Low Toxin Lifestyle "Toxic “vitamin” A blocks potassium channels in cells"


Jan 6, 2019
Wow thanks TheSir!
Before I write more, could you briefly explain what your current life is like? Are you under immense stress, pushing yourself or actively resisting something, whether it be internal or external? Knowing this is critical.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Yes I get results that say I am under extreme stress but my lifestyle is pretty easy going although I am very much disabled by CFS and MCS. I eat top quality foods, live alone in a nice warn flat, have enough money and am not hampered by annoying people :) I have had a stressful life though with much trauma and abuse.

I was mercury poisoned at 10 months, carbamate poisoned at 40 years.


Jan 6, 2019
Yes I get results that say I am under extreme stress but my lifestyle is pretty easy going although I am very much disabled by CFS and MCS. I eat top quality foods, live alone in a nice warn flat, have enough money and am not hampered by annoying people :) I have had a stressful life though with much trauma and abuse.

I was mercury poisoned at 10 months, carbamate poisoned at 40 years.
Thank you. Yes, the reason I wanted to ask about your lifestyle was that your recent test places you near a very dangerous pattern called the step up pattern. Given your lifestyle, this could possibly be a result of inaccuracy by whichever lab did your latest test. Since your earlier test by ARL from half a year ago showed a more benign situation, unless your situation has changed dramatically since then, there might not be a cause for concern. Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend getting another test to be sure. Only ARL and TEI can be trusted to produce reliable test results.

In case of a true step up pattern, it is important to immediately stop pushing oneself and avoid supplements that either boost oxidation rate or lower Na/K ratio further. B vitamins, zinc and potassium would be extremely harmful in such pattern, even lethal. It's worth noting that Smith's and Charlie's suggestions are designed for people who are in slow oxidation, which admittedly is the majority of people. Yet for the minority of fast oxidizers, this advice is potentially very harmful, and I am fearfully awaiting for the day someone will die from following it.

I don't mean to scare you to death, but I sincerely wish that you will proceed with caution and wisdom.

For more info about the pattern:
Last edited:


Feb 20, 2021
"Strain at gnat and swallow a camel" is the FDA and health authorities' MO.
The camel is amalgam fillings, fluoridated municipal water, Roundup, excessive unproven vaccinations and many other drugs, etc.
The gnat is DMSO, sassafras, ivermectin, anything that the industry wants to squash by taking conditional results out of context.
Normal blood sodium level is 30 times potassium. Normal cell content is 1/10 Na/K.
If you take a high dose of rapidly absorbed K salt the sudden electrolyte imbalance can cause cardiac problems. That may be the basis of FDA Chicken Little approach to potassium supplements.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
Thank you. Yes, the reason I wanted to ask about your lifestyle was that your recent test places you near a very dangerous pattern called the step up pattern. Given your lifestyle, this could possibly be a result of inaccuracy by whichever lab did your latest test. Since your earlier test by ARL from half a year ago showed a more benign situation, unless your situation has changed dramatically since then, there might not be a cause for concern. Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend getting another test to be sure. Only ARL and TEI can be trusted to produce reliable test results.

In case of a true step up pattern, it is important to immediately stop pushing oneself and avoid supplements that either boost oxidation rate or lower Na/K ratio further. B vitamins, zinc and potassium would be extremely harmful in such pattern, even lethal. It's worth noting that Smith's and Charlie's suggestions are designed for people who are in slow oxidation, which admittedly is the majority of people. Yet for the minority of fast oxidizers, this advice is potentially very harmful, and I am fearfully awaiting for the day someone will die from following it.

I don't mean to scare you to death, but I sincerely wish that you will proceed with caution and wisdom.

For more info about the pattern:
Yes you do mean to scare me to death, if that is true and rightly so. I saw that my last test had no heavy metals in my hair sample and was concerned about that. Previous ones have shown very high lead. But the last test showed Fast Ox * but before that Fast Ox *** so I thought that things must be improving.

I have however deteriorated since moving here 18 months ago despite being in much better surroundings - no mold or damp, warm, less stressful, less chemicals with new natural bed and flooring. But yes my health has been going down and I wonder if it is EMF's which are higher here being in a communal situation. I have just ordered an EMF shield for bed. I did notice that my vit B drops from Georgie not being so good so take B1 B2 and now B3 in small doses.

I will get another test done thanks.


Sep 13, 2012
Thank you. Yes, the reason I wanted to ask about your lifestyle was that your recent test places you near a very dangerous pattern called the step up pattern. Given your lifestyle, this could possibly be a result of inaccuracy by whichever lab did your latest test. Since your earlier test by ARL from half a year ago showed a more benign situation, unless your situation has changed dramatically since then, there might not be a cause for concern. Nevertheless, I would strongly recommend getting another test to be sure. Only ARL and TEI can be trusted to produce reliable test results.

