The Linden Method/ Amygdala & Stress Reset


Aug 7, 2015
Hey guys, I'm a bit tired as I have had a awesome and full day, it's 10:15pm now and just wanting to post a little bit about this thing I've been experimenting with as you can read about in my log. I will post more about TLM tomorrow when I wake up, but I'll give you the jist...

I purchased The Linden Method (TLM hereafter) on the 20th of December and have applied it since and have had rather remarkable shifts in consciousness.

TLM was created by Charles Linden, a former high anxiety sufferer who was a room-bound agorophobic with tonnes of OCD obsessions, would have 8-10 panic attacks a day, and generally went through hell from the age of 7 til he was 27. I began researching the method a month before I bought it and the dude's medical records which were released show that Charles was really horendously anxious. Why I respect Charles is that he tried absolutely everything to get rid of his anxiety, but upon finding absolutely no success and having spend nearly £100,000 on psychological counselling (he had to re-mortage his house!), he dared to reject everything we are told about anxiety and research people who were recovered anxiety sufferers. After putting in a lot of leg work, he found some common threads in those who recover from high anxiety.

Their environment.

The guy's story is really so interesting, I find him an inspiration tbh, I use his membership site and go through the dude's webimars and his perspective is really something that resonates with me.

What Charles is essentially saying in TLM is this: your anxiety and stress/worry is caused by your body's fight or flight response becoming re-set at a higher than normal level, like a thermostat that's stuck wayyy too high. As such, anxiety is a behaviour! It's behaviour exhibited when your anxiety level is stuck at an inappropriate level. It's not a mental illness! It's a friggin' bad habbit perpetuated by YOU! Every time you read info on resolving anxiety or visit Dr.'s, take pills or whatever, you're giving your mind the matter it needs to nourish the anxiety. This is interesting as it reminded me of something Danny Roddy said concerning a lot of people who post on health boards most likely needing to absolutely quit reading such boards to start making health progress. Charles says procrastination, uncertainty, and all that sort of neurotic ***t can be a symptom of high anxiety because when anxiety is high and your flight or fight response is running amock, your mind does something called risk assessments, essentially asking 'what if...' to everything in your environment, hence why anxious people have absolutely inappropriate thoughts sometimes and may begin to question their sanity. ... DC&index=1

He talks a lot about something he calls the 'creative intellect'. Understanding this is very important in healing anxiety.

If your skeptical, I was too. I have been anxious since 17 tbh, and though there were times when it was low and I have always been functional on the outside, on the inside it's not been a ******* rose garden to say the least lol. I have taken beta blockers from a Dr., anti-psychotics and anti-depressants from a psychiatrist, been to many sessions with psychologists, and while all of these things seemed to help in the short-term, long term they did absolutely jack ***t. This is because high anxiety cannot be fixed like this. It's an unconscious process, you can talk about it all day and try to think unanxious thoughts, but while your amygdala is working in overdrive, you'll be pissing your life away and completely wasting your time getting nowhere. TLM goes to the root.

I am getting pretty tired now so will have to continue tomorrow, apologies for that, but I have a lot to say about this method and it draws paralell's with the ideas of some other interesting people like Jon Gabriel who thinks weight regulation is evoked by starvation turning on 'Famine and Temperature' programs, and for Jon chronic stress is just another thing that turns on the famine and temperature programs which lead to weight gain.

My own experience after 12 days of TLM:
-Obsessive thoughts are gone! I used to think some friggin weird ***t when my specific anxety trigger came up. I can remember the stupid thoughts I used to have at this point but only just about as they truly did leave.
-Procrastination gone! I have been a chronic procrastinator since around 17. Now I am getting more and more done. I just live differently now. I listen to my inner self, and if I begin to feel as if I'm doing too much, I kick back and do some of Charles' guided visualisations/listen to music or something, and usually within 30 mins I feel totaly chill again and want to get more tasks done. I am practicing guitar, learning French, going for hour long walks listening to music, training in the gym, doing movement pattern based training at home (Original Strength Resets), reading interesting fiction, taking infrared saunas...Just chilling out and making life meaningful/growing as a person. It's coming very naturally.
-Increased energy and 'mental space' - like even when driving I am much more aware of things around me/much less vigilant.
-Fat loss starting to happen
-Better sleep and elimination

But most of all, after calling TLM support team a few times, I'm reconnecting with the true me.

