The vaccine is probably only as bad (or a little worse) than the supposed virus


Sep 24, 2016
of course, no answer, because you guys do not know anything. all the information is you get is from internet, and from guys who just express their opinions

It seems another info-war troll has entered the RPF.
Or just a Troll.

I went to school for 13 years and university for 6 years. All the information I got were from books and teachers.

There are electronic microscopes where you can actually see viruses. And other histopathological means to do so.


Mar 29, 2016
Peat, as all thinkers in complex materia, is wrong on quite a few things. Everybody is.

But Viruses exist. They existed before Homo Sapiens and will exist when Homo S no longer does.
Are you 100% about this? I am more and more swayed into thinking what is called a virus is what Bechamp, a contemporary of Pasteur, calls a microzyma. Bechamp champions the terrain theory, against the germ theory of Pasteur. These two divergent theories about how pathogens come about in our bodies cannot be reconciled to each other.

If one believes in germ theory, he will favor the idea of viruses and bacteria and fungi as infection from an external source. Infection and the source being external to our body are ideas that are complementary and inseparable from each other. If you believe that you are infected, you have to believe that there is an external source that infects you with virus, bacteria, and fungi.

On the other hand, if one believes in the terrain theory, he will see virus, bacteria, and fungi merely as different forms of the same materials, the expression of which, whether as a virus, or a bacteria, or a fungi - being dependent on the internal condition of the body. So a virus (called a microzyma by BeChamp) can be benign in a body that is very healthy, which is as I understand it has optimality in acid base balance - neither too acidic nor too alkaline. As the body becomes more acidic. microzyma turn into a more pathogenic form in the form a bacteria, and the population of the bacteria increases as the acidity increases, such that with enough numbers the bacteria can be considered to be more pathogenic. The same bacteria can turn even more pathogenic as the acidity increases, forming fungi which is larger. It does even more harm as it can becomes parasitic, and can be harder for the body's immune system to kill.

Now, I'm explaining something along the lines of terrain theory which is complementary and partnered with the idea of pleomorphism, but I'm trying to explain things in the language of germ theory so I don't lose the germ theory believers. so I'm saying things very loosely. I would call BeChamp's microzyma a virus, for example, in the same way that we would refer to a cell membrane even if we believed in Gilbert Ling's active transport theory that dispenses with the idea of membranes and pumps. I also am still trying to learn as much as I can about terrain theory and pleomorphism, and it's not as easy because the idea has been for the most part been in the dustbins of mainstream academia for a century or so. and practical applications are hard to find to bring home the idea more clearly.

Ray Peat has been very open to many fringe ideas that we see to be correct, and because of him some fringe ideas are coming into wide acceptance. An example the idea that sugar metabolism is vital to to our health and development, and that sugar isn't bad. Another is that PUFAs keep us from optimal sugar metabolism. He is also in favor of the ideas of many wholistic ideas of health, and chastises the medical establishment of very reductionist approaches that robs us and life of interactions that are real but disregarded in the very limited confines of a laboratory. An example of this is the way dead tissues are analyzed and conclusions made that take the place of living tissues.

I don't really know Ray's position on BeChamp's terrain theory and pleomorphism, but I would like to know more about it. But I think that if asked, he would not outright deny BeChamp's ideas. And if he should embrace more and more of BeChamp's ideas, he may easily flip the switch and discard Pasteur and his germ theory and along with that the idea of a virus.

After all, hasn't Stefan Lanka made a good case about fraud in the discovery of a virus by Enders in 1954? Didn't the Nobel prize winning scientist fraudulently prove the existence of a virus? It's been 10 years since Stefan Lanka won his case in German court that the existence of a virus has not been proven? Yet the Zionist media and its legalese and the Zionist' control of the world legal system is what's keeping his victory from being resounding, Here is what Northern Tracey has to say about that: Virology is Dead

You can read the original German language so that Lanka's victory is not lost in translation as well.

