reading this forum , there are many exciting people and ideas on here , but then the same people can lead you into facts misinterpretation, because they like everything alternative or it makes them feel important.
I find this article useful in explanation on where all this denialism comes from.
there is no evidence whatsoever that Pasteur ever said anything of the sort, either any time during his life or on his deathbed or as his last words.
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Mar 29, 2016
I think it is easy to fall into the trap on this forum and buy into Bechamp's idea just because it seems more convinient and easy to explain smth that we don't fully undestand . Ray Peat with all his expierence is very carefull about what he is talking I'm sure he understands that all the alternative medicine folk can't wait to hear from him to support their alternative views but RP smoothly avoids to give his view on the subject, he is not on that wagon.
I almost bought into this mind-trap myself, I like reading this forum , there are many exciting people and ideas on here , but then the same people can lead you into facts misinterpretation, because they like everything alternative or it makes them feel important.
I find this article useful in explanation on where all this denialism comes from.
there is no evidence whatsoever that Pasteur ever said anything of the sort, either any time during his life or on his deathbed or as his last words.
How do you know you're not the one that's trapped?

What does the funnily named science-based medicine website you linked to really represent but science?

There is probably another site called www.evidencebasedmedicine.org just as there is an Anti-Defamation League that does nothing but defame.

Ray Peat does not subscribe to the idea of pumps nor the idea of cell membranes but I wonder if you can agree with him on the basis of science and not on the basis of a belief system that Ray Peat is right all the time. But what if that website says Ray Peat is wrong? Where does that leave you except to make the determination using your own mind?
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Mar 29, 2016
Thanks for the response. My wife is not as excited as I am about finding this information. lol She cannot even fathom that viruses do not exist. She keeps asking what about herpes, what about chicken pox. Then she said she's tired of talking about it. I think it makes her head hurt. :)

I like to compare it to living in the early 1500s and having Copernicus as a friend and he's telling you all this wacky crazy stuff about the earth is not the center of the solar system. So, many people just cannot wrap their head around it. I say thank God for the internet. Even though the out the box thinking is being censured, much is still getting around. I have sent the Spacebusters video to many people. Just trying to encourage people to think for themselves and not believe the propaganda that the psychopaths in government tell us. By the way, on Bitchut, Spacebusters has many more videos. Some videos explain the role 5G plays in people having detox symptoms. I used to say "get sick", but that doesn't apply anymore.

Speaking of Ray Peat and bacteria. He says that people with more sterile guts (less bacteria) live longer and he advocates anti biotics to kill the bacteria. But this could be a chicken and egg type scenario. What comes first? If the germ theory is wrong and bacteria are just the waste crew cleaning up waste, a more sick person will then have more bacteria and therefore be closer to death. And a more healthy person will have less bacteria because he has less toxins and fewer of his cells are dying. So maybe it's again blaming the bacteria for the sickness and early deaths instead of the real culprit which is Toxemia. Toxemia comes first then bacteria follow.

Edit/added: Thinking more, maybe intestine is different from other body tissue. The more the rotting food stays in your intestines, the more waste material you will have. So eating quick digesting foods probably better. I'm coming from a sort of pale type diet limiting carbs to 50-70 grams. Not too extreme but different than then 300-400 carbs I get now and eating way less meat. I was a bit skinny. I've gained 14 pounds so look more healthy and feel great as well.
I can't blame your wife. I still have a hard time thinking about bacteria simply being scavengers. As I have high BP and it's caused by systemic biofilm infection in my blood vessels. I have a problem thinking there is constant waste being cleaned up. It seems like the bacteria wants to stay forever, otherwise why does it form a very stubborn biofilm? If the bacteria is pleomorphic, why doesn't it want to become a nice little good bacteria and quit bugging me? I have a good terrain so it should go away.

But this is the kind of challenging questions we will have to face up to and figure out the answer.