I am really happy I found this. I am getting less anxious and becoming more worry free as the days go by.

God I am getting tired many things I wanted to say but just didn't have the mental energy. I've been up since 7am and all day today has just been doing cool, meaningful activity. Life is different now. I'm starting to truly live now at the age of 24. Trust me guys, high anxiety is no place to be!

Cheers, Rav


Sep 13, 2012
I was thinking of trying this... but the more I read your posts the more it sounds like this is your affiliant link and you will make money off selling this to others so now I am not so sure of your testimonial. How can we be sure this is real?


Aug 7, 2015
Janelle525 said:
post 117716 I was thinking of trying this... but the more I read your posts the more it sounds like this is your affiliant link and you will make money off selling this to others so now I am not so sure of your testimonial. How can we be sure this is real?

Thats kinda rude Janelle I'm not a shitty person like that, if you met me you would know I am not a person who even cares about making money I am unemployed right now because I just graduated University but I am trying to find work that makes me feel fulfilled and helps others, I'm not even about making a lot of money or whatever. Also if you read my log Charlie is the one who asked me to start this discussion! But whatever, I'm not in any way affiliated with anything I post, also I don't personally care if you listen to anything I say or not (just saying)). I only use this website to log my health advances and do my own detective work, seeing what works and what doesn't. I'm healing and loving life more by the weekk.

But anyway, if your sceptical tbh this is absolutely not the program for you, so don't waste your money. I wasn't that sceptical myself because I've been researching the philosophy of science and consciousness for a while and I take a lot of influence from the ideas of guys like Rupert Sheldrake who critique the materialist base of contemporary science, plus Ray's anti-authoritarian ideas resonate a lot with me. To me, because my mind is open, TLM made a lot of sense and it's working for me. Good luck on your journey anyway....

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Jan 2, 2014
What does this protocol actually have you do. I read several paragraphs telling me I need to reset the Amygdala but not how to do it. I'm guessing I would have to buy something before I figure that out?


Sep 13, 2012
Integral said:
post 117784
Janelle525 said:
post 117716 I was thinking of trying this... but the more I read your posts the more it sounds like this is your affiliant link and you will make money off selling this to others so now I am not so sure of your testimonial. How can we be sure this is real?

Thats kinda rude Janelle I'm not a s****y person like that, if you met me you would know I am not a person who even cares about making money I am unemployed right now because I just graduated University but I am trying to find work that makes me feel fulfilled and helps others, I'm not even about making a lot of money or whatever. Also if you read my log Charlie is the one who asked me to start this discussion! But whatever, I'm not in any way affiliated with anything I post, also I don't personally care if you listen to anything I say or not (just saying)). I only use this website to log my health advances and do my own detective work, seeing what works and what doesn't. I'm healing and loving life more by the weekk.

But anyway, if your sceptical tbh this is absolutely not the program for you, so don't waste your money. I wasn't that sceptical myself because I've been researching the philosophy of science and consciousness for a while and I take a lot of influence from the ideas of guys like Rupert Sheldrake who critique the materialist base of contemporary science, plus Ray's anti-authoritarian ideas resonate a lot with me. To me, because my mind is open, TLM made a lot of sense and it's working for me. Good luck on your journey anyway....


