"This Is The Sacred Secret"


Sep 24, 2016

Makes sense. If one is interested I recommend Schwaller de Lubicz's work, he spent most of his life studying Temple of Man situated in Luxor, which holds many clues.

Also, a while ago they restarted Magical Egypt, a series dedicated to presenting esoteric Egypt. John Anthony West, the leading character in the original series was very much inspired by Schwaller de Lubicz's work, he passed away recently. I recommend watching the original series very much, it's cleverly done and very interesting and insipiring.

In the sequel they take a spin and connect some of the Egyptian threads to other ancient cultures and develop a different narrative.

A very interesting thing is that it seems all major religions and religious artifacts relate to human anatomy and brain anatomy specifically, it's hard to un-see it, there is also a lot of symbolism in major myths and stories of different backgrounds, look up Laird Scranton for the latter. It seems this was a clever way of preserving a lot of information, hidden in plain sight, easy to remember. Oftentimes characters, numbers and motifs are codifying meaning into variables, just as in a programming language, the name of of the variable should be cleverly explaining its function or purpose.

However, getting back to the original post, I am linking a fascinating set of short videos with an artist Brad Klausen who discovered the ever-present hidden layers in a lot of ancient sculptures. Just go to youtube and follow the sequence. I might return to it and post some more photos of their findings, I am out of time at this very moment, but he explains it pretty good.

View: https://youtu.be/_l1fD7w_PSg

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
@FitnessMike hi

,i remember my dreams almost every night since 2020,and the phenomenons that occur in my dreams are reccurents,flying,sex(most of the times penetrate the woman and put my seed inside her),potentially fights,exploration,during november/december,i did eat only milk and honey for a week or 2,i started to experience dreams in wich i was flying,and when i met women,the moment the sexual tension begin,i felt an energy traveling from the back of my head,down my spine up to the height of my heart,it stopped and felt like a defect,i instantly woke up and the area was itching,no sex no ejaculation happened,it happened for a copples of days,and then i randomly seen a video on youtube mentionning egyptian narratives about semen being produce from the spine

almost finished it,the narrative is enjoyable,the narration is enjoyable

i wish you fun
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Jan 18, 2020
it's all very interesting.

I'm watching this right now, this guy is perfect, Santos Bonacci.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRC0htnmVgc&ab_channel=MrAstrotheology

I don't know whether I understood my brother when he talked about this today. Still, supposedly they are all talking about the same stuff, yogi, ancient Egyptians, greeks, and other advanced civilizations, were all very spiritual and enlightened civilizations, but yogi was supposedly first? 6 thousand ago. It's supposedly very well documented, I mean all these spiritual practices that meant to lead to lengthening the lifespan, "enlightenment" and so on.


Sep 24, 2016
I myself once in a while have wet dreams, in the past three weeks it did happen twice, there are times when it's very frequent. However, when a wet dream comes, not always there is an ejaculation present, even if it did happen in the dream itself. Don't really know what to think of it. Could be that on times when I loose my semen, the body is simply not paralyzed enough to retain it, while sexually stimulated through a dream. There were cases when I woke up spilling it a lot, waking up immediately.

On other occassion, from a few years back I do remember a vivid dream of finding a stone that was lost. When I touched it, a sharp and sudden and very strong current ran through my spine. I woke up with a strong rapid heart beat it, was pounding. The shock itself didn't hurt but I was amazed at the magnitude of the experienced shock, it was out of this world.

The series I mentioned is finding hints to this themes all over, especially in the archirectural elements.

@Nomane Euger What's the youtube video that you mention?

@FitnessMike Thanks for sharing, interesting.


Jan 18, 2020


Jul 9, 2020
Hell of a way to tell people nofap will increase their cognition and mental clarity :tearsofjoy:

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Hell of a way to tell people nofap will increase their cognition and mental clarity :tearsofjoy:
Hi,i suggest it was not the only point or the main point of the story teller

from my experience "nofap"effects are unsignificants wit out considering the foods you eat/not eat,and certains life styles factors

i wish you fun


Jul 9, 2020
Hi,i suggest it was not the only point or the main point of the story teller

from my experience "nofap"effects are unsignificants wit out considering the foods you eat/not eat,and certains life styles factors

i wish you fun
I was just referring to the whole ancient and biblical aspects of it, lol. I agree abstaining, up to a certain point, has benefits. I think most of those benefits are marginal, and often overstated by enthusiasts. But it can become a fine tune when someone is trying to optimize their androgens, prolactin, cortisol, and the like. And, obviously avoiding alcohol has many benefits for long term health.

I always thought this was an interesting study (R). T levels would spike after seven days of not ejaculating. Specifically something special about the 7th day, because days 2-5 were minimal at best. There's really no clear answer as to why. My assumption would be something about the circadian rhythm of hormones resetting, but that's just a wild guess. Nevertheless the study intrigued me. However I've seen longer term studies, over the course of several months, that shows nofap will reduce T levels. So nofap's benefits seem to have a U shape curve to them.


