The curious case of Eric Bugenhagen

Apr 22, 2019
Eric Bugenhagen is a lifetime lifter that has displayed many impressive feats of strength on YouTube over the last ten years. He's lifted 800 pounds as a behind-the-back deadlift and bench pressed 500 pounds, just to mention two.


I believe he's currently 36 years old, 6'2, and his weight has varied between 225-275 pounds throughout his last 10 years.

Of a special note, given his consistency, it's extremely likely that he's never taken performance enhancing drugs. I read a YouTube comment on one of his videos one time that said, "he's unnaturally natural" lol

The reason why he's a curious case is because many of his dietary habits have huge red flags in regards to both PUFA consumption and much of Garrett Smith's advice.

*to be perfectly clear, I'm now a huge fan of Garrett Smith and his advice has been skyrocketing my sensation of overall wellbeing unlike anyone else I've taken advice from in these last few weeks. I happen to agree with the notion that the man is doing some miraculous work.

To present the topic of the thread in short order, over the last 10 years, video evidence of the following can be found of Bugenhagen doing some of the following at any given point in time:

-drinking a gallon of milk a day for 10 years (vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium)
-eating a pound of garlic all at once, with chocolate milk (sulfur)
-eating several cloves of garlic every day (sulfur)
-eating multiple boxes of Nature valley granola bars and/or other fig bars daily (glyphosate, PUFA must be very high)
-eating entire bags of bagels daily (PUFA, glyphosate)
-drinking 1-2 pots of coffee per day (slows down ALDH I think it is?)
-drinking 4-10 scoops of instant coffee daily
-drinking a preworkout supplement that contains 400mg of caffeine plus yohimbe (liver fat burner) in ADDITION to coffee habits
-self reportedly getting little sleep, suffering from sleep apnea, and never using a CPAP machine

>>> YET besides his impressive physical performance, stature, and overall energy, every video which his eyes are displayed in sunlight will reveal that both his iris and sclera appear very clear.

Literally the only thing I can think of when I ponder this dilemma of how his health seems so good is that he's always consumed a large base of soluble fiber through bread, beans, and/or granola that it has effectively prevented most liver damage from happening in the first place.

Eric's YouTube channel is here:

And a recent interview that goes over his bigger history, dietary habits, and lifting philosophy is here:



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
In my view he’s still fairly young at 36. I certainly hope he continues to do well though.


Sep 12, 2015
I've been watching Eric for years. I have no doubt he started taking drugs about the time he entered the WWE. His physical transformation during that time is remarkable. It is especially telling that, apart from a video he made many years ago, he never discusses steroids. In a recent commentary video, he was displaying YouTube comments on his TV. He began reading one, and stopped just before the part of it that mentioned how he was no longer natural. He has all the hallmarks of someone on TRT™.
Apr 22, 2019
I've been watching Eric for years. I have no doubt he started taking drugs about the time he entered the WWE. His physical transformation during that time is remarkable. It is especially telling that, apart from a video he made many years ago, he never discusses steroids. In a recent commentary video, he was displaying YouTube comments on his TV. He began reading one, and stopped just before the part of it that mentioned how he was no longer natural. He has all the hallmarks of someone on TRT™.
Food for thought 👍
Apr 22, 2019
Haha yeah, very questionable indeed. The funhouse mirror effect isn't helping anything.

I was thinking about this for the last bit, and there were several names of guys that I've remembered seeing over the years who claim lifetime natural. Considering how outrageous the open bodybuilder competitors look, I've never had a doubt that any of them were lying.

Of course, all of them have YouTube channels:

Steve Shaw



Jason Gallant



Geoffrey Schofield

Alex Leonidas

Jeff Nippard (not a fan whatsoever, but he's a worthy addition to the list)
Mike Israetel (open bodybuilder, unnatural) on left, Nippard on right

The height factor undoubtedly plays a role, but I'm fairly certain that these guys are all across the spectrum.


Mar 5, 2017
Haha yeah, very questionable indeed. The funhouse mirror effect isn't helping anything.

I was thinking about this for the last bit, and there were several names of guys that I've remembered seeing over the years who claim lifetime natural. Considering how outrageous the open bodybuilder competitors look, I've never had a doubt that any of them were lying.

