Mar 10, 2021
I have created this thread because I get asked a lot about nettle, and how it restored my natural hair color. I have told of my good results, here and there on this forum, but now I want to talk about other factors that may have played a part in my results.

My first hearing about nettle having this magical ability was in my kitchen, overhearing my cousin talking about it. Someone accused him of dying his graying hair black, which he denied, and said nettle had reversed his gray. He said he read about a Chinese man going from totally gray to having naturally black hair again taking nettle. I looked it up and it was true, so I started taking nettle and it worked!

I have had a few advantages that may have given me a headstart. Number one I have never dyed my hair in all of my 58 years. I imagine reviving dead follicles is a bit tougher. First of all our hair has a short life and then it falls out and regenerates new hair. Those new hairs are the ones that have a better chance of growing in again with color. So don't lose hope young graying people! After I had taken the nettle for awhile, I could pull out a gray hair and see inches of new growth with color. Everyone I showed was amazed! The really thick stiff ones did not respond so I just pulled them out as I saw them disrupting my view in the mirror.

Secondly I am a pretty "happy go lucky" person so stress is not graying me in the least. I have seen a person go gray in a couple of years just going through the stress of a divorce. So turn on that happy music for your hair's sake!

Thirdly I am relatively grain free and not heavy on red meat, both of which Ray Peat says accelerates aging. I eat my copper via beef liver, which is also known to restore natural hair color, and get lots of other anti-aging nutrients eating shellfish. Now with that being said, my cousin who restored his natural hair color has always been overweight, eating an ordinary Western diet and his gray reversed in his middle 30's. Considering that, your mileage my vary.

Below are some of the reasons I have read that causes premature graying. I have attached a couple of pics of my hair at 58 years old. The side pic was from last year and the other was from March of this year. I will work on getting a more recent pic.


*Anti-nutrients from grains, high iron foods like red meat and fortified cereals

* Dying & bleaching hair

* Protein & other nutritional deficiencies

*Thyroid & other disorders.





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Oct 18, 2021
So i do occassionally dye my hair. Ive been eating beef liver for the last couple months. I might miss a day here or there but generally have it every day. I also have been drinking my own bone broth every day that has acv, onions, and garlic in it(coffee mug size). Maybe the red hair is causing it all? Not sure, i have the same meal most every day. 12 raw eggs, orange juice, milk, maple syrup, bananas, chagga mushrooms. (Thats a shake) then i have cottage cheese saurkraut and beef with plenty of salt. I also have my beef liver everyday. I do take iodine drops with kelp also every day.

Maybe i just need to give it more time?


Oct 18, 2021
So i do occassionally dye my hair. Ive been eating beef liver for the last couple months. I might miss a day here or there but generally have it every day. I also have been drinking my own bone broth every day that has acv, onions, and garlic in it(coffee mug size). Maybe the red hair is causing it all? Not sure, i have the same meal most every day. 12 raw eggs, orange juice, milk, maple syrup, bananas, chagga mushrooms. (Thats a shake) then i have cottage cheese saurkraut and beef with plenty of salt. I also have my beef liver everyday. I do take iodine drops with kelp also every day.

Maybe i just need to give it more time?
Red meat* not red hair ☺️
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
So i do occassionally dye my hair. Ive been eating beef liver for the last couple months. I might miss a day here or there but generally have it every day. I also have been drinking my own bone broth every day that has acv, onions, and garlic in it(coffee mug size). Maybe the red hair is causing it all? Not sure, i have the same meal most every day. 12 raw eggs, orange juice, milk, maple syrup, bananas, chagga mushrooms. (Thats a shake) then i have cottage cheese saurkraut and beef with plenty of salt. I also have my beef liver everyday. I do take iodine drops with kelp also every day.

Maybe i just need to give it more time?

Ohhhh! Your egg whites are chock full of tripyophan which is aging too! I ditched egg whites a two or three months ago and feel better for it!

