Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (18 November 1888 – 28 February 1989)


Dec 8, 2022
Puerto Rico
He is said to have revived yoga in India during the first half of the 20th century. By yoga here I mean the athletic type of yoga, i.e. hatha yoga. He was also a renowned scholar. He was the guru (teacher) of both Iyengar and Jois, who are the two people most credited for bringing yoga to the West. The former lived to 95, the latter to 93. Krishnamacharya himself lived to 100.

Here's a link to Krishnamacharya's book 'Yoga Makaranda': https://terebess.hu/english/Yoga-Makaranda.pdf
In it one finds different practices for removing ama (endotoxin), from the mouth, lungs, stomach, intestines, anus, etc.

Most curious to me is the diet he recommends. I attach a picture of the section.
He advocates milk, while discouraging yogurt, for example, similar to RP. This does not appear in the book, but he is said to have eaten copious amounts of both jaggery and ghee, and drank coffee, all of which is very peaty. As a yogi, he exercised extensively, a rather anti-Peat anti-Haidut thing. He likewise advocated breath retention, both after inhalation and exhalation, the latter of which is a CO2 increasing exercise.


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