Of course, all of them have YouTube channels:

Steve Shaw
View attachment 62038
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Jason Gallant
View attachment 62041
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Geoffrey Schofield
View attachment 62044View attachment 62045

Alex Leonidas
View attachment 62046

Jeff Nippard (not a fan whatsoever, but he's a worthy addition to the list)
Mike Israetel (open bodybuilder, unnatural) on left, Nippard on right
View attachment 62047

The height factor undoubtedly plays a role, but I'm fairly certain that these guys are all across the spectrum.

Funny how I know all these guys from my bodybuilding days. Most of these people are on PEDs. Jason Gallant for example, while maybe not PEDs now, definitely used to be on them during those pictures on his younger years. There is also this phenomenom of people who were on PEDs were there androgen receptor density changes forever and even after they come off, they still make better gains than naturals, tho obviously not as much as if they were still enhanced.

Eric Bugenhagen to me with my current expertise looks like someone who was running either nothing actually in his older videos or just a very simple stack. He looked great there man. But now, just from that video that RAS posted, not only does he look unaesthetic af, he also doesnt necessarily look healthy and he has those classic heavy roid signs like his voice. Dude also looks like he has hella high blood pressure.

From the examples you posted, I'd say Alex Leonidas and maybe Geoffrey are natty. But even Geoffrey could just be running Test. Dont understimate or overestimate how just a cycle of Test makes you look. It makes you gain pretty good mass but it wont give you that 3D photoshop look that we are used to because our standards have beeen set so high by youtube and instagram.

And you can see with Alex for example, he has a very differnet look than Bugenhagen. Way less 3D. He is also very short so those guys always have an easier time appearing broader if that makes sense. He is like 5'6. Compare that to Eric Bugenhagens massive frame at 6'2 and the amount of muscle mass he must have and its clear he is on the juice. Him being in the WWE is also a clear tell tale sign. Most of those guys are on PEDs because its their livelihood to make money from their physique and performance.
Apr 22, 2019
@Deadpool that's all good and well. I don't disagree with much of what you said.

I do want to ask though... have you ever purposefully force-fed yourself with say, 5,000 calories a day for months at a time to see how that affects your physique accompanied with a strength program?

If a person is eating several thousand more calories week in and week out, surely it would result in some significant charges, especially if done for cumulative YEARS at a time... surely, no?


Forum Supporter
Jan 28, 2024
United kingdom
As soon as you take PEDs, which DO make you a lot larger and stronger, muscle mass and health take on quite a strong negative correlation, with the largest or leanest pro bodybuilders showing the earliest demise. Plenty looked great shortly before they died. Plenty lists and videos are available. For example:
Apr 22, 2019
As soon as you take PEDs, which DO make you a lot larger and stronger, muscle mass and health take on quite a strong negative correlation, with the largest or leanest pro bodybuilders showing the earliest demise. Plenty looked great shortly before they died. Plenty lists and videos are available. For example:

I don't think anyone disagrees xD

You reminded me of this video with the same topic:



Jun 24, 2022
United States
@Twohandsondeck that's awesome your wellbeing has improved. Are you taking all those supplements(zinc,niacin,etc)?

I don't know what to think on that bodybuilder. Maybe he is taking some really good probiotics lol.
Apr 22, 2019
@Twohandsondeck that's awesome your wellbeing has improved. Are you taking all those supplements(zinc,niacin,etc)?
Yeah! I'd like to write a bigger post about it soon, but the shorthand version is that I'm getting in lots of fiber with grains, beans, fruit, and oats... using magnesium chloride topically and potassium chloride orally very generously... salting food less, taking molybdenum and selenium everyday and zinc every 2-3 days... sunfiber every day... activated charcoal with coffee, before bed, and before sauna.

I'll eat 1-2 pounds of meat on most days, but sometimes none at all.

Everything has helped a greater end of improving health in it's own way, but I think topical magnesium, oral potassium, oral selenium, oral molybdenum, and sunfiber have all been next-level helpful.

The usefulness of everything is highly dependent on the quantity of soluble fiber taken on a consistent basis, though.
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