Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Blue light can help heal and prevent acne by blasting bacteria, while infrared light is used for deep muscle recovery and to combat joint inflammation, while the rest of the rainbow is a boasting a laundry list of effects. And now, LED light therapy is no longer limited to spas and doctor’s offices, anyone can get glowing, younger-looking skin and thicker hair without ever leaving their couch.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“In 2014, Joaquin J Jimenez et al. conducted a large medical experiment to evaluate the efficacy and safety of red light therapy in treating male and female hair loss. After much effort, the researchers screened a total of 146 male and 188 female hair loss patients.

The subjects were divided into an experimental group and a placebo group and were treated three times a week for a total of 26 weeks.

The study found that the treatment group experienced a significant increase in hair density, while the placebo group did not show any significant changes.“

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Trace element deficiencies such as vitamin B12, vitamin D3 and calcium may also be associated with premature hair greying. In an early body of research published in the International Journal of Trichology, researchers found that premature greying often coincided with low levels of vitamin D."”

“Fortunately, hair pigmentation loss caused by nutritional deficiencies could be reversible. There is evidence that thyroid hormone may help reverse greying caused by autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's."”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

I am convinced vitamin D from the sun is a big cure for gray hair. I have been gardening everyday since April and 50% of the gray hair I had in my temples has reversed and 75% of my grays on top is gone, probably because the sun directly hits it. I have also been having a teaspoon and a half daily of MSM, zero nettle this past 6 months, and I have cut out most of my meat and grain consumption and upped my eggs and dairy. I take no other supplements, except an occasional low dose vitamin K. I am posting an indoor and outdoor picture of the top of my hair. You can see som scragglies, but not much at all anymore!


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“I thought for a moment that my hair had stopped growing entirely because my gray hairs hadn't shown up. I have one or two white hairs at my hairline and about 5 or 6 at the crown of my head. I use henna, and usually the roots of these gray hairs begin to poke through within a few weeks. I've not seen any sign of a gray root since I started taking MSM. Then I found several references to this supposed side effect online, although unfortunately no studies have been done on it.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Can you share the brand? That's amazing!
I am still going to add back in the nettle, but I am growing it, and going to eat it fresh instead of the supplements. I took MSM for at least 10 years straight and it did wonders for my hair and skin and then Costco changed their brand to another company, which felt different. I tried other brands and felt the same about them, so I just stopped taking MSM ten or so years ago, until a member of this forum recommended this brand, and I tried it and love it. It also seems to help with histamine issues and gives me a boost of alertness, taking it first thing in the morning or before noon. Don’t take it at night for that same reason. It kept me awake, when I should have been sleeping. Also take it away from food, on an empty stomach.


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Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I did not know the body doesn’t use two thirds of the zinc we ingest….

“A lack of zinc reduces the activity of these melanocytes, resulting in gray hair. In addition, it also has the power to decompose "hydrogen peroxide" used when dyeing hair like gray hair dye. Zinc is also useful for anti-aging because it also reduces enzymes that increase with age.”

“Zinc is also famous as a nutrient that tends to be deficient in food alone.Absorption rate from food is said to be about 30%.

