TESTICULAR CANCER - Please Help Me, i dont have much time! - cynomel / cynoplus the cause??


Nov 1, 2021
Hi everyone, I really need your help.

On Monday evening, I was rushed to hospital due to gradually increasing pain and a bump in my right testicle.

I was quickly operated on to check for torsion. If testicular torsion is not fixed within 6 hours of it happening, you will lose the testicle due to necrosis.

The surgery concluded that I DO NOT have torsion.

However, the surgeon told me when I woke up this morning that they found 4 irregular growths on the testicle itself (not the epididymis - I.e. the tube where semen flows up to the vas deferens). They are not spermatocele, varicocele, hydrocele, or epididymis cysts. All but 100% confirmed to be on the testicle itself.

That basically leaves one option - testicular cancer. Especially since there are 4.

I think the surgeon already knows what it is, but it is against protocol to tell me before the ultrasound results confirm.

Cause - cynomel and cynoplus??
I have been ill for a long time. General hypothyroid symptoms and low virility etc. Etc. I have been using Ray Peats ideas around nutrition since c. Early 2020 I would guess.

I tried everything under the sun before thyroid supplementation because I was scared to take it. I did my best to improve for around 2 years - but my symptoms only got worse.

After speaking with members here, I finally made the decision to try thyroid hormone supplementation - cynomel and cynoplus. I started with 1/6 of a cynomel and 1/6 (c.10mcg t3 20mcg t4) of a cynoplus and tapered up from there to 1/3 of each (c. 20mcg t3 and 40mcg t4)

In a previous thread I made, I asked whether exogenous thyroid could cause gynecomastia (an estrogenic symptom) and why - because I was experiencing nipple itching upon commencing use of cynomel/plus. There wasn't much conclusion, but @EustaceBagge hypothesised an interesting theory (loose explanation) that the increase in metabolism caused a release in tissue bound estrogen which then entered the blood stream. If the liver function is not good enough to clear this estrogen boost, estrogenic symptoms may occur. Interesting point, over time, the nipple itch disappeared though... and I forgot about this.

However, RE: my right testicle, I first noticed a minor discomfort c. 1 month ago, but did not observe any lumps. This discomfort was mild and fleeting, I assumed I had just knocked it on the side of my leg or something.

However, I have just recently increased my thyroid dose another significant amount 2/3 Mel and plus, because my temps were still low. This coincides with the onset of worsening symptoms and leading me to today.

I'M terrified that i have given myself testicular cancer by inadvertently surging the estrogen in my system where it was otherwise bound up in "safer" tissues. And that the testicular cancer is caused by this estrogen surge. Any credence to this theory??

How to treat or manage??
I saw a thread posted by @haidut that DHT itself may help to treat testicular cancer. DHT Lowers Serotonin Synthesis, May Treat (testicular) Cancer

Forum, I am DESPERATE for some help and advice.

The mainstream medicine view is removal of one or both testicles . I obviously wish to avoid these outcomes at ALL costs, but would probably choose that over metastasizing and death.

Can any of you help me please?? I know you can't diagnose, and have to be careful about making 'direct medical advice', and people will say that this is the thing to speak with a doctor about, not an Internet forum. But as I say, the doctors will remove them by default. Something I desperately want to avoid.

@haidut @Hans @dannyroddy @redsun @Peatful @Jib @youngsinatra @raypeatclips

Anyone with any insight, please help. I am desperate.

Yes, this post is 100% legitimate. This is where I am right this moment:



Nov 1, 2021
To elaborate - 2/3 Mel and plus means
Two thirds of a cynomel (16mcg t3) and 2/3 plus means two thirds of a cynoplus (20mcg t3 and 80mcg t4)

I dogured this was a fairly hefty dose, but not necessarily insane given that my temps were in the dirt at the previous dose.

May have nothing to do with it at all. But it's the only prescription pill I have used ever, and I only commenced use in March. All of a sudden, fairly large growths appearing on my testes.


Feb 3, 2020
Sorry to hear that. I already feel overwhelmed just reading your post and I can hardly imagine how overwhelmed you must feel in that situation.

So..deep breath..

Did the doctors do any labs on you?

