The +80% vaccination rate in the world has proved us only 2 peoples out of 10 has interest in the truth



Jan 1, 2013
And many of my friends here already knew about my ancestor Max Gerson! (love the picture, burtlancast. It lowers my cortisol just seeing it as i grew up with that picture on my mom's nightstand)

You are a relative of Max Gerson ?

Wow !

He's the very reason i joined this forum. His work opened my eyes on what was going on in orthodox medicine, (he proved it without any doubt) and it lead the way to accept Ray Peat's idéas and his own proofs of scientific fraud and deceit..

Their work intersect on the topic of toxic oils: Gerson showed vegetable oils were toxic for the cancer patient, and Ray gave us the explanation.

The very interesting thing is that although Gerson used flax-seed oil and had good results, it was discovered in 2014 by Polish scientists that flax contained CBD, known to fight cancers CBD Found In Flax Seeds; Ray Peat Right Again ?

That's certainly why Gerson got these good results even though he was using toxic omega 3 and 6.


Jan 6, 2019
@TheSir But a lot of the 80% think they have already arrived at the truth and no further exploration is needed. The truth many settle for is consistent with what they were taught and then continually absorbed from media and friends. There is a false certainty in their positions, and a lot of support and evidence is presented to them.
If we define truthseeking as an activity that never assumes it has finally arrived at truth, then the amount of truthseekers is smaller indeed and would likely exclude OP too. To my understanding, which of course might be wrong, OP was talking about people who are interested in arriving at/settling for truth, rather than perpetually seeking for it. If you eventually have to settle for something, there is no great shame in settling for the wrong thing, since settling is usually done from a defensive position to begin with and our abilities are limited.


Feb 5, 2019
You are a relative of Max Gerson ?

Wow !

He's the very reason i joined this forum. His work opened my eyes on what was going on in orthodox medicine, (he proved it without any doubt) and it lead the way to accept Ray Peat's idéas and his own proofs of scientific fraud and deceit..

Their work intersect on the topic of toxic oils: Gerson showed vegetable oils were toxic for the cancer patient, and Ray gave us the explanation.

The very interesting thing is that although Gerson used flax-seed oil and had good results, it was discovered in 2014 by Polish scientists that flax contained CBD, known to fight cancers CBD Found In Flax Seeds; Ray Peat Right Again ?

That's certainly why Gerson got these good results even though he was using toxic omega 3 and 6.

Yes, great-granddaughter! He and his wife practically raised my mom, at least before/between boarding school. The family stories definitely taught me to be skeptical of many things and to search for answers. I loved school and went to a conventional medical school for a couple years, thinking I could help, but I have never really been a leader like Charlotte was (my great-aunt) and then all of the drug memorization and protocols woke me up to what I was doing. Then came my religious conversion which was rebellious enough :):
Very interesting about the flax oil. We kept it in the freezer and squeezed a bit on salad every day. I haven't consumed it for many years. I basically grew up orange from carotenemia as well. So many things I've wondered about...


Jun 14, 2020
How would you incorporate that view into natural evolution (if that's what you believe) essentially designing us into our own demise and many other species by association? Would you say our unique intellect is a mistake in itself or somewhere down the line we became unbalanced? Or something completely different? Just curious...

"Evolution" didn't design us into our own demise, the people at the top did, which is the logical thing for them to do. They craft our reality for us.

The truth is that all humans are born with great potential, and few people get to realize even a fraction of that potential. The most important trait to develop yourself is discipline, without it, not much will be achieved. They fear capable people, therefore mass lobotomy eliminates the possibility of rebellion.

Industrialists, decision-makers, renowned artists, and distinguished people know this, and that is why their descendants tend to carry the torch as well. Not so much because these abilities are inherited, but because they've always been around people who know what it takes to achieve something.

Man is no longer a wild animal. Like a fruit tree, the ones that don't produce fruit sugary enough are cast aside. The question is, who's doing the gardening?


Jan 25, 2018
official second war history
This I found enlightening with James Perloff


Focuses heavily on government involvement in and foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor as well as the Rudolf Hess flight. I liked the story of when the Germans captured the Americans in one battle and took them in the barn and they shared a bottle of schnapps - they asked them what are they doing in Europe. The Americans replied you guys are planning on taking over the world, the Germans laughed it was news to them.


Jan 1, 2013
This I found enlightening with James Perloff


Focuses heavily on government involvement in and foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor as well as the Rudolf Hess flight. I liked the story of when the Germans captured the Americans in one battle and took them in the barn and they shared a bottle of schnapps - they asked them what are they doing in Europe. The Americans replied you guys are planning on taking over the world, the Germans laughed it was news to them.

Perloff is decent.

But he stays clear of the biggest conspiracy of WW2, the Nazi concentration camps and all the people saying it's a lie.

Won't touch it with a 10 foot pole


Jan 25, 2018
Agreed. E Michael Jones only started to touch the camps in the last year after a deafening silence. But I think the above is a good intro for those new to the topic.


Jan 1, 2013
Agreed. E Michael Jones only started to touch the camps in the last year after a deafening silence.
He's part of the ADL , lol !
What would one expect ?


Aug 25, 2023
Perloff is decent.

But he stays clear of the biggest conspiracy of WW2, the Nazi concentration camps and all the people saying it's a lie.

Won't touch it with a 10 foot pole
What is the conspiracy about it? Don’t know


Jan 1, 2013
Really? What is your source for this?