Feb 21, 2021
I can't blame your wife. I still have a hard time thinking about bacteria simply being scavengers. As I have high BP and it's caused by systemic biofilm infection in my blood vessels. I have a problem thinking there is constant waste being cleaned up. It seems like the bacteria wants to stay forever, otherwise why does it form a very stubborn biofilm? If the bacteria is pleomorphic, why doesn't it want to become a nice little good bacteria and quit bugging me? I have a good terrain so it should go away.
What do you do for a living? Around lots of wifi, electricity? That can cause problems with cells too. I just received the book "The Invisible Rainbow". Talks about the electrification of the Earth and the sickness that comes with it.

Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
I think it is easy to fall into the trap on this forum and buy into Bechamp's idea just because it seems more convinient and easy to explain smth that we don't fully undestand . Ray Peat with all his expierence is very carefull about what he is talking I'm sure he understands that all the alternative medicine folk can't wait to hear from him to support their alternative views but RP smoothly avoids to give his view on the subject, he is not on that wagon.
I almost bought into this mind-trap myself, I like reading this forum , there are many exciting people and ideas on here , but then the same people can lead you into facts misinterpretation, because they like everything alternative or it makes them feel important.
I find this article useful in explanation on where all this denialism comes from.
there is no evidence whatsoever that Pasteur ever said anything of the sort, either any time during his life or on his deathbed or as his last words.
Bechamp is quite an enticing road to go down, but it does not profit one to buy in to any theory with all one's soul. Rather than falling into a rabbithole - and there are many holes to fall in on this most interesting site - I find it wise to fall back on what is immediately evident and/or pragmatic. The rest I bracket off as intriguing theorizing.

As to the COVID "vaccine", for example, whether COVID exists, whether if it exists it is as deadly as represented, etc etc, I leave all that aside and one hard fact remains: the "jab" is a novel genetic therapy, inadequately safety tested and so released under an EUA. That is enough for me to decide to avoid it, without addressing underlying theoretical questions. Same with Ray Peat, I try his ideas, find what works for me in terms of subjective (feeling good) and objective (lower BP) signs of health and leave it at that.

Following theory down any rabbit hole can lead to being trapped in a hall of mirrors, obsession and paranoia. All the more so, when it comes to one's own biological functioning.


Apr 15, 2015
Bechamp is quite an enticing road to go down, but it does not profit one to buy in to any theory with all one's soul. Rather than falling into a rabbithole - and there are many holes to fall in on this most interesting site - I find it wise to fall back on what is immediately evident and/or pragmatic. The rest I bracket off as intriguing theorizing.

As to the COVID "vaccine", for example, whether COVID exists, whether if it exists it is as deadly as represented, etc etc, I leave all that aside and one hard fact remains: the "jab" is a novel genetic therapy, inadequately safety tested and so released under an EUA. That is enough for me to decide to avoid it, without addressing underlying theoretical questions. Same with Ray Peat, I try his ideas, find what works for me in terms of subjective (feeling good) and objective (lower BP) signs of health and leave it at that.

Following theory down any rabbit hole can lead to being trapped in a hall of mirrors, obsession and paranoia. All the more so, when it comes to one's own biological functioning.
It is pretty easy to come to wrong conclusions and to make wrong decisions. I was thrilled to read that viruses may not exist and bacteria is not that dangerous for the healthy and that's as long as you are in good shape and healthy you are almost invincible.
Then I had a bad expirence with raw meat a couple of times and I wouldn't risk to drink raw milk or raw eggs anymore based on someone's comments unless it is somehow confirmed it doesn't contain bad critters. Nor RP recommends raw stuff.
I wouldn't judge whether the "jab" is good or bad based on forum comments, it is just silly to believe in conspiracies and to think you are smarter than others possessing some secret knowledge.
In my current country the vaccines (from flu or other stuff) are very common and annual thing (especially for elderly people and long before covid) while in other countries people would think it is stupid to be a guinea pig, they are like stubborn old people refusing any medicine because they think they are tough despite pain in the back. In my original country people will rather die than go and get vaccinated. And there are much more elderly people in my current country despite every year "jabs" from what ever stuff...People definitely live longer here and laugh at "conspiracies". This "jab" is no different, lots of fuss out of nothing ...or.... my country will die out within next couple month according to depopulation agenda.:eek:
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Jun 19, 2017
It helped me a lot that Pat Timpone brought in Tom Cowan to his show. Even though Ray Peat has talked about viruses, I consider his use of the word is as a placeholder for something other than a virus, given that he discusses the idea of exosomes that jibes with Tom Cowan. This for me is understandable, as we often talk about cell membranes even though Gilbert Ling has proven there is no such thing.
This is exactly my thinking and road to "no virus" acceptance with adding to the mix Andrew Kaufman's explanations and Jon Rappoport's writings.

