The Fatty Acid Syndrome (Randle Cycle)



Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Haidut.... but shouldnt saturated fat be eaten without sugar.?


But what if someone suffers from severe PTSD...where theres alot of cortisol and adrenaline flowin daily due to racked nerves... wouldnt it be best to stay away from fats and up the sugars? In other words wouldnt we want the randle cycle to prefer sugars and not have it be "distracted" by fats?

Well yeah, I did not mean to suggest you should be gorging on fat. I just wanted to point out that saturated fat has its benefits. Btw, PUFA stimulates cortisol synthesis while SFA inhibits it, so improving the SFA/PUFA ratio in tissues can probably help lower cortisol.
Pufa Stimulates Cortisol Production Even In The Absense Of Acth

For people with PTSD, it is serotonin that is the primary driver of cortisol synthesis so using something line theanine of cyproheptadine should help. Both have been studied successfully for PTSD.


Apr 13, 2016
Haidut.... but shouldnt saturated fat be eaten without sugar.?


But what if someone suffers from severe PTSD...where theres alot of cortisol and adrenaline flowin daily due to racked nerves... wouldnt it be best to stay away from fats and up the sugars? In other words wouldnt we want the randle cycle to prefer sugars and not have it be "distracted" by fats?

I know you weren't addressing me, but I'll make it short. My personal experience is that it can be stressful to go too crazy with very high sugar and zero fat. There's a place for saturated fat in moderation, and I think that's what haidut is getting at.

gilson dantas

Jun 13, 2016
if someone consumes a bit of grated carrots with some tablespoons of butter, will not be promoving the Randle effect? He is consuming fat, he will release free fatty acids, but without the presence of glucose; what you say about that?


Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
"Just about everything that goes wrong involves FFA increase. If they are totally saturated fatty acids, such as from coconut oil and butter, those are less harmful, but they still tend to shift the mitochondrial cellular metabolism away from using glucose and fructose and turning on various stress related things; By lowering the carbon dioxide production I think is the main mechanism."-RP
The main question is how much is enough to interfere significantly.
Do you think that the benefit from a bit of safe fats on starchy meals is not worth?
cantstoppeating some time ago tried to ask Ray more or less that question, but if I recall correctly he didn't get a solid answer.
Here it is: Ray Peat Email Advice Depository
Last edited:


Feb 16, 2017
I realize this is a really old post, but am just now seeing it.

I have gotten to the point at which I just gave in and started eating carbs (sugar and starch) every 1-1.5 hours because I kept having problems with severe hypoglycemia between meals (would drop into the low 40's). I've been doing this for a few weeks and my fat intake has gradually gone down over this time. I'm at about 70 grams of fat per day which is still probably pretty high but is about half of what I was consuming for the last 10 years while doing both keto and Paul Jaminet's Perfect Health Diet.

Here are some of the changes since doing this:

1. I have had problems with blood circulation for about 13 years off and on. One symptom I have had throughout that time is having my legs go to sleep very easily, especially after sitting on the toilet for a few minutes. After standing up, it would be extremely painful while the blood rushed back down and the nerves woke up. This has disappeared suddenly over the last several weeks after lowering the fat and markedly increasing the sugar. Very surprising.

2. My sexual dysfunction has improved I would say about 90%. I have struggled with post-orgasmic illness syndrome for about the last 13 years as well. When I was on keto, it would take me literally weeks to recover from one orgasm. I noticed after reintroducing sugar to my diet that it markedly helped this and I decreased recovery time to several days instead of weeks. After lowering the fat intake and upping the sugar for the last several weeks, I have it down to about 24 hours recovery time and my libido is much closer to where it was 20 years ago as a teen, something I never thought would happen again.

3. My metabolism has suddenly shot through the roof. I'm hungry more often and I have so much energy and feel warm all the time.

It wasn't PUFA because my PUFA intake has been very low even since before discovering Peat. Most of the fat I was consuming was saturated, mainly from coconut oil and some from beef fat.

I'm starting to realize that I feel better with a lower fat intake and I also feel better consuming sugar/carbs every 1-1.5 hours throughout the day regardless of the fact that it is probably keeping my insulin elevated. In fact, I wonder if keeping the insulin elevated in this context is actually good because of its suppression of fatty acid oxidation.

I'm not sure how low I will go yet. I do seem to need some fat intake because I have tried zero fat before and felt lousy. We will see.


New Member
Apr 1, 2020
I realize this is a really old post, but am just now seeing it.

I have gotten to the point at which I just gave in and started eating carbs (sugar and starch) every 1-1.5 hours because I kept having problems with severe hypoglycemia between meals (would drop into the low 40's). I've been doing this for a few weeks and my fat intake has gradually gone down over this time. I'm at about 70 grams of fat per day which is still probably pretty high but is about half of what I was consuming for the last 10 years while doing both keto and Paul Jaminet's Perfect Health Diet.

