
Jan 18, 2020
When do you think this is going to happen?
i was about to ask the same question, do we have to get our health straight? lol

I need like 1-2 years.


Jan 18, 2020
Financial capitalism (FinCap) is kaputt. There is no "China", "US", "EU", etc. It is all "globocap" and it is all in desperate pre-collapse mode. As discussed with @yerrag in another thread - all the big powers are likely in this together. Hence the lockdowns and vaccine mandates not only in US/EU/Asia but in "dissidents" like Russia, China, etc. The latter 2 may not be on-board with the neoliberal, multi-gender social agenda, but financially they are just as involved/invested in it, and as such just as vulnerable to its collapse. Just look at the financial dealings. Incredible amount of cross-investment among US/EU/Russia/China/India/etc. Hardly the behavior of entities that are about to annihilate each other in a nuclear holocaust. All the fearmongering about (cold, hot, cyber, etc) war this and conflict that is just that - talk. Any discussion of "freedom" only makes sense in regards to countries not dependent on the global financial system, which means most of the poor/small/isolated ones. Until globocap collapses, no "developed" country is safe, immune to collapse, or even remotely "free" no matter what the surface looks like (e.g. Sweden). The Great Reset is also kaputt, the ideas underpinning it (especially AI and all of its glorious promises) are hollower than Kissinger's heart and more fake than Trump's hair. Just look at the abysmal quality of Google's search results (censorship completely aside), which are now absolutely laughable in their scary decline of quality over just 5-6 years. Google now claims that AI powers most query results. So, when we do a Google query, it is an AI engine that decides what comes back as a result. The old results were based on statistical algorithms of relevance. This "relevance" has now completely flown out the window, and "AI" has replaced those old engines for good. Google has had an unparalleled exodus of engineers, not so much because of its evil nature (no more "don't be evil") but because their technology now simply sucks, and so does the technology of most other BigTech darlings. So, the engineers no longer feel like the stock options they are getting are worth slaving away for The Man. Eric Schmidt kept promising Google's technology will be one of the core engines behind the Reset. Haven't seen/heard much of Schmidt lately, and he was all over the news up until the end of 2019. Every wonder why he suddenly (literally) bought a Cyprus citizenship and built a retirement home/bunker there? Probably because he is not very bullish on the ideas he was pushing/selling just 1-2 years ago. Same with Brin/Page - both gone, likely retired for good. Same with Bezos, and Bill Epstein Gates (ok, maybe Bill has other worries too, related to the Maxwell trial). Same with Twitter's CEO, and many other Fortune 500 "leaders". How come they all decided to retire (and some, like Schmidt, left the country) in a manner of less than a year??

As such, despite that article in the Off-Guardian about Great Reset being somehow different and replacing FinCap, in reality the Great Reset is pure FinCap, just entirely digitized. The "transition" from one to the other involves simply killing off the plebs to whom all those unpayable debts are owed, and starting anew. Again, AI is fake and cannot "power" the Reset. Just a diversion story, to wow the plebs and promise them work-free future drinking nectar with the Gods. Transhumanism is also just a fake demi-God story to promise gullible plebs immortality in return for obedience until the depopulation process is done. Not a single claim/promise of transhumanism has materialized, except the ability to implant electrodes into brains and control basic motor functions or induce fear/anxiety/depression/psychosis in the organism (but, notably, not being able to cure/treat it). This "cutting edge" technology was already available in the 1940s, the Nazis did a lot of experiments with it. The only thing that has changed since then is the size of the tools, but fundamentally no progress. Same with the electric cars - early 1900s technology, wrapped in the latest advances in composite materials technology. Transhumanism's darling Kurzweil is nowhere to be seen/heard these days. Not sure if he is still alive, but the "patron saint" of the transhumanism industry does not simply disappear for no good reason, especially now when transhumanism is said to be about to take off. The utter failure in treatment of chronic/degenerative conditions is not only still there, it is becoming worse by the day. Remember my posts about the complete stagnation in science? Well, that alone is sufficient to explain the predicament we are in. Even mighty globocap is entirely dependent on advances in (real) science, and we have not had real science arguably since WWII. All that remains now is scientism, the new religion.
Anyways, the "economy" behind the Reset is the same old fake system based on fake science/knowledge, and would be generating the same boom-bust cycles of ever-increasing intensity because it is simply parasitic and cannot create value. It can only bet on fake "assets", parasitise value, and of course, destroy value. Even if CBDC becomes reality, it would still be fiat money and in order for that money to have any value there must be productive activity behind it. With most of the "developed" world's populace largely braindead, and real science being all but forgotten, who is going to create that value? Nobody, as "AI" cannot create knowledge/value, only conscious beings can.

