Static Electricity And Iron/Ferritin Levels



Jan 25, 2014
I remember these problems when I was young. I would get shocks from touching the outside of my fathers car when I was getting in or out; my watch would not keep good time or would stop; there would be sparks or clinging from my clothes when I took them off; my hair would be 'fly away' sometines. No-one else I knew had the same problems.

I believe I am from Celtic stock which I believe has higher levels of HC. There has been a lot of CVD in my fathers family and his mother and sister diet from heart attacks. His was stroke. I am going to check it up on my 23andMe results and will report back.

I have had no problems like the ones reported since I grew up.

How old were you when this happened? Babies are born with quite high ferritin levels, but they tend to "grow" into it. Levels tend to decline until about age 12 or so. That's usually the lowest point for men, but women with often stay near that level, due to menstruation. So, your experience could completely fit with this idea. Of course, it could be something else, too.

If the HC genes ran in your family, it's possible you had higher iron levels as a baby and kid, compared to others in the same age bracket. I don't know that there has been much, if any, studies done on iron levels of children born to parents (especially mothers) that carry the iron loading genes.

Mary Lyn

Dec 22, 2018
How old were you when this happened? Babies are born with quite high ferritin levels, but they tend to "grow" into it. Levels tend to decline until about age 12 or so. That's usually the lowest point for men, but women with often stay near that level, due to menstruation. So, your experience could completely fit with this idea. Of course, it could be something else, too.

If the HC genes ran in your family, it's possible you had higher iron levels as a baby and kid, compared to others in the same age bracket. I don't know that there has been much, if any, studies done on iron levels of children born to parents (especially mothers) that carry the iron loading genes.

It is hard to remember as I have scant childhood memories due to cPTSD from very early on (a hospital stay before Bowlby had published on the need for physical contact in the young) and a narcissistic rejecting mother. Maybe between 9-14.

None of my family seemed to have had these problems though I was the one poisoned with mercury (teething powders aka Pinks disease). I was given IV iron during one pregnancy due to anaemia. None of my children needed light therapy after birth. As an adult my ferritin is around top of the range 160.


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I dont know. I think it has to do with dry winter air. I've been shocking myself a lot in the last month, but my diet is literally milk, cheese, coffee and fruit (with liver, and carrot and other smaller supplement foods). I've given blood half a dozen times in the last 14 months. I'm not convinced my static is from iron.


Jan 25, 2014
Since I posted this, one thing I've been thinking about is the dramatic swing in iron levels that happened in the last 125 years. This article from Free The Animal details most of the things that happened-

The Fall of Bloodletting and The Rise of Iron

To sum up, by 1875, bloodletting had fallen from the most in demand health practice to basically out of use. Iron rich meats became more common in more diets. Iron fortification started in the 1940s. Hookworm and other intestinal parasites were eradicated in most of the population soon after. Iron supplements came out soon after, and people got more and more sedentary, causing body iron stores to rise.

At the same time, the Industrial Revolution kicked off in 1760, and was in full swing by the late 1800s. Radio waves were discovered around 1870, and broadcasting systems started to come out in the late 1890s.

Looking at most of the bizzarre experiences listed in this thread, they take place around lots of electronics, metal, or heavy magnetizing forces. This is pure speculation on my part, but..... what if there was some deliberate intent in making people iron loaded? Like, the idea to broadcast some sort of signals directly into their head, or use people as an antenna, or some other conductor?


Jan 25, 2014
I dont know. I think it has to do with dry winter air. I've been shocking myself a lot in the last month, but my diet is literally milk, cheese, coffee and fruit (with liver, and carrot and other smaller supplement foods). I've given blood half a dozen times in the last 14 months. I'm not convinced my static is from iron.

No where in this thread was the suggestion that all static electricity was due to being iron loaded. Nor even that every iron loaded person would experience these effects. Even in my personal experience, the shocks only happened at work, but there was a lot of electronic equipment around, heavy air conditioning, and many metal doors. It didn't happen to me in other areas of my life at the time. Yet still, I'm back in the exact same environment, and it isn't happening now that I am de-ironed.


Oct 5, 2014
This is pure speculation on my part, but..... what if there was some deliberate intent in making people iron loaded? Like, the idea to broadcast some sort of signals directly into their head, or use people as an antenna, or some other conductor?
Some people believe the fluoridation of life (water, toothpastes, etc.) is also deliberate to calcify the pineal gland and cut us from the intuitive feeling of connection with the universe. Whatever that is.


Sep 7, 2018
Greetings! Hoping this information will be of help. I had issues with static electricity. Upon doing some research and my own lab testing via, I found out I had high levels of mycotoxins in my system. My ACTH levels were also whacko. Maybe this info will be of help to you. Here is a link where Dr. Jill Carnahan talks about static electricity as it relates to mold infection:

I too have seen static shocks listed as an indicator of mold toxicity.


Jul 2, 2017
I've been getting static shocks when touching things like car doors recently. But, a couple months ago I donated after what I suspected was some heme iron overload I got from eating a few little pieces of raw meat. I got my ferritin tested and IT WAS ONLY 25. Some guy on longecity said that when ferritin is lowered below 50, your body ((finally)) starts mining the accumulated iron shavings out of your tissues.
Just passing by a non-insulated wire can subject you to 100, even 100's of V/M of electric field and induce upwards of 50-100 volts in your body.
Hmmm I also recently passed a couple cut telephone pole wires that are just hanging over the sidewalk.
Some people believe the fluoridation of life (water, toothpastes, etc.) is also deliberate to calcify the pineal gland and cut us from the intuitive feeling of connection with the universe. Whatever that is.
Uh, ok. But what do you believe?

I too have seen static shocks listed as an indicator of mold toxicity.
Now, this could mean the synthetic Morgellon's mold which seems to be accompanied by perfectly round little targets in the eyes. Apparently like 90% of people are infected and have no idea while 10% experience symptoms. Sort of like toxoplasmosis except with that it's 40% of the entire population
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Greetings! Hoping this information will be of help. I had issues with static electricity. Upon doing some research and my own lab testing via, I found out I had high levels of mycotoxins in my system. My ACTH levels were also whacko. Maybe this info will be of help to you. Here is a link where Dr. Jill Carnahan talks about static electricity as it relates to mold infection: Mold Toxins & Mold Testing Explained - Jill Carnahan, MD
Did you ever resolve this? I have been getting static shock for the past few weeks. I found this thread looking for cause. Mold sounds plausible in my case, I was also thinking about calcium issues. Definitely have high cortisol.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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