The Social Fabric In Western Countries May Be Unraveling


Mar 15, 2014
Holy Moly the antisemitism on this forum is absurd.
To be frank, I find it quite funny. Because the exact forces which cause the Jew-hating are also causing the western decline.

There's lots of stuff one could criticize Jews for--but I can't think of a single one that isn't also done, and in much larger amounts, by European gentiles. Colonization, settler-statism, unjustified sanctions--hell Americans even took up the foreskin-cutting because Kellogg told them to (for the record I think Kellogg still had insightful thoughts about other things)

The western decline is due to income inequality. And Americans have been doubling down on voting for that income inequality since 1960 or so. The same mental faculties that are responsible for the Jew-hating, are also responsible for enabling the Southern Strategy. Which in turn got the country to where it is now.


Based on how things went in prehistory, I don't see this one turning out well long-term for the USA.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
To be frank, I find it quite funny. Because the exact forces which cause the Jew-hating are also causing the western decline.

There's lots of stuff one could criticize Jews for--but I can't think of a single one that isn't also done, and in much larger amounts, by European gentiles. Colonization, settler-statism, unjustified sanctions--hell Americans even took up the foreskin-cutting because Kellogg told them to (for the record I think Kellogg still had insightful thoughts about other things)

The western decline is due to income inequality. And Americans have been doubling down on voting for that income inequality since 1960 or so. The same mental faculties that are responsible for the Jew-hating, are also responsible for enabling the Southern Strategy. Which in turn got the country to where it is now.

The fact that Russia (where I live so don't try the western propaganda bit), India and ******* China are in blue says everything that needs to be said about this map lol


Mar 15, 2014
(where I live so don't try the western propaganda bit)
Just because you live there doesn't preclude you from believing incorrect things.

US income inequality is worse than China India or Russia.

The average person here used to not notice it because there was so much wealth that it literally didn't matter. There is so much land, space, and currency wealth (by virtue of our military enforcing the petrodollar, etc) that we can have the income inequality of Brazil and still be far richer than a Russian (their land is mostly tundra). We could probably be dead last and sink to worse than Zimbabwe levels and still have the median US person be richer than an Indian person.

Of course, the problem is that the empire has been in decline, and now the inequality is growing noticeable.

The other problem is that when the elites are THAT wealthy, they can literally control the entire world. So the problem is the income inequality, full stop. Anything else is delusion, sorry.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Just because you live there doesn't preclude you from believing incorrect things.

US income inequality is worse than China India or Russia.

The average person here used to not notice it because there was so much wealth that it literally didn't matter. There is so much land, space, and currency wealth (by virtue of our military enforcing the petrodollar, etc) that we can have the income inequality of Brazil and still be far richer than a Russian.

Of course, the problem is that the empire has been in decline, and now the inequality is growing noticeable.

It's not incorrect. The difference in quality of life between rural Cherkessy and any part of Moscow or Petersburg is greater than the differnece in quality of life between your more affluent cities and whatever your most wretched backwoodsy hamlet is; the fact that the US has a higher number of billionaires per capita to skew the data changes nothing. GINI is an imperfect metric for what you're trying to measure but as far as your finances go, you're only incorrect about what the US is doing insofar as that you're understating jewish influence in monetary policy AND the proportion of jews skewing the statistics WRT income. Really though "the western decline is due to income equality" -- this is not a serious thinker

"Their land is mostly tundra" Jesus Christ man lol. Two things here

-The vast majority of the population of Russia lives in the grasslands and coastal areas, and the majority of the remainder lives in places that are made somewhat more temparate by other factors e.g. the Ob area. Russian farmland is VERY good and actually both Russia and Ukraine could potentially be dozens of times as agriculturally productive as they are. Land isn't the issue at hand
-The "tundra" (assuming this is just what you're considering everything that's cold) is disproportionately economically productive owing to a profusion of natural resources. The reason that the average russian is poor despite this is twofold: outsized military spending and corruption during the USSR period preventing reasonable economic buildup, and a botched "opening" during the glasnost period that saw most of the country's wealth leaving. Putin reigned a lot of this in but only recently is most of Russia's wealth even going partway to enrich the Russian people.
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Mar 20, 2013
People get so obsessed with hypothetical this and theoretical that, politics, religion, conspiracies. That all gets too complicated.

