Trolling Or For Real?


Aug 17, 2016
I think they believe he will turn on all the creeps he has surrounding him when re-elected for the final 4 years , maybe when they realize he isn’t they will see,the good think is they know their government and media are out of control,trump is there icon for this,the bottom line is they know which highlights why they are not stupid as portrayed, whether or not trump leads them or not the intuition is still there.
The banks already have Biden lined up to oppose him knowing he is an obvious failure, even if he doesn’t fail he is an empty vessel they will do with him as they please, you can see the same rigging going on with Clinton in the last election, constant obvious strawman arguments from the media on trump,total wag the dog tactics, they will never focus on far worse links out there,they wanted him there.
If they wanted to expose him they could have done it real easy around the time of Clinton,both of them have done way worse than what the media focused on , this information can be found easily,not a peep. Why are the mainstream media like cnn not piling pressure on the attorney general on the Epstein case as one example ,it goes deeper than Epstein.

You then have alternate media shills and twitter accounts creating the illusion of something going down ,it’s impending every time, accounts that shill for trump and shill for the Clinton angle,it’s Russia all time but never the fact that Russia and Israel are in bed together along with China, the few who cover these links will never appear on social media and can barely stay on alternate media outlets before getting shadow banned.

Fake news they cry all the time,why not bring back the legislation that Obama fully repealed on using propaganda against your own people ? Because they are all using it on all sides,it’s essential to contemporary propaganda, nobody knows what’s true.

I hope it can be peaceful but when the legal avenues have been exhausted and the supreme courts potentially corrupted that’s it for peace,exhausting them first is the way to go.
It will be very hard for people to have virtually ALL their assumptions shattered. About all wars. etc etc etc. I am glad I had a dad who told me "there is no hierarchy among men." The hierarchy is not actually there. It is a provisional construct.
Anyway, I heard that a large portion of the first $1200 direct installment into US bank accts went to bitcoin. Big yaw jump on that day--all in $1200 increments. So, even Gates' "peasants" say, 'yeah, I'll take your money; but I don't trust you.'


Oct 16, 2017

I hope it's useful for your law. If you're in the US, Tankas give the idea of State Citizen.

Yeah, @Drareg, at least finally I helped some people see corruption and unethical things particularly in the government and in the medical industry
Why is it so hard for people to realize that blindly following, consenting with authority culminates in serfdom/ authoritarianism/ tyranny?
It's funny to see people initially trying to put you in boxes

@_whitneywebb and Danny Roddy at twitter, possess plenty of promising material, including Epstein, Bill Gates, Covid etc. Also, she is an Anarchist leaning
Last edited:


Feb 18, 2016
I know... Your system alert is good, probably just needs a better filter :): Hahaha

In Brazil and the US, a very fascist "Anarcho-capitalist" is arising, they seem to hate state and authority, but the most famous leaders/ creators are supremacists, segregators or racists
So they probably would be what Stalin is mistakenly to communism/ socialism
I like lots of Ancap, ideas...

Of course, exists problems in anarch-communism, any book or author you recommend, besides Foucault, about a better political ideology? Planning on a thread... I would advise Kropotkin
Peat/ Georgi's ideas on biology/ science have lots of cues!

"As some say... The information is the most valuable commodity, because it's the information that generates knowledge, that generates the way they will guide the free will of people" Andre Ribeiro Brito
@tankasnowgod @Rafael Lao Wai
"I am free only when all human beings surrounding me–men and women alike–are equally free..." Bakunin

Yes information and meaning, this is why data harvesting has been so valuable ,look at the trump election, you mine for meanings in individuals and groups then find a way to intertwine your goal with their meanings, it’s digitally dangling the carrot, it can’t be too far away from their meanings or it doesn’t work.

Robert Mercer is back on the scene ,he is one of the masterminds behind a lot of this, he comes from a background in information theory ,Bannon would have learned from him imo, Bannon is now back shilling for war with China, he is pulling at people’s meanings with this narrative.


Feb 18, 2016
View attachment 17518
I hope it's useful for your law. If you're in the US, Tankas give the idea of State Citizen.

Yeah, @Drareg, at least finally I helped some people see corruption and unethical things particularly in the government and in the medical industry
Why is it so hard for people to realize that blindly following, consenting with authority culminates in serfdom/ authoritarianism/ tyranny?
It's funny to see people initially trying to put you in boxes

@_whitneywebb and Danny Roddy at twitter, possess plenty of promising material, including Epstein, Bill Gates, Covid etc. Also, she is an Anarchist leaning

The box is their lense ,tells you everything about them.
The reason it’s so hard imo is because escapism is less stressful, they don’t want to believe they are being abused, the movie narrative is running as their lense of perception and it’s good versus evil,good always wins, the problem is good and evil are both evil these days ,the question of how do you know what you know ? This is rarely asked because its stressful and the answer is like a chameleon these days with modern politics and media.
Contemporary propaganda is now post truth,nobody knows what’s true and we have shills in mainstream and alternate media with different angles and narratives on all issues, the media organizations now cast a net of perception out, a net to attract/catch a particular set of meanings, we have any different nets each with its own unique style of meaning but it’s the same team above water making many of the nets attempting to lure you toward a common belief in the end, like Israel and Russia are your friend for example, or Israel and russia are enemies, lol.

