The Energy Metabolism Dysfunction in Schizophrenia


May 13, 2015
My nail test showed elevated mercury at roughly 4.56 2 years ago. Now it's at .0117 which is in range but at the upper limit. Not sure how reliable these tests are. It's hard to believe it dropped that significantly. I did a regular blood test for mercury and it came back negative.
I think that mercury is the toxin that just sticks around forever. Blood testing for mercury only shows the amount of mercury that is actively floating around in the blood. Mercury parks itself in the body tissue and brain.

Do you know if you were exposed to mercury? Did/do you have mercury amalgam fillings?
uccinic acid, calcium bentonite, chlorella, vitamin e, selenium, and nac can help for metals. I'm using cardenosine sublingually to hopefully get succinic acid into the brain. I read a really good article talking about the combination of red light therapy and sauna heat that makes you sweat significantly lower the author's heavy metals to really low levels. Proved it with a heavy metal test before and after. Something worth trying. There are places that offer this sort of service.
It is very important to shower off the sweat immediately as the toxins will be reabsorbed if the sweat dries on the skin.

I've dealt with a LOT of heavy metal poisoning. I've had over 100 EDTA IV chelations in my lifetime. Although they helped with many heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, iron), they did not help with the mercury and aluminum. I think that my primary problem was my mercury toxicity which made me susceptible to other heavy metals because the mercury lowered my selenium and my thiamine which are needed for body detox.

Mercury is extremely difficult to get out of the body. Boyd Haley's product Emeramed shows promise but the FDA has been sitting on its approval for something like 15 years. There are knock-offs but they are considered dangerous because of heavy metal contamination. So I'm focusing on resolving the problems that mercury toxicity causes; I'm primarily focusing on high dose thiamine hcl but I take additional vitamins too and also prescription thyroid medication (NP Thyroid by Acella) and progesterone and pregnenolone.
Do your siblings take the sublingual vitamins? Have they noticed anything? How bad are their symptoms?
My brother committed suicide in 2009 at the age of 56. My sister is now 77 and is completely out of her mind and should be institutionalized.
Do you have anything? If not what do you think prevented you from getting it?
I am mercury toxic. I have found great benefit from taking high dose thiamine hcl. I was unable to tolerate TTFD thiamine because my glutathione level was very low; supplementing with thiamine hcl has normalized my glutathione level. This means my oxidative stress is lower and my body is functioning better.

In 2020, my thiamine function (such as it was) got blocked via a prescription of Bactrim antibiotic. It nearly killed me. I recovered via high dose thiamine hcl. I take 1 gram, 2Xday. I follow Dr. Costantini's protocol.

I am hypothyroid and rely on a good endocrinologist and blood testing every 6 months so that we know my desiccated thyroid prescription is exactly the amount that I need.

I am 74, female. I was estrogen dominant for many years. I take progesterone and also pregnenolone to balance my hormones.
I'm doing well with getting adequate thiamine intake. I take a multivitamin and a B complex.
Exactly how much thiamine is that and what kind? You are the one who thinks they have schizophrenia; is that what you consider "doing well"?
So far I use niacin and haven't noticed anything. But I'll keep that in mind. I thought it only works if its niacin and not niacinamide.
The acolytes of Abram Hoffer recommend niacin. Ray Peat warned against niacin many times; he always recommended niacinamide. I'm a Ray Peat fan myself. Peat's articles make sense.

Here's a handy search engine: PeatSearch: a Ray Peat-specific search engine - Toxinless Use the search cell that excludes the forum.
Fair enough. I forgot about the RDA and how it's values are to prevent disease not optimize functioning.
You are assuming the Powers That Be who declare the RDAs are benevolent and all knowing. That's really not a safe assumption.
I'll look into thiamine and hallucinations. I do consume a high carb diet. I make a heavy fruit shake with coconut water and coconut flakes. I take a B complex, MCT oil with naturelo multivitamin, pyrucet, aspirin, and more to help with glucose metabolism. I eat more fruits in evening (apple, tangerines and grapes). I drink OJ as well in the evening. I don't get fatigue after eating carbs like I used to and actually feel more energized. So I seem to be okay. But more is better in this case.
If you are having trouble because of lack of sufficient thiamine, high carb eating will make it worse. A blood sugar roller coaster is not a healthy way to live. You want your blood sugar to be on an even keel.

