Theory: Kwashiorkor Caused By Lack Of Fructose


Sep 19, 2016
Just by looking at kwashiorkor victims, they appear to have low sodium intake and thusly low intake of other minerals... and vitaimins.
Research on getting low amounts of proteins seem to show positives so long as people do not go to zero.
Some theorize that this is just depletion of "bad" aminos such as methionine, and cyestine.

Most data on these people are on those who just eat grains. Thats it. They also appear to have intense bacterial issues and inflammation.

These people are deficient in everything, and people seem to wag their fingers that they are only protein deficient when its a systematic problem where only caloric intake is satisfied.

My hypothesis is that people can go as low as they want in protein and still remain healthy due to the bodys ability to recycle protein, and carbohydrates (particularly sugar) spairing protein loss, and the subsequent fats produced by sugars (saturated and mono omega 9 series) also supporting an increase in testosterone and also increase immune system strength as seen via mead acid seperate from testosterone and its metabolites benefits to the immune system: this all leads to anabolism.

Im curious what the body does in an anabolic state without protein... increase glycogen stored in the muscle? I understand that fast twitch muscle is produced more rapidly and adequately in gorillas, and supposedly runs on sugar or something.. need to look into later.

Regardless: The hypothesis is this. The only reason why high carb vegans look like ***t is cause they dont eat enough calories/get in the wrong fats/ have intestinal issues and bacterial overgrowth/ lack adequate minerals and or vitamins.

Vegans that subsist on fruit thrive like crazy compared to other vegan types, but also look like ***t kinda.
How can this be fixed? Sugar and aspirin aka: refined fruit. Or even better: Sugared juice and aspirin.

Eat like durian rider but powerlift and focus on strength instead. Avoid pufa, and high fat. Any protein consumed is extra credit, but focus on the essay itself!

Personally after eating this way, the only limiting factor to weightlifting progression has been my inability to notice the trend of not eating enough calories or using too much thyroid/metabolism stimulating products such as coffee/caffiene/aspirin/methyleneblue/peat approved supplements. That, and eating too much coconut oil. Its good as THE oil to use with food, but slows down bloodflow with too much, and speed up metabolism a little too much personally.

Other than this, when all the checks have been made off the list, positive growth is inevitable along with supression of negative growth factors.

Not putting down peat of course. I still dont know anything in comparison to most; just adding in a possible insight that I havent seen talked about much online.


Sep 19, 2016
^Noticed this trend in people who drink non estrogenic alcohol and eat saturated fats as well which is very similar. Russians, Polish, Icelandic.

cows fed grass and a little silage are another thing my grandpa talked about that kind of fit this belt of specific calore consumption just a little.
Fat used to be browned when you bought it. Milk used to be considered anabolic before hormones were even added to the cows themselves. It grew hair on your chest, and filled the stomach much faster.

Id like to think that the reason why gorillas have so much muscle is the ability to store the correct fats in such high amounts that they begin to brown into brown fat, which speeds up metabolism, and thus anabolism if enough calories are supplied. This happens until a homeostasis of some sort is reached leading to a ratio body comp of low moderate fat/ moderate protein-Sugar storage.

Ever seen an obese anything that didnt eat non peaty foods? I would love to.

The body prefers to be muscular under the correct conditions with high calories, and no limiting factors such as negative gut bacteria, and external factors such as impending dangers of being killed while sleeping.
Why does the body prefer protein as a storage organ? because protein can be converted to sugars for the brain, and fat cannot. Some can argue that fat is just insulation.

Monkeys dont lift, but they are strong naturally.

Humans are naturally supposed to be like chimps but because of our low gut microbe diversity, we can think. An ability impaired in people who are inflammed or faced with disease.

I argue we evolved specifically from eating excess bioavailable calories from cooked peaty food without bacteria on it.

Anyways. Thats enough prophetic-like monologuing.

Basically eat "clean" calories in excess, and you will build muscle without training over time through body adaptations. It aint gonna make you look like a bodybuilder, but youll sure as hell will have the right body proportions.

I wanna see a monkey with no microbe put on this diet.
Planet of the Apes is my fave.
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Mar 29, 2014
I'd be very surprised if you can 100% recycle nitrogen into usable protein in the long run without peeing out at least a little of it every day. But you would get at least a little protein and some keto acids by eating lots of fruit. Hard to know how low you could go. If you are wanting to build lean tissue, I'm fairly confident that the body does not have the alchemical ability to manufacture nitrogen, and you have to import some protein or amino acids.

Why does the body prefer protein as a storage organ? because protein can be converted to sugars for the brain, and fat cannot. Some can argue that fat is just insulation.
Lean tissue is energy-expensive to maintain compared with fat, so it makes survival sense that famine triggers loss of lean tissue and a corresponding tendency to gain fat when there is once again a surplus (over the lowered metabolic demand). If one has never encountered such stresses, always grown up with plentiful and suitable food and not too much excessively stressful exercise, and has optimal hormone balance, then maybe your hypotheseis could play out?
Someone pointed (a few months ago) to some work showing that we can convert at least some fat to sugar. Possibly enough for basic brain function under some conditions?
Nov 21, 2015
Peat is for higher protein I think due to it helping the liver more efficiently deal with endotoxins.


