The Great Salt Controversy. JUMP IN


Nov 27, 2016
I found these two interesting articles about salt:
Poisonous Salts | aquariusthewaterbearer…/aquariusth…/salt-crimes/

Besides the above articles I gathered these infos as well:

Henry Bieler, an american doctor was very anti salt.
Henry Bieler as a young doctor suffered from asthma and kidney disease. He was also greatly overweight. He was in the habit of putting extra salt on his food. He was taking various medications to treat the symptoms. He met a doctor who steered him away from over stimulating foods and medicines. He lost weight from 210 to 137 pounds and subsequently stabilized at 155 pounds. By changing his diet he healed himself, in a way similar to Arnold Ehret.

Dr. Bieler's rejuvenating diet is very similar to Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System. Dr. Bieler uses vegetables, particularly zucchini. He would give the patient a digestible source of protein such as raw goat's milk or yeast. He would eliminate stimulating foods such as salt and coffee. Here is how he describes the healing process:

The patient goes to the doctor not only for preservation of life but for as much freedom from pain and disability as it is possible to give. But when the patient will not cooperate at all, the doctor is powerless to function. When, however, a patient will cooperate, I always warn him to the beginning of the crises he will go through when he starts on his rejuvenating diet. His body undergoes a "physiological housecleaning." This was impossible while he was surfeiting himself on foods that originally created the toxemia in the fluids and tissues of his system. So he must excrete this toxic load of accumulated debris. During this preliminary fast (either of just water or of diluted vegetable broths and diluted fruit juices) he may experience more or less severe headache, nausea, vertigo, biliousness, etc., for many days. The amount of unpleasant symptoms will depend on the condition of his body. Deprived of his stimulating foods and beverages, he will experience a mild type of "withdrawal symptoms" somewhat similar to those suffered by a narcotics addict who takes the cure. The disagreeable symptoms then give way to a sense of well‑being as the healing processes of the body become activated. Finally, I tell the patient that the compensation of health through judicious eating will reward him in the ratio in which he applies it. (p. 24)

Bieler and Ehret agree that in order to get better you need to allow yourself to be sick, while the body eliminates waste. With Ehret, fasting is used to cleanse the body. A transition diet is used to put the brakes on the elimination process when it is too severe. Both Bieler and Ehret recommend what amounts to a long‑term transition diet.

Dr. Bieler gives a detailed description of the person who is unwilling to change his diet:

The average person is mightily disinclined to curtail the diet he has followed all his life. He is not aware that nearly all bad food habits are stimulation habits: that is, the body has almost automatically found out what makes it feel better for a half hour or so and what will mask the depression and fatigue symptoms momentarily. Some people will eat a good deal of salt others large amounts of meat washed down with cups of strong coffee, while still others rely on sweets or combination of foods which prove harmful in their individual cases. When I take the stimulation away, the individual feels weak and depressed and headachy temporarily while the body adjusts to the new regime and the toxic matter is eliminated. Without taking this into consideration, though, many patients decide that dietary reform just isn't for them. They came to the doctor for immediate relief and instead they feel worse. So they return to their stimulation habits. It is a tragic decision I cannot fight. (p. 25)

Whereas Arnold Ehret was a layman who taught healing principles, Dr. Bieler was a trained medical doctor. Ehret thought that the fundamental disease process was "" or a "clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body". Dr Bieler gives us added medical insight into the nature of disease and healing.

Illness, then, as we know it is nothing more or less than a terrific attempt on the part of the body to rid itself of morbific (toxic) matter".

The body's "terrific attempt" to burn up these waste products results in fever. And it is the changes (usually destructive) in the organic being used as avenues of emergency vicarious elimination which constitute the pathology, or conditions and processes of a disease.

The liver and the kidneys are important elimination organs. For the liver, the natural avenue of elimination, of course, is through the bowel; for the kidneys, through the bladder and urethra.

However, when the liver is congested and cannot perform its eliminative function, waste matter (toxins) is thrown into the blood stream, Similarly, when the kidneys are inflamed, toxins are also dammed up in the blood. Toxic blood must discharge its toxins or the person dies, so nature uses vicarious avenues of elimination or substitutes. The lungs, therefore, will take over the task of eliminating some of the wastes that should have gone through the kidneys, or the skin will take over for the liver. It stands to reason that the lungs do not make very good kidneys. From the irritation caused by the elimination of poison through this "vicarious" channel, we can get bronchitis, pneumonia, or tuberculosis, as is determined by the particular chemistry of the poison being eliminated.

