Trump Elected Again?


May 11, 2020
I want things to be FAIR.
If Republicans can win the poeople's vote - so be it.
That would be legitimate.
But if that is true - why the Gerrymandering? Why the voter suppression?
This is minority rule.
This is jungle rules - the most power hungry wins.
The most corrupt wins.
This is NOT by the people, for the people.

Remember Maximilien Robespierre - Wikipedia ?
If you don't stand for what's right for everyone,
How can you expect things to be right for you?
Oh, you did it. You actually willfully exposed your own stupidity more than in your previous post. If you're concerned about election rigging, I suggest you do a deep dive on the on-record statements made by employees of Google, Facebook and Twitter regarding their efforts to suppress any info going against the democratic agenda. Project Veritas would be a good jumping off point, then go from there. Then, when you inevitably find a bogus smear article about James O'Keefe, I suggest you watch the hundreds of videos he has explaining why all those accusations are proven to be false in courts of law and by the accusers' own admissions.


Jan 25, 2014
I want things to be FAIR.
If Republicans can win the poeople's vote - so be it.
That would be legitimate.
But if that is true - why the Gerrymandering? Why the voter suppression?
This is minority rule.
This is jungle rules - the most power hungry wins.
The most corrupt wins.
This is NOT by the people, for the people.

Remember Maximilien Robespierre - Wikipedia ?
If you don't stand for what's right for everyone,
How can you expect things to be right for you?

Why do you think a Democracy is "Fair?"
That's simply rule by a majority.
G. Edward Griffin said a classic example of democracy is a Lynch Mob. If there are 20 people, and 19 want one person dead, that's 19-1. Simple rule of the majority.

I didn't argue that current system is "perfect," by any means, but it's not like changing things over to a democracy would suddenly make things "fair." There could be plenty in the minority who could have their rights stripped away by a majority vote.


Oct 5, 2018
Why do you think a Democracy is "Fair?"
That's simply rule by a majority.
G. Edward Griffin said a classic example of democracy is a Lynch Mob. If there are 20 people, and 19 want one person dead, that's 19-1. Simple rule of the majority.

I didn't argue that current system is "perfect," by any means, but it's not like changing things over to a democracy would suddenly make things "fair." There could be plenty in the minority who could have their rights stripped away by a majority vote.
I don't think it's absolutely fair, it's just more fair than any other available option.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Race has nothing to do with it?

Saying racism isn't real in the face of clear evidence is simply gas-lighting.
Gas -lighting is the most sinister of lies, because it denies you of your experience of reality-
"Who are you going to believe? me or your lying eyes?"
It allows evil to persist - we see black men getting executed by police, we see synagogues burned to the ground -
We SEE it.
When do we stop centuries of lies and start believing our own eyes?

Just like the flat-earthers - who see a flaw in the system but don't have any true scientific understanding- so they retreat into conspiracy theories,
So do some people on this forum, who see the medical and pharmaceutical lies, but don't have the tools to find the truth, so they retreat into conspiracy theories, and all too often into anti-Semitism.
Believing racist theories is the most authoritarian way of thinking, disguised as "seeing the truth others cannot see". It's a double lie.

It's so f**ing disappointing that most people cannot be true free thinkers.

Consider one of the main ideas of Ray's work - that everything in your life affects your health - your job, your partner, your friends, what you eat, what you breath and what you think and believe.

What do you think it might do to your body when your mind is drowning in HATE?

I said race had ALMOST nothing to do with it. Everybody is free to think what they want, but IMO whites hating blacks and vice versa leads to only one thing - the havenots frighting over crumbs while the people that very literally OWN this system continue their evil deeds with little consequence or even attention from the general populace. Why do you think there have been no mass deaths as a result of the current protests yet? Well, here is one reason - they are not really threatening the status quo. Very similar to the MLK situation, before he made economic status his main goal. Remember Occupy Wall Street - a movement that was multiracial and its main goal (at least on paper) was toppling the corrupt corporate elite? FBI had snipers ready to take out the leaders "whenever deemed necessary" (actual quote from partially declassified FOIA documents). If you know of similar plots by officials against the current protests please share.
FBI Ordered to Justify Shielding of Records Sought About Alleged 'Occupy' Sniper Plot

Is there racism? Sure. Is this the biggest issue facing regular people on the street right now? I very seriously doubt it.


Sep 24, 2016
Hi @LeeLemonoil

before this thread blows up in size and possibly diminishes in social graces I want to add a thought...

I am a registered Democrat.
My husband is a registered Republican.

In the mail from our state or local government- I have received SIX different invitations and TWO BALLOTS for our upcoming election.

My husband has received nothing. No flyers. No ballots. No reminders. Nothing.