Sep 24, 2016
@Nomane Euger

I've never seen something like this, but it was fun listening to him, thank you. One other not very plausible and ethnocentric intepretation that comes to mind is that the bone that semen comes out could be in fact simply "a boner". I'm not serious, but I found it meaningful. Very interesting aspect of hieroglyphs is this packaging of the information, where multiple meanings, associations come into play and it seems there is a whole set of different ways you could read them. Very nonlinear and with multiple layers. Kind of as if there are different levels with same structural outlines. Laird Scranton has found in the myths of Dogon and their glyphs (which look like primitive version of Egyptian, they surely are related linguistically) principles of modern physics but also principles of biology - for example fertilisation of the egg. In the myth numbers and narrative correspond with the sequence of the process of cell division, but one could read it many ways.

One very cool example that I remember from the Egyptian Temple in Luxor is the symbol of a cow - goddess Hathor - goddess of fertility but also nurturing and nutrition. For obvious reasons cow is literally a fountain of both, with its various bodily excretions and secretions. Moreover the goddess is presented in such way that its depiction resembles fallopian tubes with ovaries and utherus, again alluding to the hidden process.,



It surely isn't any coincidence or wishful thinking as someone would suggest and it corroborates with other findings. For instance, very popular Eye of the Horus is depicting a lateral section of the brain and limbic system, another such instance is coming from time of Renaissance, widely known Michelangelo's painting with a cryptic message behind.



One that is initiated into the secret or knows of anatomical structure of the brain clearly sees that God is sitting on a cloud that resembles the brain. The meaning behind would be that the higher cognitive and intellectual capacities are Godly or that simply one should think of God within, temple within and so on. It shows definitely that Michelangelo had some knowledge and intuition of brain function or he was simply a part of an undeground society which understood these matters.

@FitnessMike Now, as Santos Bonacci explains all of the Bible is basically cryptic text that with proper understanding reads like a sacred physiology book. I find that fascinating. I watched the one video you linked and managed to see some other videos of his and he is very intelligent and fun to listen to, seems legit and on the right path, thanks for sharing. One more example he mentions is Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper. One could read it as a cosmological representation where certain cellestial bodies and constellations are portrayed in the human form. He argues that all Biblical stories and characters are basically such anthropomorphised processes in the body that also correlate with structures in the sky (certain bodily processes and whole systems such as hormonal, nervous, skeletal... are governed by separate astrological signs). Jesus is the Sun, apostles are signs of Zodiac. Honestly, to me this kind of thinking and explanation makes much more sense than any literal reading and taking Jesus as a historical figure.


Sep 24, 2016
Just linking another set of visual examples.

th (1).jpeg
rams_snout_ventricles.jpg osiris legs to medulla correlation.png osiris correlation.png

The most interesting is the Venus statue, which is commonly understood as a primitive art of the neolithic cult. There are actually numerous other more or less similar Venus statues that can be all correlated with brain stem and thalamic structures. Look it up in the video where Brad Klausen shows his findings.

venus 3 panel.png


Jan 17, 2023
A lot of ancient cultures encoded mystical symbolism into their works. One layer was exoteric and simple and the other for the initiates only. In the case of the Bible the crucifixion of Christ relates to the death of higher awareness in the temple of man. This is why he had thieves on either side as they represent the hemispheres of the brain which is inside the skull (Golgotha in Latin).

Its my perspective that the current form of mankind is a dumbed down, trial version with basic attributes only compared to man that was and this is all by design. There are various oscillations you can track through history which shows how the minds of people are operating and which resources they have accessible. This is why you saw things like the Renaissance or ancient feats of engineering that puzzle modern folks.

It wasn't aliens. It was us but without the dumbing down as the forms are the same but they knew how to switch gears with their consciousness for rapid acceleration. In contrast we are taught to shift into first and run through life revving the redline without ever realizing the truth. This "feature" will be artificially induced using the coming transhumanism movement when carbon and silicon mix but in reality its all about the level of access you have to your own awareness.


Sep 24, 2016
I listened to some more interviews with Santos Bonacci. He basically claims everything related to well-being of a human can be explained through a prism of astrology as it is the original science and is encoded in all religion systems as well. Because it was presecuted, it was lately living in the shadow. He says that sun, planets and other celestial bodies have an immense impact on our well-being but also on the structure and form of the world. This also resonates with Vernadsky's views, that Peat liked to mention when talking about sun adding order to the planet, or talking of plants storing its energy in the form of sugar.

Bonacci mentions some interesting books, that I will try to read. For instance, one book that relates to physiology from 1930s is about mineral salts and its deficiencies that correlate with zodiac signs. Supposedly during time of gestation we acquire the necessary nutrients if they are available (each mineral salt relates to a sign and a month, distributed over a time span of year), but we may be more prone to lack those salts that come immediately after birth as we are out of the womb. I will look into that and try to evaluate it for myself.