Maybe you can help me out. I'm looking for herbs that help break down glucose in the brain. Struggling to find anything on PubMed. Let me know if you know or find something. Only one I found was luteolin which improves Alzheimer's Disease.
I'm pretty sure herbs aren't going to be of benefit, sorry. I suggest you spend a little time learning about oxidative metabolism, Krebs cycle, citric acid cycle.

suggested videos: View:

this one:


Thiamine and Alzheimer's Disease:
Last edited:


Mar 2, 2016
I think you're on the right track, it seems you are determined to understand what's afflicting you and are willing to experiment. Many of these suggestions might be helpful. I think many times in frank schizophrenia there is a total loss of "ground" meaning in language, this manifests as a break with reality, delusions of persecution, hallucinations, etc, but most of the time can be described as "thought disorder," and I think the observation that you do experience allergies and do flush with niacin can give you some diagnostic clues to your physiological landscape.

With regards to auditory hallucinations, I think they are related to OCD pathology in the context of "aberrant salience." Essentially the solution finding pathways of the brain become injured and the constant search for an answer pushes functional relational networks out of range. Continued research of the role of glutamate could be fruitful. It might be helpful to think about how we find solutions to problems and how we understand those solutions as valid. A proper temporal horizon would be important, in the sense of understanding cause and effect. For instance, is making your bed, folding the laundry, or doing your dishes going to save the world? Probably not in the immediate sense.

Dopamine and the aberrant salience hypothesis of schizophrenia

Aberrant salience network functional connectivity in auditory verbal hallucinations: a first episode psychosis sample



Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
I think that mercury is the toxin that just sticks around forever. Blood testing for mercury only shows the amount of mercury that is actively floating around in the blood. Mercury parks itself in the body tissue and brain.

Do you know if you were exposed to mercury? Did/do you have mercury amalgam fillings?
I wasn't exposed to mercury via amalgam fillings. I have no idea where it came from. Hardly eat seafood.
It is very important to shower off the sweat immediately as the toxins will be reabsorbed if the sweat dries on the skin.
Good to know. Thanks
I've dealt with a LOT of heavy metal poisoning. I've had over 100 EDTA IV chelations in my lifetime. Although they helped with many heavy metals (lead, cadmium, arsenic, iron), they did not help with the mercury and aluminum. I think that my primary problem was my mercury toxicity which made me susceptible to other heavy metals because the mercury lowered my selenium and my thiamine which are needed for body detox.

Mercury is extremely difficult to get out of the body. Boyd Haley's product Emeramed shows promise but the FDA has been sitting on its approval for something like 15 years. There are knock-offs but they are considered dangerous because of heavy metal contamination. So I'm focusing on resolving the problems that mercury toxicity causes; I'm primarily focusing on high dose thiamine hcl but I take additional vitamins too and also prescription thyroid medication (NP Thyroid by Acella) and progesterone and pregnenolone.
You should try succinic acid. Peat mentioned it's very helpful in removing heavy metals. Just make sure it's in a capsule because it will pull calcium from your teeth. It's a bit easy to overdo and get symptoms of very high Gaba. I had slurred speech after putting succinic acid in a capsule that was too much.
My brother committed suicide in 2009 at the age of 56. My sister is now 77 and is completely out of her mind and should be institutionalized.
Very sorry to hear that. I have a strong hate for this condition in the way it manifests and what it does to people. I almost committed suicide a few times. One almost involve burning myself by using the stove. I was very lost many times due to the delusions and hallucinations. Just as fast and as hard as it hit, all I have now after a year and a half is very mild hallucinations. It would drive me nuts at night time as I would hear this girl who couldn't control her ability to talk. She would repeat my thoughts and speak about what others were doing constantly. As in every 2 seconds from 7pm to 10pm I would hear here talking loudly. It was brutal. Thankfully with sublingual vitamins/minerals/hormones she hardly talks at all anymore.
I am mercury toxic. I have found great benefit from taking high dose thiamine hcl. I was unable to tolerate TTFD thiamine because my glutathione level was very low; supplementing with thiamine hcl has normalized my glutathione level. This means my oxidative stress is lower and my body is functioning better.