Thus, the "knowledge" (actually, pure ignorance) economy system (which btw includes China and Russia, corroborated by their push for 5G and "AI") is done. Maybe Africa, Latin America and other "undeveloped" countries are indeed the future, both economically and humanity-wise. The Western world can rise again and even lead again, but first we must endure the collapse. Both, the collapse of the current system and then the collapse of the Reset, as the latter is even more fake than what we have now.
is it safe to even keep any savings in the bank at this point? i was planning to get a mortgage for a flat in year or two but I feel that won't be wise anymore?


Feb 26, 2018
They're practicing already.

"The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks."

"The banks are appealing for emergency liquidity assistance in a multitude of currencies to put a halt to the chaos as counterparties withdraw their funds and limit access to liquidity, leaving the banks in disarray and ruin."



Feb 26, 2018
They're practicing already.

"The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks."

"The banks are appealing for emergency liquidity assistance in a multitude of currencies to put a halt to the chaos as counterparties withdraw their funds and limit access to liquidity, leaving the banks in disarray and ruin."

...IIRC they simulated a pandemic a few months before covid , just saying...


Feb 18, 2016
I tend to agree with that. The Fed is basically what moves all markets around the world to the point where proper price discovery in the stock market (and to a degree, in the retail as well) is dead. All that everybody does since 2008 is watch what the Fed will do/say, and the entire global economy seems to come down to one single question: "Will the Fed taper or not?". Nothing else matters, not even corporate earning reports. If the Fed says it will print more money then everybody pours (borrowed) money into stocks and real estate, assuming the Fed will never let those 2 asset bubbles pop. I am actually amazed that this charade has been going on for so long without the public realizing it. There is basically not much productive activity left in modern (read: controlled by IMF) economies. Definitely not much real production/manufacturing and as far as the "knowledge"/tech/AI economy goes, it is all hot-air / vaporware. So all we have left now is asset speculation, on borrowed money. Of course, if any of these bubbles is even slightly deflated, there will be massive economic depression worldwide, and economic collapse never seen before in the history of the world. I don't think the elite will be able to escape the horror in such scenario, which makes me wonder why nothing has been done so far to prevent/mitigate it. Either the IQ at the top is severely lacking to see what is coming, or their hubris is too big and they think only the plebs will pay the price.
They genuinely believe geofencing a smaller populace will solve all of this.


Feb 18, 2016
They're practicing already.

"The simulation also used fake news reports that in the scenario caused chaos in global markets and a run on banks."

"The banks are appealing for emergency liquidity assistance in a multitude of currencies to put a halt to the chaos as counterparties withdraw their funds and limit access to liquidity, leaving the banks in disarray and ruin."

This story deserves a thread of its own considering Israel are front and center, they have huge influence and power in the new digitized normal, smart cities etc