Thyroid panel, CBC, serum lactate, CO2 and hormonal tests (estradiol, estrone, prolactin, testosterone..) would be good.

Did you mention the gyno / nipple tension when speaking to the doctors? Might be a good reason to want more blood work from them.


Forum Supporter
Aug 24, 2017
Hi everyone, I really need your help.

On Monday evening, I was rushed to hospital due to gradually increasing pain and a bump in my right testicle.

I was quickly operated on to check for torsion. If testicular torsion is not fixed within 6 hours of it happening, you will lose the testicle due to necrosis.

The surgery concluded that I DO NOT have torsion.

However, the surgeon told me when I woke up this morning that they found 4 irregular growths on the testicle itself (not the epididymis - I.e. the tube where semen flows up to the vas deferens). They are not spermatocele, varicocele, hydrocele, or epididymis cysts. All but 100% confirmed to be on the testicle itself.

That basically leaves one option - testicular cancer. Especially since there are 4.

I think the surgeon already knows what it is, but it is against protocol to tell me before the ultrasound results confirm.

Cause - cynomel and cynoplus??
I have been ill for a long time. General hypothyroid symptoms and low virility etc. Etc. I have been using Ray Peats ideas around nutrition since c. Early 2020 I would guess.

I tried everything under the sun before thyroid supplementation because I was scared to take it. I did my best to improve for around 2 years - but my symptoms only got worse.

After speaking with members here, I finally made the decision to try thyroid hormone supplementation - cynomel and cynoplus. I started with 1/6 of a cynomel and 1/6 (c.10mcg t3 20mcg t4) of a cynoplus and tapered up from there to 1/3 of each (c. 20mcg t3 and 40mcg t4)

In a previous thread I made, I asked whether exogenous thyroid could cause gynecomastia (an estrogenic symptom) and why - because I was experiencing nipple itching upon commencing use of cynomel/plus. There wasn't much conclusion, but @EustaceBagge hypothesised an interesting theory (loose explanation) that the increase in metabolism caused a release in tissue bound estrogen which then entered the blood stream. If the liver function is not good enough to clear this estrogen boost, estrogenic symptoms may occur. Interesting point, over time, the nipple itch disappeared though... and I forgot about this.

However, RE: my right testicle, I first noticed a minor discomfort c. 1 month ago, but did not observe any lumps. This discomfort was mild and fleeting, I assumed I had just knocked it on the side of my leg or something.

However, I have just recently increased my thyroid dose another significant amount 2/3 Mel and plus, because my temps were still low. This coincides with the onset of worsening symptoms and leading me to today.

I'M terrified that i have given myself testicular cancer by inadvertently surging the estrogen in my system where it was otherwise bound up in "safer" tissues. And that the testicular cancer is caused by this estrogen surge. Any credence to this theory??

How to treat or manage??
I saw a thread posted by @haidut that DHT itself may help to treat testicular cancer. DHT Lowers Serotonin Synthesis, May Treat (testicular) Cancer

Forum, I am DESPERATE for some help and advice.

The mainstream medicine view is removal of one or both testicles . I obviously wish to avoid these outcomes at ALL costs, but would probably choose that over metastasizing and death.

Can any of you help me please?? I know you can't diagnose, and have to be careful about making 'direct medical advice', and people will say that this is the thing to speak with a doctor about, not an Internet forum. But as I say, the doctors will remove them by default. Something I desperately want to avoid.

@haidut @Hans @dannyroddy @redsun @Peatful @Jib @youngsinatra @raypeatclips

Anyone with any insight, please help. I am desperate.

Yes, this post is 100% legitimate. This is where I am right this moment:

View attachment 51466
I haven't researched testicular cancer yet, but I've researched thyroid and breast cancer. I've helped someone get rid of a very painful inflammatory breast lump with thyroid, cyproheptadine, pyrucet, progesterone, B1, B2, B3 and aspirin. Apart from that, make sure to optimize your gut health. There is a strong correlation between gut health and most kinds of cancers.
Jun 15, 2022
If you feel good enough to go home without letting them do anything major that would likely be best to help you make the right decision rather than be pressured to operate. You need to basically rest full time, drink milk and eggs, and eat raw testicles if you can get them. Try sunning them too. Obviously stop taking any of those chemicals that likely caused this. And also you should probably start practicing semen retention if you are not already.