Here are some of the changes since doing this:

1. I have had problems with blood circulation for about 13 years off and on. One symptom I have had throughout that time is having my legs go to sleep very easily, especially after sitting on the toilet for a few minutes. After standing up, it would be extremely painful while the blood rushed back down and the nerves woke up. This has disappeared suddenly over the last several weeks after lowering the fat and markedly increasing the sugar. Very surprising.

2. My sexual dysfunction has improved I would say about 90%. I have struggled with post-orgasmic illness syndrome for about the last 13 years as well. When I was on keto, it would take me literally weeks to recover from one orgasm. I noticed after reintroducing sugar to my diet that it markedly helped this and I decreased recovery time to several days instead of weeks. After lowering the fat intake and upping the sugar for the last several weeks, I have it down to about 24 hours recovery time and my libido is much closer to where it was 20 years ago as a teen, something I never thought would happen again.

3. My metabolism has suddenly shot through the roof. I'm hungry more often and I have so much energy and feel warm all the time.

It wasn't PUFA because my PUFA intake has been very low even since before discovering Peat. Most of the fat I was consuming was saturated, mainly from coconut oil and some from beef fat.

I'm starting to realize that I feel better with a lower fat intake and I also feel better consuming sugar/carbs every 1-1.5 hours throughout the day regardless of the fact that it is probably keeping my insulin elevated. In fact, I wonder if keeping the insulin elevated in this context is actually good because of its suppression of fatty acid oxidation.

I'm not sure how low I will go yet. I do seem to need some fat intake because I have tried zero fat before and felt lousy. We will see.

How's your higher sugar, lower saturated fat experiment going?? I'm curious because even though I have never heard of "post-orgasmic illness syndrome' I often experience being flat-lined for a week after orgasms. There is certainly talk about this kind of thing in yogic and Taoist literature, so I've always dealt with it by not usually ejaculating during sex, but I've never tried upping my sugar and dropping my fat. Just out of curiosity, what sources of sugar are you using???


Jun 25, 2017
How's your higher sugar, lower saturated fat experiment going?? I'm curious because even though I have never heard of "post-orgasmic illness syndrome' I often experience being flat-lined for a week after orgasms. There is certainly talk about this kind of thing in yogic and Taoist literature, so I've always dealt with it by not usually ejaculating during sex, but I've never tried upping my sugar and dropping my fat. Just out of curiosity, what sources of sugar are you using???
Does this happen when taking a multivitamin, vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium, etc?
Oct 8, 2016
Colorado, USA
1. I have had problems with blood circulation for about 13 years off and on. One symptom I have had throughout that time is having my legs go to sleep very easily, especially after sitting on the toilet for a few minutes. After standing up, it would be extremely painful while the blood rushed back down and the nerves woke up. This has disappeared suddenly over the last several weeks after lowering the fat and markedly increasing the sugar. Very surprising.

I have noticed that I seem to rarely get the classic "pins and needles" sensation from limbs going to sleep anymore. In fact, I noticed it when my limbs fell asleep a couple times during a period of low health a few weeks this past winter.

I'm not sure when it began, but I've been doing low fat, high carb for over a year now. More and more carb heavy, especially now. I think chronic saturation of B vitamins played a role in this, too.


Oct 4, 2019
I have noticed that I seem to rarely get the classic "pins and needles" sensation from limbs going to sleep anymore. In fact, I noticed it when my limbs fell asleep a couple times during a period of low health a few weeks this past winter.

I'm not sure when it began, but I've been doing low fat, high carb for over a year now. More and more carb heavy, especially now. I think chronic saturation of B vitamins played a role in this, too.
Whats carbs you consuming for B vits


Feb 25, 2021
Apologies if this is a stupid question :eyes: or it has been answered elsewhere (although I can't for the life of me find this answered anywhere), but what is meant by high carb/low fat? Any ballpark ratios assuming it's different for every person? Would 40g fat with 400g carb be a good ratio on a 2300cal diet?

Does this also mean that we should eat fat by itself and then consume our carbs either by themselves or with protein?

From my understanding, you want to eat carbs with protein, so the protein + fat and no carb would be out, right?


Jun 7, 2016
Apologies if this is a stupid question :eyes: or it has been answered elsewhere (although I can't for the life of me find this answered anywhere), but what is meant by high carb/low fat? Any ballpark ratios assuming it's different for every person? Would 40g fat with 400g carb be a good ratio on a 2300cal diet?

Does this also mean that we should eat fat by itself and then consume our carbs either by themselves or with protein?

From my understanding, you want to eat carbs with protein, so the protein + fat and no carb would be out, right?
The best thing to do is start where you are and lower the fat and go by how you feel, it’s been established that everyone will respond uniquely


Jun 4, 2018
Could it not be whole fault of pufa in body? Pufa causing low metabolism so body is not able to burn large amount of both fat and glucose? So it focus on burning preferentially fats over glucose. Because the issue is low metabolism itself because of pufa

In pufa deficient, i think ffa would not cause insulin resistance and large amount of glucose+fat will be burned at very high rate so excess is taken care of. Or is it just wishful thinking?
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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