I'm sorry, I saw that you could become an affiliant at that website and I started reading into things. I'm really glad you found help through it, and I totally agree that you have to reset your amygdala. Were you ever suffering from panic attacks? I've had quite a few after chronic stress was the trigger. I've learned how to disarm them mostly on my own through reading about the hormone side of it and understanding whats happening to my body. I really believe some people get them due to a drop in blood sugar, and the fear, the panic is a learned response to the feeling of adrenaline. I also have some emotional triggers if I'm overtired or whatever. So just burying the anxiety feeling sometimes just isn't enough to ward off a stress response, but diversion can certainly help bring you out of it!

Anyway thanks for posting your review :)
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Oct 5, 2015
I was going to add that i discovered TLM method about 5 years ago and like Rav at first I thought this is it, the miracle cure and 5 years later and still struggling. So I dare to say it is a bit too soon to judge its effectiveness after 12 days. Also anyone who is interested in this please read the reviews of TLM (Charles Linden) program on amazon to give you some perspective, the 3 stars and lower. It's a program that gets you motivated and excited at first but that euphoria quickly wears off. Charles Linden's solution to OCD thoughts was to ignore them, not really that helpful as I know perfectly logically well that I should ignore them, but am unable too. In this case I found cognitive behavioural therapy much more useful.His solution is pretty much ignore your anxiety, stop the viscous circle of fearing anxiety. However my anxiety gets triggered by skipping meal or not eating enough and you can't simply ignore this. What really helped me to break the fear is that I now understand what is happening in my body and the reassurance that I'm not actually dying but it is adrenaline going into overdrive, making my chest tight, hyperventilation, sweats, dizziness and try to look for what caused it. That, however, doesn't stop the anxiety, the knowledge alone, of what is happening. And that is basically what the program is about, to give you the knowledge and some suggestions on not lurking around the anxiety forums, not going to treat it in any way, never to talk about it and to act like a person that never had anxiety, plus keeping yourself busy. For me, I suspect the major thing will be to balance blood sugar, and not skip meals and the right ratio of carbs, protein and fats.
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Aug 7, 2015
Well I have had ups and downs with it including being reduced to tears twice as a 24 year old male but I am not going to lie for anyone - this method is the solution and if you've not made it work, the problem is well and truly not the method.....I have suffered for 24 years so just trust me I would not lie to another sufferer or anyone for that matter.

I have made huge progress and I personally know people who kicked huge anxiety with TLM. It's not a walk in the park the method is hard but it's worth it, my life is getting better and better and I'm going to get rid completely I have utter unshakeable faith. BTW I could have looked at those reviews and be discouraged also, but I would never trust those poor fools....It's 'normal' to struggle with this crap your entire life, it's 'normal' to fund wars to put bullets in the brains of innocent and good people, it's 'normal' to work a shitty job for someone who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and be paid pennies for it. I have so much to give to the world I refuse to be shackled by this absolutely soul destroying condition believe me I am already doing much better and the sky is the only limit for me going forward trust me!

I look forward to updating this thread when the circuit finally breaks and believe me the things I will do in my life will show clear as day that anxiety sufferers are strong and gifted people

Never give up :)



Oct 5, 2015
Rav, i am really pleased this works for you and perhaps at your age this may be all you need. But I am after two kids, number of stupid detoxes/diets and some major traumas and probably messed up thyroid. Will soon find out, awaiting blood tests results to come through. I have been down the route of addressing the anxious thoughts and only ever had temporary solution. I now believe that I am intolerant to stress and anything and everything can trigger an anxiety for me and simply TLM doesn't have a solution to that. Like right now writing this post I have been having all day long shitty day filled with anxiety and all its accompanying symptoms, not triggered by a thought or a fear of anxiety but by not eating enough and properly. And I can't eat because running on adrenaline and eating gives me indigestion and so the vicious circle continues.Now I can listen to Charles Linden telling me that it's nothing and to laugh at these symptoms, however it won't stop it because I already understand that. I already know what it is but how do I stop the physical symptoms?? That's what I want to know! I am now trying to control it by playing with my diet, considering thyroid supplementation if needed and frankly I am a bit annoyed by people telling me it's all in my head, because it clearly is not. And I just don't like this persistent believe in the society that we are hypochondriacs or that we make up the symptoms, etc., because it is real. I can eat something and feel immediately shitty afterwards, high pulse, anxiety or I don't eat enough or the wrong ratio or wait too long, etc. Basically my metabolism or whatever you want to call it is too fragile, too sensitive. And the way RP explains it really makes sense, my body clearly relies too much on adrenaline. It gets upset very easily. I watch one of my kids and I admire his steady moods (one of them is autistic so less stable moods), ability to eat anything or nothing and he thrives. I want that, I still remember having it as a child. It makes me sad that my moods can be so often unstable, unpredictable and sometimes I'm taking it out on the kids because I can't cope/handle their energy, joy when I'm in pain.
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Mar 29, 2014
So I dare to say it is a bit too soon to judge its effectiveness after 12 days.

