Topical Caffeine For Weight Loss


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
This study shows that adding caffeine to an herbal extract used for weight loss resulted in increasing its fat loss efficacy by more than 100%. The herbal extract was used topically as a 2% solution and caffeine was added in the same concentration as adjuvant. After 32 days there was significant decreases in body weight and fat mass. The mechanism of action was through mitochondrial uncoupling, which as we know caffeine is quite capable of doing on its own.

"...We have found natural products exhibiting lipolysis-promoting activity in subcutaneous adipocytes, which are less sensitive to hormones than visceral adipocytes. The activities and a action mechanisms of a novel plant extract of Cirsium oligophyllum (CE) were investigated in isolated adipocytes from rat subcutaneous fat, and its fat-reducing effects by peroral administration and topical application were evaluated in vivo. CE-induced lipolysis was synergistically enhanced by caffeine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, and was reduced by propranolol, a β adrenergic antagonist. The peroral administration of 10% CE solution to Wistar rats for 32 days reduced body weight gain, subcutaneous, and visceral fat weights by 6.6, 26.2, and 3.0%, respectively, as compared to the control group. By the topical application of 2% of this extract to rats for 7 days, weight of subcutaneous fat in the treated skin was reduced by 23.2%. This fat mass reduction was accompanied by the up-regulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP), a principal thermogenic mitochondrial molecule related to energy dissipating, in subcutaneous fat and UCP3 in skin except for the fat layer. These results indicate that CE promotes lipolysis via a mechanism involving the β adrenergic receptor, and affects the body fat mass. This fat reduction may be partially due to UCP up-regulation in the skin including subcutaneous fat. This is the first report showing that repeated lipolysis promotion through CE administration may be beneficial for the systematic suppression of body fat accumulation or the control of fat distribution in obesity."

Unfortunately, the study did not test topical caffeine on its own. However, this figure from the study is quite telling about the effects of caffeine. ... figure/F2/

Based on that figure, I don't think it would be too big of a stretch to say that more than 50% of the effects seen were due to the addition of caffeine, since you can see that the herbal extract on its own was not quite effective. So, extrapolating from the findings, one may get a reductions of 3.3%, 13.1%, and 1.5% in weight, subcutaneous, and visceral fat within 32 days of using a 2% topical caffeine solution.
I personally use a 5% topical caffeine solution and after rubbing some on my belly I can sleep through the night without waking up to eat or pee. The feeling from topical caffeine is quite similar to taking thyroid and for some reason it does not irritate my stomach like oral caffeine sometimes does.


Apr 26, 2014
Nice find. So would spraying solban have a similar effect? If so, how many sprays would it take to reach an equivalent dose to a 2% solution?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
dd99 said:
Nice find. So would spraying solban have a similar effect? If so, how many sprays would it take to reach an equivalent dose to a 2% solution?

SolBan is 1% caffeine by volume but it also has aspirin which amplifies caffeine effects. So, you can try SolBan topically and just spray enough so that it covers the problematic areas. Rubbing it in increases absorption and it also dries out pretty quickly.


Feb 25, 2015
So how do i apply this when i have caffeine powder? can i just mix it water and rubb it on my skin?


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
RPDiciple said:
So how do i apply this when i have caffeine powder? can i just mix it water and rubb it on my skin?

I guess you can. Not sure what the absorption of caffeine is in water solution but it should absorb at least partially.


Jan 3, 2014
Thanks haidut. I could only get so far with coffee and caffeine pills. The adrenalin caught up with me and I had to drop back down. I have tried caffeine topically and did notice some adrenalin there too but it's worth another try I think.
Nov 11, 2014
For fat loss I find caffeine a confusing substance in the Peat world.

It's said to acts like a metabolic accelerator: if you have enough glycogen stores you'll burn through them faster and generate c02, if not you'll trigger the sympathetic response (adrenaline and cortisol) to initiate gluconeogenesis and liberate FFA from tissues.

No matter how I look at it, taking high doses of caffeine to induce fat loss is done through the stress hormones. Take the above study for example, the effect of weight loss was largely achieved through the b-adrenergic receptor, one that is stimulated by adrenaline (and often taken advantage of by bodybuilders using Clenbuterol).

I think the practical picture for fat loss under Peating is to allow the stress hormones to liberate FFA for burning with the backdrop of good thyroid function so that the stress hormones don't go unchecked and derail the organism.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
cantstoppeating said:
For fat loss I find caffeine a confusing substance in the Peat world.

It's said to acts like a metabolic accelerator: if you have enough glycogen stores you'll burn through them faster and generate c02, if not you'll trigger the sympathetic response (adrenaline and cortisol) to initiate gluconeogenesis and liberate FFA from tissues.

No matter how I look at it, taking high doses of caffeine to induce fat loss is done through the stress hormones. Take the above study for example, the effect of weight loss was largely achieved through the b-adrenergic receptor, one that is stimulated by adrenaline (and often taken advantage of by bodybuilders using Clenbuterol).