Mr Joe

Apr 27, 2019
The blood test you shared in January showed already very high prolactin for a male and high TSH, which both indicates an inflammation, potentially hyperactivity of the pituitary gland and maybe high cortisol (have you checked acth ?). But more important : As you've said you're ill since a couple years, we can assume that your prolactin is high since before and knowing that prolactin decrease CO2 that might explain you testicular potential cancer or at least the pituitary inflammation is linked with that. I would probably try to read about NDT and see how does affects you and in parallel, try to increase CO2 using Methylene blue for example, coupled with some red light on the area (maybe few second no more), or Acetazolamide and Thiamine. Baking soda can be a great tool in your position. Do you hyperventilate ? What is you heart pulse and breathing rate ?


Nov 1, 2021
Thank you all so much.

It's 10:30pm here. I'm still sat in the same place. I'm really hungry, no one around.


@youngsinatra - thanks so much man. You've always been so kind on my threads, and so insightful. And you always have such an awesome perspective that I hadn't considered.

I get blood work taken but they disappear and don't share. I'm in a huge hospital in London, understaffed, unclean for the most part. No one can tell you anything useful.

@Hans thanks for the summary man. I just want to say I really appreciate the consult I had with you some while back. I didn't follow up fully because I was slow to make some of the changes you'd recommended - I was trying so hard to make it work. I've been gradually declining in health for a long time, since around 18, I'm 32 now. And I've always tried to focus on gut first. Standard Western diet messed me up. Switched to paleo and did a bit better. Fell for the whole "keto" / low carbon craze. Fell for the carnivore diet craze. All with the lens of trying to heal my gut and reduce inflammation. But any respite has been brief at best. The carnivore diet finally destroyed my metabolism and led me to the Peat side of things. I've always loved your podcasts, I love your passion, I love your knowledge, and I love your entertainment factor. I've tried to be a sunlight samurai, but I have vitiligo and I burn to a tomato in about 5 minutes 😊 I try though.

@Raw Egg Gnostic thanks so much man. I am inclined to agree. Their view will certainly be "testicular tumors, therefore removal ASAP" and I don't want that. I don't want to live without optimal hormonal function. From my other thread, I will turn into this man:
Naked_human_male_body_front_anterior (1).png

When I want to look like this man's frame:

It will be impossible to have healthy, truly healthy hormonal function without working testicles.

They say that it's either 'remove or die', but honestly, the horrors of not having one or both testicles is arguably comparable to dying. I'm have been a living husk for years and its been terrible, I'm terrified to think of how I will be if they're removed.

@Normal Human I agree, I'm not excessively concerned about dying. I'm concerned about becoming a soyboy eunuch hermaphrodite - and that being my reality from now on. That's no life. All I want is a healthy happy family - I will never attract a woman ever again if I don't have testes.

Hi @Mr Joe - thank you so much for taking the time to go back and read my posts. You're the best.

I totally agree with your assessments and came to similar conclusions myself previously. The thing is, this is exactly why I tried cynomel and cynoplus in the first place. And im wondering if it was the thyroid that pushed my already unhealthy body over the edge - as I say, extreme estrogen release that the liver couldn't detox. Total bro theory though, I have no way of proving this, and I don't have a deep enough understanding to know for sure.

I also have dabbled with one drop of methylene blue, used aspirin, pyrucet for my dads Prostate cancer (which did not show up at all on his latest scan - zero shadowing at all!!). I gave him K2, B3, Aspirin, Pyrucet and MB because he did not want to go the chemo route. It seems to be moving in the right direction. Obviously, you have more time with prostate cancer though usually. You don't have time to mess around with testicular cancer from.what I'd read.

I have also been using a tonne of these already mself : d3, k2, e, aspirin, pyrucet, calcium, paansterone and cortinon.
, and lately thyroid...

Yes I hyper ventilate, I try to be aware of breathing though and @Hans showed me some useful exercises to slow down and refill CO2.

My pulse runs high 85-100, but temps usually 97.2 ish. Hence why I added more thyroid in the last two weeks leading to this sudden onset of lumps.