And then here: ADL about Ernst Zundel

In the interview, Jones mentions the Zundel trial but "can't remember what the issue was". The same thing with the ADL webpage who badmouths Zundel but conveniently forgets to mention he was acquitted in 2 trials in Canada regarding his holocaust books.

That's because these 2 Zundel trials are central in exposing the official holocaust narrative, as it was shown there's no trace of Zyklon B in the walls of the supposed gas chambers, as US execution expert Fred Leuchter demonstrated by scientifically examining the supposed death camps and then testifying under oath at Zundel trial.

Furthermore, Jones totally fabricates/misrepresents the origins of the death camps myth, citing a history about head lice and Zyklon B and showers, when in fact the 6 million death story had appeared regularly in US papers prior to 1940.

And of course, no mention by Jones of the Billions dollars in reparations and which immensely benefited the country of Israel .

Guy is a patented fraud.
But a good story teller....
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Jan 1, 2013


Jan 1, 2013
You and I do appear to come from a different “world view”- since I don’t believe in evolution but creation.

We are made in the image of God
Have you looked into the work of Zecharia Sitchin ?

The human race might be half ape / half alien, according to his work based on deciphering old Sumerian tablets.

The initial Hebrew Bible used the word Elohim, which means Gods (Eloha is the singular of God) , and smart priests decided is was more convenient to have a single God in order to control people through religion



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Oct 6, 2020
Should one feel sorry for those 8 out of 10 people ?

Even if i build alot of resentment towards them i would argue yes. Most of them are victims that were gaslighted and psychologicaly manipulated. It is not a excuse ofcourse but important to understand.
Regardless of what topic we would talk about, for some reason people take more issue and hate with the people "not helping/not realizing truth" than with the actual villains.

The covid measures were a prime example of it and both anti- and pro vaccine advocates behaved this way instead of giving the actual perpetrators the flipping bird (goverment and oligarchy et al.)

Is humanity doomed by the very nature of the human being ?

Depends on wether or not solutions will be found that totally offset any insanity and damage we have done to ourself. For instance:
... actualy developing/distributing cures for all man- and nonman made diseases. Building technological advancements and infrastructur that allows people to actually live instead of slaving away their lives. It only needs a few people/occurences for big shifts ... wether they will be good or bad remains to be seen.

Is the cycle of violence destined to perpetuate himself as long as humans live ?

Not if we get to the bottom and total truth that is human physiology.


Dec 8, 2016
Have you looked into the work of Zecharia Sitchin ?

The human race might be half ape / half alien, according to his work based on deciphering old Sumerian tablets.

The initial Hebrew Bible used the word Elohim, which means Gods (Eloha is the singular of God) , and smart priests decided is was more convenient to have a single God in order to control people through religion





Jun 18, 2016
Ever since the internet started spreading the truth about 9-11 twenty years ago, people had ample time to research and educate themselves about government crimes.

There's plenty of information available to prove 100 times over that Banking, health, official second war history, medias, politics are rife with lies and deceit.

But even then, although most western societies have had direct access to the internet, it seems very few people have an interest in these truths.

Most would rather live in their own comfortable version of reality and recklessly disregard any hint of their government being criminal. Which means that, provided they don't get the short end stick of it, they really have no aversion to perpetuate a POTENTIALLY immoral system.

And this recklessness has comeback to bite them in the **** in the most horrible way.

Should one feel sorry for those 8 out of 10 people ?

Is humanity doomed by the very nature of the human being ?

Is the cycle of violence destined to perpetuate himself as long as humans live ?
I think about this a lot. I also consider that if the 80% had their way, the 20% would be in camps.

"All for freedom and for pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever" "Say that you'll never never never need it. One headline, why believe it"
(BTW-Everybody Wants to Rule the World and Sowing the Seeds of Love by Tears for Fears, were written specifically about the Covid vaccine and this time)

My conclusion on the matter is from Proverbs 1:

"Wisdom crieth without; she uttereth her voice in the streets:
She crieth in the chief place of concourse, in the openings of the gates: in the city she uttereth her words, saying,
How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?
Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.
Because I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded;
But ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof:
I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;"


Aug 17, 2018
How would you incorporate that view into natural evolution (if that's what you believe) essentially designing us into our own demise and many other species by association? Would you say our unique intellect is a mistake in itself or somewhere down the line we became unbalanced? Or something completely different? Just curious...
Modern human existed for at least 300,000 years. So to think that we lived as primitives for thousands of years and then just magically started building civilization for past 10,000 years is a bit eye rolling.

Evolution is not a straight line. Humanity was actually very evolved 10,000 bc (Gobekli Tepe, the Sphinx...etc) but then major cataclysms happened and wiped out knowledge and majority of humanity and animal/plant life. These cataclysms were not without consequences and caused a lot of damage to the human psyche. Has it occurred to you that when you are born you are a blank slate? Collectively, humanity is experiencing a collective amnesia due to trauma that our ancestors experienced way back when. There is so much that goes into it that I would have to write pages.

If you are really interested, I would recommend reading the books by Immanuel Velikovsky (Mankind in Amnesia, Worlds in Collision), then Womb Awakening by Bertrand. Robert Shoch is a geologist, and he is one of those who challenged the scientific community on dating the Giza Sphinx.

Julius Jayne published interesting material on the bicameral brain. He stated that there was a major blow to the human brain. Humanity used to think completely differently but then due to trauma we basically became as if split brained.
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