In case of a true step up pattern, it is important to immediately stop pushing oneself and avoid supplements that either boost oxidation rate or lower Na/K ratio further. B vitamins, zinc and potassium would be extremely harmful in such pattern, even lethal. It's worth noting that Smith's and Charlie's suggestions are designed for people who are in slow oxidation, which admittedly is the majority of people. Yet for the minority of fast oxidizers, this advice is potentially very harmful, and I am fearfully awaiting for the day someone will die from following it.

I don't mean to scare you to death, but I sincerely wish that you will proceed with caution and wisdom.

For more info about the pattern:
Speaking of Wilson, what do you think of his descent into paranoia? Or maybe it's possession? I don't know but I got really into his stuff last yr and then when I started reading the newer articles I'm like this guy is absolutely bonkers! So how can I trust his recommendations? He said he is being guided. By who? If it isn't the Lord then he's possessed or mentally ill.

Also his vegetable recommendations are bonkers too. I was trying the onions and carrots and crucifers and while I seemed more grounded I was having nausea pretty regularly. I recently have been avoiding onions and garlic and when I tried eating a bunch of garlic I got so ill! If he says to just do more coffee enemas for this I don't know what to think of him.


Sep 13, 2012
"Strain at gnat and swallow a camel" is the FDA and health authorities' MO.
The camel is amalgam fillings, fluoridated municipal water, Roundup, excessive unproven vaccinations and many other drugs, etc.
The gnat is DMSO, sassafras, ivermectin, anything that the industry wants to squash by taking conditional results out of context.
Normal blood sodium level is 30 times potassium. Normal cell content is 1/10 Na/K.
If you take a high dose of rapidly absorbed K salt the sudden electrolyte imbalance can cause cardiac problems. That may be the basis of FDA Chicken Little approach to potassium supplements.
Why would you take ivermectin?


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012


Jan 6, 2019
By the way Dr Wilson is pretty much way out on me.
One of the main takeaways from the article, besides the need for rest and avoidance of stimulatory nutrients, is that in such condition there is usually a significant need for bioavailable copper, even up to 10mg a day. There might also be a secondary need for calcium and magnesium. Note that these are not my recommendations to you, it's just the general approach. I recommend having an actual HTMA practitioner check your chart as I have no real qualifications. Hopefully all turns out well.

Speaking of Wilson, what do you think of his descent into paranoia?
So how can I trust his recommendations? He said he is being guided. By who?
Hard to say. There is very little I have been able to learn of his actual character. Fortunately the evolution of his views doesn't have much to do with the decades of concrete research he, Eck and Eck's successors have carried out. His site just happens to be the most accessible resource on HTMA. Those practitioners who disagree with Wilson's views nevertheless share his views on how HTMA works for the most part.

I was trying the onions and carrots and crucifers and while I seemed more grounded I was having nausea pretty regularly. I recently have been avoiding onions and garlic and when I tried eating a bunch of garlic I got so ill!
Nausea is usually a sign of live congestion. The abundance of minerals in cooked vegetables can trigger various kind of processes that can burden the liver, ranging from breakdown of old tissue to elimination of toxic substances. I used to have nausea too in the beginning. Gradually it disappeared. Considering the prevailing beliefs on our forum, you should probably be happy that garlic made you ill and take it as a sign of detox, hehe.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
there is usually a significant need for bioavailable copper, even up to 10mg a day.
If someone wants to hurt themselves then yeh you need to take 10mg of copper a day. This is why you should never take advice from a duck.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
One of the main takeaways from the article, besides the need for rest and avoidance of stimulatory nutrients, is that in such condition there is usually a significant need for bioavailable copper, even up to 10mg a day. There might also be a secondary need for calcium and magnesium. Note that these are not my recommendations to you, it's just the general approach. I recommend having an actual HTMA practitioner check your chart as I have no real qualifications. Hopefully all turns out well.
I suspect I have too much copper but unavailable. I am also pretty worried as my mother and her brother died from aneurisms. I just decided to give up chocolate for the copper. Wouldn't mind having it back lol


