The Good: Fully Ascended After 2 Months Of Peating/haiduting, The Bad: As Angry/depressed As Ever

Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
I agree with the idea of "escaping the rate race" or finding another way to work through it that's more efficient if you will.

I've never had a steady job, but have managed to earn with gigs, surveys, writing, etc. In this way I always feel more of an independent tone or approach toward work or such. In fact I don't even think of a day of working, you could say, as just "working." The burden with many jobs is that it comes with the toxic label/expectations -- and as you've said appears robotic even. The best thing you could probably do is find some variation and try new approaches. I also would hate the "daily grind" kind of setup that is just repetitive and such. Soon enough we'll be seeing robots taking over these types of jobs, so it's not like they're long-term/viable sources for humans anyways.

Try a few things off the top of my head: virtual management/agent work; writing/blogging; data entry/validation; surveys/research participation; transcription. I name all of these since all are doable at home if you want, but you can probably branch some stuff outside of the home too in ways. Basically you are probably fed up with the 9-5 system -- and I agree that it isn't right for everybody. In fact, even the people it's "right for," I would advise them to take a look at things from other angles.

The more you invest in to one "system" the more you will have to lose in that. The issue with the common job is that once it's gone, that's it -- many have little else to fall back on. Even if you don't make tons of money doing freelance work/businesses/temporary stuff you at least get the mental benefits of doing different things, as opposed to many forms of work where it's rinse-and-repeat, mindnumbing stuff. You also open up doors to new things so that you could actually find something that gives you more complete satisfaction over time. I know I couldn't stand not "mixing things up" every now and then when it comes everything from food to lifestyle.

I guess the summary would be: don't always limit yourself/put all eggs in one basket; try new things; learn new things; and of course maybe approach things differently.


Dec 1, 2014
Feel you on this. I recently started doing an online science class because I've been thinking about going to university and quitting my current job. However what I've noticed is that doing these assignments, writing these papers is very difficult as I just can't seem to give a ***t about them. When I was younger and much less healthy I would get stress and massive anxiety which would build up to the point where I was fueled with stress hormones to complete the assignment. However now I am calm and relaxed even the day the assignment is due making it much much harder to push myself to write this pointless paper.

Also i'm interested in seeing your physical changes


Aug 5, 2019
@Attakai can confirm changes are pretty drammatic and not in my head-it happened to me to read really interesting testimonials from users only to note that supposed "changes" were placebo effect for the most part: perhaps there was a true change in mood/energy but the claims some users make regarding face/body are many times not substantiated by pics.

Im just very upset, i thought if id ever reach this point i would be happy. maybe as mentioned before i still have a very long way to go to not only look ok but to feel ok



Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
it isn't.
i dread my lifestyle and i regret past choices. I hate technology, ALL modern corporations/gvmntal bodies, i just want to have a job that entails no computer-today this is basically impossibile unless youre really lucky.
Ok. You know better. I can only say that there are zillions people, that`d gladly sell their sisters in order to have life like yours.
Me no. Got no sister, unfortunately...


Jun 17, 2019
I'd say that you've reached ground zero on your health journey, prior you were in a negative position, needing to fix underlying issues. Now you're able to think and feel clearer as your health seems to be normalising. Having normal health isn't enough to be happy, life is challenging. It's not enough to simply idle as a healthy able-bodied person, you must commit more time to this state, I'd say you've essentially become a new person. Size up to new challenges, new personal advances, Greater stances within society. This will always we the way forward - I get that, but depression is quite often a locality, you need to move forward. Dwelling in the place you built as a sicker person won't hold you up. My opinion is that you should re orient yourself so that you start growing spiritually and interpersonally - these paths will always bare fruit.


Jun 4, 2018
I had a similar experience as a lot of people in this thread. As I started getting back to baseline with my health and mind, my "real" job ironically became more of a burden and in some ways far more stressful. I believe Ray once described stress as a "mismatch between the organism and the environment". That's what it felt like to me. My boss was the walking definition of stress. Complete baldness, diabetes, constantly micromanaging. My coworkers while generally well meaning were low energy and almost without exception ate fast food everyday. It was apparent to everyone that I was very out of place and I sort of felt judged for even trying to be healthy. I eventually saved up some money to quit and take some time off from working and it has been the single best thing I could have ever done for my health. I am making some money in other ways now that I have the energy and spirit to pursue the things I like and am good at.


