
Mar 6, 2022
The low temperature storage has nothing to do with prions. Prions are almost indestructible even the ashes from cremated animals can still be contagious. That is why I laugh at these "experts" they are like the blind men or blind folded men and the elephant story! Prions can survive being cooked so no need for insane cold!


Mar 6, 2022
The stuff we do currently know that is concrete is bad enough that we do not need to go looking for zebras! Why do you types always have to grasp at far out there stuff that is very unlikely to be true when there is plenty of bad stuff that is known and is not some extreme exotic unlike thing. This is why echo chambers like this almost never get any place instead of following the evidence from A to B to C you always try to "jumpt the shark and get from B to ZZ with nothing in between!

Slow down do the science follow the evidence and the money do not get into a rush to go from sloppy incompetent work to must be global depopulation or alien DNA. At this point it is not going to matter if you get to the real truth in 2 months or 2 years. The damage and doubt is already in place. People are slowly waking up whichis what we really want no matter what.

We do not need half backed propaganda we need hard facts that can be backed up with facts!!! Anything else other than hard facts is just a distraction and a waste of time.


Ya'll this is going to be bad I fear. A 60+ year old woman from my smal town of 5000 just started having seizures out of nowhere. They just diagnosed her with creutzfeldt Jakob disease and she is going fast. She's not expected to make it much longer. She was vaccinated by either moderna or Johnson and Johnson. Prior to this sudden onset of seizures last week, she was healthy and relatively active.
It's possible this was a side effect of the injections. Have you read this paper?


  • Unintended Consequences of the mRNA Vaccines -Stephanie Seneff.pdf
    517.3 KB · Views: 25


Jun 26, 2017
It's possible this was a side effect of the injections. Have you read this paper?
"OWS established a few more unprecedented aspects of COVID-19. First, it brought the US Department of Defense into direct collaboration with US health departments with respect to vaccine distribution (Bonsell, 2021). Second, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) collaborated with the biotechnology company Moderna in bringing an unprecedented type of vaccine against infectious disease to market, one utilizing a technology based on messenger RNA (mRNA) (National Institutes of Health, 2020)." Published May 2021

Well now we know it is not at all unprecedented for DOD to be in direct collaboration with US (and foreign) health departments with respect to virus and vaccine development. And Moderna was there all along with its patents. The purely scientific non-political group has had a lot of catching up to do as they uncover more of the backstory.

This paper is well worth your time to read. It clearly explains that the spike protein in the jab is not identical to the spike protein in the virus, but is "enhanced" for greater stability and antibody production. Since the recipe for these vaccines was given to the FDA no later than mid-January 2020, it is even more evidence that the virus itself was well known in the "special" scientific community ahead of the pandemic.


Apr 3, 2013
My grandmother died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease over 15 years ago. So the fact that this elderly woman has this and was also vaccinated does not mean much. Unless I am mistaken I think this is a disease that takes a long time to develop and it only becomes obvious once it has reached some very advanced states. Clearly no one at this point can say your wrong just that you would not be talking about this if she had not been vaccinated. So rather selective reporting.
Ok, that makes sense. I guess I'm just fearful of what will happen to those who took the vaccine. I know most of my town did. So anything unusual that happens to someone I know was vaccinated and I immediately jump to conclusions. My bad.


Apr 3, 2013
The low temperature storage has nothing to do with prions. Prions are almost indestructible even the ashes from cremated animals can still be contagious. That is why I laugh at these "experts" they are like the blind men or blind folded men and the elephant story! Prions can survive being cooked so no need for insane cold!
Any ideas what the low temperature storage was needed for?


Jun 20, 2015
Any ideas what the low temperature storage was needed for?
Officially it was needed to protect the mRNA because it's so unstable. Prof. Ulrike Kämmer questioned this in one of the corona committee sessions. They then speculated that maybe they didn't want to the family doctors involved in the beginning fearing they could advise against getting jabbed as they did in 2009 in Germany.



Apr 3, 2013
Officially it was needed to protect the mRNA because it's so unstable. Prof. Ulrike Kämmer questioned this in one of the corona committee sessions. They then speculated that maybe they didn't want to the family doctors involved in the beginning fearing they could advise against getting jabbed as they did in 2009 in Germany.

