Starch - The Delicious Devil


Jan 18, 2020
"Volkheimer found that mice fed raw starch aged at an abnormally fast rate, and when he dissected the starch-fed mice, he found a multitude of starch-grain-blocked arterioles in every organ, each of which caused the death of the cells that depended on the blood supplied by that arteriole. It isn’t hard to see how this would affect the functions of organs such as the brain and heart, even without considering the immunological and other implications of the presence of foreign particles randomly distributed through the tissue."
Ray Peat

I see and hear the "starch vs sugar" debate all the time on this forum, but after reading this quote from Ray Peat, what argument is there? Grains are proven to be one of several causes of Alzheimers. I know is true in my own father's case. It is called "grain brain". My father is a normal healthy person until he eats grains. After he eats a meal, with wheat particularly, he goes into a trance, where he won't talk much for several days and can't remember much of anything.

There is another book I read a few years back written by top cardiologist, Dr. Davis, and is titled "Wheat Belly". It not only makes a convincing case for why everyone is fat, but he also states that it is the number one reason for heart disease. This prompted me to go Paleo right away. Our modern wheat, he calls "Frankenwheat", because it is altered to a destructive monsterous state. It affects the opioid part of the brain, the same as drugs, causing a vicious cycle of unhealthy and unstoppable cravings. He goes so far as to say that our modern wheat is unsuitable for human consumption. From a "Peaty' perspective it is a book worth reading and will make those sweet little cupcakes look like frosted covered demons.

What happened to mankind that we have come so far from valuing food for how it strengthens us, like liver and heart, to choosing foods that we know are going to make us slow, ill and fat? I am not excluding myself from the latter. I justify a good bowl of pasta, by saying it is made with a better wheat from Italy and "look at all the protein I am getting". I know better, but yet I make the weaker choice too. I summize we make less optimal choices because nothing is really expected from our bodies anymore. Tribal hunters NEED to be strong and WANT to prove they are SUPERIOR. They need to be FAST and sustain ENERGY. Their eating optimally meant getting the next meal. Nowaday a meal is there without much effort. We can AFFORD to make LESS optimal choices because we TAKE our health for granted and value INDULGENCES more, never thinking of the COST. Look at the key words in the two different ways of eating.

In my youth when I saw a lot of life ahead of me I chose the "Live To Eat" stance, now that my youth is many years behind me I have changed my mind and now want to "Eat To Live". I just don't see the fun in ruining my health anymore.
Dear Cari,

Im struggling to find the concept for my lunch at work, so far it was white rice with piece of meat and some sides.

Today i will be trying sweet potatoes with butter and salt, but its probably first and last time i do this - for the carotene reason.

I would most likely be able to convert my starchy lunch for a bunch of fruits now-along my piece of beef, but there are few things i would want to understand.

Firstly, when i was lifting weights, eating fruits only during the day as a source of carbs was not an option, i was weak and had blood sugar swings and no muslce pump during session, that changed after reintroducing starches. Another thing is that wouldnt fructose in such amount be liver fattening?

I have recently changed morning oats in my smoothie to few bananas instead, and it is working, keeps my full for 3,5h same as with oats.

One thing i wont be able to change is my evening portion of boiled potatoes with grated cheese and ketchup, its just feels right in my heart, as oposed to rice/rice cakes, eating them for long time makes me want to change it to something else, my body doesnt like it as a part of my routine.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Dear Cari,

Im struggling to find the concept for my lunch at work, so far it was white rice with piece of meat and some sides.

Today i will be trying sweet potatoes with butter and salt, but its probably first and last time i do this - for the carotene reason.

I would most likely be able to convert my starchy lunch for a bunch of fruits now-along my piece of beef, but there are few things i would want to understand.

Firstly, when i was lifting weights, eating fruits only during the day as a source of carbs was not an option, i was weak and had blood sugar swings and no muslce pump during session, that changed after reintroducing starches. Another thing is that wouldnt fructose in such amount be liver fattening?

I have recently changed morning oats in my smoothie to few bananas instead, and it is working, keeps my full for 3,5h same as with oats.

One thing i wont be able to change is my evening portion of boiled potatoes with grated cheese and ketchup, its just feels right in my heart, as oposed to rice/rice cakes, eating them for long time makes me want to change it to something else, my body doesnt like it as a part of my routine.
Hi Mike! First thing is that Ray Peat said it is best to eat your proteins during the day and starchy carbs at night, to prepare for slowing down and sleep, so fruits only in a work-out would not be a good thing. Muscles need protein.

Starch carbs are something that fill the body up, which is convenient, but not optimal. It is hard to get enough calcium, protein and other nutrients if one doesn’t eat enough, so filling up on something inferior, before getting enough nutrients is not a healthy strategy. Filling up on milk, meats, seafood, eggs and cheese is going to offer up so much more and feed your muscles.

As far as starch goes, I see two types, grain starches and root vegetable starches, and the root vegetables are far superior to the grains. Not only are the grains an anti-nutrient, taking calcium and other nutrients out of the body, but it is hard on the digestion, breaking it all down. I think your potatoes at night are perfect. As for sweet potatoes, I tend towards them rather than the regular potatoes, but I don’t eat the orange ”yam” ones, I eat the white fleshed or purple fleshed ones. The same with the carrots, I eat the purple and white ones, to avoid the beta carotene. The white and purple fleshed sweet potatoes are more savory than the orange ones. I don’t don’t like the orange ones. I love the white ones boiled and buttered, then topped with sour cream, green onions and hot sauce, it is my dinner tonight! When it comes to eating grains, my first choice is sprouted and my second choice is boiled, like potatoes and pasta. I like those two choices because you can boil out the starch and dump it and the the starchy meal stays moist. Dry starches like cookies, bread, potato chips and such give so much more opportunity to sit inside too long and feed bacteria.

