
New Member
Dec 3, 2017
What does this forum think of SSRIs?

I'm curious because I've a doctors' appointment tomorrow, where I'm going to discuss my issues with anxiety etc. I've been waiting for CBT for a solid six months now - I feel as though I'm not getting any better, because although I'm happier, my anxiety attacks/depressive episodes are getting far more intense, to the point where I will self-injure in order to feel better. I know this is grossly unhealthy, and I'm getting a little desperate - so I'm thinking of asking for SSRIs.

I was offered Prozac when I last went to the doctors' - I'm thinking of asking for Sertraline this time. However, the thought of taking medication for my mind is unsettling me (without reason?) as, you know, artificially altering the chemicals in the brain. Perhaps it's necessary...but something isn't sitting well with me. I'm a teenager - should I just leave my brain alone?

I do desperately need the talking therapy, but I've been waiting for so long now, I just need momentary relief. What does everyone think?


Jul 20, 2014
Prozac specifically has been shown to increase allopregnanolone and in the brain. Allo Relieves depressive behaviours in animals and humans. Allo can be increased by taking pregnenolone orally, which is a substance Ray talks a about.

Progesterone is a similar substance pretty well tolerated in females and if dosed correctly is likely to help. Prozac is shown to increase serotonin in the synapse initially. After a period of weeks (were most of the related homicides occur) it seems there is a protective response to the increased synaptic serotonin. so it seems that if there is a benefit to Prozac it will occur concurrently with a decrease in synaptic serotonin. The exact opposite of how to marketed. The systemic serotonergic effect is likely not good. Progesterone decreases the enzyme that creates serotonin up and increases the enzyme that degrades it. Some people have reported good effects with high doses of lysine, which is another anti serotonin substance.

Theanine is also antiserotonin and it is shown to leave major depressive disorder the number of studies. Glycine is another substance it probably worth trying.

On the effect of prozac in the synapse.
Is serotonin an upper or a downer? The evolution of the serotonergic system and its role in depression and the antidepressant response
Is serotonin an upper or a downer? The evolution of the serotonergic system and its role in depression and the antidepressant response - ScienceDirect

Elevation of brain allopregnanolone rather than 5-HT release by short term, low dose fluoxetine treatment prevents the estrous cycle-linked increase in stress sensitivity in female rats. Elevation of brain allopregnanolone rather than 5-HT release by short term, low dose fluoxetine treatment prevents the estrous cycle-linked increas... - PubMed - NCBI

Neuroactive Steroids and Affective Symptoms in Women Across the Weight Spectrum

Allopregnanolone Elevations Following Pregnenolone Administration are Associated with Enhanced Activation of Emotion Regulation Neurocircuits

Effects of chronic L-theanine administration in patients with major depressive disorder: an open-label study
Lysine as a serotonin receptor antagonist: Using the diet to modulate gut function
l-Lysine acts like a partial serotonin receptor 4 antagonist and inhibits serotonin-mediated intestinal pathologies and anxiety in rats
Oral treatment with L-lysine and L-arginine reduces anxiety and basal cortisol levels in healthy humans.


Apr 5, 2016
Below I've linked to some of the threads that Haidut has done on the subject of SSRIs. These are only a handful of studies there are many more that show the dangers of SSRIs. The fact that now the Pharma industry is creating serotonin antagonists like Terguride shows you that the reality of the danger they cause is none but they can hardly come out and say a multi-billion dollar product is based on false premises and has caused damage to millions of people.

Serotonin Antagonists Extend Lifespan, SSRI Dramatically Shorten It

SSRI Drugs May Cause Serious Lung Disease And Fibrosis

SSRI Drugs Increase Risk Of Bleeding In The Brain

Most SSRI Ineffective In Teens, And Some Very Dangerous

Ssri Drugs Are Estrogenic And Cause Breast Cancer

Sorry to hear that you are going through hard times but the good news is there are plenty of alternatives to SSRIs. One of the most important things is light, if you can get access to sunlight as much as possible I think this will help, also vitamin d, caffeine, aspirin, there are a myriad of simple solutions that have been shown to have a profound effect on mental well being.

One of the most important things is that you have a good foundational diet, low in poly unsaturated fats, plenty of sugar, and sufficient calories to stop the body from going into a stressed state. Things such as eggs, liver and oysters are very nutritious, fruit is always good.

Haidut gave this advice;
Methylene blue reversed both unipolar and bipolar depression in as little as 2 weeks in doses of 15mg daily. Magnesium taurate or glycinate (200mg - 400mg daily) reversed major depression in less than 7 days. Glycine and taurine on their own also have these effects. Thiamine (B1), pyridoxal (B6) and niacinamide (B3) have profound anti-stress action and have also been found to reverse some cases of depression. The amino acid theanine seems capable of reversing conditions related to PTSD and childhood trauma (including sexual abuse) in doses of 400mg - 800 daily. Given its anti-serotoin effects and the mandatory role of serotonin for the formation of any traumatic memory, this is not surprising. Theanine is also glutamate antagonist and the glutamaatergic system is upregulated in depression. Substances that lower cortisol can also reverse depression, so vitamin B6, glycine, DHEA, pregnenolone, progesterone, etc can all help.
There are tons of pharma drugs that can help as well, mostly the ones that oppose serotonin and/or promote dopamine.

Hope this all helps. Again I would not touch SSRIs with a ten foot poll. All these supplements are pretty easy to obtain and I think you should do as much research as possible and possibly slowly integrate some of these options to see what effect they have.

Good Luck
May 26, 2016
They may help in the short term. In the long term, they're probably not ideal for most people but your situation sounds dire and I wouldn't dismiss them just because they're not "Peat-approved."


New Member
Dec 3, 2017
Hi guys

Thanks for your responses.

Ultimately, my doctor and I decided that it would be best if I attempted to get counselling first before I tried meds. I told him everything, and he asked my opinion of meds. I said I was wary of them, to which he replied that it was sensible to be wary. He expressed the fear that they may make me considerably worse - he said I should go back for an assessment with the mental health team in a few weeks, where I can discuss things like CBT and medication further.

I looked on my medical records and he diagnosed me today with Mixed Anxiety and Depressive Disorder - previously, it just had 'anxiety states' on the record. Interesting development...

I feel a lot better than I have done today. If i ever feel bad enough again where I feel the need to self-harm, I will go back and ask for a course of medication. But until then, I would prefer to focus on talking therapies/diet and exercise, I think.
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