If they find a confirmation on ultrasound tomorrow, they will advise removing ASAP. But I'm desperately searching for a way.to steer the ship back in the right direction.
Jun 15, 2022
I agree, I'm not excessively concerned about dying. I'm concerned about becoming a soyboy eunuch hermaphrodite - and that being my reality from now on. That's no life. All I want is a healthy happy family - I will never attract a woman ever again if I don't have testes.
If this is how you feel you should not let them operate. All this has been a recent development due to recent changes you have made. Your body may very well be able to recover from the issue just as rapidly. And if months go by and it is still an issue then you can reassess and still probably not die. If you want some inspiration check out the Hagakure samurai book. "In a 50-50 life and death situation, simply choose death." Don't let them make you a soyboy. You should try to get out of there ASAP.


Nov 1, 2021
If this is how you feel you should not let them operate. All this has been a recent development due to recent changes you have made. Your body may very well be able to recover from the issue just as rapidly. And if months go by and it is still an issue then you can reassess and still probably not die. If you want some inspiration check out the Hagakure samurai book. "In a 50-50 life and death situation, simply choose death." Don't let them make you a soyboy. You should try to get out of there ASAP.
Thanks for this! This made me smile so much.

My favourite band is (old) Megadeth. Their first lead guitarist Chris Poland had a sticker on his guitar that said "Choose Deth" 😆 I always loved it, and loved his playing. Now I know where the original quote came from


I told my family earlier that I want to try and keep them both. And if.i do something stupid and end up dead, please don't be sad.

Deth before soy

Sorry to derail my own thread, thanks everyone - please keep tips coming if you can. I'm trying to brainstorm as best as I can


Jul 17, 2021
Is there anybody physically stopping you from walking out? If not just leave, go back home, and start working on improving your health for good. The only thing that can result from you residing in the hospital is them taking something away from you that can never be replaced. Those people are not there to help you but scare you into submitting to their barbaric rituals.


Feb 3, 2020
I hope you can leave as soon as possible. Being in hospitals is really horrible, especially nowadays.

It‘s basically a big building filled with stressed-out nurses and doctors, who are suffering from staff shortage and being overworked. And oftentimes the patient needs and worries are not fully seen and heard.

Then there is the shitty food and most of the time you are laying in bed for so long.

I‘d require them to give you all the blood work so you can look over it youself, „to help you make your decision“ if you want surgery or not.

I‘d also directly discuss with the doctor what will happen afterwards.
I‘d ask about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and how to manage to live without testicles and maintain a good quality of (sexual) life. If you are not happy with the doctors prognosis or competence, you could still decline.

I‘d also ask about what stage of cancer you have. It’s always okay to leave the hospital after the diagnostics are done and take time to make up your mind


Nov 1, 2021
Is there anybody physically stopping you from walking out? If not just leave, go back home, and start working on improving your health for good. The only thing that can result from you residing in the hospital is them taking something away from you that can never be replaced. Those people are not there to help you but scare you into submitting to their barbaric rituals.
This sounds nice. And I agree... but I don't know how to fix testicular c word.

I'll feel like a badass when I walk out. Not so badass when a bit of pyrucet and some b vitamins fail to ward off metastasizing.

There's a megadeth line where he says "weakness runs in your family, but what runs in mine is death" 😎 blackmail the universe, I think. Time to start putting all those old lyrics I used to growl in to my mirror as an angsty teenager to the test.

"Get well, or die trying." That'll be the name of my third album if I live that long. Actually that name sucks.

Sorry all, I'm a bit wooxy from.the painkillers. Please do keep treatment suggestions coming in, that would be so deeply appreciated. You have all been so great to me. Thanks a million


Nov 1, 2021
I hope you can leave as soon as possible. Being in hospitals is really horrible, especially nowadays.

It‘s basically a big building filled with stressed-out nurses and doctors, who are suffering from staff shortage and being overworked. And oftentimes the patient needs and worries are not fully seen and heard.

Then there is the shitty food and most of the time you are laying in bed for so long.

I‘d require them to give you all the blood work so you can look over it youself, „to help you make your decision“ if you want surgery or not.