Attached pics are some breakfast and lunch ideas. Making soups and meatloaf on the weekend for lunch makes great weekday work lunches and switching to sprouted grains eliminates the toxins, gluten and digests better, as to not feed bacteria, that way you can still have your oatmeal and other splurges. As for my wraps, use roast beef slices. Start your day with a omelette or gelatin in your smoothie with a few macadamias, protein, protein, protein Mike! I buy defatted peanut powder and make my own peanut butter, adding refined coconut oil, sugar and salt, and crushed macadamias to make it chunky. I love grabbing a spoonful here and there and adding some grape or raspberry jelly for a satiating treat. That would also make a real satiating shake, add in some collagen too.


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Aug 9, 2019
Firstly, when i was lifting weights, eating fruits only during the day as a source of carbs was not an option, i was weak and had blood sugar swings and no muslce pump during session, that changed after reintroducing starches. Another thing is that wouldnt fructose in such amount be liver fattening?
I've had the same experiences. No pump on fruits and low/ no starch. And whenever I would eat starch multiple days in a row, I would regain the pump in the gym.

As far as starch goes, I see two types, grain starches and root vegetable starches, and the root vegetables are far superior to the grains. Not only are the grains an anti-nutrient, taking calcium and other nutrients out of the body, but it is hard on the digestion, breaking it all down. I think your potatoes at night are perfect
I've had far worse experiences with potatoes than with grains. Very constipating, depression-inducing.


Jan 18, 2020
The white and purple fleshed sweet potatoes
okay, I need to try these as I never tried them, and I don't feel like eating white potatoes twice a day, especially since they taste good only when prepared fresh.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I've had the same experiences. No pump on fruits and low/ no starch. And whenever I would eat starch multiple days in a row, I would regain the pump in the gym.

I've had far worse experiences with potatoes than with grains. Very constipating, depression-inducing.
I don’t have any bad experiences with any grains, but some things make me feel lighter than others, and the white sweet potatoes make me feel less weighted down than the regular white potatoes. I rarely eat regular potatoes.
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
okay, I need to try these as I never tried them, and I don't feel like eating white potatoes twice a day, especially since they taste good only when prepared fresh.
I agree about white potatoes being better eaten fresh.


Jan 18, 2020
I agree about white potatoes being better eaten fresh.
do you think if I boil sweet white/purple in the morning will they still taste decent later in the day?
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021

“Orange sweet potatoes are positively packed with beta-carotene ,which is responsible for the orange flesh. White sweet potatoes only have 6 micrograms of beta-carotene compared to an orange sweet potato's load of more than 8,500 micrograms.”

“The chemical makeup of the different kinds of sweet potatoes is what gives them their unique coloration. In orange sweet potatoes, the flesh is rich in beta-carotene, and in purple sweet potatoes, the flesh is rich in anthocyanins.”

“All kinds of sweet potatoes can generally be used interchangeably in most recipes; it's just important to remember that white sweet potatoes are lighter in both color and flavor. Not quite as visually striking with a far more subtle sweetness to them, per Southern Living. When cooking with them, the white sweet potatoes will also be a bit more crumbly and will act more like baking potatoes than their orange counterparts. Certain chefs have also found lots of artistic utility in the many different shades of the sweet potato, picking certain colors for certain uses.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Both sweet potatoes and potatoes contain similar amounts of fibre (2.1g and 1.6g in 100g of sweet and regular potatoes respectively) but boiled potatoes contain almost twice the amount of starch compared to boiled sweet potatoes (15.2g compared to 8.1g per 100g).”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“The Whole Grains Council has reviewed an abundance of research studies and draws these conclusions as to the current health benefits of consuming sprouted grains:

  • Sprouted brown rice fights diabetes.
  • Sprouted buckwheat protects against fatty liver disease.
  • Cardiovascular risk is reduced by sprouted brown rice.
  • Sprouted brown rice decreases depression and fatigue in nursing mothers.
  • Decreased blood pressure is linked to sprouted barley.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“Contrary to starch, sucrose maintained calcium homeostasis, and apparently, normal ossification, although the femur was lighter than those of animals receiving vitamin D.”
Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Boiled verses baked potatoes makes a difference…

“In conclusion, the ingestion of potato starch does not increase Ca and Mg absorption and rather accelerates their excretion, inducing the decrease in mineral absorption and retention in growing rats.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
“What blocks zinc absorption?


Phytate, which is present in staple foods like cereals, corn and rice, has a strong negative effect on zinc absorption from composite meals. Inositol hexaphosphates and pentaphosphates are the phytate forms that exert these negative effects, whereas the lower phosphates have no or little effect on zinc absorption.”

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
I could never find again where Ray Peat says that white bread is better than whole grain, and though this is not exactly what I first heard him say it is him saying it again….

“…whole wheat, much more than refined white flour or white polished rice; those have the germ removed (and the germ contains most of the phosphate). So, it sounds funny to say that white rice and white bread have advantages; but nutritionally, they do.” -Ray Peat

Rinse & rePeat
Mar 10, 2021
Here is another where Ray Peat says refined grains are better than whole grains…

Caller 2: I just started listening about 30-40 minutes ago, and you were talking about these sources being inorganic; so, would organic whole wheat, pasta, or organic meats, have less phosphate?

Peat: No, unless they've added it to one product and not the other. But, the way the animal is fed depends more on whether it has a lot of grass versus grains; the grains can be organic but they're still very high in phosphate. And so the animal will be slightly poisoned by eating them.

Sarah: So grass-fed meat and milk will have less phosphate than grain-fed, because grains are very high in phosphate, whole-wheat pasta has more than white (refined) pasta, for example.

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