How often do people think, "When is the last time I reached out to someone who was struggling? When was the last time I made a positive difference in someone's life? When is the last time I looked at the part of the world that's right in front of me and focused on that and making that a better place in some way I have control over?" That is simple stuff.

There is information overload. It's everywhere. It's simple. I've been in mental hospitals for suicide attempts multiple times and I met every kind and race and religion of people you could imagine. And nobody cared what anyone was or what anyone believed in. The other "patients" is what made involuntary commitment tolerable.

When you're brought to your lowest point you'd be amazed how much it can open you up to other people and experiences. Unfortunately in my experience the only open people I've met have been at mental hospitals. Similar to rehabs, there are no barriers. Everyone knows why you're there. So it breaks the ice. It's not like you have to get someone to listen to your life story. They get it already. In their own way.

I'll never forget thinking that this friend I made who had severe schizophrenia wasn't even remotely crazy. He was saying things like "The kings and silvers to the tens and nines, those flags, they raise them in the wheels to the queen, but it's all negligent. They're just negligent."

He made more sense to me than most people. Occasionally he could say something traditionally "coherent" but if you read between the lines you could sense a narrative in his communication. And repeated themes were negligence. And surprise surprise, negligence is the name of the game in modern "medicine."

Don't even get me started on the "mental health system." That's a whole nother story.

These massive suicide and depression rates are no coincidence. If you're depressed and suicidal you're already done because there's no room for these people in the very society that creates them -- we are living in The Matrix. Everything is backwards.

Best you can do is to work on yourself. Making yourself an example to other people. There's also a huge rise in false prophets everywhere. People preaching about "spirituality" and "positivity" and all this other BS. You can feel the phoniness radiating off of some of these people. You know when someone has been through some real ***t and isn't just parroting content they heard somewhere else so they can monetize their channel or rope people into a marketing scheme or whatever it is.

And it poisons the well. With money and clout encouraging everyone to be fakes and phonies. So you're taking something that should be a positive message and use it to deceive people. Meanwhile the real people suffering through real ***t go through it silently without any support and then just end up as a demographic so people can see that the West is socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually poisoned -- and then do nothing about it. **** backwards, everything. If that isn't the matrix then I don't know what is.


Mar 15, 2014
but as far as your finances go, you're only incorrect about what the US is doing insofar as that you're understating jewish influence in monetary policy AND the proportion of jews skewing the statistics WRT income
Okay, so if all the Jews are at the top with all the money and they're running society into the ground, how does that change the income inequality problem? It's still an income inequality problem which does not exist anywhere else in the developed world.
The difference in quality of life between rural Cherkessy and any part of Moscow or Petersburg is greater than the differnece in quality of life between your more affluent cities and whatever your most wretched backwoodsy hamlet is
I can almost guarantee that it is not--maybe it's roughly equal. We have children suffering from lead poisoning in some areas, (not only the Flint case, it was found that many other towns had similar lead issues with the water). We also have people being murdered in their sleep by home invaders called "police", who do unannounced raids on the wrong houses at 3 am in the morning. All of this has been happening for the last decade, only getting attention now because it's more politically expedient.

I'm sure many of these things happen in Russia too (especially the chemical poisoning), but I can't imagine it's significantly worse. Of course quality of life in Russia is much worse, because of the currency disparity, and also because we are only 30 years from the Soviet collapse. Everything else I think is comparable.


Mar 29, 2016
People get so obsessed with hypothetical this and theoretical that, politics, religion, conspiracies. That all gets too complicated.

How often do people think, "When is the last time I reached out to someone who was struggling? When was the last time I made a positive difference in someone's life? When is the last time I looked at the part of the world that's right in front of me and focused on that and making that a better place in some way I have control over?" That is simple stuff.

There is information overload. It's everywhere. It's simple. I've been in mental hospitals for suicide attempts multiple times and I met every kind and race and religion of people you could imagine. And nobody cared what anyone was or what anyone believed in. The other "patients" is what made involuntary commitment tolerable.