November 3rd will be chaos.

Biden will win due to “lost and found” absentee ballots and votes.
If he doesn’t win quickly I believe Pelosi will therefore be our interim President?

More to say but I will leave it there.
Thx for your interest in the States.

Thanks a lot for your reply.
That’s interesting and concerning. And you might find interesting that in German MSM the narrative is that Trump is building a strawman or pseudo-cause to stay in office (tantamount to stage a coup) because of ballot and voting technicalities. They write and say he is deliberately now claiming and pretending that there could be that kind of problems so to challenge the election while in reality the process of voting and counting out is going to proceed without serious problems.
As if his loss is already assured and he is some third-world dictator.

I‘m the biggest fanboy there is of the USA. I „love“ then ever since I was a kid, however imperfect or idealized my image might be. I have some American friends and acquaintances and they are among the best people I know. It’s a great country with great achievements however flawed everything is - that’s the way of the world, but if the USA aren’t a place that warrants fighting for it to remain or become a better place - what else is there in the world?


Apr 8, 2016
I live in the US in a big city and I don't think most Americans think Trump is racist. Most democrats don't believe Trump is a racist. But people are not allowed to say, "Trump is not racist" without being physically assaulted or harassed in some way. So the people who believe Trump is not racist keep their mouths shut.

Same thing in the media in the United States. If any newscaster/commentator believes Trump is not racist, they are not allowed to share their opinion without risking harassment or losing their job. The newscasters/commentators have to be super careful if they report anything that shows Trump into a positive light and that is why you hear them say things like, "I am not a supporter of Trump at all but ..."

As far as who wins the general election, I think most Americans are expecting a giant mess where we won't really know who won the election. If you ask democrats they will blame the republicans. If you ask the republicans, they will blame the democrats. But the expectation is that Trump will have the most votes at the end of the day on November 3rd but as more and more ballots arrive after election day with a postmark of the 3rd or earlier, that will swing the election to Biden. The validity of many of the mail in ballots will be disputed in swing states and the decision of who will win will end up in the court system. No matter who wins, the election will be considered illegitimate by half the country.


Oct 5, 2018
I said race had ALMOST nothing to do with it. Everybody is free to think what they want, but IMO whites hating blacks and vice versa leads to only one thing - the havenots frighting over crumbs while the people that very literally OWN this system continue their evil deeds with little consequence or even attention from the general populace. Why do you think there have been no mass deaths as a result of the current protests yet? Well, here is one reason - they are not really threatening the status quo. Very similar to the MLK situation, before he made economic status his main goal. Remember Occupy Wall Street - a movement that was multiracial and its main goal (at least on paper) was toppling the corrupt corporate elite? FBI had snipers ready to take out the leaders "whenever deemed necessary" (actual quote from partially declassified FOIA documents). If you know of similar plots by officials against the current protests please share.
FBI Ordered to Justify Shielding of Records Sought About Alleged 'Occupy' Sniper Plot

Is there racism? Sure. Is this the biggest issue facing regular people on the street right now? I very seriously doubt it.
The economic struggle is very real.
The class war is very real.
Finding a scapegoat for both unfortunately works all too well.
The rage is almost never unleashed on the corrupt, but on some weak minority - the blacks, the jews, the immigrants.


Mar 3, 2016
Race has nothing to do with it?

Saying racism isn't real in the face of clear evidence is simply gas-lighting.
Gas -lighting is the most sinister of lies, because it denies you of your experience of reality-
"Who are you going to believe? me or your lying eyes?"
It allows evil to persist - we see black men getting executed by police, we see synagogues burned to the ground -
We SEE it.
When do we stop centuries of lies and start believing our own eyes?

Just like the flat-earthers - who see a flaw in the system but don't have any true scientific understanding- so they retreat into conspiracy theories,
So do some people on this forum, who see the medical and pharmaceutical lies, but don't have the tools to find the truth, so they retreat into conspiracy theories, and all too often into anti-Semitism.
Believing racist theories is the most authoritarian way of thinking, disguised as "seeing the truth others cannot see". It's a double lie.

It's so f**ing disappointing that most people cannot be true free thinkers.

Consider one of the main ideas of Ray's work - that everything in your life affects your health - your job, your partner, your friends, what you eat, what you breath and what you think and believe.

