Trump convincingly shown as controlled opposition


Mar 29, 2016
Hi yerrag,

If you would like to listen to this reading of the book Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance Between the Vatican, CIA and Mafia, I would like to know your opinion of how that dynamic plays into the Talmudists.


It is a long video and I listened to the first hour only, although I'm still interested in finishing it.

I think this only underscores that Col. Halliwell wasn't such a brilliant schemer, but merely latched on to the tactics already widespread in use by Talmudists to use highly profitable underworld activities to finance whatever they want to do. Halliwell tapped into Angleton's Roman Catholic connections, which already is crawling with corruption in the Vatican. This high level connection with the Vatican and the Knights of Malta and its connections with the Mafia may have already existed in the past, and this relationship, which possibly kept the potential scale of evil deeds on the Mafia from being realized (note they would't deal in drugs then), was to change. The Vatican may have found justifcation for this, seeing this as a lesser evil than communism.

But communism is an invention of the Talmudists, and as a trojan horse, it succeeded in being the greater evil to the lesser evil of drug dealing to combat communism. In this case, the conscience of Montini, later to be Pope Paul VI, was cleared to cooperate with the implementors of Operation Gladio. This is Machiavellian existentialism at work, but on a false premise.

A false premise sown by Talmudistt influence in the OSS and in its reincarnation in the CIA.

Remember that 2 centuries ago, China was weakened by the opium trade by the Talmudists. Remember also that the Chinese would blame it on the English, and by racial association on white people. As had been from the beginning of time, Talmudistts have always used other peoples to front for their dirty work.

Just as the Jewish press would blame JfK's assassination on the CIA, so we see the story here to be the CIA again, together with the Vatican and the Mafia. Once again, the Talmudists are innocent. Whatever tricks of subterfuge Halliwell employed, he was coached by his Talmudist handlers. And if Halliwell should go off script, he would suffer the same fate as Forrestal.

Going back to China and opium, we have to be reminded that selling opium to China to weaken it was just a means to an end, and the end was to make China poor and lay the conditions for its people too embrace communism, and once done, China is in the Talmudist orbit. I suspect Talmudists shadow the actions and policies of China, and one has to be a big fool to cheer for China as the US crumbles behind its wokeness. Both the US and China lose in the end, but that time is not now. The steady march of Talmudism is slow but certain.

2 centuries before China's opium debacle and national surrender (echoed now in the US), Jesuits were welcomed and destroyed the minds of China's aristocrats. At the same time, Japan's Meijji stewards ably saw the coming demise of China, and expelled the Jesuits. History would prove Japan to have chosen the right path, as Japan prospered econonomically and developed a strong military, as China withered. The Jesuits were the advance party of scouts on a mission to conquer a country already great. And they succeeded.


Oct 11, 2016
Anyone who didn't know this before the first day of his presidency should really take a look in the mirror and stop making public claims of any sort. People have massively inflated egos these days and politics is designed to inflate them.


Jun 2, 2017
Trump had a chance for me to reconsider my view of him and give him another look; but he's staying with the Republican Party. So, he's keeping everyone in the box; and, when it's all said and done, he'll be largely responsible for confining us all to much smaller boxes.
For argument's sake, do you think between now and November 2024 a new party could be established and legitimized enough to be endorsed? I'm not opposed to a new party at all, but I'd say a candidate would have to know the game they're in and how to play it best. I'm not saying that I know it can't work—and maybe it's exactly what's needed—but I could guess that using the already established Republican party as his platform is advantageous for a few reasons: 1) a new third party established by him, left-enemy #1, could allow for easy targeting and labeling by the left, and maybe even RHINOs, as the white supremacist, racist, domestic terrorist, and every phobia there is party—albeit falsely; 2) a new party could, for the party-loyal, be too much of a turn off; by staying under the Republican name he could in essence create a de facto third party, with the advantage of the established name and base of "Republican".

And yet, it could be argued, if any time in our history a third party had a chance it may be now.