Note that the non-existence of cell membrane is less controversial because it has been proven by Gilbert Ling and others not only experimentally but also theoretically (by computing energy needing for sodium pump, e.g.). Hence, I guess there is more weight to the "no-membrane" viewpoint than to the "no virus" one.


Mar 29, 2016
This is exactly my thinking and road to "no virus" acceptance with adding to the mix Andrew Kaufman's explanations and Jon Rappoport's writings.

Note that the non-existence of cell membrane is less controversial because it has been proven by Gilbert Ling and others not only experimentally but also theoretically (by computing energy needing for sodium pump, e.g.). Hence, I guess there is more weight to the "no-membrane" viewpoint than to the "no virus" one.

Also there is also only one layer to abandoning the cell membrane theory. And practically inconsequential to how we approach our daily lives. Not many regular people even know there are mythological pumps nor knowing what a membrane does nor knows what cellular integrity means and its implications.
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Doc Sandoz

Jun 21, 2020
In the article, Gorski says watch out when "quacks" use certain words and phrases (for by their use you know they are being unscientific.) Indeed his constant use of the word "quack" not only puts the lie to his supposed scientific i.e. open-minded review, it makes him a hypocrite for criticizing use by others of certain telling catchphrases when he does so in spades.

The paragraph that nails shut the coffin is this - "Asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurs. A lot. Moreover, the virus can be grown in culture, just as many coronaviruses have been. It’s related to SARS, a coronavirus (hence its name), the coronavirus that was so feared in 2002-2003" - for he doesn't bother to substantiate these claims, which are cited without reference or justification.

Tautological "reasoning", Dr Gorski? Give us evidence.
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Mar 27, 2018
Viruses are exosomes/cellular debris/microvesicles - that is, internally generated but they can escape into the environment through the respiratory tract. (I believe RP has spoken on this in one of Danny Roddy's podcasts recently

When these exosomes escape the host animal we call it "The Flu" and if you swallow or breathe in this foreign DNA it can potentially change your DNA so that it is picked up on a PCR test or ELISA. In the case of ELISA, they apply a Mysterious Proprietary Solution(TM) to the sample (usually blood) which they claim reacts to a positive sample and only a positive sample, but this is misleading, since many things will react to the blood besides the Mysterious Proprietary Solution(TM).

If I had to guess, it is best to keep your DNA stable and unchanged, but certain environmental factors may destabilize it or change the sequence, leading to malformed proteins. However, I'm sure that UV light is a bigger promoter of DNA destabilization than exosomes/viral particles.
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Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Peter Duesberg lost his shine with the masters when he questioned HIV-AIDS: no such thing as an HIV virus. I wasn't sure if he questioned the existence of all viruses.

Stefan Lanka questioned its existence, won a lawsuit about it, and recently proved that there isn't a virus by using an experiment, with the use of controls - something virologists conveniently dispensed with.

The world didn't listen, or the world was listening, but heard nothing of it from great propaganda by Hollywood, print media, broadcast media, and by internet social media - all under the guardianship and shepherdry of the Zionist control complex. Aside from perpetual disease, the same Apollo of perpetual wars, perpetual poverty, and perpetual decay.

It sounded far-fetched that viruses don't exist. It was very fringe. Thanks to two recent events - election theft and COVID-19 - for the sheer brazenness of the perpetrators and the sheer credulity of the masses - I have come to become more accepting of the idea that viruses don't exist.

It helped me a lot that Pat Timpone brought in Tom Cowan to his show. Even though Ray Peat has talked about viruses, I consider his use of the word is as a placeholder for something other than a virus, given that he discusses the idea of exosomes that jibes with Tom Cowan. This for me is understandable, as we often talk about cell membranes even though Gilbert Ling has proven there is no such thing.