I had been sick for a month, and I feel blessed in a big way for it. I experienced pleomorphism myself. From having high blood pressure and trying to tame it by attempts to lower the bacterial load, I was suddenly surprised by becoming so sick - fever, terrible cramps which I had never experienced, frequent fits of dry coughs, loss of my acid-base balance as measured in my urine and saliva. I was to learn (by looking back at my daily log) that an innocuous daily intake of manufactured citrates (made from a fungus aspergillus niger) set the whole process into motion by which the bacteria turned into fungi and caused me to be so sick. I was to take a CBC blood test 2 weeks after I got sick (when my fever was gone and I could walk in a blood testing lab without being stopped from entering - in our COVID hoax world) and found that the marker for parasitic infection got sky-high, from normally being below 3%. which is considered optimal, to 14.5%. My suspicion that this was caused by parasites was confirmed after taking anti-parasitic substances and this led to my eosinophil count now being just slightly above optimal range at 3.9%. As this marker improved, I was not surprised that my marker for bacterial load increased back to where before I got sick. I hope you're not going to think this is a coincidence, as I don't, and I hope now to use my recent experience of being sick to expand and to experiment with the pleomorphic dynamic I observed personally. Hopefully, I can both lower further my parasite markers (monocytes and eosinophils) and my bacteria marker (neutrophils) and lower my overall wbc count, which speaks to a high pathogenic load. With this achieved, it would just as likely be that my blood pressure would cease to be high anymore.

I speak about what my chief health gripe is - high blood pressure, but I propose, looking at our health problems from the prism of terrain theory and pleomorphism, along with discarding the failed germ theory and its evil child, the fake existence of virus - for truly lasting health for us and for the world.


Apr 19, 2020
ok, so what is your take on the prevailing alternative theory that there is no relationship with HIV and AIDS? the thing that bothers me in respect of virus theory, they are not living things. All living things want to survive and reproduce. What would be the agenda of virus to invade our cells and reproduce? It kind of make no sense.
I personally do not think there necessarily is that progression of HIV to AIDS. I am sure I cannot answer the virus agenda question.


Oct 15, 2012
It seems another info-war troll has entered the RPF.
Or just a Troll.

I went to school for 13 years and university for 6 years. All the information I got were from books and teachers.

There are electronic microscopes where you can actually see viruses. And other histopathological means to do so.

I don't even know what 'troll' is. but I know what dumb is. i had seen a fare share of them. yes, you can see 'viruses'? you can see what you think are viruses. your perception determines you interpretation, or the other way around.
Last edited:


Jun 7, 2019
What difference does it make if a "virus" is some 'other' particle that has the behaviour and effect as what's known as a "virus"? Isn't that really just a disagreement about the origins of viruses?


Oct 15, 2012
What difference does it make if a "virus" is some 'other' particle that has the behaviour and effect as what's known as a "virus"? Isn't that really just a disagreement about the origins of viruses?
there is a big difference. viruses are apparently invested to invade out cells and reproduce. which makes zero sense. i am so amazed that the concept of 'virus' took hold over human consciousness.

Andromeda Strain is the book by Michael Crichton and a movie. so much bs. i love his books, he was against the idea of global warming and stuff. but his knowlage was limited on virus issue.​

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Aug 31, 2015

Microscopic Analysis of COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’ Reveals a Highly Sophisticated Bioweapon (Bombshell Photos)​

RE: Covid ‘Vaccine’ Contents & Technologies​

• Graphene Oxide is a Covert and Stealthy Delivery System
• Synthetic Parasites Integrated with AI are Self-Replicating
• Spike Proteins May Actually Be Parasite Eggs
• RBC Rouleaux Formation Modulated by 5G and WiFi
• Hydrogels Contain Quantum Dots and Nanites
• Chemtrail Aerosols Contain Graphene (and Parasites?)
• Theragripper Implanted via PCR Test Cotton Swab

SOTN Editor’s Note: Every State of the Nation reader ought to be aware that this Alt Media platform was the first on the Internet to float the great likelihood that the meticulously bioengineered COVID-19 bioweapon was not wrapped around a coronavirus, and certainly not SARS-CoV-2 which has yet to be isolated; rather, that the primary pathogenic micro-organism is a parasite (which is why both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquie are so effective). SOTN has also frequently pointed out that, because the Covid disease process resembles various “Multi-infection Syndrome-causing Autoimmune Disorders” such as AIDS, there are also other disease agents and/or pernicious microbials which have been incorporated into the bioweapon. The most likely pathogen, in addition to a synthetic parasite proposed in the exposé that follows, is a highly pathogenic bacteria that specifically attacks the respiratory system. However, this emerging hypothesis does not exclude the distinct possibility of pathogenic fungal, viral and mycoplasmal components being integrated as well, depending on the targeted population. What follows is an examination of the “synthetic parasite” theory where graphene oxide is utilized as the delivery system.