Jun 2, 2017
Anyone who didn't know this before the first day of his presidency should really take a look in the mirror and stop making public claims of any sort. People have massively inflated egos these days and politics is designed to inflate them.
I'd say, universally, it's known that Trump's had a massively inflated ego long before his political career.


Oct 11, 2016
I'd say, universally, it's known that Trump's had a massively inflated ego long before his political career.
You'd be one of em... And that isn't what I said. Whether or not it is controlled op has nothing to do with the personality presented. There is no such thing as an American president during our life times (avoiding the uncertain complexity of history for now). D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people.


Jul 25, 2022
It is a long video and I listened to the first hour only, although I'm still interested in finishing it.

I think this only underscores that Col. Halliwell wasn't such a brilliant schemer, but merely latched on to the tactics already widespread in use by Talmudists to use highly profitable underworld activities to finance whatever they want to do. Halliwell tapped into Angleton's Roman Catholic connections, which already is crawling with corruption in the Vatican. This high level connection with the Vatican and the Knights of Malta and its connections with the Mafia may have already existed in the past, and this relationship, which possibly kept the potential scale of evil deeds on the Mafia from being realized (note they would't deal in drugs then), was to change. The Vatican may have found justifcation for this, seeing this as a lesser evil than communism.

But communism is an invention of the Talmudists, and as a trojan horse, it succeeded in being the greater evil to the lesser evil of drug dealing to combat communism. In this case, the conscience of Montini, later to be Pope Paul VI, was cleared to cooperate with the implementors of Operation Gladio. This is Machiavellian existentialism at work, but on a false premise.

A false premise sown by Talmudistt influence in the OSS and in its reincarnation in the CIA.

Remember that 2 centuries ago, China was weakened by the opium trade by the Talmudists. Remember also that the Chinese would blame it on the English, and by racial association on white people. As had been from the beginning of time, Talmudistts have always used other peoples to front for their dirty work.

Just as the Jewish press would blame JfK's assassination on the CIA, so we see the story here to be the CIA again, together with the Vatican and the Mafia. Once again, the Talmudists are innocent. Whatever tricks of subterfuge Halliwell employed, he was coached by his Talmudist handlers. And if Halliwell should go off script, he would suffer the same fate as Forrestal.

Going back to China and opium, we have to be reminded that selling opium to China to weaken it was just a means to an end, and the end was to make China poor and lay the conditions for its people too embrace communism, and once done, China is in the Talmudist orbit. I suspect Talmudists shadow the actions and policies of China, and one has to be a big fool to cheer for China as the US crumbles behind its wokeness. Both the US and China lose in the end, but that time is not now. The steady march of Talmudism is slow but certain.

2 centuries before China's opium debacle and national surrender (echoed now in the US), Jesuits were welcomed and destroyed the minds of China's aristocrats. At the same time, Japan's Meijji stewards ably saw the coming demise of China, and expelled the Jesuits. History would prove Japan to have chosen the right path, as Japan prospered econonomically and developed a strong military, as China withered. The Jesuits were the advance party of scouts on a mission to conquer a country already great. And they succeeded.
Forgive my ignorance, but does Talmudists= Jesuits?

And does anyone one know the percentage of Israelites that would be considered Talmudists/ Jesuits?

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
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good links, but
How do you explain trumps hatred in the media? Why does the media hate on him so much, sometimes over seemingly Illogical things, sometimes untrue things?


Mar 29, 2016
Forgive my ignorance, but does Talmudists= Jesuits?

And does anyone one know the percentage of Israelites that would be considered Talmudists/ Jesuits?
No, Talmudists are Jews that adhere to an ancient book called the Talmud. This book teaches its believers a supremacist view that Jews are a superior race, and that non-Jews are on the level not higher than animals. But the Talmud is a very old book, and does not reflect the later development of the Jews as reflected in later books. Jesus is a Jew, and He taught love, and His ideas are in the New Testament of the bible.