Thus we can say that the lungs are acting vicariously for the kidneys or are being called into play, under duress, as substitute kidneys. In the same way, if the bile poisons in the blood come out through the skin, we get the various irritations of the skin, resulting in the many skin diseases, or through the mucous membranes (inside skin) as the various catarrhs, or through the skin as boils, carbuncles, acne, etc. Thus the skin is substituting for the liver, or a vicarious elimination is occurring through the skin.

Following this line of thinking, the name of disease is based upon a description, macro‑and microscopic, of the changes in the organs being used as emergency avenues of elimination. After the cells have been damaged by toxic wastes, it is easy for bacteria, as scavengers, to attack and devour the weakened, injured and dead cells.

Disease, then, as I see it is an unnatural elimination process. In order to speed along or facilitate the natural elimination process of the toxic material & return the patient to health, I found necessary, either (1) complete abstention from food (fasting for a few days or longer) or (2) abstention from those foods which created the patient's toxemia.

In summary Dr. Bieler has rediscovered the same concepts that Arnold Ehret taught. In an acute illness such as a cold, pneumonia, or skin infection, the body tries to eliminate waste. Dr. Bieler made his observations before modern medicine discovered the details of the immune system. The immune system serves as a mechanism to create inflammation, breakdown foreign material, and wall off infections. The immune system is an active participant in "vicarious elimination".

Another anti salt ''guru'' Aajonus Vonderplanitz wrote this about salt:
''I recommend that you never use salt. It irritates nerves and destroys cells. When you feel anger or rage, do not eat cooked meat and, frequently, eat small amounts of cooked starch with tons of raw fat.''

''I believe Dad’s trauma never healed because his nerves didn’t properly heal. He didn’t eat raw meat. And he ate a lot of salt, which causes high blood pressure in the brain (the main reason for headaches ). His high salt intake along with his tremendous adrenaline flow made Dad extremely irritable, sometimes violent and regularly
suffered migraines. I believe that almost all violent and antisocial behavior has biochemical and biological roots because I have witnessed that it can be turned on, off or mitigated by what a person eats. And I have seen that if we don’t become aware and take care, our relationships and lives fall victim to our biochemical imbalances.''

''I worked with people who had long histories of headaches. Ninety percent of these people ate a lot of salt. When they stopped consuming all types of condiment salts (which are radical, that is, harmful), including sea salt, they stopped having frequent headaches.
Periodically their headaches returned. Whenever the headaches returned, I had their blood and urine analyzed. Each analysis showed sodium molecules clumping - just as if they had recently consumed condiment salts. They assured me they hadn’t. Also, all of the analyses showed high levels of dead cells, especially liver and brain cells. The
conclusion I drew was that radical salts had stored in the body and killed the surrounding cells by dehydrating them. I realized that the salt and dead cells in the blood and urine indicated that the body was cleansing salt and dead cells. And that salts store throughout the body, especially in the brain and sometimes liver and brain.''

''Oh, and your wife should not eat salt in or onanything.”“She craves salt! What’s wrong with salt?” Ray asks alarmed. It causes sodium molecules to clump in the blood. That reverses ion magnetism and pulls the guts (so to speak) from cells. The affected cells can no longer eat anything and they shrivel and die. Four little bitty grains of salt - including sea salt - destroy approximately two million red blood cells. It takes at least three hours to replace the blood cells and about 24 hours to cleanse the dead cells. During those processes important nutrients are leached from the blood and body. As a result, salt speeds aging.''

“The craving for salt is symptomatic of a mineral deficiency. To satisfy her craving for salt, I suggest that your wife eat any or all of these foods: fresh raw tomatoes, no-salt-added raw cheeses, fresh celery juice and raw fish. (Eating raw shell fish, like oysters and clams, several times a month is particularly effective in quickly correcting a mineral deficiency.) These foods will supply a concentrated balance of minerals that the body can utilize easily and pleasurably.”

''Table salt is a catalyst in the development of all diseases in most people. Mineral salts are plant-food, not food for humans. If they were food for humans, we could live on dirt. The vegetable kingdom makes wonderful use of mineral salts, in balanced ratios, to grow healthfully and strong. After they make the salts into bio-actively available
substances, we can juice their leaves, stalks and roots to obtain concentrations of those salts. In our bodies, mineral salts that are not naturally present in food, imbalance our systems, causing many diseases, including cellular dehydration, edema, and bone diseases and malformations.''