Aug 9, 2019
In just a couple months of peating and haiduting i have fully transformed:
my face is now intimadating, eyes are completely hooded like if somebody stuck them in my face, the tilt is positive, the face is more firm. Gonial angles are now flaring out and below my jaw, my lips are more red and my eyes more green
So you're saying your facial structure has changed? Could it be due to upregulation of androgens?
Apr 19, 2017
Hi OP, what mode of application are you using for your supplements? Oral or topical and if topical where? Thank you.


Aug 5, 2019
Hi OP, what mode of application are you using for your supplements? Oral or topical and if topical where? Thank you.

Many I put directly on the jaw/cheeks/face.

I think Preg reversed my bulging eyes and now my canthal tilt is positive-it was really negative.


thank you-this is the kind of feedback im looking for. I'm sure this excessive anger-while well motivated-is not healthy.

how can i do liver cleansing?
I recommend doing the Master Cleanse - ( if you can do all 10 days great but if not just do as much as you can. ) colonics, coffee enema, coffee in general , Dr Naturas Colonix program is good ( with out the Paranil ) just the power and the tea, Fruit/Veg smoothies with apples, lemon, beets, berries. Sweating, Sauna, Epsom Salt. Clean colon and liver @ the same time.


May 6, 2014
Your "Deloitte" crack made me laugh. I have a friend who maybe could get me a "good" job there, but I don't want any part of that. Their website alone gave me a headache--total modern corporate nightmare.

I'm an older woman, so my thoughts for a young man may be useless. Yesterday the plumber came to our house. There's a skill set always in demand. Do you have any interest in carpentry? Or maybe cars? I read that companies like BMW have apprenticeships, and the salary for an experienced mechanic (in the US) is something like $150K.

I hate technology and corporate bull****, too. Good luck. Appreciate your movement forward on health.


Aug 16, 2017
I share your sentiment regarding the modern world.
Only that I am on the other end of the health spectrum, i.e. likely to be forced out of my office job for health reasons soon.
I think once you have been poisoned by civilization it becomes difficult to return to a more natural life.
I would suggest to look into Kaczynski's work and related books. I do not have all the answers yet myself.


Jun 20, 2019
I hated working for the Man. What worked for me: intention. It is hard to solve a situation with the mind. The universe is obedient but you must learn to pay attention to the signs. Co creation is using your imagination. See yourself as you would like to be, where you would like to be. Then let it go but pay heed to what comes your way. That is where your action comes in. It takes trust and really enough self love/deservability. Work as love is what Peat demonstrates. Find your passion and begin to integrate it deeper. In the meantime stop giving a crap about your current work attachments. Open your heart, do random acts of kindness in your workplace, it makes it tolerable and people will notice. Its liberating and it is how I escaped the rat race.

Wendy B

Jul 16, 2019
What are Peat's thoughts on meditation - such as transcendental meditation (or others)? In Buddhist training, we learn that we can be happy completely independent of outer circumstances. I really don't think that that is enough - at least wtihout meditating for a very long time first - and probably learning to do so in good health. But meditation certainly made transformations in my ability to be happy and empathetic. I wonder if Peat would feel meditation curative, or that it trains us too much in accepting "what is"?


Nov 21, 2013
I hated working for the Man. What worked for me: intention. It is hard to solve a situation with the mind. The universe is obedient but you must learn to pay attention to the signs. Co creation is using your imagination. See yourself as you would like to be, where you would like to be. Then let it go but pay heed to what comes your way. That is where your action comes in. It takes trust and really enough self love/deservability. Work as love is what Peat demonstrates. Find your passion and begin to integrate it deeper. In the meantime stop giving a crap about your current work attachments. Open your heart, do random acts of kindness in your workplace, it makes it tolerable and people will notice. Its liberating and it is how I escaped the rat race.

Great post! @Marcine
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