
Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Such_Saturation said:
But an appendix must explode for a reason, things don't just explode out of nowhere.
From KMUD radio program: Serotonin, endotoxin, stress
Ray said
(serotonin) It's a defensive chemical everywhere. It's one of the primitive protective factors, for example in the bowel it causes spasms that clean out the bowel. When you eat something poisonous it causes diarrhea and that's protective, but if the process keeps up too long, it increases serotonin, 95% of it being produced in the bowels, and only 3,4,5% in the organs, such as the brain, and if the irritation of the bowel keeps up very long, the circulation in the bloodstream becomes a problem systemically and it will cause vascular spasms, vascular leakiness, inflammation, for example when you have prolonged irritation to the intestines, tumors begin to promote serotonin release, starting mainly in the appendix.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
^nailed it.
Jan 24, 2014
Such_Saturation said:
But an appendix must explode for a reason, things don't just explode out of nowhere.

I know....that is the worrisome part. I specifically asked two doctors when I was in hospital what would cause my appendix to suddenly rupture? They said "oh, who knows, could have been a food particle blocking the opening to the appendix." Basically, they had NO answer for me. My second CT scan was clear at the time, but given my symptoms now and when I read about carcinoid tumors CAUSING acute appendicitis I do get worried.
Jan 24, 2014
mas said:
What tests did you get? Did you actually talk to the doctor re: mast cells? (not that they would know). I will look to compile some histamine and mast cell activation reference websites that may be helpful for you. It will take a bit of time

My suggestion for now would be to take some Pepto Bismol just to see if you can check the diarrhea. Maybe you have some in your medicine cabinet. Hope that helps.

Thanks, but I hope you don't go to a bunch of trouble. I thought perhaps if you knew stuff about histamine just off the top of your head or from personal experience.

I can certainly look stuff up, I got nothing better to do. And no, I have not talked to a doctor lately, all my past visits have resulted in nothing. I ordered some blood tests online, serum serotonin being one of many...


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Are you currently using any serotonin lowering interventions?
Jan 24, 2014
I am waiting on some cyproheptadine. I do a lot of bag breathing, mostly cuz it helps me when I stress out about this. I am taking lots more Progest-E again. I had lowered the dose thinking I might not need so much, today is day 26 of my cycle and I am quite agitated so I have been taking more, it helps me relax. I am drinking my whole raw milk again, I find it very soothing and it seems to be the only thing I can eat. I really have no appetite. I take some B- vitamins because I get very depressed without them. Not sure what else I should be doing....


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I've been reading some Peat tonight (favorite pastime) and he mentioned magnesium being anti-excitatory. Not that it's anti-serotonin but an Epsom salt bath might be nice. It's possible with your diarrhea that some magnesium wouldn't hurt in the least. Sounds like your doing great things to help yourself. I think you'll be pleased with cyproheptadine. If you were my neighbor I'd give you some of mine! I'll post anything I come across that might be of help. I started back on lisuride recently and have had the opposite problem, constipation, YAY!


Mar 29, 2014
thebigpeatowski said:
Such_Saturation said:
But an appendix must explode for a reason, things don't just explode out of nowhere.

I know....that is the worrisome part. I specifically asked two doctors when I was in hospital what would cause my appendix to suddenly rupture? They said "oh, who knows, could have been a food particle blocking the opening to the appendix." Basically, they had NO answer for me. My second CT scan was clear at the time, but given my symptoms now and when I read about carcinoid tumors CAUSING acute appendicitis I do get worried.

Hi, I read a bit of Fibre Menace online a few weeks ago. The author did say that bits of fibre or seeds were (one of?) the most common cause of blocked appendix leading to appendicitis.

I think the appendix's evolutionary role was to keep a population of intestinal microbiota going to replenish the gut if it's been cleaned out or overwhelmed by diarrhea for nasty bugs or food poisoning. It lets a constant trickle of bugs out into the gut and all its well, unless something blocks the opening. Then the bugs inside keep growing with nowhere to go, and the pressure eventually ruptures it. Can someone with more medical knowledge (hi Blossom:):) confirm that? I guess the population in the appendix would usually (evolutionarily) be relatively benign, compared with more pathogenic microorganisms that one might sometimes accidentally ingest, and provide some protection against the nastier ones (as well as helping supply vit K etc).

I don't know if the bugs in the apppendix normally survive normal antibiotics - I imagine yours might have been wiped out by high doses targetting your appendicitis. No idea whether an appendix can repair itself after it's burst. Not sure how that helps figure out what to do now, but perhaps a likely bit of passing fibre would be less of a worry than a tumour?


Feb 12, 2014
Mast cells don't degranulate and cause all this misery for no reason. Estrogen is a major factor and causes serotonin release along with other inflammatory agents. I am looking at my food intake and my environment around me as I avoid lots of toxins to the best of my ability.