"Whey has been promoted as a protein supplement, but it contains a much higher proportion of tryptophan than milk does. Cheese (milk with the whey removed) contains even less tryptophan. Some people have been encouraged to eat only the whites of eggs, “to avoid cholesterol,” but the egg albumin is disproportionately rich in tryptophan." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"When rats were fed a diet completely lacking tryptophan for a short period, or a diet containing only one fourth of the “normal” amount for a more prolonged period, the results were surprising: They kept the ability to reproduce up to the age of 36 months (versus 17 months for the rats on the usual diet), and both their average longevity and their maximum longevity increased significantly. They looked and acted like younger rats. (A methionine-poor diet also has dramatic longevity-increasing effects.)" -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"Although several amino acids can be acutely or chronically toxic, even lethal, when too much is eaten, tryptophan is the only amino acid that is also carcinogenic. (It can also produce a variety of toxic metabolites, and it is very susceptible to damage by radiation.) Since tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin, the amount of tryptophan in the diet can have important effects on the way the organism responds to stress, and the way it develops, adapts, and ages." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
"I think these facts imply that excessive tryptophan, estrogen, and polyunsaturated fats contribute significantly, maybe decisively, to the degenerative changes that occur in aging. Experiments have separately shown that reducing dietary tryptophan or unsaturated fats can extend the healthy lifespan, and several antiestrogenic interventions (removal of the pituitary, or supplementing with progesterone) can slow age-related changes and delay degenerative diseases." -Ray Peat
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
So i do occassionally dye my hair. Ive been eating beef liver for the last couple months. I might miss a day here or there but generally have it every day. I also have been drinking my own bone broth every day that has acv, onions, and garlic in it(coffee mug size). Maybe the red hair is causing it all? Not sure, i have the same meal most every day. 12 raw eggs, orange juice, milk, maple syrup, bananas, chagga mushrooms. (Thats a shake) then i have cottage cheese saurkraut and beef with plenty of salt. I also have my beef liver everyday. I do take iodine drops with kelp also every day.

Maybe i just need to give it more time?

Yes! And ditch those egg whites!


Mar 26, 2014
"Although several amino acids can be acutely or chronically toxic, even lethal, when too much is eaten, tryptophan is the only amino acid that is also carcinogenic. (It can also produce a variety of toxic metabolites, and it is very susceptible to damage by radiation.) Since tryptophan is the precursor of serotonin, the amount of tryptophan in the diet can have important effects on the way the organism responds to stress, and the way it develops, adapts, and ages." -Ray Peat

My microwaved omelette for breakfast isn't the best idea then? (No joke, I hadn't eaten breakfast for ages, thought I should start and it seemed a good source of protein and vits...sigh)
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
My microwaved omelette for breakfast isn't the best idea then? (No joke, I hadn't eaten breakfast for ages, thought I should start and it seemed a good source of protein and vits...sigh)

Ha! Ha! Oh isn't that always the way, two steps forward and two steps back! Ray Peat says cheese is void of tryptophan as well as gelatin.


Oct 18, 2021
I only eat the yolks, either raw in a milk drink or I fry them gently in butter. Being they are so high in fat i pair them with a low protein like gelatin.
Just when i think im the most autistic person when it comes to food, then i realize im not?

How do u extract the yolk anyways?


Mar 26, 2014
Ha! Ha! Oh isn't that always the way, two steps forward and two steps back! Ray Peat says cheese is void of tryptophan as well as gelatin.

Yes, back to the drawing board. That's really annoying, even muesli sounds healthier and I haven't eaten cereals in 10 years
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Just when i think im the most autistic person when it comes to food, then i realize im not?

How do u extract the yolk anyways?

Ha! Ha! That is why my member name is Rinse & rePeat, I always find myself having to erase and start over.

I crack my egg and let it do a transfer back and forth between the two half shells over the sink until the whites are gone or just crack it the egg gently in your hand and let the whites go through between your fingers.


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David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon
Ha! Ha! That is why my member name is Rinse & rePeat, I always find myself having to erase and start over.

I crack my egg and let it do a transfer back and forth between the two half shells over the sink until the whites are gone or just crack it the egg gently in your hand and let the whites go through between your fingers.
I found this as well.



Oct 6, 2021
New York
Ohhhh! Your egg whites are chock full of tripyophan which is aging too! I ditched egg whites a two or three months ago and feel better for it!

"Whey has been promoted as a protein supplement, but it contains a much higher proportion of tryptophan than milk does. Cheese (milk with the whey removed) contains even less tryptophan. Some people have been encouraged to eat only the whites of eggs, “to avoid cholesterol,” but the egg albumin is disproportionately rich in tryptophan." -Ray Peat
Egg whites made my hands cold. Did so for a friend of mine too. Did you notice anything?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Egg whites made my hands cold. Did so for a friend of mine too. Did you notice anything?

I didn't really have an issue with the egg whites, except that the can make me tired if I don't pair them with honey, and they at times could be bloating. I just took them out learning how high they are in tryptophan. I also know that the egg whites are very high in histamines which can create stress in the body.
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