this is me


Aug 7, 2015
Hi!! :D

I'm Logan, 19 years old. I have had ADHD all my life. Insomnia at 13, at 15 I was a chronic insomniac, I remember that I ended up eating mostly popcorn fried on vegetable oil, sometimes I liked it burned (I regret it). At that same age I was expelled from school (the 6 school I was), then I got into a special HS program, only sundays.

At 16 my doctor put me on klonopin and ritalin, it was.. heaven :ss at first.

So after 4 months the ritalin only gave me severe perspiration and palpitations, so I stopped taking it, at that time i was also taking esomeprazole, 80mg day and then some antibiotics, supposedly to kill H Pylori, this gave me TERRIBLE IBS, then one year later the klono didn't put me to sleep so... I decided to taper it.

It's been pure hell, rock bottom, I look like a hobo, a junkie, seborrheic dermatitis in the face, in the scalp, oily + extremely dry skin, tremors, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia (RP diet helped with this) but I still go to uni.

I started with the RP diet one month ago, also started taking cypro and this has been HIGHLY helpful to my guts, carrot a day with vinegar and coconut oil.

I want to fix my gut, I take 2mg of cypro a day, 0.5 aspirin, carrot a day, coconut oil, butter with every carb (white rice and potatoes), sea salt, gelatin, pastured eggs, lots of coffee, massive bars of cacao (without additives and sugar) and beef. Sometimes before going to bed I take one tablespoon of sugar with some salt and this calms the palpitations.

I have plenty of anxiety, also tremors and paranoia so... I'm taking propranolol 10mg.

I'm one month free of klonopin.

RP's been helpful but I can't be around people because of my guts, I've been thinking maybe making some masa harina tortillas and get them with me just to be more than 5 hours outside my house, the gas, and bloating are mostly gone, the thing is I still go to the bath like 3 times per day, mostly after eating so, I'll like to fix this.

Sorry for writing so much but... I needed it, thank you :mrgreen:


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
knives, welcome to the forum. :welcome

Hopefully you checked your knives at the door. :mrgreen: :rolling


Aug 7, 2015
I'm also taking baking soda with lime after every meal, this helps a lot, I mostly eat white rice, and not so many sugar or fruit.

Charlie said:
knives, welcome to the forum. :welcome

Hopefully you checked your knives at the door. :mrgreen: :rolling

:ss Yeah!! :lol: :lol:


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
You're pretty sharp to find this forum, and you're story really cuts into my soul. Puns aside, I hope you find what you're looking for.

I've found keeping calories as high as humanly possible helps with anxiety, and you'll get more attention from guys and women as your testosterone levels go up and reactivity goes down, or at least this has been the case with me. How's your libido, motivation, and energy levels? Mainly, are they constant or volatile?


Aug 7, 2015
DaveFoster said:
You're pretty sharp to find this forum, and you're story really cuts into my soul. Puns aside, I hope you find what you're looking for.

I've found keeping calories as high as humanly possible helps with anxiety, and you'll get more attention from guys and women as your testosterone levels go up and reactivity goes down, or at least this has been the case with me. How's your libido, motivation, and energy levels? Mainly, are they constant or volatile?

Hi dave.
Since I started to add more coffee, sea salt and some sugar I got more stamina, my libido is OK, I remember that for 2 or 3 years I didn't have "urges", I was asexual back then.

Motivation is the same as always, non existent, but now I don't go full woe is me because I stopped klono.

My main concern is my gut, it keeps me isolated from other people...


Mar 29, 2014
:welcome knives

I'm sorry you got those medicines thrown at you at a young age.

I understand your guts are causing you distress, but not quite sure I get why they are keeping you isolated - are you in too much physical pain to socialise, or in constant need of the loo, or stinking everyone out?

Which foods are working best for your guts? Are you managing to eat enough (eg in cooey of 3000 - 3500 kcals), or is hunger and malnutrition keeping you stressed too? You can use cronometer to check whether you have any holes in your nutrition (though IBS might be messing with absorption), but don't believe it on calories.
There are others here with sensitive digestions. People seem to really vary in which foods work best for them, so there's probably no way around experimenting for yourself.