In 2020, my thiamine function (such as it was) got blocked via a prescription of Bactrim antibiotic. It nearly killed me. I recovered via high dose thiamine hcl. I take 1 gram, 2Xday. I follow Dr. Costantini's protocol.

I am hypothyroid and rely on a good endocrinologist and blood testing every 6 months so that we know my desiccated thyroid prescription is exactly the amount that I need.

I am 74, female. I was estrogen dominant for many years. I take progesterone and also pregnenolone to balance my hormones.
I understand. Glad you are doing better.
Exactly how much thiamine is that and what kind? You are the one who thinks they have schizophrenia; is that what you consider "doing well"?
3mg Thiamine HCL from naturelo multivitamin. And thiamine hcl 100 mg from pure encapsulations. Yes it is because my gut doesn't have any issues. I should be absorbing them
The acolytes of Abram Hoffer recommend niacin. Ray Peat warned against niacin many times; he always recommended niacinamide. I'm a Ray Peat fan myself. Peat's articles make sense.

Here's a handy search engine: PeatSearch: a Ray Peat-specific search engine - Toxinless Use the search cell that excludes the forum.
Thanks. I'm still on the fence about niacin but will look into it and make a decision
You are assuming the Powers That Be who declare the RDAs are benevolent and all knowing. That's really not a safe assumption.
I think there's levels to that. I believe there's misguidance but good intentions in some research that's used.
If you are having trouble because of lack of sufficient thiamine, high carb eating will make it worse. A blood sugar roller coaster is not a healthy way to live. You want your blood sugar to be on an even keel.
I remember once feeling fatigued from high carbs. Not anymore

I'm pretty sure herbs aren't going to be of benefit, sorry. I suggest you spend a little time learning about oxidative metabolism, Krebs cycle, citric acid cycle.

suggested videos: View:
Herbs do benefit. Hans Amato linked many for optimizing glucose metabolism. Plants have been key to many different medicines. The plant is always better and there are so many varieties out there. Who knows what's left to find out about how they interact with our bodies
this one:


Thiamine and Alzheimer's Disease:



Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
I think you're on the right track, it seems you are determined to understand what's afflicting you and are willing to experiment. Many of these suggestions might be helpful. I think many times in frank schizophrenia there is a total loss of "ground" meaning in language, this manifests as a break with reality, delusions of persecution, hallucinations, etc, but most of the time can be described as "thought disorder," and I think the observation that you do experience allergies and do flush with niacin can give you some diagnostic clues to your physiological landscape.
Very determined. I think it's a condition that's entirely curable and avoidable. It shouldn't be a part of the human experience anymore. It's a useless adaptation to stress in the brain. It serves no one in any way and takes from everything as much as possible. Just like cancer. The weirdly energetic aspect to it is what confuses me. I know the brains of schizophrenics are too tired to even develop cancer but when I was going through this I had endless hallucinations and delusions. Also plenty of energy to think very deeply about what they were telling me and how to outmaneuver them. I guarantee my IQ went up in dealing with this condition. the number of names, their actions, personalities, and strategizing to remove them by using their world's logic. I never lost my mind fully and was always able to think logically. It was targetedjustice and the belief system that others were doing this to me is what opened me to seeing and believing various delusions. What do you mean by "ground" meaning in language?

If allergies and naicin flush are absent in schizophrenics, then it could be a reason why I'm recovered to just having auditory hallucinations. Too bad I didn't experiment with niacin earlier on.
With regards to auditory hallucinations, I think they are related to OCD pathology in the context of "aberrant salience." Essentially the solution finding pathways of the brain become injured and the constant search for an answer pushes functional relational networks out of range. Continued research of the role of glutamate could be fruitful. It might be helpful to think about how we find solutions to problems and how we understand those solutions as valid. A proper temporal horizon would be important, in the sense of understanding cause and effect. For instance, is making your bed, folding the laundry, or doing your dishes going to save the world? Probably not in the immediate sense.