Well I have had ups and downs with it including being reduced to tears twice as a 24 year old male but I am not going to lie for anyone - this method is the solution and if you've not made it work, the problem is well and truly not the method.....I have suffered for 24 years so just trust me I would not lie to another sufferer or anyone for that matter.

Integral, I'm pleased you are finding this helpful, and I think the idea of anxiety being a habit of mind that can be changed seems as though it could well be a significant part of the story for many people. Hope this is enough to turn things around long-term for you - maybe it will.
Scarletts didn't say you lied. You just can't be assumed to know all that much about what everybody else needs, or even about your own future needs, after 12 days of personal experience.

I agree with Scarlett about other physical processes also coming into play. For me too, it now seems that hunger has often been a significant contributor to emotional stress.

The way it looks to me, fears and anxieties that stem from dangers that are over can probably be significantly addressed by changing one's habits of mind, and not spending too much time dwelling on them.
However, if the danger is present and ongoing, one may also need to address them too. The situation may not be the same for everyone, and I expect we all have a mixture of current and old issues affecting us.
I assumed hunger-stress as a psychological issue for many years. I now believe I could have saved myself a lot of unhappiness by just addressing the hunger directly with more food.

I think a good flow of tears can help relieve old stresses, so that might be one of the good reasons you feel so different now than a fortnight ago.
There seem to be other physical ways that fear gets 'remembered' in the body. The TRE crew actively initiate trembling with some success.

I will also be interested in reading if you post more about how you/they use this Linden method, and how the amygdala is presumed to respond to this. I expect there are some valuable ideas in there.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This topic reminds me of maslows hierarchy of needs that Peat has spoken of and it seems fitting to mention it here. If someone is struggling to have their basic needs met such as shelter, food and safety for example it's difficult to tackle other issues such as healing past traumas or handling current challenges. The Linden Methods sounds promising for people who have moved beyond the base of the pyramid living and are seeking guidance to move toward a more meaningful life and self actualization.


Mar 29, 2014
This topic reminds me of maslows hierarchy of needs that Peat has spoken of and it seems fitting to mention it here. If someone is struggling to have their basic needs met such as shelter, food and safety for example it's difficult to tackle other issues such as healing past traumas or handling current challenges.
This makes sense to me.


Oct 5, 2014
Well I have had ups and downs with it including being reduced to tears twice as a 24 year old male but I am not going to lie for anyone - this method is the solution and if you've not made it work, the problem is well and truly not the method.....I have suffered for 24 years so just trust me I would not lie to another sufferer or anyone for that matter.

I have made huge progress and I personally know people who kicked huge anxiety with TLM. It's not a walk in the park the method is hard but it's worth it, my life is getting better and better and I'm going to get rid completely I have utter unshakeable faith. BTW I could have looked at those reviews and be discouraged also, but I would never trust those poor fools....It's 'normal' to struggle with this crap your entire life, it's 'normal' to fund wars to put bullets in the brains of innocent and good people, it's 'normal' to work a shitty job for someone who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire and be paid pennies for it. I have so much to give to the world I refuse to be shackled by this absolutely soul destroying condition believe me I am already doing much better and the sky is the only limit for me going forward trust me!

