The World’s Oldest Family Claims Eating Oatmeal Twice Daily Is The Secret



Early days I just had a baby. I still was eating fruit instead of only juice. I was doing very well health wise, but not getting much sleep obviously from nursing all the time. So my temp ended up pretty low. It kinda shocked me because I was learning how important thyroid was. So I went on thyroid. 1 grain a day. I also eventually started drinking coffee with lots of sugar as the Facebook groups were suggesting to prevent blood sugar crashes. I eventually started consuming more and more OJ instead of fruit and learned how bad whole grains and beans were so I stopped any of those. I think oatmeal was more of a staple in our family until then but not everyday. I came from Weston a price style diet. I did epsom salt baths pretty regularly. I took thiamine every once in a while. I ate liver every once in a while. I was still consuming raw milk when I first started but stopped after a yr or so. Switching to grocery store whole milk was awful. I developed a very white furry tongue on a diet of milk and OJ with some other stuff that varied day to day such as pulled pork or burgers. I wasn't always strict about my diet (I'm sure only the most obsessive people are). Being a very stressed Mom I ate some convenience foods. But I tried to limit fried foods and vegetables oils of course. I lost a lot of weight breastfeeding and using coffee and eating a lot of chocolate. I thought I was dying. Then even eating a carrot upset my stomach. I couldn't eat a bean burrito from Chipotle at all without panic attacks. I had one of the worst panic attacks after eating some refried beans for two days. Seriously thought I was going to end up in a mental hospital or have my kids taken away because my health was so bad. We also had a moldy house for 4 yrs. But I started healing while in mold by quitting coffee, OJ, chocolate, and milk and did cheese or ice cream and bananas instead.

Anyway it's really hard to sum up over a decade of eating. But I definitely avoided fiber on the Ray Peat lifestyle to avoid endotoxin.

I am now eating black beans everyday no anxiety or depression even premenstrually. I don't drink any juice. I eat one to two bananas a day. Seasonal fruit in the summer. The rest is white rice, pasta and meat. It's healing my stomach and intestine to finally tolerate fiber again.
Congratulations on overcoming such difficult times. I am glad you are doing well now. I asked the question to understand which part of “Peating” caused your health issues. You have such strong feelings of animosity towards Dr. Peat. But judging by your post you were pretty much improvising. You committed the cardinal sin in Peating (I did this too btw) using coffee like a drug and ramping up your metabolism. Peat was clear that coffee should never be used this way. For you, as a nursing mother, this was dangerous. High adrenalin can cause panic attacks – morning coffee when sleep deprived and underfed was a recipe for a crash.

Mold toxicity is no small thing either. It’s good you manage to get off the coffee and other irritating foods. You were undernourished and toxic at the same time. May I suggest that getting off liquids was probably one of the reasons for your success rather than avoiding a certain nutrient? Some people don’t do well on liquid diets but others do.


Sep 13, 2012
Congratulations on overcoming such difficult times. I am glad you are doing well now. I asked the question to understand which part of “Peating” caused your health issues. You have such strong feelings of animosity towards Dr. Peat. But judging by your post you were pretty much improvising. You committed the cardinal sin in Peating (I did this too btw) using coffee like a drug and ramping up your metabolism. Peat was clear that coffee should never be used this way. For you, as a nursing mother, this was dangerous. High adrenalin can cause panic attacks – morning coffee when sleep deprived and underfed was a recipe for a crash.

Mold toxicity is no small thing either. It’s good you manage to get off the coffee and other irritating foods. You were undernourished and toxic at the same time. May I suggest that getting off liquids was probably one of the reasons for your success rather than avoiding a certain nutrient? Some people don’t do well on liquid diets but others do.
I was also following a Ray Peat 'practitioner's' advice. He told me to do a lot of sugar to balance the protein. I forgot during that time I was trialling Greek yogurt instead of milk. I dumped so much sugar in it. Recipe for diaster but he kept telling me I needed more sugar to calm the adrenaline and blood sugar crashes. I drank soda with caffeine my whole life up until that point without any anxiety. It was serious burnout.

Yes solid food was definitely good for me. I didn't feel like I fit in the community anymore though. Shunned for eating pasta lol. I'm getting over my resentment.

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
This, on oat fiber and endotoxemia, along with taurine: Inhibitory effects of taurine and oat fiber on intestinal endotoxin release in rats - PubMed

Soluble fiber absorbs water and becomes a viscous gel as it moves through the GI tract and is fermented by bacteria. Insoluble fiber does not absorb water, acts as a bulking agent, and is not fermented by bacteria. Oats have the largest proportion of soluble fiber—in the form of beta-glucan—of any grain. The water-soluble properties of beta-glucan help control blood sugar by slowing down digestion, which can help people with diabetes achieve better glycemic control.


Feb 20, 2021
>The concept of the solubility of fiber was introduced in the 1970s as a method to explain physiological effects, an idea that is no longer accepted. Dividing total dietary fiber (TDF) into insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and soluble dietary fiber (SDF) is an analytical distinction, and recent work finds that IDF intake is linked to a wide range of health benefits beyond increased stool weight.


Jun 12, 2023
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
What a cool story Kimster! He sounds adorable, I would have stayed to watch and maybe got a plateful myself. Did he seem like a healthy man in general? Was the final oatmeal pretty thick? How much in a sitting?
I haven't heard of collagen sprinkled on top of oats before, I wonder why he came up with that idea.
Yes, healthy guy, always upbeat & positive, spring in his step! An Elf in disguise! The portion was large, perhaps for 2 people as per what's written on a bag.
The consistency was not thick, not runny. When dumped on plate it ran to the edges, yet was not watery. I think he added the collagen/gelatin of his own volition as he did read about health & health issues. I'm sure he thought it would be beneficial. He drank strong tea not coffee. Then again oatmeal & strong tea would be cultural for him. Like I mentioned somewhere here, he read Pycnogenol would obviously do something healthy for him. He took it and made his hair fall out. I remember him telling me that at some point. Naturally he loved lamb, again cultural. Ironically, bragged that he could butcher a lamb in X amount of time and not get a drop of blood on himself, could even do it in a nice sport coat! He was a character. I lost touch, he moved to the Twin Cities in MN and I heard bought a small local bar with a friend. He never drank, yet he loved people. So, I'm sure his interest was meeting & talking to people. Had a great heart. I traveled around the world making wildlife & natural history films for 20 years and saved all my coins from other countries. I gave them all to him and he took them back to Wales. He went to the school he attended as a child, donated the coins and set a challenge that they be distributed and each child had to research and do a report on the country of the coin they received and he donated money for cash prizes to be awarded. Big Heart! Kind man.........PINK COLON ;)


May 24, 2013
Kind man.........PINK COLON ;)
Bit late of me Kimster, I just saw your reply. I love it, kind man ... PINK COLON! :laughing: I'll remember that. What a big hearted man, and skilled too. That game with the children would be something they would remember years later. Oatmeal and tea are much loved here (England) and Wales too - the oatmeal and tea sections in the supermarket are enormous.


Dec 11, 2013
Standard rural diet in Ireland is porridge in the mornings - oats cooked in milk/water then honey/jam over it and milk added after cooking.

The family would also have drank copious amounts of tea, around 10 cups a day. Black tea with added milk and sugar.
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