1st Email​

“Graphene Oxide Is Also a Secret Delivery System”​

About your article:​

Pfizer ‘Vaccine’ Contains 99% Graphene Oxide After Electron Microscope Analysis
You are being redirected...

Not only does graphene affect the blood (clotting & causing RBCs* to rouleaux formation), it is a delivery system; graphene oxide is a carrier… like an envelope carries a letter… when the envelope reaches its destination (meets the condition to be opened) it gets opened. The reason the vaccines had to be stored at low temperatures is…when the graphene senses heat (like inside the body) it starts releasing what it carried.

*RBC = Red Blood Cells​

Attached is a pdf file of the patent & some pictures from my microscope:

PDF: US11107588

From looking at things on my microscope (see photos below)… it appears as if what people think are “spike proteins” are really parasite eggs… graphene can release the eggs, but also grown parasites can release the eggs… attached are a couple of my pictures… I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. I also think these are synthetic parasites (laboratory-made)… so it’s not quite so easy to get rid of them. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug… this is why even in the beginning some people were saying that Ivermectin helped someone get over Covid-19.









Here are some photographs of graphene in the blood. It is the black goo on the edges.



Viruses don’t transfer from person to person (CDC has documented studies where zero test subjects got sick when they tried in many different ways to expose them to a virus), but parasites do.

It appears as if they are injecting people with graphene oxide, parasites, nanotechnology (quantum dot/nanites), and hydrogel (crystalizes when drying).

2nd Email​

“Parasites are integrated with artificial intelligence & self-assembling”​

I think the parasites are integrated with artificial intelligence & self-assembling — they keep coming back. I believe I got the hydrogel & quantum dots via swab for the PCR test… I made some pine needle tea and found sediment in the bottom of the white cup (see photos that follow), so I put it on the microscope too, and it was filled with graphene particles and parasites (simmering tea = heat).



I think it’s sprayed in the chemtrails and was on the pine needles (see the following video). I’m attaching pictures for that too.

Video Player



Initially, I was only looking in my blood on my microscope to see if I could tell why I was so fatigued all the time. When I saw the rouleaux formation of the RBCs, I realized if the RBCs are stacking like that, rather than separated and flowing freely which they need to do in order to carry the oxygen (O2 = energy) that could explain some of the fatigue. Trying to research reasons – I found something that talked about a positive charge causing it. I think 5G, WiFi, cellphone EMFs could be part of the equation*, but just felt there was more… looking more, I found the parasites and what appears to be graphene. Then I thought… hey, maybe something is in my mucus to explain the constant Tinnitus.

*I think the RBCs stacking also has something to do with the charge of the graphene and/or 5G, WiFi, smartphone EMFs, microwave radiation.

So kill all the parasites, but do you have any idea how to get rid of the hydrogel, quantum dot, and graphene in the blood? I’ve also been having pain around my heart and believe it’s due to the graphene.

Graphene Hydroxide​

Because graphene is so thin (one molecule layer & very hard) – not only does it act as a delivery mechanism, but as it flows through the blood, it also acts like a razor blade slicing up some RBCs – then the body recognizes bleeding & responds by clotting (I know this from being a nurse). The doctor who pointed this out (cutting of the RBCs) – they’re saying he was murdered – from what his wife said it sounds like he was hit with a DEW. Have you heard of the athletes dropping while playing? They’re playing hard, so their blood is pumping faster /flowing faster = more RBCs being cut = more clotting. Makes sense.

Do you want the picture of the parasite spewing the spike proteins/parasite eggs? I think it looks like the eggs are trailing alongside as it moved. I’m attaching it. As follows:


In the last picture attached here, it looks like the side that the spike/ eggs are coming out of are destroying the RBCs.


If you saw all of the pictures I have taken from my microscope, you’d be amazed… and probably sickened.