The Society of Jesus, one of many priestly orders sanctioned by the Catholic Church, aka Jesuits, was founded by Ignatius of Loyola. It is suspected that on the highest levels of the order, it is sympathetic and works for the Talmudists.

The current pope is a Jesuit, the first to become a pope. In this position, a Talmudists pope has been making changes that do not adhere to Catholic tradition. But Bergoglio is not the first pope to be undermining Church traditions and thought, although he is less inclined to couch his ideas in babbledygook.


Jun 2, 2017
good links, but
How do you explain trumps hatred in the media? Why does the media hate on him so much, sometimes over seemingly Illogical things, sometimes untrue things?
I believe the short answer is simply that he's a legitimate threat to the progressive ideology and the globalists.

Edit: I'm not of the school of thought that he's controlled opposition—willing or otherwise. His ego is too big to be willing, and his cunning too much to be taken advantage of; at least to the point of being "controlled".
Last edited:


Jun 2, 2017
You'd be one of em... And that isn't what I said. Whether or not it is controlled op has nothing to do with the personality presented. There is no such thing as an American president during our life times (avoiding the uncertain complexity of history for now). D.C. is Hollywood for ugly people.
For the reasons I noted above I don't think Trump is part of the system. And he doesn't really fit any specific mold: he's Hollywood, D.C., and corporate business, all mixed.

As for me being "one of em", I'm not completely following. Are you saying that I'm an egoist for having an opinion? If so, I could only argue that debating politics and attempting to solve the riddle has value.


May 4, 2022
Is he controlled opposition? The question itself is hysterical! Do you also believe in Santa?


Oct 11, 2016
For the reasons I noted above I don't think Trump is part of the system. And he doesn't really fit any specific mold: he's Hollywood, D.C., and corporate business, all mixed.

As for me being "one of em", I'm not completely following. Are you saying that I'm an egoist for having an opinion? If so, I could only argue that debating politics and attempting to solve the riddle has value.
He is the biggest elected vaccine salesman in your lifetime. He was the first to promote LGBTQ using tax money in the middle easy using tax money in your life time. You analyze things like a CNN host; zero depth.


Jun 2, 2017
He is the biggest elected vaccine salesman in your lifetime. He was the first to promote LGBTQ using tax money in the middle easy using tax money in your life time. You analyze things like a CNN host; zero depth.
Maybe that's why my nickname at band camp was petri dish.


Aug 22, 2019
good links, but
How do you explain trumps hatred in the media? Why does the media hate on him so much, sometimes over seemingly Illogical things, sometimes untrue things?
The media's hatred of Trump is what drives ratings. It does nothing to validate Trump in actuality. In fact, it helps the Right believe that Trump is the real deal. It's the galileo effect gambit.

The Galileo gambit (also Galileo syndrome[2]:165-166 and Galileo fallacy) is a logical fallacy that asserts that if your ideas provoke the establishment to supposedly vilify or threaten you, then you must be right — "everyone says I am wrong, therefore I am right."


Aug 22, 2019
I just think there's more to the whole thing than meets the eye at this point in time. Let's revisit this in 4-5 months.
Six years of Trump's destruction of the conservative movement isn't enough? You need five more months with which to to hang on to the fantasy?


Nov 28, 2016
Six years of Trump's destruction of the conservative movement isn't enough? You need five more months with which to to hang on to the fantasy?
I know it's hard to believe but at this point possibly the best source of information is anything you can find on Rumble by military veteran Derek Johnson. Let us know what you think please.


Apr 8, 2016
Six years of Trump's destruction of the conservative movement isn't enough? You need five more months with which to to hang on to the fantasy?
Seems to me the McConnell wing of the Republican party is destroying the party but they are trying to blame it on Trump. Why else would McConnell not complain when the election was stolen for Biden. It is because Biden and McConnell are both the on the same team.

McConnell is willing to destroy his own party in order to support the establishment.
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