I have not had IBS or similar, but I have a lot less gas now that I eat less starch and less fibre than I used to - and a lot more fruit juice and sugar. And I don't get chronic low-level diarrhea since I cut way back on wheat and gluten.


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
I was going to recommend this to Evo as well, the young woman experiencing gut issues among other things, and although it isn't a complete answer it may help you: you should try a garlic cleanse ala Big Peatowski. Two or three cloves of crushed raw garlic three times per day for a week. It worked miracles for me. Once your bacterial colonies are killed off, they can recolonize in their native ratios that are unique to you. I innoculated with a product that contains the 5 common strains present in the infant GI tract, but I know a lot of people here would advise just to let them return on their own, which I would also advocate just to err on the side of caution. I also added in black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil and a tiny bit of colloidal silver from Mesosilver (I know a fella' who cured his chronic decade-long recurring sinusitis by using colloidal silver and a neti pot). I don't know the general consensus of this forum or Ray's opinion on silver as a bactericidal. My digestion hasn't been this good for >2 years.


May 27, 2015
Welcome. There's good folk here.

Propranolol is anti-thyroid, although I believe it has serotonin-reducing properties. One time while starting ray peat I took too much synthroid; propranolol brought my temps back down to the 98 degree range.

Try to avoid gmos, completely if possible. Glyphosate results in severe gi inflammation. How are your temps and pulse?

Im so happy for you that you stopped klonopin. I was on benzos for ten years. It's impossible to describe what having ten years of your life taken from you feels like. Once your body goes back to normal, the feeling of joy in being reconnected with yourself is similarly beyond words. I will never take benzos again. A common phenomenon in benzo withdrawl is "benzo belly". Check it.out. im so glad you're off tbose pills, really. Welcome again.


Mar 29, 2014
mujuro said:
I was going to recommend this to Evo as well, the young woman experiencing gut issues among other things, and although it isn't a complete answer it may help you: you should try a garlic cleanse ala Big Peatowski. Two or three cloves of crushed raw garlic three times per day for a week. It worked miracles for me. Once your bacterial colonies are killed off, they can recolonize in their native ratios that are unique to you. I innoculated with a product that contains the 5 common strains present in the infant GI tract, but I know a lot of people here would advise just to let them return on their own, which I would also advocate just to err on the side of caution. I also added in black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil and a tiny bit of colloidal silver from Mesosilver (I know a fella' who cured his chronic decade-long recurring sinusitis by using colloidal silver and a neti pot). I don't know the general consensus of this forum or Ray's opinion on silver as a bactericidal. My digestion hasn't been this good for >2 years.

I'm glad thas worked for you.
I would think strong garlic would be quite risky with severe IBS. Garlic is very harsh. I think Peats_girl regretted trying it.
Silver is toxic - I think Peat has confirmed this.


Mar 29, 2014
I had propranolol prescribed for a while several years ago. It reduced my heart-rate to the point where I was unable to exercise (I'd get faint if I pushed my heart rate up to 135).


Aug 7, 2015
tara said:
:welcome knives

I'm sorry you got those medicines thrown at you at a young age.

I understand your guts are causing you distress, but not quite sure I get why they are keeping you isolated - are you in too much physical pain to socialise, or in constant need of the loo, or stinking everyone out?

Which foods are working best for your guts? Are you managing to eat enough (eg in cooey of 3000 - 3500 kcals), or is hunger and malnutrition keeping you stressed too? You can use cronometer to check whether you have any holes in your nutrition (though IBS might be messing with absorption), but don't believe it on calories.
There are others here with sensitive digestions. People seem to really vary in which foods work best for them, so there's probably no way around experimenting for yourself.

I have not had IBS or similar, but I have a lot less gas now that I eat less starch and less fibre than I used to - and a lot more fruit juice and sugar. And I don't get chronic low-level diarrhea since I cut way back on wheat and gluten.

Hi Tara!, My guts.. they keep me isolated because I can't eat bread for example or any meal with juice, can't eat food with spices, can't eat candy, and I get gassy, after most meals I need to poop, so I can't really eat outisde, except when I take cyproheptadine, I don't have diarrhea, my stools are normal, but my gut it's like contracting and I get bloated and gassy. baking soda helps me a lot.