The general truth is easy to find but does it fit their meanings? And it’s more complex than hero and villain ,it’s just a dirty mafia transcending borders and involves child sex trafficking,paeodophiles ,drug running etc

For the majority of people its not an intelligence issue to understand it’s just the fog of stress, this period is crucial now and I hope people start to see it.

When brain energy ,glucose metabolism is not coherent it’s easy to play Hegelian dialectics.

Whitney Webb is great ,there is more like her, I’m always cautious though when they are just blaming Israel but don’t mention Russia ,or all China etc , this transcends borders. She got most of her stuff from knowyourenemy or whoistheenemy website ? It’s quite good and using that map you will see the rabbit hole of connections and the potential for more.


Aug 17, 2016
The box is their lense ,tells you everything about them.
The reason it’s so hard imo is because escapism is less stressful, they don’t want to believe they are being abused, the movie narrative is running as their lense of perception and it’s good versus evil,good always wins, the problem is good and evil are both evil these days ,the question of how do you know what you know ? This is rarely asked because its stressful and the answer is like a chameleon these days with modern politics and media.
Contemporary propaganda is now post truth,nobody knows what’s true and we have shills in mainstream and alternate media with different angles and narratives on all issues, the media organizations now cast a net of perception out, a net to attract/catch a particular set of meanings, we have any different nets each with its own unique style of meaning but it’s the same team above water making many of the nets attempting to lure you toward a common belief in the end, like Israel and Russia are your friend for example, or Israel and russia are enemies, lol.

The general truth is easy to find but does it fit their meanings? And it’s more complex than hero and villain ,it’s just a dirty mafia transcending borders and involves child sex trafficking,paeodophiles ,drug running etc

For the majority of people its not an intelligence issue to understand it’s just the fog of stress, this period is crucial now and I hope people start to see it.

When brain energy ,glucose metabolism is not coherent it’s easy to play Hegelian dialectics.

Whitney Webb is great ,there is more like her, I’m always cautious though when they are just blaming Israel but don’t mention Russia ,or all China etc , this transcends borders. She got most of her stuff from knowyourenemy or whoistheenemy website ? It’s quite good and using that map you will see the rabbit hole of connections and the potential for more.
Yes. The "fog of stress" is the reason. But it is easy to seduce people in this state.
Of course, at a time when PUFA consumption ridiculously high and sugar consumption ridiculously low, it will be difficult to muster enough brain energy to storm the gates.


  • WHO_covid19.jpeg
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Jun 20, 2015
Question: Is the vaccine our only hope of getting back to normal?

Bill Gates: [...] The only way we will get completely back to normal is by having ... maybe not the first generation vaccines, but eventually a vaccine that is super effective and that a lot of the people take and that we get the disease eliminated on a global basis. That is where we can start finally taking all the problems that have been created in education and mental health and start to build back in a positive way.

Full Gates: We 'Don't Want Politicians Saying' Which Covid Drugs Should Be Approved | Meet The Press


Feb 18, 2016
Question: Is the vaccine our only hope of getting back to normal?

Bill Gates: [...] The only way we will get completely back to normal is by having ... maybe not the first generation vaccines, but eventually a vaccine that is super effective and that a lot of the people take and that we get the disease eliminated on a global basis. That is where we can start finally taking all the problems that have been created in education and mental health and start to build back in a positive way.

Full Gates: We 'Don't Want Politicians Saying' Which Covid Drugs Should Be Approved | Meet The Press

The comments are gold, surprised Bill Epstein gates hasn’t instructed the news outlet to censor the comments like he does with his twitter and other videos. They didn’t ask him about his trip to France in 2013 with the paedophile Jeffrey Epstein to meet a prominent Norwegian politician who is head of the usual globalist shill organizations.


Aug 17, 2016
Question: Is the vaccine our only hope of getting back to normal?

Bill Gates: [...] The only way we will get completely back to normal is by having ... maybe not the first generation vaccines, but eventually a vaccine that is super effective and that a lot of the people take and that we get the disease eliminated on a global basis. That is where we can start finally taking all the problems that have been created in education and mental health and start to build back in a positive way.

Full Gates: We 'Don't Want Politicians Saying' Which Covid Drugs Should Be Approved | Meet The Press
Crown agent, Gates serves the Wellcome Trust
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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