The best possible toothpaste

Is my bicarb toothpaste safe?

  • Safe

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Not safe

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Depends on how hard you brush

    Votes: 3 25.0%

  • Total voters


Mar 2, 2018
After getting some cavities in the last few months i’ve really decided to get really strict with my dental regime.

I’ve got some strong habits in place now but the only thing i think i’m lagging with is my toothpaste, this one: Georganics | Kids Natural Mineral-rich Toothpaste | Orange

Now I keep seeing how Bicarb is too abrasive and will damage the enamel when brushing with, is this true? Even when this toothpaste has bicarb as the 5th ingredient?

I’ve spoke to a bunch of dentists and they state a tooth paste like this is pointless and with the bicarb bad for the enamel, i keep seeing how important fluoride is, i haven’t consumed anything fluoride for 5 years now but i think it does have it’s place for oral health and our teeth are missing out on it.

What is everyone using for a toothpaste and with what results? How long have you been using it for etc etc?

These are just a few things I now do to help dental health:

-After every meal swish mouth out with homemade mixture of Mineral Water, Calcium Carbonate, Bicarb, Xylitol, Vitamin D3, Vitamin k2, Peppermint essential oil, Orange oil
-Chewing with Xylitol gum when out.
-Using an electric toothbrush.
-Oil pull morning and night with coconut oil and Vit D oil, Vit k2 oil.
-Flossing twice a day or flossing if can feel food in between teeth.
-No snacking, eating 4 meals per day.
-Thinking of adding a mainstream fluoride alcohol free mouth wash to use every night.
-Only drink out of a straw when drinking anything other than water.
-Soak toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide once a week.
-Replace toothbrush every month.


Jul 23, 2019
Boka toothpaste seems to be a fair balance between safety and effectiveness. I've used Toms toothpaste and actually had an odd stress reaction from it. Never had such a reaction from this. I have used it for 6 months and noticed some improvement in my dental health.

Ela Mint Toothpaste


Jun 23, 2020
Tooth health is almost entirely determined by quantity + quality of saliva, digestive efficiency and internal calcium homeostasis - all of which are a manifestation of internal health. Hyperfocusing on all of these superficial interventions is unlikely to produce real world results if the underlying cause of the cavities isn't addressed.
There's a reason why some people can drown their teeth in coke for years with no issue, whereas others avoid anything and everything from touching their teeth but are plagued with cavities.
Just my 2c.


Jul 8, 2014
What is everyone using for a toothpaste and with what results? How long have you been using it for etc etc?
I make my own from white kaolin clay, baking soda, coconut oil, and peppermint and clove essential oils. Minus the kaolin clay, I’ve been using my homemade toothpaste for over 15 years now. My diet has the biggest impact on my oral health so I’m not sure what to say about results other than my homemade toothpaste cleans as well as any commercial toothpaste I used as a child.

I use baking soda because of its higher pH, anti-microbial nature and low abrasiveness—it has a Relative Dentin Abrasivity of only 7–and kaolin clay due to it having the highest cleaning efficiency value (98). If you search the terms Relative Dentin Abrasivity and Cleaning Efficiency Index, you’ll find plenty of info but I did a quick search and this site talks about the RDA and includes a chart:

And here’s another site that talks about the RDA and Cleaning Efficiency Index:



Aug 6, 2015
fractionated coconut oil

calcium phosphate/carbonate/ or your choice of calcium
erythritol - allegedly better than xylitol

you can just mix them into a paste.

about 100ml fractionated coconut oil allowed me to mix in about 4 tablespoons of each


Mar 9, 2018
Sea Salt. I don't brush, I buff the death in circular motions under the gum. Once the salt is melted I gently brush the gums top to bottom. Been doing it for more than 20 years.


Dec 11, 2016
I use this formula
— 1 part Calcium Hydroxyapatite
— 2 parts CMC (Colloidal Mineral Compound, first developed by Carey Reams)
— 4 parts Baking Soda (alkalizing)
— 6 parts coconut oil (antibiotic)
— Optional, A few drops of Essential Oil --- peppermint, anise, fennel, orange, etc.*
— 2-3 parts Natural Soap (without glycerin or sodium lauryl (laureth) sulfate).
(Hard soap work better than liquid soap, Grandma’s Pure Lye Soap.
— Pinch of Himalayan Salt
— A little bit of filtered water, enough to make a paste


May 30, 2018
I’ve been using just baking soda for a decade. Last check up with the dentist he said keep doing what you’re doing, so I’d say it’s safe and effective in my experience. I don’t bother with any other ingredients, but maybe a drop of diluted cinnamon oil would be a nice addition if only for the flavor.
Jun 16, 2017
I scrape my teeth lightly with my nails to remove plaque, then I floss, and finally I put some coconut oil on my toothbrush and brush my tongue and teeth with it. Works well. I haven't used toothpaste in almost 3 years, and my breath smells fresh( as long as my internal health is fine).