Mast Cells in Gastrointestinal Disease

from Mast Cell Disorders Forum
The Carcinoid Syndrome - The Differencial Diagnosis to Systemic Mastocytosis - Know the competition! ... 1294021552

The Low Histamine Chef (some people say the diet helps and some do not ) ... &submit=Go

This site gives info on how to lower histamine by diet by a mast cell disorder patient
• Dr. Joneja- How to boost your histamine-lowering enzyme naturally
* Diagnosing Histamine Intolerance & MCAS
• What is Histamine
• Eczema: A Mast Cell/Histamine Related Condition


Mastocytosis Society Canada Dr Afrin Lecture June 6 2011 ( complex material but good insight regarding gut tests and staining and why MCAS is missed by medical ignorance) ... slides.pdf

Also, be aware that mast cell disorders present with mild illness to moderate to extreme. At my worst and even as sick as I was, I was never in the extreme category.
Jan 24, 2014
[quote="tara"Hi, I read a bit of Fibre Menace online a few weeks ago. The author did say that bits of fibre or seeds were (one of?) the most common cause of blocked appendix leading to appendicitis.

I think the appendix's evolutionary role was to keep a population of intestinal microbiota going to replenish the gut if it's been cleaned out or overwhelmed by diarrhea for nasty bugs or food poisoning. It lets a constant trickle of bugs out into the gut and all its well, unless something blocks the opening. Then the bugs inside keep growing with nowhere to go, and the pressure eventually ruptures it. Can someone with more medical knowledge (hi Blossom:):) confirm that? I guess the population in the appendix would usually (evolutionarily) be relatively benign, compared with more pathogenic microorganisms that one might sometimes accidentally ingest, and provide some protection against the nastier ones (as well as helping supply vit K etc).

I don't know if the bugs in the apppendix normally survive normal antibiotics - I imagine yours might have been wiped out by high doses targetting your appendicitis. No idea whether an appendix can repair itself after it's burst. Not sure how that helps figure out what to do now, but perhaps a likely bit of passing fibre would be less of a worry than a tumour?[/quote]

Hi tara, As far as I know only 2% of acute appendicitis cases are caused by an underlying malignant tumor OR benign intestinal disease like colitis, the rest are caused by food or fecalith (eeeew!) My follow up CT scan and colonoscopy showed the search for an answer continues.

And I have to say, from my own personal experience, that my gut flora is less than optimal. I used to take TONS and TONS of probiotics which seemed very helpful, but again not a total cure. I quit taking them when I started down this path almost 6 months ago and things have gotten steadily worse. I am going to take them again as my appendix (what ever is left of it) is definitely off duty and I would like to see if it improves things.

Thank you everyone...will post blood test results when I get them.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
You might consider avoiding lactic acid producing bacterial strains. The only probiotic that never bothered me was Florastor. It's actually a strain of yeast. I'm not sure if it is appropriate but thought I'd mention it just in case.
Jan 24, 2014
Blossom said:
You might consider avoiding lactic acid producing bacterial strains. The only probiotic that never bothered me was Florastor. It's actually a strain of yeast. I'm not sure if it is appropriate but thought I'd mention it just in case.

Thanks Blossom, I definitely need to do a lot more studying when it comes to gut flora. My raw milk seems to be fine, but commercial Greek yogurt is iffy. I think I will make some of that farmer's cheese from raw milk, that sounds delish and very soothing at this point. Would that be okay as far as lactic acid is concerned?

My period started today, it's noon here and so far NO diarrhea. All I have had to eat is milk tho....gonna try some poached eggs for lunch. I need some protein and dense nutrients. I really want some OJ, but am sort of nervous about that. I could make a mango smoothy, I think mangos have lower histamine, they have never bothered me anyways...


Feb 20, 2013
How long have you been doing milk only diet ?
Are you seeing any improvements? RP talked about carcinoids
in Josh Rubin's interview on serotonin and endotoxin.
It is covered in the first 30 minutes of the interview.
Mango has good amount of soluble fiber. RP mentioned in that
interview that sugar, protein and fats are quickly absorbed by the
upper part of intestine. This lowers feeding of bacteria in the lower
part of intestine. Here is list of foods with soluble and insoluble fiber
contents. You have to look at the ratio of soluble to insoluble.
I have found papaya and possibly pineapple to be low in pectin.
But you need to have very ripe papaya, raw papaya has some issues.
Pineapple in moderation as it is high in serotonin. ... _Fiber.pdf
Another site with soluble fiber list. You want to minimize the soluble fiber intake.
They calculate the total soluble intake from different foods.