Jun 7, 2016
Financial capitalism (FinCap) is kaputt. There is no "China", "US", "EU", etc. It is all "globocap" and it is all in desperate pre-collapse mode. As discussed with @yerrag in another thread - all the big powers are likely in this together. Hence the lockdowns and vaccine mandates not only in US/EU/Asia but in "dissidents" like Russia, China, etc. The latter 2 may not be on-board with the neoliberal, multi-gender social agenda, but financially they are just as involved/invested in it, and as such just as vulnerable to its collapse. Just look at the financial dealings. Incredible amount of cross-investment among US/EU/Russia/China/India/etc. Hardly the behavior of entities that are about to annihilate each other in a nuclear holocaust. All the fearmongering about (cold, hot, cyber, etc) war this and conflict that is just that - talk. Any discussion of "freedom" only makes sense in regards to countries not dependent on the global financial system, which means most of the poor/small/isolated ones. Until globocap collapses, no "developed" country is safe, immune to collapse, or even remotely "free" no matter what the surface looks like (e.g. Sweden). The Great Reset is also kaputt, the ideas underpinning it (especially AI and all of its glorious promises) are hollower than Kissinger's heart and more fake than Trump's hair. Just look at the abysmal quality of Google's search results (censorship completely aside), which are now absolutely laughable in their scary decline of quality over just 5-6 years. Google now claims that AI powers most query results. So, when we do a Google query, it is an AI engine that decides what comes back as a result. The old results were based on statistical algorithms of relevance. This "relevance" has now completely flown out the window, and "AI" has replaced those old engines for good. Google has had an unparalleled exodus of engineers, not so much because of its evil nature (no more "don't be evil") but because their technology now simply sucks, and so does the technology of most other BigTech darlings. So, the engineers no longer feel like the stock options they are getting are worth slaving away for The Man. Eric Schmidt kept promising Google's technology will be one of the core engines behind the Reset. Haven't seen/heard much of Schmidt lately, and he was all over the news up until the end of 2019. Every wonder why he suddenly (literally) bought a Cyprus citizenship and built a retirement home/bunker there? Probably because he is not very bullish on the ideas he was pushing/selling just 1-2 years ago. Same with Brin/Page - both gone, likely retired for good. Same with Bezos, and Bill Epstein Gates (ok, maybe Bill has other worries too, related to the Maxwell trial). Same with Twitter's CEO, and many other Fortune 500 "leaders". How come they all decided to retire (and some, like Schmidt, left the country) in a manner of less than a year??

As such, despite that article in the Off-Guardian about Great Reset being somehow different and replacing FinCap, in reality the Great Reset is pure FinCap, just entirely digitized. The "transition" from one to the other involves simply killing off the plebs to whom all those unpayable debts are owed, and starting anew. Again, AI is fake and cannot "power" the Reset. Just a diversion story, to wow the plebs and promise them work-free future drinking nectar with the Gods. Transhumanism is also just a fake demi-God story to promise gullible plebs immortality in return for obedience until the depopulation process is done. Not a single claim/promise of transhumanism has materialized, except the ability to implant electrodes into brains and control basic motor functions or induce fear/anxiety/depression/psychosis in the organism (but, notably, not being able to cure/treat it). This "cutting edge" technology was already available in the 1940s, the Nazis did a lot of experiments with it. The only thing that has changed since then is the size of the tools, but fundamentally no progress. Same with the electric cars - early 1900s technology, wrapped in the latest advances in composite materials technology. Transhumanism's darling Kurzweil is nowhere to be seen/heard these days. Not sure if he is still alive, but the "patron saint" of the transhumanism industry does not simply disappear for no good reason, especially now when transhumanism is said to be about to take off. The utter failure in treatment of chronic/degenerative conditions is not only still there, it is becoming worse by the day. Remember my posts about the complete stagnation in science? Well, that alone is sufficient to explain the predicament we are in. Even mighty globocap is entirely dependent on advances in (real) science, and we have not had real science arguably since WWII. All that remains now is scientism, the new religion.
Anyways, the "economy" behind the Reset is the same old fake system based on fake science/knowledge, and would be generating the same boom-bust cycles of ever-increasing intensity because it is simply parasitic and cannot create value. It can only bet on fake "assets", parasitise value, and of course, destroy value. Even if CBDC becomes reality, it would still be fiat money and in order for that money to have any value there must be productive activity behind it. With most of the "developed" world's populace largely braindead, and real science being all but forgotten, who is going to create that value? Nobody, as "AI" cannot create knowledge/value, only conscious beings can.

Thus, the "knowledge" (actually, pure ignorance) economy system (which btw includes China and Russia, corroborated by their push for 5G and "AI") is done. Maybe Africa, Latin America and other "undeveloped" countries are indeed the future, both economically and humanity-wise. The Western world can rise again and even lead again, but first we must endure the collapse. Both, the collapse of the current system and then the collapse of the Reset, as the latter is even more fake than what we have now.
Haidut, google and the top searches are garbage, it is so bad now that I YouTube a video of what I’m looking for then go to the comments. The best info I’m finding at this time is from real peoples comments. This isn’t spicy subjects, just hand tools for fixing cars.