I did not get the Covid-19 vaccine. I had one PCR test in April 2020 and left in tears it hurt so bad. Not long afterward I felt like hard energy hit me upside my head and had frequent headaches and constant ringing in my ears (Tinnitus) — now over 1 1/2 years later, the headaches aren’t as frequent, but radiate from my left sinus… but the Tinnitus has never stopped. I was 57 at the time, and never had Tinnitus before that, and very seldom had headaches, with no history of any allergies. I feel like they may have implanted a “Theragripper” (created by John Hopkins University) Technology - Untethered Actuators for Controlled Release of Drugs

If the Theragripper wasn’t implanted, then it could be on the swabs may also have hydrogel with the quantum dot/nanites in it. The hydrogel crystallization & dots (black circles) I found in my nasal mucus or mucus from the back of my throat. It seems the graphene and parasites and spike proteins/eggs are in my blood.

Graphene Oxide and Reduced Graphene Oxide Exhibit Cardiotoxicity Through the Regulation of Lipid Peroxidation, Oxidative Stress, and Mitochondrial Dysfunction


Graphene - Wikipedia

The preceding two emails and photographs were submitted by a very smart RN in Michigan. Her COVID-19 super sleuthing has certainly broken new ground. Therefore, this vital Covid material and evidence should be disseminated far and wide so that other medical investigators and scientific researchers can further advance these lines of inquiry. The strong hypotheses presented above are simply too compelling to ignore or overlook. And, the consequences of not understanding the true perils associated with both the COVID-19 bioweapon and weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ are simply too great not to respond to with all deliberate speed.

State of the Nation
December 7, 2021



Apr 19, 2020
Are you 100% about this? I am more and more swayed into thinking what is called a virus is what Bechamp, a contemporary of Pasteur, calls a microzyma. Bechamp champions the terrain theory, against the germ theory of Pasteur. These two divergent theories about how pathogens come about in our bodies cannot be reconciled to each other.

If one believes in germ theory, he will favor the idea of viruses and bacteria and fungi as infection from an external source. Infection and the source being external to our body are ideas that are complementary and inseparable from each other. If you believe that you are infected, you have to believe that there is an external source that infects you with virus, bacteria, and fungi.

On the other hand, if one believes in the terrain theory, he will see virus, bacteria, and fungi merely as different forms of the same materials, the expression of which, whether as a virus, or a bacteria, or a fungi - being dependent on the internal condition of the body. So a virus (called a microzyma by BeChamp) can be benign in a body that is very healthy, which is as I understand it has optimality in acid base balance - neither too acidic nor too alkaline. As the body becomes more acidic. microzyma turn into a more pathogenic form in the form a bacteria, and the population of the bacteria increases as the acidity increases, such that with enough numbers the bacteria can be considered to be more pathogenic. The same bacteria can turn even more pathogenic as the acidity increases, forming fungi which is larger. It does even more harm as it can becomes parasitic, and can be harder for the body's immune system to kill.

Now, I'm explaining something along the lines of terrain theory which is complementary and partnered with the idea of pleomorphism, but I'm trying to explain things in the language of germ theory so I don't lose the germ theory believers. so I'm saying things very loosely. I would call BeChamp's microzyma a virus, for example, in the same way that we would refer to a cell membrane even if we believed in Gilbert Ling's active transport theory that dispenses with the idea of membranes and pumps. I also am still trying to learn as much as I can about terrain theory and pleomorphism, and it's not as easy because the idea has been for the most part been in the dustbins of mainstream academia for a century or so. and practical applications are hard to find to bring home the idea more clearly.

Ray Peat has been very open to many fringe ideas that we see to be correct, and because of him some fringe ideas are coming into wide acceptance. An example the idea that sugar metabolism is vital to to our health and development, and that sugar isn't bad. Another is that PUFAs keep us from optimal sugar metabolism. He is also in favor of the ideas of many wholistic ideas of health, and chastises the medical establishment of very reductionist approaches that robs us and life of interactions that are real but disregarded in the very limited confines of a laboratory. An example of this is the way dead tissues are analyzed and conclusions made that take the place of living tissues.

I don't really know Ray's position on BeChamp's terrain theory and pleomorphism, but I would like to know more about it. But I think that if asked, he would not outright deny BeChamp's ideas. And if he should embrace more and more of BeChamp's ideas, he may easily flip the switch and discard Pasteur and his germ theory and along with that the idea of a virus.