Dopamine and the aberrant salience hypothesis of schizophrenia

Aberrant salience network functional connectivity in auditory verbal hallucinations: a first episode psychosis sample

Definitely think glutamate is the right area to study. N acetyl aspartate is found to be low in those with auditory hallucinations in the same brain regions where glutamate is elevated. I can't find it now but I read that N acetyl aspartate can aid glutamate metabolism. It's pretty clear if we can increase NAA then we should see a return to normal glutamate. The question and difficulty is in how do we restore this metabolic process? Is it an enzyme that's dysfunctional in its synthesis and everything else is okay? Or is it something more fundamental than that like low brain L aspartate or poor coenzyme A production? One way to restore is it lithium since it raises NAA everywhere in the brain and as needed. One user mentioned in canavan disease which is excess NAA, lithium actually lowers NAA but in other conditions like Bipolar disorder it raises it. But it still doesn't target the root problem
Mar 10, 2021
I almost committed suicide a few times. One almost involve burning myself by using the stove. I was very lost many times due to the delusions and hallucinations. Just as fast and as hard as it hit, all I have now after a year and a half is very mild hallucinations. It would drive me nuts at night time as I would hear this girl who couldn't control her ability to talk. She would repeat my thoughts and speak about what others were doing constantly. As in every 2 seconds from 7pm to 10pm I would hear here talking loudly. It was brutal. Thankfully with sublingual vitamins/minerals/hormones she hardly talks at all anymore.
Like my own mother, your stories are fascinating. I don’t know how you have managed! Are you able to manage a job or school?


Mar 26, 2014
Iodine is reported to 'detox' mercury too.

Of course you would want to go very low and slow, and make sure you get selenium and a diet rich in B vits and vit C.
Mar 10, 2021
Iodine is reported to 'detox' mercury too.

Of course you would want to go very low and slow, and make sure you get selenium and a diet rich in B vits and vit C.
I posted elsewhere today about these wild blueberry seaweed frozen cubes, I have been enjoying lately, which provide 90% a day of iodine with just 2 tiny cubes….



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Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Like my own mother, your stories are fascinating. I don’t know how you have managed! Are you able to manage a job or school?
Yes I am. I actually worked for about six months during this time period. At some point I had to call my dad and leave because of the hallucinations. I had too much deja vu where I would believe something was happening again. I basically believed I lived multiple lifetimes with the same life and outcome. There were simulations and these voices were launching simulations where they would try to control me at an earlier age each time. They had set points in my life that they would use to make me remember this was happening again and that I'm trapped in endless simulations where they were experimenting with me. Each time unknowing if there's anything else but this life I have while being told there's endless versions of me suffering. Reminds me of Morty from Rick and Morty where I think there were different versions of him living as servants to Rick lol There goal was to prolong my suffering and experiment.

Crazy stuff. Sometimes I wonder how I'm alive and how I didn't become homeless. I will be getting my masters this summer.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Iodine is reported to 'detox' mercury too.
I'm using it sublingually and think it's making me better able to learn and focus.
Of course you would want to go very low and slow, and make sure you get selenium and a diet rich in B vits and vit C.
Thanks I will. I didn't go slow but thankfully didn't notice anything.


Mar 26, 2014
Yes I am. I actually worked for about six months during this time period. At some point I had to call my dad and leave because of the hallucinations. I had too much deja vu where I would believe something was happening again. I basically believed I lived multiple lifetimes with the same life and outcome. There were simulations and these voices were launching simulations where they would try to control me at an earlier age each time. They had set points in my life that they would use to make me remember this was happening again and that I'm trapped in endless simulations where they were experimenting with me. Each time unknowing if there's anything else but this life I have while being told there's endless versions of me suffering. Reminds me of Morty from Rick and Morty where I think there were different versions of him living as servants to Rick lol There goal was to prolong my suffering and experiment.

Crazy stuff. Sometimes I wonder how I'm alive and how I didn't become homeless. I will be getting my masters this summer.

You must be made of very strong stuff.


