The +80% vaccination rate in the world has proved us only 2 peoples out of 10 has interest in the truth


Jan 1, 2013
Ever since the internet started spreading the truth about 9-11 twenty years ago, people had ample time to research and educate themselves about government crimes.

There's plenty of information available to prove 100 times over that Banking, health, official second war history, medias, politics are rife with lies and deceit.

But even then, although most western societies have had direct access to the internet, it seems very few people have an interest in these truths.

Most would rather live in their own comfortable version of reality and recklessly disregard any hint of their government being criminal. Which means that, provided they don't get the short end stick of it, they really have no aversion to perpetuate a POTENTIALLY immoral system.

And this recklessness has comeback to bite them in the **** in the most horrible way.

Should one feel sorry for those 8 out of 10 people ?

Is humanity doomed by the very nature of the human being ?

Is the cycle of violence destined to perpetuate himself as long as humans live ?


Dec 8, 2016


May 26, 2018

I wouldn't underestimate the psychological factor in this. Georgi and Danny mentioned in one of the most recent podcasts that he was pretty disillusioned with the state of the world in the last 2-3 years. Maybe he thought his message wasn't heard and it was time for him to leave this place.

My grandfather died in the night after my grandmother's funeral. I don't think it was a coincidental date. He thought it was time to go, too.
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Jan 27, 2015
How would you incorporate that view into natural evolution (if that's what you believe) essentially designing us into our own demise and many other species by association? Would you say our unique intellect is a mistake in itself or somewhere down the line we became unbalanced? Or something completely different? Just curious...


Dec 8, 2016
How would you incorporate that view into natural evolution (if that's what you believe) essentially designing us into our own demise and many other species by association? Would you say our unique intellect is a mistake in itself or somewhere down the line we became unbalanced? Or something completely different? Just curious...
Good questions
And I certainly don’t hold all the answers

You and I do appear to come from a different “world view”- since I don’t believe in evolution but creation.

Call me crazy
But I do believe in original sin

Just look around
The proof is there

We are made in the image of God
And we have left our Creator

And this I believe - is what has gotten us into our mess


Jan 27, 2015
Good questions
And I certainly don’t hold all the answers

You and I do appear to come from a different “world view”- since I don’t believe in evolution but creation.

Call me crazy
But I do believe in original sin

Just look around
The proof is there

We are made in the image of God
And we have left our Creator

And this I believe - is what has gotten us into our mess
I believe no-one has these answers and as such I could never call you crazy! Do you study or practice a particular religion? I actually agree with everything you say apart from potentially original sin. I was raised atheist but as I've gotten older believed more in a higher power although as I've tried to formulate an explanation for this I've kind of settled on the belief that our Earth is our higher power.

It perceives time in a way that our lives are merely a fraction of a second of theirs and as such, profoundly affects our existence without perceiving us in any sort of way that we perceive ourselves. Further to this it created us for a reason (perhaps management of its biological processes) and somewhere down the line we developed a level of free will it was not intending (and that to me would be our sin, our ability to discard natures intention for us in this world), therefore we were created pure and sullied ourselves afterwards, however i would not consider the murder of our own species a sin in the eyes of god under certain circumstances if it was for the good of the planet.

Kind of going on a tangent now but i suppose what i am getting at is if we as a species are all but eradicated i believe this is all part of gods plan, we have lost our way with 'sin' and need to go back to what we were intended for. Still hope its not me though and given the society I live in I would certainly consider myself a sinner in the eyes of my god so perhaps it would be deserved.

Edit: Just to mention i would see 'natural evolution' as god building, we perceive it as a process spanning thousands of lifetimes but it could be a 5 minute task for god.


Feb 5, 2019
Good questions
And I certainly don’t hold all the answers

You and I do appear to come from a different “world view”- since I don’t believe in evolution but creation.

Call me crazy
But I do believe in original sin

Just look around
The proof is there

We are made in the image of God
And we have left our Creator

And this I believe - is what has gotten us into our mess

And i no longer believe that humans have been around any longer than the Scriptures tell us, because there's no way we could have lasted this long. We think we are so much smarter than our ancestors who built magnificent cathedrals and symphonies but somehow it took us hundreds of thousands of years to invent the wheel.
So thankful to be in a Traditional Catholic community of thinkers, most of whom haven't trusted government, pharmacy, and especially church leadership for decades. It sure makes for lower stress having the support not only of the Faith, but a growing community fo friends. don't know how I would have endured the Covid shenanigans without it.

And many of my friends here already knew about my ancestor Max Gerson! (love the picture, burtlancast. It lowers my cortisol just seeing it as i grew up with that picture on my mom's nightstand)

Those who seek the Truth will find it. But most are too distracted or made uneasy by any cost to their way of living


Apr 8, 2016
Should one feel sorry for those 8 out of 10 people ?
Yes, I feel sorry for many of those people who originally choose not to get the mRNA Covid vaccine but ultimately were forced to get the vaccine in order to keep their jobs. Not everyone has the balls to get fired from their job especially when they have a family to think about.