I think the practical picture for fat loss under Peating is to allow the stress hormones to liberate FFA for burning with the backdrop of good thyroid function so that the stress hormones don't go unchecked and derail the organism.

I concur with this assessment. Peat has told people that ideally fat loss should be very slow and done only through glucuronidation by the liver. However, if people are actually dieting then adrenergic response will happen and the only thing one can do is limit the damage done during fat loss. Some of the things Peat has suggested is consuming more alkaline minerals to limit muscle breakdown and maybe taking some DHEA and/or theanine to control cortisol and adrenalin even better.
Finally, using uncouplers like aspirin should not trigger adrenalin response. So, maybe topical aspirin and/or thyroid would be a safer approach for fat loss.


Feb 21, 2013
I'm on a very low dose of Cortef for my adrenals, only take 5mg in the am and 2.5 mg at noon, but being a small person I have not been this big since I was pregnant. I do have a power plate machine that I use 20 minutes a day and have ordered mitolipin. My question @haidut is should I rub this on my especially fatty areas ie: belly, thighs... or take orally? I am not a big eater and don't have a huge appetite - so when I do eat it is Peat friendly. The weight doesn't seem to want to come off regardless of what I eat or how much I exercise. I am also post menopausal at age 54 if that info is helpful. I also take 30 mg of ndt daily
Any suggestions would be appreciated


Nov 10, 2014
This study shows that adding caffeine to an herbal extract used for weight loss resulted in increasing its fat loss efficacy by more than 100%. The herbal extract was used topically as a 2% solution and caffeine was added in the same concentration as adjuvant. After 32 days there was significant decreases in body weight and fat mass. The mechanism of action was through mitochondrial uncoupling, which as we know caffeine is quite capable of doing on its own.

Body fat mass reduction and up-regulation of uncoupling protein by novel lipolysis-promoting plant extract

"...We have found natural products exhibiting lipolysis-promoting activity in subcutaneous adipocytes, which are less sensitive to hormones than visceral adipocytes. The activities and a action mechanisms of a novel plant extract of Cirsium oligophyllum (CE) were investigated in isolated adipocytes from rat subcutaneous fat, and its fat-reducing effects by peroral administration and topical application were evaluated in vivo. CE-induced lipolysis was synergistically enhanced by caffeine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, and was reduced by propranolol, a β adrenergic antagonist. The peroral administration of 10% CE solution to Wistar rats for 32 days reduced body weight gain, subcutaneous, and visceral fat weights by 6.6, 26.2, and 3.0%, respectively, as compared to the control group. By the topical application of 2% of this extract to rats for 7 days, weight of subcutaneous fat in the treated skin was reduced by 23.2%. This fat mass reduction was accompanied by the up-regulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP), a principal thermogenic mitochondrial molecule related to energy dissipating, in subcutaneous fat and UCP3 in skin except for the fat layer. These results indicate that CE promotes lipolysis via a mechanism involving the β adrenergic receptor, and affects the body fat mass. This fat reduction may be partially due to UCP up-regulation in the skin including subcutaneous fat. This is the first report showing that repeated lipolysis promotion through CE administration may be beneficial for the systematic suppression of body fat accumulation or the control of fat distribution in obesity."

Unfortunately, the study did not test topical caffeine on its own. However, this figure from the study is quite telling about the effects of caffeine. ... figure/F2/

Based on that figure, I don't think it would be too big of a stretch to say that more than 50% of the effects seen were due to the addition of caffeine, since you can see that the herbal extract on its own was not quite effective. So, extrapolating from the findings, one may get a reductions of 3.3%, 13.1%, and 1.5% in weight, subcutaneous, and visceral fat within 32 days of using a 2% topical caffeine solution.
I personally use a 5% topical caffeine solution and after rubbing some on my belly I can sleep through the night without waking up to eat or pee. The feeling from topical caffeine is quite similar to taking thyroid and for some reason it does not irritate my stomach like oral caffeine sometimes does.
How could I make my own cream using liquid caffeine. Could I just add it to coconut oil. If so what would be the ratio.


May 11, 2017
Hello to everybody! I am new to this forum and read it a few weeks already - it is very interesting!
Could I just add it to coconut oil.
Caffeine is water soluble so it is better to add it to some water base. The usual concentration for cosmetic needs is 0,5- 2% of total weight of the preparation.


Sep 20, 2015
I think the practical picture for fat loss under Peating is to allow the stress hormones to liberate FFA for burning with the backdrop of good thyroid function so that the stress hormones don't go unchecked and derail the organism.
My understanding from Haidut's posts is that another important part of the backdrop to fat loss would be to maintain a high saturated/unsaturated fat ratio in the blood as FFAs are being realeased by supplementing some coconut oil.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
My understanding from Haidut's posts is that another important part of the backdrop to fat loss would be to maintain a high saturated/unsaturated fat ratio in the blood as FFAs are being realeased by supplementing some coconut oil.