After all, hasn't Stefan Lanka made a good case about fraud in the discovery of a virus by Enders in 1954? Didn't the Nobel prize winning scientist fraudulently prove the existence of a virus? It's been 10 years since Stefan Lanka won his case in German court that the existence of a virus has not been proven? Yet the Zionist media and its legalese and the Zionist' control of the world legal system is what's keeping his victory from being resounding, Here is what Northern Tracey has to say about that: Virology is Dead

You can read the original German language so that Lanka's victory is not lost in translation as well.

I had been sick for a month, and I feel blessed in a big way for it. I experienced pleomorphism myself. From having high blood pressure and trying to tame it by attempts to lower the bacterial load, I was suddenly surprised by becoming so sick - fever, terrible cramps which I had never experienced, frequent fits of dry coughs, loss of my acid-base balance as measured in my urine and saliva. I was to learn (by looking back at my daily log) that an innocuous daily intake of manufactured citrates (made from a fungus aspergillus niger) set the whole process into motion by which the bacteria turned into fungi and caused me to be so sick. I was to take a CBC blood test 2 weeks after I got sick (when my fever was gone and I could walk in a blood testing lab without being stopped from entering - in our COVID hoax world) and found that the marker for parasitic infection got sky-high, from normally being below 3%. which is considered optimal, to 14.5%. My suspicion that this was caused by parasites was confirmed after taking anti-parasitic substances and this led to my eosinophil count now being just slightly above optimal range at 3.9%. As this marker improved, I was not surprised that my marker for bacterial load increased back to where before I got sick. I hope you're not going to think this is a coincidence, as I don't, and I hope now to use my recent experience of being sick to expand and to experiment with the pleomorphic dynamic I observed personally. Hopefully, I can both lower further my parasite markers (monocytes and eosinophils) and my bacteria marker (neutrophils) and lower my overall wbc count, which speaks to a high pathogenic load. With this achieved, it would just as likely be that my blood pressure would cease to be high anymore.

I speak about what my chief health gripe is - high blood pressure, but I propose, looking at our health problems from the prism of terrain theory and pleomorphism, along with discarding the failed germ theory and its evil child, the fake existence of virus - for truly lasting health for us and for the world.
This needs its own thread. Oh, I just checked and one was going in November. First a sideways comment: one helpful concept I used to help learn the medical paradigm of Chinese medicine was to leave 'medical science' behind for a bit, like wearing a different hat. During the first year a teacher of mine David declared, "It is a model, use the model, but stop objectifying (the patient)." I learned to do the same thing with Allopathic Medicine. Use modern medicine framework for diagnosis, then treatment, and then drop it. It is not real. Or truth. It is solely a model to use and then discard. Legally I can only diagnose according to the TCM framework anyway.

But I like biochemistry and health therefore I ended up here years ago. Ray Peat fan. Can't help it.

Dr. Sam in NZ and Dr. Andrew Kaufman are the current "terrain theory" MDs I know about. Check 'em out if you haven't. And Ray is or seems a terrain theory dude in my mind, because he has stated if one has a healthy metabolism one will not get too sick. Sure it gets technical with cellular respiration, T3, t4, liver function, low stress (that itself is a mystery for many), etc. but it is a model, a paradigm. A way of explaining relationships between different parts of our physiology. Not reality itself.

As I pause now before I send this, I realise that most of us were psy-oped into believing science as a religion or truth. As if science is a force of nature like gravity. It is not. Science is a belief system, a way of explaining the world so that we feel safe and comfortable.

The Great Narrative is another psyop coming our way courtesy of you know who. Another nudge to make us believe their tall tale for their benefit alone. Buyer beware.


Oct 15, 2012
there is a conspiracy for sure. but anyone who believes in 'virus' is a part of that conspiracy. i am just wondering how unintelligent people can get;


Sep 24, 2016
I don't even know what 'troll' is. but I know what dumb is. i had seen a fare share of them. yes, you can see 'viruses'? you can see what you think are viruses. your perception determines you interpretation, or the other way around.

I could call those structures any wird I’d like. The easy and pragmatic thing is to call them as most do so that information can be efficiently shared and debated.