I look forward to updating this thread when the circuit finally breaks and believe me the things I will do in my life will show clear as day that anxiety sufferers are strong and gifted people

Never give up :)

Maybe you could explain us what the method is about? In practical terms. Like what are the exercises, how often do you practice, etc. That would be great :):
Thanks for sharing it bytheway!!


May 27, 2015
This worked for me. It's free. Basically, the belief that mutiple personalities is a sickness, or abnormal, is wrong. We all have multiple personalities, moods. The emotion is what we need to respect and nuture, but people dont know where their emotions come from. They mislabel them and then try to supress them with the logical mind. Most of our emotional patterns come from unresolved childhood trauma, that is splitting. Plus we're slaves. It's better to be real.

About the Author of the < Break the Cycle! > Web site


Jan 10, 2016
Psychiatry is overwhelmingly BS. Anybody who is selling a book or program needs to be shouted down. People are anxious and neurotic because their lives suck. Period. There's not some mental trick or therapy to fix things. Major lifestyle and social life changes are in order. The idea that there's some "program" or protocol to run through is a crutch and lie to avoid more difficult changes.

"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy."
― Friedrich Nietzsche

The conceit that some guy within the modern copyright span has some useful tips for DIY mental tricks is ridiculous when you think about it. Yes, some schlub like Linden or L. Ron Hubbard figured out what the preceding millenia of vetted spiritual leaders just didn't get.


Oct 5, 2015
This worked for me. It's free. Basically, the belief that mutiple personalities is a sickness, or abnormal, is wrong. We all have multiple personalities, moods. The emotion is what we need to respect and nuture, but people dont know where their emotions come from. They mislabel them and then try to supress them with the logical mind. Most of our emotional patterns come from unresolved childhood trauma, that is splitting. Plus we're slaves. It's better to be real.

About the Author of the < Break the Cycle! > Web site
yes, this resonates with me, it sounds a little bit like CBT, the way you described it. Recognising the emotion, that is if the anxiety stems from an emotion.


Oct 5, 2015
Psychiatry is overwhelmingly BS. Anybody who is selling a book or program needs to be shouted down. People are anxious and neurotic because their lives suck. Period. There's not some mental trick or therapy to fix things. Major lifestyle and social life changes are in order. The idea that there's some "program" or protocol to run through is a crutch and lie to avoid more difficult changes.

"There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy."
― Friedrich Nietzsche

The conceit that some guy within the modern copyright span has some useful tips for DIY mental tricks is ridiculous when you think about it. Yes, some schlub like Linden or L. Ron Hubbard figured out what the preceding millenia of vetted spiritual leaders just didn't get.
I would also say that this applies to many situations/anxieties. Especially the bit about knowing oneself.


Oct 5, 2015

Integral, I'm pleased you are finding this helpful, and I think the idea of anxiety being a habit of mind that can be changed seems as though it could well be a significant part of the story for many people. Hope this is enough to turn things around long-term for you - maybe it will.
Scarletts didn't say you lied. You just can't be assumed to know all that much about what everybody else needs, or even about your own future needs, after 12 days of personal experience.

I agree with Scarlett about other physical processes also coming into play. For me too, it now seems that hunger has often been a significant contributor to emotional stress.

The way it looks to me, fears and anxieties that stem from dangers that are over can probably be significantly addressed by changing one's habits of mind, and not spending too much time dwelling on them.
However, if the danger is present and ongoing, one may also need to address them too. The situation may not be the same for everyone, and I expect we all have a mixture of current and old issues affecting us.
I assumed hunger-stress as a psychological issue for many years. I now believe I could have saved myself a lot of unhappiness by just addressing the hunger directly with more food.