It is a fact that people need sodium but not necessarily salt. When people drink salt water, they get sick.
Eating salt is helpful in cultures that eat only a little meat and lots of starch because those people are prone to tapeworms and excessive pinworms. Salt dehydrates intestinal parasites. Some salt is helpful to people who eat cooked food and cannot utilize enough sodium to counter all the toxicity that results from eating cooked foods. I said that people who have adrenal exhaustion should eat a little salt. I said that most people who eat a raw meat/egg/dairy/vegetable juice/fruit diet should not eat salt, including sea salt.''

''Soft drinks with caffeine, salt, alcohol, smoke, coffee, teas, and aspirin are all poisonous because they overstimulate the adrenals and pancreas, causing excess adrenaline and insulin that spends fat, creating the dryness that causes lesions, the storage of volatile toxins in tissues, and disturbing blood sugar levels.''

''SALT CRAVING: Generally, a craving for salt is caused by poor thyroxin production (a thyroid hormone).
Raw glandular thyroid supplements are helpful, enabling the thyroid to relearn the chemical structure of thyroxin so that it can produce it. Eating raw deep sea fish (tuna, salmon, swordfish), raw oysters, raw scallops, raw clams, no-salt-added raw cheese, unripe melons with an equal quantity of raw fat, plenty of raw tomatoes, and fresh raw celery,
supply the body with minerals necessary to stabilize mineral balance and for the thyroid to produce thyroxin. However, about .5% of the human population needs salt once weekly. Therefore, if after two months of eating the foods suggested above, you continue to have an unusual craving for salt, eating only two grains of unprocessed salt once or twice weekly usually satisfies and calms the system and settles the craving with little or no cellular destruction.''
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Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
The Mucusless Diet Healing System and Prof Arnold Ehret literally saved my life. July 20, 2008, my GF bought it at a garage sale for 25cents. I read it. Never looked back.


Jan 6, 2015
Don't let these mislead you, salt is not a stimulant.

It is one of the most basic essential nutrients that we can't live without!


Apr 30, 2015
So basically fast, avoid sugar salt caffeine, drink veggie broth while you "detox." And then afterwards do a starch and fat diet? I've been to this rodeo before, no thanks. Interesting bit about lungs and kidneys being attached along with the liver and skin.

People who follow these diets avoid heart disease and fatty liver, but usually die from a depletion disease like cancer or MS


Mar 29, 2014
Don't let these mislead you, salt is not a stimulant.

It is one of the most basic essential nutrients that we can't live without!
I wonder about this.
I think sodium is an essential nutrient that we can't live without.

The food supply for most of us has been sorely depleted, and it is not so easy to get enough of all the essential minerals from food, especially if we have lowered metabolism and lose the minerals faster than a healthy system would.

Maybe for some people able to retain minerals well enough, and able to live largely on high-brix fruit and vegetables and milk and seafood etc, there would not be a need to supplement any salt?

I think good quality celery specifically is relatively high in sodium - I think I've seen it restricted for this reason in low-sodium diets like Gerson's. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the body could make better use of sodium in plant forms than straight NaCl.

People who follow these diets avoid heart disease and fatty liver, but usually die from a depletion disease like cancer or MS
I'm not ready to suddenly leap to follow all these recommendations, and I definitely see dangers in getting too depleted, but I think some of the ideas are interesting. The quotes above come from people with some quite different - and I think conflicting? - approaches.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz claimed to have recovered to a strong state from previously very poor health in childhood and seriously life-threatening cancers in his early adulthood. (Died 66 years old of unrelated traumatic injuries.)


Apr 30, 2015
I wonder about this.
I think sodium is an essential nutrient that we can't live without.

The food supply for most of us has been sorely depleted, and it is not so easy to get enough of all the essential minerals from food, especially if we have lowered metabolism and lose the minerals faster than a healthy system would.

Maybe for some people able to retain minerals well enough, and able to live largely on high-brix fruit and vegetables and milk and seafood etc, there would not be a need to supplement any salt?

I think good quality celery specifically is relatively high in sodium - I think I've seen it restricted for this reason in low-sodium diets like Gerson's. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the body could make better use of sodium in plant forms than straight NaCl.