When you're brought to your lowest point you'd be amazed how much it can open you up to other people and experiences. Unfortunately in my experience the only open people I've met have been at mental hospitals. Similar to rehabs, there are no barriers. Everyone knows why you're there. So it breaks the ice. It's not like you have to get someone to listen to your life story. They get it already. In their own way.

I'll never forget thinking that this friend I made who had severe schizophrenia wasn't even remotely crazy. He was saying things like "The kings and silvers to the tens and nines, those flags, they raise them in the wheels to the queen, but it's all negligent. They're just negligent."

He made more sense to me than most people. Occasionally he could say something traditionally "coherent" but if you read between the lines you could sense a narrative in his communication. And repeated themes were negligence. And surprise surprise, negligence is the name of the game in modern "medicine."

Don't even get me started on the "mental health system." That's a whole nother story.

These massive suicide and depression rates are no coincidence. If you're depressed and suicidal you're already done because there's no room for these people in the very society that creates them -- we are living in The Matrix. Everything is backwards.

Best you can do is to work on yourself. Making yourself an example to other people. There's also a huge rise in false prophets everywhere. People preaching about "spirituality" and "positivity" and all this other BS. You can feel the phoniness radiating off of some of these people. You know when someone has been through some real ***t and isn't just parroting content they heard somewhere else so they can monetize their channel or rope people into a marketing scheme or whatever it is.

And it poisons the well. With money and clout encouraging everyone to be fakes and phonies. So you're taking something that should be a positive message and use it to deceive people. Meanwhile the real people suffering through real ***t go through it silently without any support and then just end up as a demographic so people can see that the West is socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually poisoned -- and then do nothing about it. **** backwards, everything. If that isn't the matrix then I don't know what is.
Not sure what by not knowing the deeper causes would do to help when you're so focused on band-aids. This is the same problem when dealing with health issues by taking prescription drugs. You just keep feeding the system and making it worse.

Are you not going to be tired of scooping water on a ship that keeps taking in more water from leaks?

You're just doing action to feel good. That's fine but it won't stop the train of more caseload for you to work on.

You want to keep treating war casualties and not stop the war that's producing the casualties?


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Okay, so if all the Jews are at the top with all the money and they're running society into the ground, how does that change the income inequality problem? It's still an income inequality problem which does not exist anywhere else in the developed world.

I can almost guarantee that it is not--maybe it's roughly equal. We have children suffering from lead poisoning in some areas, (not only the Flint case, it was found that many other towns had similar lead issues with the water). We also have people being murdered in their sleep by home invaders called "police", who do unannounced raids on the wrong houses at 3 am in the morning. All of this has been happening for the last decade, only getting attention now because it's more politically expedient.

I'm sure many of these things happen in Russia too (especially the chemical poisoning), but I can't imagine it's significantly worse. Of course quality of life in Russia is much worse, because of the currency disparity, and also because we are only 30 years from the Soviet collapse. Everything else I think is comparable.

Our "flints" are worse than yours, and have a similar history wrt industrial history and the like. We also have the equivelant of one mid-sized oil spill per year owing largely to the hastily constructed infrastructure set up to capitalize on these resrouces in the 70s. Re: police, you haven't the SLIGHTEST idea, even the tiniest little clue of how good you've got it compared to us if you're complaining about a handful of people being killed a year. This sounds callous but we have 100-500 people die in the process of arrest, during interactions with police or in police custody year-on-year.

Russia isn't doing worse than the us because of "currency disparity" or the mystical forces of soviet collapse and decline but the fact that the duma is full of traitors, the fact that everything we try to do to improve our international standing and economy (re: Nordstream) is met with sanctions and military threats from the US, the fact that our economy was GROSSLY mismanagement and still to some extent is, and the fact that the few things we've had to do aggressively to maintain our diplamatic and military stature (Crimea, Ossetia, Abkhazia) have led to massive sanctions, with the latter putting us into a recession. I actually think the sanctions will be good for us long term insofar as it forces us to move more production domestically and figure out what allies we have to engage in trade with.