Mar 2, 2016
Ground meaning in language meaning something to tie or bound the associations or relations generated by the semantic meaning of the words. Proper bounds relate the semantics in context, and frame the communication in a relevantbwat


May 13, 2015
3mg Thiamine HCL from naturelo multivitamin. And thiamine hcl 100 mg from pure encapsulations. Yes it is because my gut doesn't have any issues. I should be absorbing them
103 mg of thiamine hcl taken orally is an extremely low dose, I doubt that it is doing much at all. Even if you don't have gut issues, the absorption rate for the hcl type of thiamine is very low. Dr. Costantini has conversion information on his site that says that in order to get the same benefit of 100mg of thiamine hcl taken by injection per week you need to take 2 grams of oral thiamine hcl daily for 7 days. In other words, 14,000mg of thiamine hcl taken orally over a week equals to one 100mg of thiamine hcl taken by injection per week.

I posted information about sublingual thiamine earlier. It is in 100mg tablets. You may find these a lot more beneficial. I could tell that it was affecting my brain after taking one tablet (sublingually, not swallowed).
I think there's levels to that. I believe there's misguidance but good intentions in some research that's used.
I think that there's a lot of good information on line. But the main stream medicine is not providing it. The medical industrial complex makes money via sick people.
If allergies and naicin flush are absent in schizophrenics, then it could be a reason why I'm recovered to just having auditory hallucinations. Too bad I didn't experiment with niacin earlier on.
I don't believe this idea that allergies are absent in schizophrenics. Both of my siblings had pretty severe allergy problems. I think that the problem is a lack of energy in the brain. Highly intelligent people's brains require more energy to work. I think that this need for more energy makes them more susceptible to brain malfunction if a problem arises in the supply of brain energy. If there is a lack of metabolic energy, lots of body functions go on the fritz, including the immune system which would exacerbate allergies.

Thiamine is used as a cofactor for several enzymes used in steps in oxidative metabolism. If thiamine is deficient, mitochondrial energy cannot happen like it is supposed to. Please watch the Elliot Overton videos (link provided above) as he explains the role of thiamine very clearly.


May 13, 2015
I think there's levels to that. I believe there's misguidance but good intentions in some research that's used.
Discernment is a critical life skill. Survival in this world depends upon mastering it.

A link or two for your consideration:
The Propaganda That Is Selective Science | ZeroHedge
don't skip the Comments.

and I offer you this one:

Organizing the Panic | An Interview with Dr. Ray Peat​

March 7, 2013
Vision and Acceptance is excited to present an interview with Dr. Ray Peat, “Organizing the Panic”. This phrase is in reference to a line we quoted from him in one of our previous posts where he said, “Panic isn’t inappropriate when looking at nearly any part of what’s happening in the world, but we have to get the panic organized, so it can be productive.” So V & A conducted this interview with the intention of creating opportunities for awareness and discussion about where our world is headed and why. This will hopefully generate momentum toward action.


Forum Supporter
Jan 12, 2024
Discernment is a critical life skill. Survival in this world depends upon mastering it.

A link or two for your consideration:
The Propaganda That Is Selective Science | ZeroHedge
don't skip the Comments.

and I offer you this one:

Organizing the Panic | An Interview with Dr. Ray Peat​

March 7, 2013
Vision and Acceptance is excited to present an interview with Dr. Ray Peat, “Organizing the Panic”. This phrase is in reference to a line we quoted from him in one of our previous posts where he said, “Panic isn’t inappropriate when looking at nearly any part of what’s happening in the world, but we have to get the panic organized, so it can be productive.” So V & A conducted this interview with the intention of creating opportunities for awareness and discussion about where our world is headed and why. This will hopefully generate momentum toward action.
103 mg of thiamine hcl taken orally is an extremely low dose, I doubt that it is doing much at all. Even if you don't have gut issues, the absorption rate for the hcl type of thiamine is very low. Dr. Costantini has conversion information on his site that says that in order to get the same benefit of 100mg of thiamine hcl taken by injection per week you need to take 2 grams of oral thiamine hcl daily for 7 days. In other words, 14,000mg of thiamine hcl taken orally over a week equals to one 100mg of thiamine hcl taken by injection per week.

I posted information about sublingual thiamine earlier. It is in 100mg tablets. You may find these a lot more beneficial. I could tell that it was affecting my brain after taking one tablet (sublingually, not swallowed).