I don't know if I'm eating 3000 kcals, I eat till I'm full, mostly white rice with butter, gelatin with meat and coffee... I'm gonna try to eat a lot maybe that will calm my anxiety.

I'm gonna start eating more fruits then! thanks for your response.

goodandevil said:
Welcome. There's good folk here.

Propranolol is anti-thyroid, although I believe it has serotonin-reducing properties. One time while starting ray peat I took too much synthroid; propranolol brought my temps back down to the 98 degree range.

Try to avoid gmos, completely if possible. Glyphosate results in severe gi inflammation. How are your temps and pulse?

Im so happy for you that you stopped klonopin. I was on benzos for ten years. It's impossible to describe what having ten years of your life taken from you feels like. Once your body goes back to normal, the feeling of joy in being reconnected with yourself is similarly beyond words. I will never take benzos again. A common phenomenon in benzo withdrawl is "benzo belly". Check it.out. im so glad you're off tbose pills, really. Welcome again.

Hey goodandevil!, I don't know my exact temp, but now my hands are warm, before they where cold ad a corpse, I assumed it was just part of the withdrawal I'm in.

I use a small dose of propranolol, 10mg, otherwise I'll be with tremors and palpitations at uni... so I need it right now.

Well, thanks!, It was a 3 and half year out with this benzo... like... slipped away like it never existed, I don't remember much of it, 3 months back feels like 1 year to me, maybe is the benzo messing with my memory.

Yeah I'm happy, now I can see the shapes of things... like the true details of a bush, a tree, their leaves, the feathers of my pet... maybe I'm losing it, I don't know anymore these days.

I'm checking that benzo belly, didn't know it was so common, thanks for that! I guess I'm back.

mujuro said:
I was going to recommend this to Evo as well, the young woman experiencing gut issues among other things, and although it isn't a complete answer it may help you: you should try a garlic cleanse ala Big Peatowski. Two or three cloves of crushed raw garlic three times per day for a week. It worked miracles for me. Once your bacterial colonies are killed off, they can recolonize in their native ratios that are unique to you. I innoculated with a product that contains the 5 common strains present in the infant GI tract, but I know a lot of people here would advise just to let them return on their own, which I would also advocate just to err on the side of caution. I also added in black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil and a tiny bit of colloidal silver from Mesosilver (I know a fella' who cured his chronic decade-long recurring sinusitis by using colloidal silver and a neti pot). I don't know the general consensus of this forum or Ray's opinion on silver as a bactericidal. My digestion hasn't been this good for >2 years.

Hi mujuro!
I was gonna try but tara may have it right.

tara said:
I'm glad thas worked for you.
I would think strong garlic would be quite risky with severe IBS. Garlic is very harsh. I think Peats_girl regretted trying it.
Silver is toxic - I think Peat has confirmed this.

I guess it's just a side effect of the benzo, I'm weak right now. Thanks anyway mujuro!

tara said:
I had propranolol prescribed for a while several years ago. It reduced my heart-rate to the point where I was unable to exercise (I'd get faint if I pushed my heart rate up to 135).

But how much were you taking? I'm only with 10mg.

What about emodin? I'm with cyproheptadine but I don't want to hit tolerance with it, so I don't know. For how long can I use it safely? 2 months? less?

I've been thinking of making some tortillas of masa harina with rice and carry them so I can be more time outside? what do you think? any recommendations of food to carry outside? fruits?


Mar 29, 2014
I can't remember my propranolol dose - I think I was up to 4 tablets a day before I quit, but can't remember what was in each tablet - I'll try to check if I still have a bottle at home. But it's how it affects you that matters.

Some people get benefit from 1/2 mg cyproheptadine. At that kind of dose it may be OK for longer periods.
Peat has talked of the benefits of emodin, and sometimes recommends aged cascara sagrada as an available natural source. I think aloe vera may have some too, but not sure. Too much cascara sagrada can cause/worsen diarrhea. I use quite a small amount cooked as tea daily.