Aug 25, 2023
Ever since the internet started spreading the truth about 9-11 twenty years ago, people had ample time to research and educate themselves about government crimes.

There's plenty of information available to prove 100 times over that Banking, health, official second war history, medias, politics are rife with lies and deceit.

But even then, although most western societies have had direct access to the internet, it seems very few people have an interest in these truths.

Most would rather live in their own comfortable version of reality and recklessly disregard any hint of their government being criminal. Which means that, provided they don't get the short end stick of it, they really have no aversion to perpetuate a POTENTIALLY immoral system.

And this recklessness has comeback to bite them in the **** in the most horrible way.

Should one feel sorry for those 8 out of 10 people ?

Is humanity doomed by the very nature of the human being ?

Is the cycle of violence destined to perpetuate himself as long as humans live ?
They lie about everything. I don’t believe is this high. Now many people woken up and see what’s going on


Dec 8, 2016
I believe no-one has these answers and as such I could never call you crazy! Do you study or practice a particular religion? I actually agree with everything you say apart from potentially original sin. I was raised atheist but as I've gotten older believed more in a higher power although as I've tried to formulate an explanation for this I've kind of settled on the belief that our Earth is our higher power.

It perceives time in a way that our lives are merely a fraction of a second of theirs and as such, profoundly affects our existence without perceiving us in any sort of way that we perceive ourselves. Further to this it created us for a reason (perhaps management of its biological processes) and somewhere down the line we developed a level of free will it was not intending (and that to me would be our sin, our ability to discard natures intention for us in this world), therefore we were created pure and sullied ourselves afterwards, however i would not consider the murder of our own species a sin in the eyes of god under certain circumstances if it was for the good of the planet.

Kind of going on a tangent now but i suppose what i am getting at is if we as a species are all but eradicated i believe this is all part of gods plan, we have lost our way with 'sin' and need to go back to what we were intended for. Still hope its not me though and given the society I live in I would certainly consider myself a sinner in the eyes of my god so perhaps it would be deserved.

Edit: Just to mention i would see 'natural evolution' as god building, we perceive it as a process spanning thousands of lifetimes but it could be a 5 minute task for god.
Im at work so I need to be brief
Nor do I have any cohesive thoughts at this moment

I don’t practice or follow any religion
Im the weirdo salvation girl
Meaning saved by Jesus
He knows me like a daughter
I know God as Father
I am turned off by religion and hyper spirituality
Meaning shallow faith or Christian culture
Tough to say that

You may understand God more than you think
Keep seeking
Keep asking



Dec 8, 2016
And i no longer believe that humans have been around any longer than the Scriptures tell us, because there's no way we could have lasted this long. We think we are so much smarter than our ancestors who built magnificent cathedrals and symphonies but somehow it took us hundreds of thousands of years to invent the wheel.
So thankful to be in a Traditional Catholic community of thinkers, most of whom haven't trusted government, pharmacy, and especially church leadership for decades. It sure makes for lower stress having the support not only of the Faith, but a growing community fo friends. don't know how I would have endured the Covid shenanigans without it.

And many of my friends here already knew about my ancestor Max Gerson! (love the picture, burtlancast. It lowers my cortisol just seeing it as i grew up with that picture on my mom's nightstand)

Those who seek the Truth will find it. But most are too distracted or made uneasy by any cost to their way of living
Plus we have an adversary who is gaining strength daily…


Jan 6, 2019
I think many are interested in truth. The largest factor behind our ignorance is not a lack of interest in truth, but the overwhelming prevalence of untruths. There is only one truth and innumerable untruths. In many cases, a failure to arrive at this singular truth is, rather than a testament to absence of interest in truth, merely the farthest the individual was able to reach with the internal and external means that were available for him. Such failure doesn't make him less of a truthseeker. It makes him an unfortunate victim of the circumstances.


May 27, 2022
20% of people get 80% of results so this is to be expected. As long as 20% are interested in truth it’s all good. This is the natural balance of things because it’s what works.


Jun 26, 2017
@TheSir But a lot of the 80% think they have already arrived at the truth and no further exploration is needed. The truth many settle for is consistent with what they were taught and then continually absorbed from media and friends. There is a false certainty in their positions, and a lot of support and evidence is presented to them.


Jul 5, 2019
Catholic christianity is modified and changed by zionists for centuries, the most pure christianity that is still pretty original to the scriptures is orthodoxy.


Sep 23, 2015
Reasoning is a very painful process. It does not come automatically. One has to make a choice/effort to think.

"What if I make a mistake? I feel much safer when I belong to a group of people. This way I can easily drop personal responsibility for my own actions and blame someone else."

Conformism is rampant these days. I am actually surprised by the 80/20 ratio. In my opinion, it is much higher.


Sep 23, 2015
@TheSir But a lot of the 80% think they have already arrived at the truth and no further exploration is needed. The truth many settle for is consistent with what they were taught and then continually absorbed from media and friends. There is a false certainty in their positions, and a lot of support and evidence is presented to them.
It is very dangerous out there when you rely on your own brain. "They" always know better. Easy choice.
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