That having been said, it's clear that the US is on the downslide (God willing) while Russia's strategy of crisis-proofing has been vindicated by this Covid bull****. 4% economic contraction with fewer businesses permanently shut down and a good setup to bounce back will make Russia an attractive investment destination, Nordstream may well become a massive source of revenue, and the western poisoning of Navalny proves the desperation to stop this imho .Russian women are expressing greater desire for children (presumably this late generaiton of 18-25 still plans on deferring childbirth, but still reason for hope as they want more children)
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Mar 29, 2013
Not naming names, but there's people in this thread who've clearly never had a decent NYC or Montreal bagel, and it shows.
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Oct 11, 2015
People get so obsessed with hypothetical this and theoretical that, politics, religion, conspiracies. That all gets too complicated.

How often do people think, "When is the last time I reached out to someone who was struggling? When was the last time I made a positive difference in someone's life? When is the last time I looked at the part of the world that's right in front of me and focused on that and making that a better place in some way I have control over?" That is simple stuff.

There is information overload. It's everywhere. It's simple. I've been in mental hospitals for suicide attempts multiple times and I met every kind and race and religion of people you could imagine. And nobody cared what anyone was or what anyone believed in. The other "patients" is what made involuntary commitment tolerable.

When you're brought to your lowest point you'd be amazed how much it can open you up to other people and experiences. Unfortunately in my experience the only open people I've met have been at mental hospitals. Similar to rehabs, there are no barriers. Everyone knows why you're there. So it breaks the ice. It's not like you have to get someone to listen to your life story. They get it already. In their own way.

I'll never forget thinking that this friend I made who had severe schizophrenia wasn't even remotely crazy. He was saying things like "The kings and silvers to the tens and nines, those flags, they raise them in the wheels to the queen, but it's all negligent. They're just negligent."

He made more sense to me than most people. Occasionally he could say something traditionally "coherent" but if you read between the lines you could sense a narrative in his communication. And repeated themes were negligence. And surprise surprise, negligence is the name of the game in modern "medicine."

Don't even get me started on the "mental health system." That's a whole nother story.

These massive suicide and depression rates are no coincidence. If you're depressed and suicidal you're already done because there's no room for these people in the very society that creates them -- we are living in The Matrix. Everything is backwards.

Best you can do is to work on yourself. Making yourself an example to other people. There's also a huge rise in false prophets everywhere. People preaching about "spirituality" and "positivity" and all this other BS. You can feel the phoniness radiating off of some of these people. You know when someone has been through some real ***t and isn't just parroting content they heard somewhere else so they can monetize their channel or rope people into a marketing scheme or whatever it is.

And it poisons the well. With money and clout encouraging everyone to be fakes and phonies. So you're taking something that should be a positive message and use it to deceive people. Meanwhile the real people suffering through real ***t go through it silently without any support and then just end up as a demographic so people can see that the West is socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually poisoned -- and then do nothing about it. **** backwards, everything. If that isn't the matrix then I don't know what is.
Its not hypothetical
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Mar 29, 2013
lol @michael94 why did you edit the part of your post where said Jews were behind most "evil schemes and problems?" If you're going to be a nazi piece of trash, at least have the courage to stick to your convictions. What's with you white supremacists always being such cowards? Must be all that master race blood, huh?

Man, just went through your post history. Who would have thought that a guy with a whack Eihwaz rune in his profile pic would be a literal holocaust denying, Josef Mengele apologist, nazi? Surely not I.


Oct 11, 2015
lol @michael94 why did you edit the part of your post where said Jews were behind most "evil schemes and problems?" If you're going to be a nazi piece of trash, at least have the courage to stick to your convictions. What's with you white supremacists always being such cowards? Must be all that master race blood, huh?

Man, just went through your post history. Who would have thought that a guy with a whack Eihwaz rune in his profile pic would be a literal holocaust denying, Josef Mengele apologist, nazi? Surely not I.
Here is my justification. The Holocaust story is not legitimate to me, for many concrete reasons. So the idea that there would be a coordinated hoax about a very foundational part of our modern worldview ( post Second World War ) is like wiping the slate clean and simultaneously tarnishing the moral high ground of the liars involved.


Mar 29, 2016
So the idea that there would be a coordinated hoax about a very foundational part of our modern worldview ( post Second World War ) is like wiping the slate clean and simultaneously tarnishing the moral high ground of the liars involved.
The sentence is very ambiguous. I can't make sense of it. Can you rephrase?
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