Supporting The Healing Of A Tooth Abscess With Peat's Ideas


Jun 8, 2014
My dad has had pretty poor dental health his whole life-had some molars removed as a teenager. He recently has developed a tooth abscess and had some prescription antibiotics for awhile. He will be going in for some traditional dental work on the abscess soon, but I'm wondering what Peat-type techniques might be helpful with supporting some healing and health of the surrounding tissue.

Some ideas I'd like to pass by anybody with some experiences with this are:

1. A drop of Progest-E or Haidut's StressBan(Pregnenolone) applied directly to the inflamed tissue. Which do you think would be more helpful in the context of a 58 year old man with overall hormone deficiency and lower metabolism?

2. Applying a few drops of EstroBan and maybe some additional Thorne K2 drops to the tissue as well.

3. LLLT therapy on the tissue with this laser pointer that has a 635-670nm/100mW red laser module. It's what the guy at uses. Has anyone tried this?

4. Managing the acidity of the oral cavity with baking soda or Magnesium Hydroxide rinses. Maybe some coconut oil swishing as well for some anti-bacterial effect.

Any other ideas or comments?

He loves dairy and potatoes so he already eats a little Peaty. He just tends to under eat and not get enough supporting nutrients like fat solubles and magnesium. I'm just hoping I can present him with a few simple, but effective things to do that he won't reject because they sound too complicated or too far out there. Thanks for reading!


Nov 9, 2012
Brian said:
3. LLLT therapy on the tissue with this laser pointer that has a 635-670nm/100mW red laser module. It's what the guy at uses. Has anyone tried this?

I think it's an interesting idea, as it aims to heal tissue locally. You need to make sure, however, that you aim for a particular exposure time (seconds or minutes) at each session, as studies seem to show that the benefits fade when the tissue is over-exposed. This depends on the wattage (and given aperture size with an adjustable size laser, which you'd need), so once you get the laser you need to estimate this. I don't know how to, but haidut may have a formula, as he had a thread about lasers in the past.

I guess this, if it works, would be more like a band aid, helping it heal while the underlying issue is being fixed.


Jan 1, 2015
I used to get mild tooth abscesses all the time so I started to do oil pulling (just keeping some oil in your mouth without swallowing and then spitting it out after some time) with coconut oil for like 10min everyday when I wake up before eating and before brushing. Haven't had one in years.


Oct 5, 2014
Brian said:
He loves dairy and potatoes so he already eats a little Peaty. He just tends to under eat and not get enough supporting nutrients like fat solubles and magnesium. I'm just hoping I can present him with a few simple, but effective things to do that he won't reject because they sound too complicated or too far out there. Thanks for reading!

I think the most important thing he can do is increase the amount of food he eats. When you under eat, I don't think it matters what the nutrient density or quality of the food is, the body will just decay. When you overeat the body can heal itself.

I think aspirin is a good supplement for increasing the metabolism, but I think it is mostly pointless to take it unless a lot of calories are being consumed(3000+).

I think not having an appetite can be caused by a gut infection which I think is very common when metabolism is not fast. I recommend having him try something like:

Another thing that can be tried directly on the area of infection is chopped up raw organic garlic. Many people have had success treating abscess by chewing raw garlic around the area of infection.


Mar 29, 2014
Enough food, calcium, magnesium, ADEK (eg estroban), topical raw garlic.
I wonder whether an activated charcoal poultice would help. Not something I've tried, just read of for drawing out infection. Charcoal can tatoo broken membrane, though.
May not be enough to resolve the issue, but perhaps worth a try? Topical progest-e may reduce pain slightly, too, but being male I guess low dose is appropriate.


Aug 12, 2016
I used to get mild tooth abscesses all the time so I started to do oil pulling (just keeping some oil in your mouth without swallowing and then spitting it out after some time) with coconut oil for like 10min everyday when I wake up before eating and before brushing. Haven't had one in years.
When you say mild tooth abscesses, what do you mean? I have been getting a small bump (swelling) above one of my teeth that will come and go. Sometimes it will burst, then recede. Eating Peaty has helped but I will sometimes get soreness or sensitivity in that tooth or above that tooth in the gum line. I'm thinking about taking a round of antibiotics. I tried oil pulling over a year ago and saw no improvement but am willing to try again. Mine has been going on for quite a while, a couple of years so I really feel like I need to address it.


Vitamin k2 (mk4) made my toothache and tooth sensitivity go away completely. No plaque now anywhere. I was skeptical at first, but this really does work.


Aug 12, 2016
Vitamin k2 (mk4) made my toothache and tooth sensitivity go away completely. No plaque now anywhere. I was skeptical at first, but this really does work.
I have been using Thorne's K2 for 3 or 4 months. I thought that would ultimately remedy my situation but it has not. Maybe I'm not taking enough though.


how did you dose it ? and how much etc

One or two drops a day (another drop if I use aspirin during the day). I rub the drops into my gums either above or behind the tooth that aches or is sensitive. Or I rub the drops into the gums near the spots I used to get plaque on. I haven't had the sensitivity for a while now and the plaque is also gone.

I've been useing True K by Health Natura, but I think the Thorne's works well too.

I don't use toothpaste. Just floss and then dip a child's size super soft brush into some baking soda and brush with that. I rinse with hydrogen peroxide. My teeth aren't movie star white as I don't use any bleach on them. But they are healthy and the gums are pink. I don't rinse or anything after I drink OJ or coke. I have no stains.

P.S. I may use some charcoal to whiten them in the future. Just haven't bought the charcoal yet.


I have been using Thorne's K2 for 3 or 4 months. I thought that would ultimately remedy my situation but it has not. Maybe I'm not taking enough though.

I don't use much (one or two drops a day). I am using the Health Natura brand but I think that Thorne is supposed to be even better. I read somewhere that the glycerin in normal toothpaste prevents minerals and vitamins from getting into teeth and gums from the food we eat. I use baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I brush once a day (sometimes twice, sometimes not at all:)

Ray has said that a lot of the problems with teeth come from the saliva which is tied to thyroid. So maybe my teeth got better because my thyroid levels are good. Not sure. But the vitamin K2 seems to help with digestion as well.


Sep 28, 2016
Red light is great but make sure your dad gets plenty of sun exposure as well. Sunlight does many things for the bones that supplemented vitamin d (and red light to a lesser extent) does not. I don't think one can have good bone health, let alone regenerate without plenty of sun exposure. I know haidut is coming out with a osteocalcin supplement, might be worth looking into as well.


Feb 27, 2017
Be careful with Hydrogen peroxide if you have mercury fillings as it leaches the mercury out.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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