As has been said above, just having a good oral hygiene won't protect you from dental caries. Keeping stomach acid high( thyroid and niacin are really effective for that in my experience) is paramount to having a fresh smelling breath and clean teeth.


Feb 22, 2014
Sea Salt. I don't brush, I buff the death in circular motions under the gum. Once the salt is melted I gently brush the gums top to bottom. Been doing it for more than 20 years.

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "buff the death in circular motions under the gum". How much sea salt do you use, and do you mean that you put the salt in your mouth, let it melt, then brush the top teeth in a downward motion, then the bottom teeth in an upward motion (both top and bottom in a direction away from the gums)? How many minutes total do you brush?

Do you use any other protection for your teeth, such as xylitol, between meals?

Thank you!


Mar 21, 2014
I make my own from white kaolin clay, baking soda, coconut oil, and peppermint and clove essential oils. Minus the kaolin clay, I’ve been using my homemade toothpaste for over 15 years now. My diet has the biggest impact on my oral health so I’m not sure what to say about results other than my homemade toothpaste cleans as well as any commercial toothpaste I used as a child.

I use baking soda because of its higher pH, anti-microbial nature and low abrasiveness—it has a Relative Dentin Abrasivity of only 7–and kaolin clay due to it having the highest cleaning efficiency value (98). If you search the terms Relative Dentin Abrasivity and Cleaning Efficiency Index, you’ll find plenty of info but I did a quick search and this site talks about the RDA and includes a chart:

And here’s another site that talks about the RDA and Cleaning Efficiency Index:

Jennifer, this sounds interesting. Do you use fractionated coconut oil? Would you mind sharing where you buy the clay?


Jul 8, 2014
@freyasam, I use virgin coconut oil. I buy the kaolin clay from Mountain Rose Herbs:



Aug 10, 2012

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by "buff the death in circular motions under the gum". How much sea salt do you use, and do you mean that you put the salt in your mouth, let it melt, then brush the top teeth in a downward motion, then the bottom teeth in an upward motion (both top and bottom in a direction away from the gums)? How many minutes total do you brush?

Do you use any other protection for your teeth, such as xylitol, between meals?

Thank you!
I think "death" was a typo and he meant teeth. I don't get the part about buffing. @pauljacob You buff with what? Your tongue? A finger would work... Using salt sounds like a good idea.
May 11, 2022
Boka toothpaste seems to be a fair balance between safety and effectiveness. I've used Toms toothpaste and actually had an odd stress reaction from it. Never had such a reaction from this. I have used it for 6 months and noticed some improvement in my dental health.

Ela Mint Toothpaste
North American herb and spice toothpaste is way better....oregafresh...I have for sure noticed less gum inflammation


Nov 29, 2017
Calcium carbonate as tooth paste and then wintergreen oil in water as a mouth rinse. My gums and teeth feel like i just left the dentist (in a good way).
Feb 6, 2020
What has helped me:

The most significant: Vitamin k2 (someone mentioned on a different thread that they open Carlson k2 5mg capsule and just leave it on their teeth as a treatment) apagard premio toothpaste helped teeth become less translucent. I switched to Boka Bc price and availability. Miswak stick.

Helped but less effective than list above: coconut oil pulling, activated charcoal as a rinse, baking soda and Himalayan salt as a rinse.

New things I’m trying next:
I’m trying Calcium therapy institute next— carpule system specifically seems to be most potent based on their website, and also will try their toothbrush as it is infused with calcium zinc and the bristles seem gentler.

For whitening also look at walnut tree bark. It seems that the Colgate company is trying to get a patent on this natural substance and add it to their products.
Feb 6, 2020
*also, dr. Christopher bone, flesh, and comfrey formula— I use it mixed in during coconut oil pulling, sometimes dip my toothbrush with paste into it. It tastes very bitter, that’s why I mix.

I don’t know which part of my regimen it was, but a part of my gum - the part above the tooth, not the part that dips down in between two teeth —regrew significantly. I could tell because that tooth looked really long and oblong shaped due to the recessed area, but now it looks normal.

Again, I don’t know what specifically resulted in it. Changes to my diet were to increase fat soluble vitamins.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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