I found socialising round food difficult too for quite a while - avoiding wheat and milk.
Good to figure out what you can eat that you can carry with you. If masa harina and rice and fruits digest OK for you, then great. Whatever works. I never go anywhere without food. At various times I have carried: fruit, OJ, AJ, sweet coffee milk (in a cooler bag), fruit juice jellies, dates, crystalised ginger, chocolate, pottles of hmoemade fresh farmers cheese. We have a microwave at work, so I bring a cooked meal that suits me to heat at lunch-time, and sometimes an extra jar of soup if I'll be away from home for longer.

I'm wondering if you are getting enough of some of the key minerals - eg calcium, magnesium, potassium. Cronometer can give you an idea of this. Getting too low in these may contribute to anxiety and other symptoms.
For me, anxiety and sleep trouble is often associated with hunger.

Are you getting regular sunshine? It makes a difference for me.


Forum Supporter
Nov 14, 2014
tara said:
mujuro said:
I was going to recommend this to Evo as well, the young woman experiencing gut issues among other things, and although it isn't a complete answer it may help you: you should try a garlic cleanse ala Big Peatowski. Two or three cloves of crushed raw garlic three times per day for a week. It worked miracles for me. Once your bacterial colonies are killed off, they can recolonize in their native ratios that are unique to you. I innoculated with a product that contains the 5 common strains present in the infant GI tract, but I know a lot of people here would advise just to let them return on their own, which I would also advocate just to err on the side of caution. I also added in black walnut, wormwood, oregano oil and a tiny bit of colloidal silver from Mesosilver (I know a fella' who cured his chronic decade-long recurring sinusitis by using colloidal silver and a neti pot). I don't know the general consensus of this forum or Ray's opinion on silver as a bactericidal. My digestion hasn't been this good for >2 years.

I'm glad thas worked for you.
I would think strong garlic would be quite risky with severe IBS. Garlic is very harsh. I think Peats_girl regretted trying it.
Silver is toxic - I think Peat has confirmed this.

That sucks. Here I was thinking it was a bonafide cure-all for GI distress. In normal folks anyway.

It solved my issues with stool color and odor, which were probably altered during my hypothyroid days, but for the most part I think my IBS was neurogenic, and such issues like cramping and temperamental motility remained until I got my cortisol under control. I believe anxiety/depression/chronic mental stress are almost universal in IBS sufferers, are they not?


Aug 7, 2015
tara said:
I can't remember my propranolol dose - I think I was up to 4 tablets a day before I quit, but can't remember what was in each tablet - I'll try to check if I still have a bottle at home. But it's how it affects you that matters.

Some people get benefit from 1/2 mg cyproheptadine. At that kind of dose it may be OK for longer periods.
Peat has talked of the benefits of emodin, and sometimes recommends aged cascara sagrada as an available natural source. I think aloe vera may have some too, but not sure. Too much cascara sagrada can cause/worsen diarrhea. I use quite a small amount cooked as tea daily.

I found socialising round food difficult too for quite a while - avoiding wheat and milk.
Good to figure out what you can eat that you can carry with you. If masa harina and rice and fruits digest OK for you, then great. Whatever works. I never go anywhere without food. At various times I have carried: fruit, OJ, AJ, sweet coffee milk (in a cooler bag), fruit juice jellies, dates, crystalised ginger, chocolate, pottles of hmoemade fresh farmers cheese. We have a microwave at work, so I bring a cooked meal that suits me to heat at lunch-time, and sometimes an extra jar of soup if I'll be away from home for longer.

I'm wondering if you are getting enough of some of the key minerals - eg calcium, magnesium, potassium. Cronometer can give you an idea of this. Getting too low in these may contribute to anxiety and other symptoms.
For me, anxiety and sleep trouble is often associated with hunger.

Are you getting regular sunshine? It makes a difference for me.

Yeah sometimes I forgot to eat, thanks for those foods, now I'll carry some of those. I take a quart of a pill of propranolol so..

I don't know with calcium, I'll check cronomoter, thanks!

mujuro said:
That sucks. Here I was thinking it was a bonafide cure-all for GI distress. In normal folks anyway.