Feb 26, 2018
This story deserves a thread of its own considering Israel are front and center, they have huge influence and power in the new digitized normal, smart cities etc
I agree. You can create the thread. I gotta go to bed :D


Feb 26, 2016
Considering how much things have changed in the past 2 years I think it could happen very fast.

The best info I’m finding at this time is from real peoples comments. This isn’t spicy subjects, just hand tools for fixing cars.
The real stuff is always in the comments.


Apr 19, 2020
Haidut, google and the top searches are garbage, it is so bad now that I YouTube a video of what I’m looking for then go to the comments. The best info I’m finding at this time is from real peoples comments. This isn’t spicy subjects, just hand tools for fixing cars.
+1. Me too! Cars and mundane stuff. And for a twice weekly spicy treat we listen to Gerald Celente. He says what many of us feel. Cathartic as hell. ;-) And I can't believe he is still on youtube.

Listened to a discussion yesterday on The Last American Vagabond with Catherine Austin Fitts.
She goes into detail of the financial coup d'etat. And has an interesting take of the Big Picture. I prefer Haidut's 'optimism' of the lack of AI/Tech advancement in the efforts to transhuman-ize the entire world and monetize the planet's resources.

It seems to me the Pfizer/Pharma push around the world is just a facade for the Global Caps, literally. Think MegaCorp. Think covert operations, just on a global scale. (James Bond movie anyone? except there are no good guys.)

I agree completely with Haidut's statement that there being no 'separation' of the various nation states or Central Banks for that matter. 'They' are all in this together.
Akin to historical 'covert operations' or bringing medical aid to 'poor countries' in Africa.


Feb 26, 2016
I’d like to figure out a quiet way to find likeminded people nearby me & make contact.

I’m thinking I just have to put myself out there & more people will put me in touch with others.

I’m open to suggestions.


May 13, 2015
This documentary is airing tomorrow night, Tuesday the 13th on PBS, it’s in the USA so if any of you are at home you may have time to watch it and let us know what it’s like, I don’t think we can access it elsewhere In the world.

I have been watching this bailout since it began at the end of 2019, COVID was a cover for a bailout, the culture war ramp up was another information decoy, the ruling class knew they couldn’t get out of this alive if they just went with a bailout again for bank corruption, now it could all be instigated intentionally to justify the fourth industrial revolution/reich, I’m not sure, Im curious if this documentary is legit, I’m mean it’s MSM so it’s unlikely however the synopsis seems legit.

If they cover everything your jaw will be on the floor, look for what they are not saying, think controlled narrative like MSM around Jeffrey Epstein, the crime is so big etc

"When COVID-19 struck, the Federal Reserve stepped in to try to avert economic crisis. As the country’s central bank continues to pump billions of dollars into the financial system daily, who is benefiting and at what cost?"
I want to share this video. The whole video is excellent but I have set it to start where the discussion turns to the Federal Reserve and the Pandemic. This video was made 8/12/2020. I want people to hear the jaw dropping statement about the Federal Reserve controlling ALL of the scientific research in the U.S.

This video explains who benefited and at what cost.



Feb 18, 2016
I want to share this video. The whole video is excellent but I have set it to start where the discussion turns to the Federal Reserve and the Pandemic. This video was made 8/12/2020. I want people to hear the jaw dropping statement about the Federal Reserve controlling ALL of the scientific research in the U.S.

This video explains who benefited and at what cost.


I seen it, Titus makes some good points.
Here is more insanity and blatant corruption, they really are insane, a "permanent" 500 billion bailout facility has been enacted on top of the trillions given during covid, no outcry from the media because its corporate owned. The power of amplification, information creates meaning.

Its clearly an issue of protecting ruling class hegemony on a global scale, they are literally printing money for themselves at the top while millions suffer.



May 13, 2015
I seen it, Titus makes some good points.
Here is more insanity and blatant corruption, they really are insane, a "permanent" 500 billion bailout facility has been enacted on top of the trillions given during covid, no outcry from the media because its corporate owned. The power of amplification, information creates meaning.

Its clearly an issue of protecting ruling class hegemony on a global scale, they are literally printing money for themselves at the top while millions suffer.

This just gets more and more depressing. The only flicker of hope I've seen recently was Bannon's speech at CPAC this past week.


He talks about the Fed towards the end of the speech (around 20 minutes in).
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