The ability to be absorbed in the body is weak, and it is often excreted outside the body without being absorbed.In order to increase the absorption rate, it is recommended to take it at the same time as foods containing a lot of vitamin C”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Vitamin deficiencies, genetics, medical conditions, stress, smoking, chemical dyes, pollution, and UV rays can cause hair to become gray. Vitamins D, B12, B9, B5, and minerals like iron, calcium, and zinc can help reverse gray hair.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“According to these results, among copper, zinc, and iron, a low serum copper concentration may play a role in premature graying of hairs in our society.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“In white hair, the amount of tryptophan is higher than in hair of any other color. Although serotonin and tryptophan are very important during rapid growth, their presence in senile tissues is probably closely associated with the processes of decline. The hair loss that occurs in hypothyroidism, postpartum syndrome, and with the use of drugs such as St. John's wort (which can also cause the “serotonin syndrome”) could be another effect of excess serotonin.” -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“…we can now confidently say that chronic stress, through its mediators cortisol / estrogen / prolactin / aldosterone / PTH / serotonin, is the main driver of hair loss. Conversely, treatments aimed at blocking one or more of these stress mediators (or simply avoiding stress, for the lucky-enough folks who can afford it) may be viable treatments of hair loss. Interestingly enough, the study found that even normal baseline levels of cortisol have "quieting" effects on hair growth, which suggests an inverse relationship between cortisol and hair growth and may explain why patients with Addison disease (chronic and severe cortisol deficiency) almost always have strikingly dense and bushy hair. Btw, this new study on cortisol is from the same group that recently demonstrated the causative role of chronic stress in greying of hair. I can only hope that this group keeps publishing, as studies like this are sorely lacking...”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Doctors, of course, deny that stress plays a role in grey hair but regardless of the proposed cause doctors are even more adamant in their dogma that this process cannot be reversed. However, there are several published case studies of grey hair restoring its normal color as a result of the person receiving treatment with anti-serotonin and/or pro-dopamine drugs. I suppose medicine is not interested in solutions to a problem it views as largely cosmetic and unrelated to systemic health. Or maybe medicine is concerned that if the true cause of grey hair is discovered and made common knowledge the public will start questions about what other diseases may stress be causing too...
In any event, the study below demonstrates that a simple reduction in stress is often enough to restore hair color back to normal. No need for taking pharmaceutical drugs that block this or that specific mediator of stress. Since reduction of stress is apparently capable of reversing a condition universally thought to be irreversible, there is little reason why the same may not also apply to more physiological "irreversible" conditions such as CVD, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Rosemary oil is renowned for its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, known to stimulate hair follicles and improve blood circulation when applied to the scalp. By facilitating better nutrient delivery to hair follicles, it has the potential to address hair thinning and promote new hair growth.

Application of rosemary oil​

The process of utilizing rosemary oil in your hair care routine is straightforward yet efficacious. Dilution of rosemary oil is essential to avoid any adverse reactions. Combine a few drops of rosemary oil with a carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, or almond oil to make it gentler on the skin.

Gently massage the diluted rosemary oil onto the scalp, ensuring even distribution with your fingertips. This massage not only fosters relaxation but also stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting growth and fortifying the roots.

After application, the oil can be left on the scalp for at least 30 minutes or even overnight for deeper penetration. However, individual preferences may vary, with some choosing to rinse it out after a few hours.

Consistency is key to reaping the benefits. Aim to use rosemary oil on the scalp 2-3 times a week for optimal results. Over time, this routine may contribute to healthier and stronger hair.“



Feb 9, 2013
“However, there are several published case studies of grey hair restoring its normal color as a result of the person receiving treatment with anti-serotonin and/or pro-dopamine drugs.
Have you come across anything on cyproheptadine and grey hair?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
@Opioidus posted this elsewhere…

“Testosterone and estrogen can both be responsible for hairloss, in vitro they both inhibit hair growth to the same degree. Anecdotally, I have a full head of hair at 32, meanwhile my father and grandfather both were fully bald in their early 20s. Mine started to fall by the time I hit puberty as well but by then internet was a thing and somewhere someone said they had managed to halt their hairloss by putting caffeine pills and crushed aspirin into their shampoo. So I bought some asprine, crushed 1 gram of it into a 250 ml bottle of caffeine shampoo and washed my head with it twice a day. Within a week my hairloss stopped, and I've been doing it ever since. Whenever I stop for more than a month my hair thins out and starts falling again.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Other studies have also implicated tryptophan/serotonin, which is still consistent with the stress hypothesis as serotonin is perhaps the master mediator of stress - more pernicious than its better known "cousins" such as the components of the HPA cascade. Doctors, of course, deny that stress plays a role in grey hair but regardless of the proposed cause doctors are even more adamant in their dogma that this process cannot be reversed. However, there are several published case studies of grey hair restoring its normal color as a result of the person receiving treatment with anti-serotonin and/or pro-dopamine drugs. I suppose medicine is not interested in solutions to a problem it views as largely cosmetic and unrelated to systemic health. Or maybe medicine is concerned that if the true cause of grey hair is discovered and made common knowledge the public will start questions about what other diseases may stress be causing too...
In any event, the study below demonstrates that a simple reduction in stress is often enough to restore hair color back to normal. No need for taking pharmaceutical drugs that block this or that specific mediator of stress. Since reduction of stress is apparently capable of reversing a condition universally thought to be irreversible, there is little reason why the same may not also apply to more physiological "irreversible" conditions such as CVD, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, etc.”

“For example, it occurred in one participant when he went on a two-week holiday and in another after she recovered from the stress of her marriage breakdown. It is feasible that stress reductions could trigger a reversal of hair greying, says David Fisher at Harvard University."”…

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