It solved my issues with stool color and odor, which were probably altered during my hypothyroid days, but for the most part I think my IBS was neurogenic, and such issues like cramping and temperamental motility remained until I got my cortisol under control. I believe anxiety/depression/chronic mental stress are almost universal in IBS sufferers, are they not?

Yeah, but Ive got "benzo belly" ex: ... withdrawal

I didn't know it was that normal to have when you stop taking them. It's a mix of the benzo affecting the muscles of the intestine and anxiety, a vicious circle. I'll try to eat more calories to calm me down.


Mar 29, 2014
If the gas is a major problem for you, and there are sweet foods you can eat more of instead, you could experiment with eating less rice and masa harina. You might be over-feeding your gas-producing microbes. But only try this if you can replace the calories - don't just eat less. And if it doesn't seem to help fairly quickly, don't persist for long.


Jun 20, 2015
knives said:
I have had ADHD all my life. Insomnia at 13, at 15 I was a chronic insomniac, ...
knives said:
It's been pure hell, rock bottom, I look like a hobo, a junkie, seborrheic dermatitis in the face, in the scalp, oily + extremely dry skin, tremors, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia (RP diet helped with this) but I still go to uni.
Knives, all of your symptoms could be caused by hyperthyroidism (too much iodine?). Has this been checked?


Aug 7, 2015
Giraffe said:
knives said:
I have had ADHD all my life. Insomnia at 13, at 15 I was a chronic insomniac, ...
knives said:
It's been pure hell, rock bottom, I look like a hobo, a junkie, seborrheic dermatitis in the face, in the scalp, oily + extremely dry skin, tremors, paranoia, anxiety, insomnia (RP diet helped with this) but I still go to uni.
Knives, all of your symptoms could be caused by hyperthyroidism (too much iodine?). Has this been checked?

Never, my doctors will think I'm crazy anyway.

I don't think it's hyperthyroidism, I've changed the salt, the tremors and everything else were caused by klonopin.

I'm getting better with gelatin, chelated zinc, charcoal with simeticone and carrot a day.


Aug 7, 2015
My guts don't tolerate fructose and sugar.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
knives said: My guts don't tolerate fructose and sugar.
This was the same for me at first, but it's gotten better. Over time, your immune system will balance your gut bacteria, so long as you support it effectively. If you can tolerate it coconut oil acts a metabolic booster as well as anti-bacterial compound.

As for focus, caffeine is a great tool, as well as l-theanine, which pairs nicely. Personally, I use ashwagandha when I'm feeling a bit under the weather, as it's a fantastic adaptogen. I'd recommend doing some investigation into the various adaptogens, and picking the varieties and strains that tend toward lowering estrogen, serotonin, and cortisol, all while raising "Peat-friendly" hormones, such as DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, testosterone, and dopamine. Ashwagandha fits in this regard, as well as Siberian ginseng (as opposed to Korean ginseng, which raises estrogen.)

I'm currently looking into rhodiola rosea, but definitely try the caffeine and l-theanine combo for cognitive function and executive mental capacity. As a rule, only take supplements that have a great deal of scientific backing as to their safety. I wish you the best, and I highly recommend tracking your diet to make sure you have all of the requirements for the RDA met using CRON-O-meter, except for iron, depending on your individual composition.

Lastly, I will mention the value of sleep. Unfortunately, sleep deprivation tends to impair metabolism, although it does raise hunger, and those who find themselves on the spectrum of hypothyroidism tend to have high levels of anxiety and poor sleep quality, so it's a vicious cycle. For optimal sleep, try magnesium glycinate, (although it tastes horrible), l-theanine, and especially phenibut, which acts as a GABA-B agonist. Use phenibut sparingly (max 3x per week, or not at all if you do not have major problems with insomnia), as the withdrawls are quite horrible; however, it will give you restful and rejuvenated sleep. As a last resort, an acetylcholine antagonist like diphenhydramine, but these are best left alone, due to long-term impairment on cognition with continuous use.

I wish you the best, I hope I didn't just reiterate knowledge you already know, and a carrot a day is your friend.
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Mar 29, 2014
IIRC there are some stories here about a couple of people who really regretted phenibut - severe and long-lasting withdrawal issues.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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