Nope, I don;t think you would want to liberate FFA unless most of your fat stores are SFA. Perhaps the safest way to lose fat is to actually keep excessive lipolysis at bay with some niacinamide, while ensuring nutrition and hormonal profile so that muscle mass is maintained or even enhances as muscles burn fat at rest. Weight lifting would be a great addition to this regimen but only if thyroid works well as a hypothyroid person can easily give themselves rhabdo if they overtrain.


Sep 20, 2015
Nope, I don;t think you would want to liberate FFA unless most of your fat stores are SFA. Perhaps the safest way to lose fat is to actually keep excessive lipolysis at bay with some niacinamide, while ensuring nutrition and hormonal profile so that muscle mass is maintained or even enhances as muscles burn fat at rest. Weight lifting would be a great addition to this regimen but only if thyroid works well as a hypothyroid person can easily give themselves rhabdo if they overtrain.
Okay, niacinamide it is. I'll have to do some studying to understand the difference between liberating FFA and muscles burning fat. Didn't you write, tho that the ratio of SFA to PUFA in the blood is the important thing? I feel sure I can find it.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Okay, niacinamide it is. I'll have to do some studying to understand the difference between liberating FFA and muscles burning fat. Didn't you write, tho that the ratio of SFA to PUFA in the blood is the important thing? I feel sure I can find it.

Yes, it is important. If the SFA/PUFA ratio is high enough then lipolysis is not that bad even though it would still cause temporary insulin resistance. If PUFA predominates then lipolysis can easily cause diabetes and loss of healthy tissue like muscle mass, so the person would be worse off than they started.


Dec 11, 2013
This study shows that adding caffeine to an herbal extract used for weight loss resulted in increasing its fat loss efficacy by more than 100%. The herbal extract was used topically as a 2% solution and caffeine was added in the same concentration as adjuvant. After 32 days there was significant decreases in body weight and fat mass. The mechanism of action was through mitochondrial uncoupling, which as we know caffeine is quite capable of doing on its own.

Body fat mass reduction and up-regulation of uncoupling protein by novel lipolysis-promoting plant extract

"...We have found natural products exhibiting lipolysis-promoting activity in subcutaneous adipocytes, which are less sensitive to hormones than visceral adipocytes. The activities and a action mechanisms of a novel plant extract of Cirsium oligophyllum (CE) were investigated in isolated adipocytes from rat subcutaneous fat, and its fat-reducing effects by peroral administration and topical application were evaluated in vivo. CE-induced lipolysis was synergistically enhanced by caffeine, a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, and was reduced by propranolol, a β adrenergic antagonist. The peroral administration of 10% CE solution to Wistar rats for 32 days reduced body weight gain, subcutaneous, and visceral fat weights by 6.6, 26.2, and 3.0%, respectively, as compared to the control group. By the topical application of 2% of this extract to rats for 7 days, weight of subcutaneous fat in the treated skin was reduced by 23.2%. This fat mass reduction was accompanied by the up-regulation of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP), a principal thermogenic mitochondrial molecule related to energy dissipating, in subcutaneous fat and UCP3 in skin except for the fat layer. These results indicate that CE promotes lipolysis via a mechanism involving the β adrenergic receptor, and affects the body fat mass. This fat reduction may be partially due to UCP up-regulation in the skin including subcutaneous fat. This is the first report showing that repeated lipolysis promotion through CE administration may be beneficial for the systematic suppression of body fat accumulation or the control of fat distribution in obesity."

Unfortunately, the study did not test topical caffeine on its own. However, this figure from the study is quite telling about the effects of caffeine. ... figure/F2/

Based on that figure, I don't think it would be too big of a stretch to say that more than 50% of the effects seen were due to the addition of caffeine, since you can see that the herbal extract on its own was not quite effective. So, extrapolating from the findings, one may get a reductions of 3.3%, 13.1%, and 1.5% in weight, subcutaneous, and visceral fat within 32 days of using a 2% topical caffeine solution.
I personally use a 5% topical caffeine solution and after rubbing some on my belly I can sleep through the night without waking up to eat or pee. The feeling from topical caffeine is quite similar to taking thyroid and for some reason it does not irritate my stomach like oral caffeine sometimes does.

Strangely, I am getting weight gain from 400mg/d caffeine. I also take 2 grains of thyroid. Any ideas why?. Very confusing..


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Strangely, I am getting weight gain from 400mg/d caffeine. I also take 2 grains of thyroid. Any ideas why?. Very confusing..

The study was on topical caffeine, which has direct effect on the fat deposits where it is applied. Oral caffeine has a very different effect, usually dumping fat from the liver into the blood for the first 1-2 weeks if there is fat accumulation in the liver (which most people over 30 have).


Jan 21, 2019
Sounds like SolBan applied to the face is a good way of improving facial looks by reducing fat deposits in the cheeks for a more chiseled appearance.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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