What do you think it might do to your body when your mind is drowning in HATE?
She said zionists, she didn't say "ethnic jews". She could have even said "jews" and it would still not necessarily be racist, if it was in reference to the religion/culture and not the ethnicity. All three Abrahamic religions are inherently authoritarian, and judaism and islam especially so. You're defending an authoritarian ideology. What you call "anti-semitism" (essentially just questioning zionism or jewish power) is not contrary to anti-authoritarian thinking, it is an essential part of it, considering how much systemic power jews as a group have and how they're using that power. Your refusal to acknowledge how jewish supremacists maliciously use their great influence and power is either gaslighting (if you know about it) or pure ignorance and cowardice (if you refuse to even look at the facts). And don't misinterpret me as trying to minimize or downplay the racism blacks have historically faced in America, and some still face today. Going by your own loose definition of racism, judaism is inherently racist as they view themselves as chosen by God unlike all non-jews, and their holy texts say that the jews are in the image of God and that non-jews exist for the benefit of the jews. Their end times prophecy is literally that every jew will have thousands of non-jewish "servants".

go 14:38 in this video

The big irony of ddjd's post is that Trump is the most zionist president in American history.
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Apr 8, 2016
The big irony of ddjd's post is that Trump is the most zionist president in American history.

Hm. Between moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing the annexation of the Golan Heights this statement just might be true.


Jun 19, 2017
Hm. Between moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing the annexation of the Golan Heights this statement just might be true.

I tend to agree. Being a zionist favorite might win him this election unless the NWO has already decided to relegate USSA to a n-th > 1 world country status. Then Biden, is a quicker route for them, of course, to do so.


Apr 8, 2016
Why do you say this? I actually feel Biden has the advantage. What disturbs me is the as a country we must choose between two awful candidates when there are so many viable smart people who could be candidates.

If the democrats really wanted to win, they would have nominated Andrew Yang. A huge number of Trump voters loved Andrew Yang and would have returned to the Democratic party to vote for him, especially the million+ Obama voters who voted for Trump.

I agree with @ecstatichamster that Trump will win. These are my reasons:
  1. Trump has high levels of in party enthusiasm. Many democrats are not enthusiastic about Biden.
  2. Poll inaccuracy - Trump is doing much better in the polls compared to 4 years ago so he should do at least as well in the election.
  3. Shy Trump voters - Many people are afraid of losing their jobs and their friends for supporting Trump so they stay silent.
  4. Huge number of workers now see the Democratic Party as the party of the wealthy elites who don't care about ordinary people and they see the Republican Party as the party for the working class.
  5. Huge number of people don't like losing their civil liberties and right now the Democrats are very bad with civil liberties and the Republicans are not great but at least better than the democrats are right now on civil liberties.
  6. Many people interpret the civil unrest going on right now in the United States as a Marxist revolution. Many people don't want the United States to become a Soviet Union. Every time they hear a friend say, "we need to smash capitalism" they are nudged closer to voting for Trump.
  7. Ginsburg effect - Democrats have been pushing the idea that if Biden wins, he will be able to nominate Ginsburg's replacement. But if Trump pushes through a replacement, a lot of voters won't bother voting. From their perspective, what else does Biden have to offer than a vote for Ginsburg's replacement?


Nov 18, 2019
If the democrats really wanted to win, they would have nominated Andrew Yang. A huge number of Trump voters loved Andrew Yang and would have returned to the Democratic party to vote for him, especially the million+ Obama voters who voted for Trump.

I agree with @ecstatichamster that Trump will win. These are my reasons:
  1. Trump has high levels of in party enthusiasm. Many democrats are not enthusiastic about Biden.
  2. Poll inaccuracy - Trump is doing much better in the polls compared to 4 years ago so he should do at least as well in the election.
  3. Shy Trump voters - Many people are afraid of losing their jobs and their friends for supporting Trump so they stay silent.
  4. Huge number of workers now see the Democratic Party as the party of the wealthy elites who don't care about ordinary people and they see the Republican Party as the party for the working class.
  5. Huge number of people don't like losing their civil liberties and right now the Democrats are very bad with civil liberties and the Republicans are not great but at least better than the democrats are right now on civil liberties.
  6. Many people interpret the civil unrest going on right now in the United States as a Marxist revolution. Many people don't want the United States to become a Soviet Union. Every time they hear a friend say, "we need to smash capitalism" they are nudged closer to voting for Trump.
  7. Ginsburg effect - Democrats have been pushing the idea that if Biden wins, he will be able to nominate Ginsburg's replacement. But if Trump pushes through a replacement, a lot of voters won't bother voting. From their perspective, what else does Biden have to offer than a vote for Ginsburg's replacement?
Interesting. These sound reasonable. It will be telling what happens. I do think there could be a lot of chaos around the election.


Apr 8, 2016
Interesting. These sound reasonable. It will be telling what happens. I do think there could be a lot of chaos around the election.

If the chaos causes a constitutional crisis and the United States fails then we all lose. Let's hope no matter who wins, the United States is resilient enough to survive.
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