That makes sense, thanks!


May 26, 2018


May 26, 2018
Figured it would be good to have a thread for covid vaccine reactions since we had one on deaths.



May 26, 2018


May 26, 2018
Ray was saying this from day one!
Ray Peat on Timpone 12-21-20: "Even our own DNA replicating enzymes, what we need for every cell to reproduce and to produce offspring, the DNA replicase enzyme has the ability to function as reverse transcriptase able to transcribe RNA into DNA, making basically genes out of this bit of viral RNA which can go into the genes, and the person can then become a factory for making this spike protein, this uniquely inflammation-promoting bit of information, producing the viral protein, multiplying it endlessly by possibly all of our cells, so we would not only produce increasing amounts as our body went through its normal restoration and growth processes, but being spreadable by our secretions, and passed on to our offspring if people should live that long."

Even without any immediate/acute negative effects, this is a massive crime. Nobody informed people they will be deliberately and rapidly turned into a mutant - i.e. DNA modification. Sure, direct DNA incorporation (horizontal gene transfer) happens in nature but it is not common. I think mRNA incorporation happens even more rarely, if ti all, due to the instability of mRNA under normal conditions. Remember, the mRNA vaccines have to be distributed deeply frozen under temps that can very rarely be achieved in a sustained fashion in nature, in regions where humans live. So, at the very least, if further corroborated through more research this mRNA incorporation into our genome is at the very least assault with a (potentially deadly) weapon resulting in bodily harm, under current criminal codes. Even if the vaccine brochures were mentioning this risk, it would probably still be a criminal offense, but the fact that they don't kind of seal the deal here. In fact, any attempt to discuss the mRNA-to-DNA risks in media was brutally and immediately censored, making this a conspiracy charge as well. IANAL, but things do not look good even if we assume the mRNA incorporation won't do anything bad.
Speaking of doing bad things - the mRNA in the vaccine codes for a synthetic version of the spike protein of the virus. That is the main (only?) mechanism through which the virus does its damage to humans - i.e. by activating the systemic inflammatory response through the angiotensin system. So, creating a vaccine that incorporates ONLY the dangerous part of the virus into the human DNA, doing so without explicit consent (not that it would help much as it would be akin to somebody "agreeing" to be stabbed/poisoned/etc), and brutally suppressing any dissenting opinions is very much a crime of such proportions that I am not surprised the FDA/Pfizer are fighting so hard to conceal the data. In fact, I would not be surprised if that data somehow goes "MIA" or the "national security / state secret" doctrine gets used in a few months when Pfizer/FDA appeal this again, this time to the Supreme Court. Add to that the fact that CDC announced it won't publish stats separated into vaxxed/unvaxxed groups and it is beyound obvious what is going on. Canada, Scotland, and soon entire UK and EU are about to start doing the same.
The "reason"? So that people will not "misinterpret" the data to imply bad things about the vaccines. This is reaching comical, yet genocidal, levels of absurdity.

Finally, as @burtlancast mentioned in another thread - if investors are starting to dump Big Pharma over the vaccines, it does not leave much doubt as to what the data about to be released by Pfizer/FDA will show...and this is why I think it won't actually be released.

In light of all this, at what point do you think it would be appropriate/justified for people to panic? As I am sure you know, it is a rare luxury in life to have a definitive evidence in advance about any serious matter that demands prompt decisions. We probably won't have that evidence in regards to vaccines, at least not any time soon. However, the circumstantial evidence, at least to me, is overwhelming.


Some of those studies actually claimed they observed it in humans too. So, despite being preliminary at the time, we had a "heads-up" on this risk 6+ months ago and the govt and Big Pharma still chose to go ahead with the semi-forced vaccination campaigns. No court system can handle this if it turns out to be a mass DNA-modifying event, deliberate or not. It would mean imprisoning everybody, from the President down to the C-level execs in CDC, NIH, FDA, Pfizer, etc. No wonder the govt is pushing for large scale war in Europe...

They'll have a hard time covering up the insurance company data that is starting to come out in major life & health insurance company 4Q SEC reports. See posts by @DowdEdward on Twtr. Massive increases in death and also vaccine-associated doctor visits now showing up on health insurer's results.

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