Crucial is that the definition of what viruses are and do is correct. And it is. Though knowledge about that is in progress and subject to errors and corrections


Mar 29, 2016
What difference does it make if a "virus" is some 'other' particle that has the behaviour and effect as what's known as a "virus"? Isn't that really just a disagreement about the origins of viruses?
A microzyma is like a virus in that it's not considered alive. But a microzyma becomes life with the right condition, not from without, but from within. That being the case, you can't really be infected with it because infected in the strictest sense means you can to get a pathogen from an external source.

Both Tom Cowan and Ray Peat agree that the source of the so-called virus is generated internally as well, by our body having the intelligence to protect itself from new external threats (such as new electromagnetic radiation such as 5G- at least Cowan does re 5G) by producing exosomes and releasing it to our body as well as to our own species, so that our species can use this as a signal to adapt our immune system to this emerging threat. Still, this so-called virus is from within, and not from without - the species. From one human to another -it may be considered an infection though, but it isn't an infection to make us weaker biologically. It is one to make us stronger. The symptoms arising from this adaptation, should be seen properly as lIke we would consider a wound itching as it heals- no big deal really. But decepticons in our malicious system make us believe it is a terrible and deathly disease.

They make us believe in a virus that infects and causes a lot of deaths. And if we believe it to be very deadly, we would be led into taking drastic faux solutions such as vaccines that cause even more harm than the actual exosome would.

So, it makes a lot of difference how you name and how you weave a false narrative around something really benign to manipulate the public into a desired outcome that is against their interest.
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Mar 15, 2014
I am recovering because I never believed in COVID
Just in case you are suggesting that my illness was caused by "belief", my illness started 2 weeks before lockdowns were even announced. I did not believe in covid at the time either when I got sick.

As for the parasites, it's interesting that you mention that, because there were a few moments when I saw a few "rice-like" things in my stool. However, I've seen these things before, years before covid. I attribute it to a dormant parasite I've had for years that "awakened" because my body was in crisis and couldn't fight them off as it normally does.

Also, my eosinophil levels were never elevated.


Mar 15, 2014
Thats a observation that excludes a magnitutde of potential variables. 5G maybe? Other kinds of pollutions we are not aware of? Mask wearing contributing to it? Social and economic stress of never seen before proportions? Social isolation?
Well at least for me, none of those explanations are possible except for 5G, or some novel pollutant.

As for how to deal with the so-called virus/spike protein, the best thing you can do is probably avoid vaccinated people, particularly in the weeks right after they've been vaccinated.


Mar 15, 2014
In my mind it seems that figuring out the vaccines and boosters and the energy used therein might be better spent opposing the tyranny.
I don't share this view. Let's say they decide to let people keep whatever status they want. You're allowed to remain unvaccinated.

What good does that do if 60% of the people around you get vaccinated and continue with yearly boosters? You will be forever exposed to shedded spike protein and all its inflammation. I would rather understand the clearest picture of what is actually going on

Just like the virus hoax of the 50s grows into the autism hoax and the peanut allergy hoax and into the HIV hoax and then into the COVID tyranny.
Yes, any knowledge based on incorrect assumptions must be righted. Else the entire thing forward will also be rotten.


Mar 29, 2016
Just in case you are suggesting that my illness was caused by "belief", my illness started 2 weeks before lockdowns were even announced. I did not believe in covid at the time either when I got sick.
Sorry, I didn't mean it that way. I didn't believe it because I consider it to be more like the flu, and I already conquered flu 20 years ago. Prior to that, I was having flu once or twice a year. So it's like when you finally showed a bully that you own him, you're never going to believe he's gonna scare you ever.

Also, my eosinophil levels were never elevated
What is the reference range you're using? Are you relying on the range printed out beside the marker? That is usually very forgiving. What was your eosinophil count before and during your illness?


Jan 16, 2021
It seems another info-war troll has entered the RPF.
Or just a Troll.

I went to school for 13 years and university for 6 years. All the information I got were from books and teachers.

There are electronic microscopes where you can actually see viruses. And other histopathological means to do so.
Sigh...there are photos from electron microscopes that show goops of gunk, and arrows pointing at round things with smaller round things attached (spike proteins) but all they have a collection of gunk. Was an isolated substance, separated from everything else? No. Was it proved to be the causative agent in an illness? No.

All these details have been discussed in many places in detail.
For one of many examples, here's a pretty and smart lady explaining for us:

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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