Oct 3, 2015
I don't think kwashiorkor frames it right. Are there documented cases of kwashiorkor happening in North America in the last 20 years (if not decades more). Sarcopenia, maybe, but kwashiorkor... ?


Jan 6, 2015
Eat like durian rider
that diet has at least 20g of protein a day i think, so you dont know if experiment with zero protein what can happen.probably it cause downregulation of anabolic hormones(t3 and anderogens) as there is no building material there, and upregulate cortisol synthesis.

anyway i think maybe in short term a very low protein and fat diet be beneficial , from what shown in dr kempner's rice diet.that diet seems very promising.


Jan 6, 2015
I understand that fast twitch muscle is produced more rapidly and adequately in gorillas, and supposedly runs on sugar or something
those animals mostly run on short chain fatty acid as their food are mostly fiber/cellulose of plants.but maybe they are good at gluconeogenesis , like ruminants are.


Sep 19, 2016
Its definitely not the most reasonable of diets nowadays, but for each of peats points, there is also a mirroring of points as well which he states too. As protein is used for its nitrogen supposedly, plants have improved nitrogen retention in the body due to their less acidic structures. Milk, and organ meats have their place and are very beneficial, but not needed, and vice versa for a vegan diet.

up to 10% protein diets are more than efficient if eating animal protein, but for plant protein, less is more likely needed.

those animals mostly run on short chain fatty acid as their food are mostly fiber/cellulose of plants.but maybe they are good at gluconeogenesis , like ruminants are.

Exactly. Fats made by the body through sugars and eventually as the gut heals and adapts, fiber, create an anabolic environment.

Protein and fiber both have very similar actions: Am definitely going to research more and bring back some papers in good time.

This is just the other side of the coin: You can increase your ability to breakdown and build protein (Readily Available Whole Animal Proteins), or you can increase your ability to retain mass, and slowly grow (Plants/Nitrogen Retention).

Both work, just different actions. In Theory.


Jan 6, 2015
Exactly. Fats made by the body through sugars and eventually as the gut heals and adapts, fiber, create an anabolic environment.
i mean they get short chain fatty acid by fermenting cellulose in their gut. not by converting sugar to fat.gorillas diet is low sugar diet.


Sep 19, 2016
I'd be very surprised if you can 100% recycle nitrogen into usable protein in the long run without peeing out at least a little of it every day.

Lean tissue is energy-expensive to maintain compared with fat, so it makes survival sense that famine triggers loss of lean tissue and a corresponding tendency to gain fat when there is once again a surplus (over the lowered metabolic demand). If one has never encountered such stresses, always grown up with plentiful and suitable food and not too much excessively stressful exercise, and has optimal hormone balance, then maybe your hypotheseis could play out?
Someone pointed (a few months ago) to some work showing that we can convert at least some fat to sugar. Possibly enough for basic brain function under some conditions?

I agree. To live in this state isnt ideal, but if done correctly in theory, one could adapt, and then thrive very easily.
Im unaware of the fat into sugar function. Definitely have to look into that, but id assume its basically the same function as a peaty fat. It sounds like Saturated/Mono are anabolic, but if not in a homeostatic state, and someone is now low in calories, the fat is turned into scfas or ketones readily vs traditional lypolysis. Whether this turns out more ATP. Idk.

But what I do know is the positive effects on the immune systems that fats formed by sugars and fiber that can be obtained, which has been shown to be anti-inflammatory and readily used.

Peat pruports coconut oil, very similar to the fats produced via fiber in the gut which is antiinflammatory and stops serotonin in its tracks, as well as olive oil, which can be converted to mead acid in the body.

All I know is that since personally following a protocol like this, my antisocial tendencies have reduced, and I feel much more free socially. If proteins 0, prepare to feel like ***t, but if you stick that landing even at 3%, the feelings generally pretty good.
Extremeties are warm and sometimes get up near 100 without aspirin, but if not enough calories are taken in, they can just as readily read in at the lower 96 range.

Sugar is the only thing that ive been able to pound down even without being hungry, versus protein and fats leaving me lethargic. Easily 600-800 cals from juice 4 or more times a day with salads and fruit, as well as cooked starches with a fructose source has been sustainable so far. Gained a little weight, hoping to weigh in at 165 in a week.

Feels like any other fad diet ive been on, but feels pretty damn great. Like a low dose of lsd without memory impairment or anxiety.

Im only pruporting this and looking into this because todays animals are not treated and fed the same way they used to be.
Animal fat now, IS pufa. Animal fat IS now bad for you.

You are what your food eats.
If you can grow an animal thats been fed and treated just as well as yourself and can then kill that animal and eat it. All the more power to you.

I think this is a misunderstanding fed to the public that if corrected, could change the world completely. Whether its realistic, time will tell. Ill figure it out till then.


Aug 6, 2015
Fruitarians do look healthier than other vegans (bread, rice, potatoes, grains)

Fructose is better than starch


Sep 19, 2016
Everyone hop on the juice with me.
I prefer orange juice.

+ adding a little baking soda to any juice will give it a cream taste if you wanna change it up.
Orange so far is great.

gonna start mixing my own "powdered fruit concentrate"
Bioflavinoids, vitamins, minerals, aspirin crystals, salt, sugar, baking soda optional.

So far on this diet, ive completely cut up, and am gonna go back to workingout again. Track these gains.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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