I think a good flow of tears can help relieve old stresses, so that might be one of the good reasons you feel so different now than a fortnight ago.
There seem to be other physical ways that fear gets 'remembered' in the body. The TRE crew actively initiate trembling with some success.

I will also be interested in reading if you post more about how you/they use this Linden method, and how the amygdala is presumed to respond to this. I expect there are some valuable ideas in there.

What is the TRE crew, Tara? I will add an explanation of how this Linden method is supposed to work. Let's use my example. I am hungry and I don't eat soon enough and then adrenaline starts showing in my bodily symptoms and what this method says is, that if you give it power, any power at all and amplify the physical symptoms by fearing them, then you lost the battle. You should ignore these. But I'm so familiar with these feelings now, I know exactly what and why this is happening and have no fear of these symptoms, and they still won't go away, because I guess I'm hungry, and until i fix it, these symptoms will persist? Or another example: I remember having pasta with cream (no gum), peas and ham and soon afterwards I got major anxiety attack with my pulse at 220 for a short period of time (sulphites in ham perhaps? Although I didn't react to the same ham before so who knows) and it was out of the blue, no thought or fear, so I just calmly waited it out until it went away. I just don't see how in these instances would the TLM method be applicable.


Mar 29, 2014
People are anxious and neurotic because their lives suck. ... Major lifestyle and social life changes are in order.
I think this is part of the trouble too. We live in a world where many things are organised in ways that threaten and harm people. This is stressful all round.

What is the TRE crew, Tara?
Tension, Stress and Trauma Release : TRE®

I am hungry and I don't eat soon enough and then adrenaline starts showing in my bodily symptoms and what this method says is, that if you give it power, any power at all and amplify the physical symptoms by fearing them, then you lost the battle. You should ignore these.
This technique looks like it could make useful difference when we get anxious because a button got pushed on something from the past, but not necessarily when the cause of the problem is happening now.

But I'm so familiar with these feelings now, I know exactly what and why this is happening and have no fear of these symptoms, and they still won't go away, because I guess I'm hungry, and until i fix it, these symptoms will persist?
Yeah. It's just not always easy to tell which is which on everything.


Sep 13, 2012
What is the TRE crew, Tara? I will add an explanation of how this Linden method is supposed to work. Let's use my example. I am hungry and I don't eat soon enough and then adrenaline starts showing in my bodily symptoms and what this method says is, that if you give it power, any power at all and amplify the physical symptoms by fearing them, then you lost the battle. You should ignore these. But I'm so familiar with these feelings now, I know exactly what and why this is happening and have no fear of these symptoms, and they still won't go away, because I guess I'm hungry, and until i fix it, these symptoms will persist? Or another example: I remember having pasta with cream (no gum), peas and ham and soon afterwards I got major anxiety attack with my pulse at 220 for a short period of time (sulphites in ham perhaps? Although I didn't react to the same ham before so who knows) and it was out of the blue, no thought or fear, so I just calmly waited it out until it went away. I just don't see how in these instances would the TLM method be applicable.
I know exactly what you mean, a stress reaction after eating. Sounds like you have reactive hypoglycemia and for sure ignoring the adrenaline is not going to make the problem go away. Sounds like when adrenaline is released to bring back up your blood sugar it is also increasing free fatty acids which at the same time are blocking the oxidation of sugar. Have you tried niacinamide?


Oct 5, 2015
I know exactly what you mean, a stress reaction after eating. Sounds like you have reactive hypoglycemia and for sure ignoring the adrenaline is not going to make the problem go away. Sounds like when adrenaline is released to bring back up your blood sugar it is also increasing free fatty acids which at the same time are blocking the oxidation of sugar. Have you tried niacinamide?

Janelle, thanks for explaining that. I knew it was adrenaline, but didn't know all the details. That sounds like this may be happening to me. Niacinamide is B3? I take haidut's energin so I think there is some there, but only once per day. I thought aspirin works in a similar way? I take 500 mg of aspirin in one pill on most days with some vitamin K. Anything else I could do?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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