Bonacci also says that ALL of the Bible with all of its parables, stories and descriptions is basically unadulterated astrological science hidden in plain view.


Jan 18, 2020
I listened to some more interviews with Santos Bonacci. He basically claims everything related to well-being of a human can be explained through a prism of astrology as it is the original science and is encoded in all religion systems as well. Because it was presecuted, it was lately living in the shadow. He says that sun, planets and other celestial bodies have an immense impact on our well-being but also on the structure and form of the world. This also resonates with Vernadsky's views, that Peat liked to mention when talking about sun adding order to the planet, or talking of plants storing its energy in the form of sugar.

Bonacci mentions some interesting books, that I will try to read. For instance, one book that relates to physiology from 1930s is about mineral salts and its deficiencies that correlate with zodiac signs. Supposedly during time of gestation we acquire the necessary nutrients if they are available (each mineral salt relates to a sign and a month, distributed over a time span of year), but we may be more prone to lack those salts that come immediately after birth as we are out of the womb. I will look into that and try to evaluate it for myself.

Bonacci also says that ALL of the Bible with all of its parables, stories and descriptions is basically unadulterated astrological science hidden in plain view.
Thanks mate for this summary, feel free to keep posting interesting content about everything that you think can contribute, i will definitely do the same over time as i just only got hooked up on these astronomy/spirituality/chakras/vibration etc matters.

He is definitely an interesting individual, his knowledge of astronomy is impressive, but as knowledgeable as he is, I would expect him to live hundreds of years like some of the purported yogi monks :)

This was another video that was recommended by my brother to understand frequencies better, which I'm going to watch today. This youtube account has much interesting stuff I will watch over the weekend. Its going to be " consciousness weekend" :D

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Br5Qik1-spA&ab_channel=VideoAdvice


Sep 24, 2016
Great, it's really nice you started the thread. Lately I started paying some more attention to astrology in regard to the biodynamic farming, where lunar cycles matter. Peat was also interested in work of Frank Brown and biological clocks/cycles, he mentioned him a couple of times in regard to potatoes and hamsters being affected by the moon. Brown is also mentioned in Gauqelin's book Cosmic Clocks. Peat himself said that science was primarily very concerned with cosmological context and its effects on the object of interest but it all shifted with modernity and astrology became slowly more and more ridiculed. Bonacci blames church, globalists and rich bankster families and his heart is in the right place.

He is definitely an interesting individual, his knowledge of astronomy is impressive, but as knowledgeable as he is, I would expect him to live hundreds of years like some of the purported yogi monks :)
I did listen to two more interviews today, since I had some spare time. He aged quite a bit in those few years and he is vegetarian with inclinations to breatherianism. At least he holds breatherianism in high regards and despises meat eaters as corpse eaters. He mentioned in one lecture he had digestive issues since childhood and this is a part of his natal chart. Very antimaterialisic and antidogmatic but sometimes he comes of authoritative and judgemental, contrarian. None of this devaluates stuff he is lecturing about, but he doesn't seem visually rejuvanated, even though he shows tremendous energy when speaks. Now it could be he doesn't practice what he preaches or that it's more about mental/spiritual aspect of the restoration and it doesn't show on the outside. I also sense he holds position that this life is preparation for the afterlife, so I guess he is cleansing himself and is overly ascetic. Maybe, if the praxis of cultivating Christ within, becoming Christ and semen retention leads to strenghtening of the neuronal system, it inevitably involves a need of nutrients, which in absence come from other tissues? I'm just rambling here.

Anyway, I need much more time to consolidate all this info and look into references, but I'll return when I got something new. I'll listen to Tesla of course, it's always fascinating.


Jan 17, 2023
Astrology is the programming language of reality. If you know how to use it correctly and in its original form (not this western crap) you can quite literally map out somones life, drives, past and future with ease.

This is why its frowned upon my so many religions and ridiculed by the general public but every single large corporation uses it to time product releases. Especially Apple. Actually that entire company is saturated with esoteric practices as evidenced by the almost religious devotion they inspire in their fans along with the deification of Jobs himself.

Not to mention the huge part they'll play in the transhuman future that will be revealed soon. Thats when the human collective will take a second bite from the fruit of temptation and the Siri that you've conversing with will become a subdermal implant in your iris (note the reversal) as the quite literal apple of your eye.

Once you start seeing the true nature of the Game for what it is you can use the same astrological principles to unwrap the secrets of reality as its all quite literally built on the same principles. The macro and microcosm with you in the middle. Back on topic:

Jesus and 12 disciples relates to the journey of the sun through the star signs and the reason why he was associated with 2 fishes and bread as well as being born of a virgin is due to the houses of Pisces and its opposite sign of Virgo. The former is fish, the latter a woman holding wheat. Same reason why he said "As you enter the city, a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him to the house that he enters" as this refers to the coming age of Aquarius.

its a huge topic and it shows just how much of the esoteric is hidden in plain sight for those with the eyes to see.
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