Jan 6, 2019
I suspect I have too much copper but unavailable. I am also pretty worried as my mother and her brother died from aneurisms. I just decided to give up chocolate for the copper. Wouldn't mind having it back lol
Yeah, you are right. You have several indicators of copper toxicity. If your body was able to make use of this copper, you would be feeling much better. Chocolate is unfortunately too stimulating to be helpful in this case.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
@charlie thanks for your advise. I am taking my time over it and weighing things up.
Here is a comment I posted earlier, not sure if you saw it:
Smith is becoming more and more convinced that copper is a toxin. I think he might have already fully committed to it, but he was being careful not to totally say it was for a while. He has shown, and I have seen people in the low vA groups that when people think they are copper deficient, they are actually super copper toxic. One lady, @Hope, her doctors diagnosed her copper deficient, super low blood copper. Well, she knew different and instead treated herself as copper toxic. It took her about 3 years I think, and then the liver finally started letting go of the copper and dumping it, literally electrocuting her in the process. Now, her doctors have diagnosed her as copper toxic. However, she knows that she was always copper toxic and now the body is finally letting go of that copper and she is getting better and better. Copper is just plain awful, I suffered greatly because of it and wish it upon no one. And getting it out is quite the challenge and when its coming out it causes immense discomfort and just messes with the entire body electrical system. I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger the more of it that comes out. So I am in agreement with Smith, copper should be limited as much as possible. From food, jewelry, water as in drinking water, shower/bath water, etc.


Sep 13, 2012
Hard to say. There is very little I have been able to learn of his actual character. Fortunately the evolution of his views doesn't have much to do with the decades of concrete research he, Eck and Eck's successors have carried out. His site just happens to be the most accessible resource on HTMA. Those practitioners who disagree with Wilson's views nevertheless share his views on how HTMA works for the most part.

Nausea is usually a sign of live congestion. The abundance of minerals in cooked vegetables can trigger various kind of processes that can burden the liver, ranging from breakdown of old tissue to elimination of toxic substances. I used to have nausea too in the beginning. Gradually it disappeared. Considering the prevailing beliefs on our forum, you should probably be happy that garlic made you ill and take it as a sign of detox, hehe.
I can agree with the ratios of minerals (though I think we need to discern any kind of copper supplementation no matter the oxidation rate), it's the weird way he comes up with his diet recommendations.

So for instance I actually agree with 99% of what he says on this page: https://www.drlwilson.com/Articles/RULES.NEW.htm actually I think everyone needs to read that, it's very good, my health got loads better since surrendering to God. (and is definitely not helped by internet arguments lol, still learning to stay grounded on social media)

He doesn't speak of the Holy Spirit he uses different terminology and says he uses guides or something. So he seems to be getting information from somewhere other than the Bible some kind of gnosticism or something. We are only to ask the Father, no one else. This is what the Bible clearly teaches. So if he is talking to his 'guides' this is demonic. Which is ironic because he talks about how bad entities can get attached to us. But it seems he is straying from biblical teaching. Anyway I don't know if you are a Christian, but his diet recommendation are suspect if he is being guided by something other than the Holy Spirit. If he calls the Holy Spirit the radiant one I guess that's okay, but he says there are groups cleaning up the earth? Who is that?

He also refers to God as "creator, the One, Father/Mother God or Source.", I would never call the Almighty 'source or mother god'. That's new age. Seems he mixed new age with Christianity. I'm very discerning of that because I came out of new age. Anyway, I need to know who are his 'guides' to know why he recommends so many vegetables because he claims the vegetables have SOULS. What the heck does that mean? How can a plant have a soul? Is that said anywhere in the bible?

In regards to nausea... problem is I wasn't seeing any benefit in my buttcrack rash. Whereas on the vitamin A detox diet I am. It actually got a little worse the night I ate the garlic and onions. So healing has stalled. I'm not going to eat lbs of veggies a day in the hopes 5 yrs from now I might see something. I am not opposed to some veggies in the diet though. Garlic seems toxic and I think he acknowledges that. Also, I ended up cracking my tooth on his blue corn chip thing. Lost another tooth due to that. The vegetable oils in those are not healthy either. And I don't see anything wrong with eating grains and beans, but I do see the need for fresh healthy meat at every meal.


Jan 6, 2019
when people think they are copper deficient, they are actually super copper toxic
Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for both to be true at the same time. Excess unbioavailability and lack of bioavailability are usually two sides of the same coin, caused by failure in copper utilization.

In Mary's case, copper will
1) drive more Ca&Mg into cells, inhibiting excess activity of adrenals and thyroid
2) balance Na/K ratio, normalizing cellular electric potential

both of which are critical for resolving her condition. Any downsides attributable to such strategic and temporary copper supplementation are unequivocally preferable to the potential outcome resulting from not doing so. In HTMA copper is frequently given to those with copper toxicity and these peopl will still begin dumping excess copper after a year or two on the program.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
He doesn't speak of the Holy Spirit he uses different terminology and says he uses guides or something. So he seems to be getting information from somewhere other than the Bible some kind of gnosticism or something.
Mercola is using "guides" too.
God have mercy.
That is exactly what He is doing. :)
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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