I‘d also directly discuss with the doctor what will happen afterwards.
I‘d ask about hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and how to manage to live without testicles and maintain a good quality of (sexual) life. If you are not happy with the doctors prognosis or competence, you could still decline.

I‘d also ask about what stage of cancer you have. It’s always okay to leave the hospital after the diagnostics are done and take time to make up your mind
Agreed. When I was rushed in through a and e I saw people shouting at this poor nurse. I just wanted to get up off the girdle thing and give her a hug, and the angry patients too. So much pain in this place - a death house.

Agreed on the blood work and options. I am such a pain in the **** for the doctor yo talk to - insanely polite but literally don't let them go til I've gotten the answer I need. But the doctors have been absent. Just nurses.

It's 1230 am here, I'm going to try to sleep. Thanks again everyone - I hope to read more in the morning.


Dec 8, 2016
To elaborate - 2/3 Mel and plus means
Two thirds of a cynomel (16mcg t3) and 2/3 plus means two thirds of a cynoplus (20mcg t3 and 80mcg t4)

I dogured this was a fairly hefty dose, but not necessarily insane given that my temps were in the dirt at the previous dose.

May have nothing to do with it at all. But it's the only prescription pill I have used ever, and I only commenced use in March. All of a sudden, fairly large growths appearing on my testes.
Cancer cells take about ten years to form a tumor.

I don’t care for the “take thyroid” advice- (because it usually adds stress to an already stressed organism) but in this case;
it did not cause these growths.
Give yourself some grace.

Aspirin and easy to digest foods are paramount.
Follow Peat.

Deth has lost its sting….


Nov 1, 2021
Cancer cells take about ten years to form a tumor.

I don’t care for the “take thyroid” advice- (because it usually adds stress to an already stressed organism) but in this case;
it did not cause these growths.
Give yourself some grace.

Aspirin and easy to digest foods are paramount.
Follow Peat.

Deth has lost its sting….
Tumors can form very quickly e.g. radiation exposure.

I'm so tired. So loud here. It's 7:45am, so loud.


Jul 2, 2022
Reading this thread is like a trip. I am sending lots of positive energy your way brother. Those decisions you are facing now are real hard and I have no clue what the right decision would be for your specific case so I cannot give you any advice with confidence it is the right thing.

I remember your thread about Red light/IR light on the balls for T optimization in which we talked about reaching out to a doctor to figure out the exact cause is, do you feel the light therapy might have contributed to the issue ?


Nov 1, 2021
Wow, man, this is scary. Good luck to you.
Thanks man. Your posts are always so awesome and direct - I could learn a lot from you RE: brevity.
Reading this thread is like a trip. I am sending lots of positive energy your way brother. Those decisions you are facing now are real hard and I have no clue what the right decision would be for your specific case so I cannot give you any advice with confidence it is the right thing.

I remember your thread about Red light/IR light on the balls for T optimization in which we talked about reaching out to a doctor to figure out the exact cause is, do you feel the light therapy might have contributed to the issue ?
Thanks man, i remember, you were so awesome.

Not sure... I thought about that yesterday evening and it put me into a panic. I don't know though. Maybe it did, but there's no info out there to confirm, the studies are woefully lacking in context / implications. I never got to the bottom of it, and still hadn't tested fertility yet because I wanted to wait until I came out of the hypothyroid state. The red light and nir certainly didn't help anything, and not something i would ever recommend to anyone anymore... we do crazy things when we're desperate, but there's a million other things to fix first before shining high-powered LEDs on our nuts. This was c. 2 years ago though.

I've felt so bad for so long and nothing helps. I know you all know what it's like to be taking your health into your own hands because the mainstream is a sick cult. Sometimes its empowering, but still very stressful, and we're flying blind.

Thank you for your kind message though - im just trying to stay calm and keep chipper 😎

Any other notes or thoughts are most welcome. I know these comments sound super serious but please don't let it stop anyone from sharing their thoughts - I value all of you.

View attachment 51524

@Jib for the longest time I've wanted to tape black decals to the sides by the pickups and stencil "CHOOSE DETH" with the white body of the guitar coming through. Like Chris Poland's guitar above but the inverse. @Raw Egg Gnostic I loved that quote man, thanks! 😎
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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