I'm not ready to suddenly leap to follow all these recommendations, and I definitely see dangers in getting too depleted, but I think some of the ideas are interesting. The quotes above come from people with some quite different - and I think conflicting? - approaches.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz claimed to have recovered to a strong state from previously very poor health in childhood and seriously life-threatening cancers in his early adulthood. (Died 66 years old of unrelated traumatic injuries.)
Definitely some interesting stuff. However they are coming from a time when people were not as stimulated and depleted as they are now. I think most of these recommendations will leave you with good blood markers and unable to work or have much energy to support your family.


Nov 27, 2016
Definitely some interesting stuff. However they are coming from a time when people were not as stimulated and depleted as they are now. I think most of these recommendations will leave you with good blood markers and unable to work or have much energy to support your family.

Aajonus died recently, so he was claiming these things about salt till few years ago.
If you look in nature, sodium is found in very small quantities/concentrations in food(even in mineral water)... nature never lies... i hope... :)

James IV

Aajonus died recently, so he was claiming these things about salt till few years ago.
If you look in nature, sodium is found in very small quantities/concentrations in food(even in mineral water)... nature never lies... i hope... :)

Except you forget that humans have cultivated salt from the oceans, for all of recorded history... And icebergs ...And lakes ...And salt flats... And...


Jan 6, 2015
I wonder about this.
I think sodium is an essential nutrient that we can't live without.

The food supply for most of us has been sorely depleted, and it is not so easy to get enough of all the essential minerals from food, especially if we have lowered metabolism and lose the minerals faster than a healthy system would.

Maybe for some people able to retain minerals well enough, and able to live largely on high-brix fruit and vegetables and milk and seafood etc, there would not be a need to supplement any salt?

I think good quality celery specifically is relatively high in sodium - I think I've seen it restricted for this reason in low-sodium diets like Gerson's. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the body could make better use of sodium in plant forms than straight NaCl.

I'm not ready to suddenly leap to follow all these recommendations, and I definitely see dangers in getting too depleted, but I think some of the ideas are interesting. The quotes above come from people with some quite different - and I think conflicting? - approaches.
Aajonus Vonderplanitz claimed to have recovered to a strong state from previously very poor health in childhood and seriously life-threatening cancers in his early adulthood. (Died 66 years old of unrelated traumatic injuries.)
Plant doesn't accumulate sodium like we can't get your sodium from plants.

That is why herbivores crave and find natural salt licks.

Small primate animals, other smaller herbivores also get sodium from insect/small prey.

Carnivores get it from blood of their prey also.

And humans probably need more sodium than those animals because of perspiration.


Jul 8, 2014
I've had no problems getting my sodium requirements through plants alone. My "salt cravings" are in the form of celery and spinach cravings and I only crave them when my adrenals are taking a beating from extreme stress. The last time I craved them was back in December when I had been caring full-time for my grandmother with dementia and my dog dying from cancer. The rest of the time, the minimal amounts present in raw fruit, my staple diet, have been enough. Regular blood work and continued improvements in my health show I'm not deficient in sodium and other mineral salts. I'm still on the fence as to whether or not I believe salt is detrimental to health, but I no longer believe that salt is necessary for health, at least in my case.

Oh, and +1 to GAF's comment. Ehret's, Dr. Morse's and Ray's insights about the power of simplicity, and the body's incredible ability to heal when we get out of its way, have been huge in my recovering from major degeneration.


May 31, 2013
I have done all the raw food, fruitarian, Arnold Ehret, all those gurus, fasting, breatharian etc etc etc. It just made my water retention and everything just worse. Salt is not the devil at all.

Read the new book just published The Salt Fix
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Apr 30, 2015
Aajonus died recently, so he was claiming these things about salt till few years ago.
If you look in nature, sodium is found in very small quantities/concentrations in food(even in mineral water)... nature never lies... i hope... :)

Only humans lie yes, nature can deceive. Nature also has tigers and lacks toilets so give and take ya know.


Nov 27, 2016
So basically fast, avoid sugar salt caffeine, drink veggie broth while you "detox." And then afterwards do a starch and fat diet? I've been to this rodeo before, no thanks. Interesting bit about lungs and kidneys being attached along with the liver and skin.

People who follow these diets avoid heart disease and fatty liver, but usually die from a depletion disease like cancer or MS

dr Bieler lived 90+ years in perfect health, he died of car accident, i wonder for how long he would of live without the accident...he practiced what he preached, his dietary approach was: raw or very rare meat(lamb, beef), raw eggs, raw milk and milk products(cheese, butter, cream), fresh active yeast(full of vitamins and minerals), lightly cooked veggies, fresh raw fruits,
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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