A week ago, Pat brought in Tracey Northern as a guest, and I had a good listen. She brought in a lot more ideas for me to work on that idea. It was very engaging, especially that she speaks with an Irish brough of another kind. He had links to 3 recent videos of her on bitchute, and I listened to all of them. She also has a blog that talks more of non-viru
If you haven't come across them, then here they are the podcasts/videos:

One Radio Network -

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/VKH7yym2zSNh/
(you can also listen to this podcast on Castbox if you have time to kill listening while walking or driving)

The Crazz Files -

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/erD483GOAf8m/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/sE0M1J6jswYZ/

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MBNDfDGmfIza/

Note: There are more videos by Tracey on this channel, with new ones coming out, but these are the 3 videos Pat linked.

A week after listening to them, I'm still trying to digest them. While Tracey has done a great job laying the groundwork for piecing together the puzzle, there are still many missing pieces left. For the most part, I still can't shake off using "viruses" for something that affects me other than toxins, injury, malnutrition (all these mentioned by Tracey) and bacteria. It is as if someone had to hand me a new bible, with all the revisions in them, with the revisions having to be revised constantly.

I have to watch or listen again to these videos, with an eye towards more understanding from being critical of the ideas presed, as if I'm out to rewrite the entire curriculum not only for med students, but also for k-12. Just writing this, I had to rub both my eyes with both my hands as if I'm telling myself what have I gotten myself into. But I'm not going to do it. Perhaps someone else will do it. I know I'm biting off more than I can chew. Perhaps Tracey has already started it, and she'll have a completely pieced together puzzle in a few decades.

In the meantime, I will just have to work with what we've got. And I'll have to use the term "virus" as a placeholder for something that cannot be explained by bacteria, toxins, physical injury, and deficiencies.

This is an excellent post. Trying to wean people from believing in viruses is akin to trying to wean them from religion. They accept what they've been told repeatedly by people they trust all the while never having seen the things they have faith in.. Beauchamp did excellent work disproving "germs" back in the 1880's and proved that organisms generated their own bacteria as needed. He proved, via vacuum chambers, that there was no such thing as transmission. The whole concept of viruses has always been a theory but the people who pursue this field see what they want to see. There have been doctors very early on in the twentieth century who proved repeatedly that they could not infect healthy people with the mucous of those with colds or even pus from smallpox blisters but all these people were ignored.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
In the article, Gorski says watch out when "quacks" use certain words and phrases (for by their use you know they are being unscientific.) Indeed his constant use of the word "quack" not only puts the lie to his supposed scientific i.e. open-minded review, it makes him a hypocrite for criticizing use by others of certain telling catchphrases when he does so in spades.

The paragraph that nails shut the coffin is this - "Asymptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 occurs. A lot. Moreover, the virus can be grown in culture, just as many coronaviruses have been. It’s related to SARS, a coronavirus (hence its name), the coronavirus that was so feared in 2002-2003" - for he doesn't bother to substantiate these claims, which are cited without reference or justification.

Tautological "reasoning", Dr Gorski? Give us evidence.
My thoughts exactly. As a 'medical professional" he devotes a great deal of time to eviscerating others and hurling insults at them simply because he doesn't agree with them. These individuals he references that link arsenic and ddt to virus mutation; I don't know the story, but there is a very clear timeline to the introduction of ddt and the neurological damage causing polio. No virus has ever been detected there.


Feb 21, 2021
This may be a simplistic view but I was thinking of the germ theory and our "immune system". Correct me if I'm wrong but the germ theory holds that if our immune system is strong, then we can handle the bacteria and viruses that try to attack us. So doesn't that mean that our body is under constant assault. In our bodies now we have E. Coli, Staph bacteria, listeria, and all the other "bad" ones. And I have come to the conclusion that if this was a war between bacteria and so called "viruses" and our immune system, then we would lose this battle in very short order. We'd be attacked inside, outside, in all crevices. Maybe days or weeks we'd be dead. Bechamp's theory that bacteria are only there to clean up the toxemia seems so correct. But yes, people cannot even fathom a different opinion. Critical thinking has been diminished greatly.
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