I think that there's a lot of good information on line. But the main stream medicine is not providing it. The medical industrial complex makes money via sick people.

I don't believe this idea that allergies are absent in schizophrenics. Both of my siblings had pretty severe allergy problems. I think that the problem is a lack of energy in the brain. Highly intelligent people's brains require more energy to work. I think that this need for more energy makes them more susceptible to brain malfunction if a problem arises in the supply of brain energy. If there is a lack of metabolic energy, lots of body functions go on the fritz, including the immune system which would exacerbate allergies.

Thiamine is used as a cofactor for several enzymes used in steps in oxidative metabolism. If thiamine is deficient, mitochondrial energy cannot happen like it is supposed to. Please watch the Elliot Overton videos (link provided above) as he explains the role of thiamine very clearly.
Thank you so much. I will look into everything and try to get back to you. Really appreciate it.


May 8, 2017
I would consider "Bulk Supplements" powder Niacin. You buffer the Niacin by basically mixing it in water with potassium bicarbonate or baking soda. For simplicity sake, a 1:1 mix is a good place to start. So basically it you took 500mg of niacin you would buffer it with either 500mg of baking soda or potassium bicarbonate. I prefer the potassium.
Just started taking niacin a few days ago and it feels way more effective than niacinamide, NMN or other NAD boosters. How much do you take?
Mar 10, 2021
Yes I am. I actually worked for about six months during this time period. At some point I had to call my dad and leave because of the hallucinations. I had too much deja vu where I would believe something was happening again. I basically believed I lived multiple lifetimes with the same life and outcome. There were simulations and these voices were launching simulations where they would try to control me at an earlier age each time. They had set points in my life that they would use to make me remember this was happening again and that I'm trapped in endless simulations where they were experimenting with me. Each time unknowing if there's anything else but this life I have while being told there's endless versions of me suffering. Reminds me of Morty from Rick and Morty where I think there were different versions of him living as servants to Rick lol There goal was to prolong my suffering and experiment.

Crazy stuff. Sometimes I wonder how I'm alive and how I didn't become homeless. I will be getting my masters this summer.
I mean this in the genuine way, like turning lemons into lemonade, you could write some interesting make believe stories with the stuff that is going on in your head. So interesting. You sound highly intelligent.
Mar 10, 2021
He also wrote "Eating a nutritious diet with ample vitamins and minerals (especially vitamin B1, B2, B3, vitamin E, copper and choline) will ensure that the complexes have the proper “building blocks” for running as they should.

A few important compounds that can alternatively accept the electrons from NADH and FADH2 and give it to cytochrome C oxidase are:

  • Methylene blue (R)
  • Vitamin K2 (R)
  • Vitamin C (R)
  • Lapachol (R)
  • CoQ10 (R)
  • PQQ (R)
“As many of my readers know, the link between niacinamide and schizophrenia dates back at least the 1950s and possibly much earlier. The late Abram Hoffer, one of the founders of the orthomolecular approach, was convinced that stress was a huge factor in mental illness and ran several successful trials with high dose niacin/niacinamide as treatment for schizophrenia. While his results were replicated several times, the medical industry never accepted his hypothesis and continued to argue that schizophrenia is primarily genetically driven. It is easy to see why - if chronic stress and other poor environmental conditions are accepted as causes of one of the most severe psychiatric disorders then it is a short step from there to the general population asking "if stress causes X, what else does it cause?" As such, the medical industry and its mouthpieces spent millions on trying to discredit Hoffer and his work, largely succeeding in convincing the public in believing that both the stress hypothesis of (mental) disease is false as well as that vitamin therapy is ineffective.

Well, the study below may vindicate Hoffer, if not in his belief in "adrenochrome" at least in his belief that niacinamide is therapeutic. The study has a more plausible explanation, and one that has become quite familiar to followers of metabolic therapy. Namely, that schizophrenia is driven by energetic deficiency largely resulting from insufficient NAD production. According to the authors of the study, this decline in NAD levels is likely driven largely by a simple deficiency of niacinamide. Thus, it can, at least in principle, be corrected by supplementing niacinamide.”

EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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