Light therapy: RP mentioned light therapy improves detoxification of
serotonin in that Josh Rubin interview.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
thebigpeatowski said:
Blossom said:
You might consider avoiding lactic acid producing bacterial strains. The only probiotic that never bothered me was Florastor. It's actually a strain of yeast. I'm not sure if it is appropriate but thought I'd mention it just in case.

Thanks Blossom, I definitely need to do a lot more studying when it comes to gut flora. My raw milk seems to be fine, but commercial Greek yogurt is iffy. I think I will make some of that farmer's cheese from raw milk, that sounds delish and very soothing at this point. Would that be okay as far as lactic acid is concerned?

My period started today, it's noon here and so far NO diarrhea. All I have had to eat is milk tho....gonna try some poached eggs for lunch. I need some protein and dense nutrients. I really want some OJ, but am sort of nervous about that. I could make a mango smoothy, I think mangos have lower histamine, they have never bothered me anyways...
Farmers cheese sounds wonderful to me! I just mentioned the lactic acid producing bacteria because I know lactic acid can be a metabolic burden and that's the last thing any of us need! Mittir pointed out a wonderful link. I think I'll check that out myself!
Jan 24, 2014
Mittir said:
How long have you been doing milk only diet ?
Are you seeing any improvements? RP talked about carcinoids
in Josh Rubin's interview on serotonin and endotoxin.
It is covered in the first 30 minutes of the interview.
Mango has good amount of soluble fiber. RP mentioned in that
interview that sugar, protein and fats are quickly absorbed by the
upper part of intestine. This lowers feeding of bacteria in the lower
part of intestine. Here is list of foods with soluble and insoluble fiber
contents. You have to look at the ratio of soluble to insoluble.
I have found papaya and possibly pineapple to be low in pectin.
But you need to have very ripe papaya, raw papaya has some issues.
Pineapple in moderation as it is high in serotonin. ... _Fiber.pdf
Another site with soluble fiber list. You want to minimize the soluble fiber intake.
They calculate the total soluble intake from different foods.

Hi Mittir, thanks for the link! I was going to quit all dairy because I wasn't sure what was perpetuating the massive gut irritation. I only went a couple days and noticed anything with any sort of fiber went right through me. I was so hungry so I decided to just drink raw milk only, that was two days ago and things are MUCH BETTER, only two episodes yesterday and none today. I also took some quercetin/bromelain and some probiotics that I already had on far so good. I will go try to find that interview, I think I heard it before, but my recall is nil so everything is new all over again! :)


Feb 20, 2013
Here is the link to that interview. KMUD one is quite good.
But this one is 2 hour and a lot of useful information about serotonin and endotoxin. ... nterviews/

I have noticed that milk is digested better than any other food i eat.
One odd thing is that if i add too much starch the digestion of milk gets
weaker. You can try some ice cream as comfort food and i have found it
is easier on digestion. Haagen dazs is a good choice.

I have used both quercetin and bromelain in past.
These are very powerful anti-inflammatory.
You need to be bit cautious about bromelain. It is a protein digesting
enzyme and it can cause nausea and diarrhea like symptoms in susceptible people.
Probably eating with food makes it less irritating to gut.
But it's main anti-inflammatory result is best when it is taken without food.
Jan 24, 2014
Yep,I don't eat any starch at all, it causes me major gut irritation.

I do eat Haagen Dazs on occasion, not so much lately because I was trying to lose weight...but this here diarrhea was NOT exactly the way that I planned to lose it. :oops:

Thanks again I am listening to RP now...again :cool:
Jan 24, 2014
1,750 here are some numbers:

C-Reactive Protein is 0.24 with a ref. range of 0.00-3.00, appears that it is even better on this diet than when I was low-carb Paleo which was 0.5.

Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy is 46.7 with a ref. range of 30.0-100.0. My last test in March it was 31.6, so that is improving as well, still needs work.

Serum Ferritin is 18 with a ref range of 15-150, not sure if this is good, bad or ugly.

DHEA-Sulfate is 196.5 with a ref. range of 41.2-243.7...have NO idea what this means.

Cholesterol, Total is 225 with a ref. range of 100-199, it is down 10 points from last year, May of 2013 it was 235, but my triglycerides are waaaay higher on this diet: last May they were 58, this year they are 102.

Carbon Dioxide, Total is 18 with a ref. range of 19-28. Last year it was 27, I was a lot thinner and more active back then...NEEDS WORK!

Serotonin, Serum is 78 with a ref. range of 0-420...RP said in an interview this number should be somewhere around 25 and that men become sterile at 100 :shock: so I guess I got some work to do...

I will continue to work on thyroid, estrogen, histamine and serotonin to improve my CRAZY digestion and...



Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thanks for the update! I was wondering how things were going for you. I don't think you should worry about the diarrhea threads at all because we all can learn something from sharing information! It sounds like you have an excellent plan and that your labs will help you fine tune things. I'm happy for you BP! :D
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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