
Nov 9, 2016
Is anyone else seeing all of these studies showing how we're all basically doomed, even from a natural covid infection?

I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.

I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body. One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years, and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.

Just type in spike protein + alzheimers or something like that and down the rabbit hole of terror you go. From what I've read it all sounds pretty scientific I guess.
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research

My girlfriend now has covid for the second time, and here I am in the same small house with her. So I'll probably be on my second round of covid soon. According to these studies I keep reading I feel like we're both doomed, along with everyone else with a natural infection (and of course the mRNA injectees).


Aug 1, 2017
Is anyone else seeing all of these studies showing how we're all basically doomed, even from a natural covid infection?

I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.

I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body. One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years, and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.

Just type in spike protein + alzheimers or something like that and down the rabbit hole of terror you go. From what I've read it all sounds pretty scientific I guess.
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research

My girlfriend now has covid for the second time, and here I am in the same small house with her. So I'll probably be on my second round of covid soon. According to these studies I keep reading I feel like we're both doomed, along with everyone else with a natural infection (and of course the mRNA injectees).

same here, it helps reading some of the threads on how to combat the spike protein for example


Apr 19, 2020
Is anyone else seeing all of these studies showing how we're all basically doomed, even from a natural covid infection?

I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.

I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body. One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years, and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.

Just type in spike protein + alzheimers or something like that and down the rabbit hole of terror you go. From what I've read it all sounds pretty scientific I guess.
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research

My girlfriend now has covid for the second time, and here I am in the same small house with her. So I'll probably be on my second round of covid soon. According to these studies I keep reading I feel like we're both doomed, along with everyone else with a natural infection (and of course the mRNA injectees).
Walter Chestnut is a great researcher and I am glad he is getting solid science out there to us. But yes Steve, it is F*rgin depressing. All on purpose. By design by sick Mofos. Yes.

Now regarding natural spike proteins: I do not believe they exist. I do not think there is anyone here who has posted that they exist. I could be wrong. There are 'coronvirus spike proteins' that were created in labs. This we know. These are in the vaxxines that were made in labs. So as long as you have not taken the vaxxine, you will not have such a strong reaction to whatever is going on around you. Of course there are threads here of what to do to boost your immune system, zinc + zinc ionophores (heparin/rutin/quercetin) and vit D, etc. .Do some research here, it aint that hard.

Be healthy, be realistic, and as positive as possible, and of course help get your gf and yourself as strong healthy wise as possible. This includes attitude, and not falling into depression because you know too much about what is happening. So get off the internet sometimes, or off for a few days. It will generate depression if you just read how terrible things are...... Otherwise you lost the game. I am saying these things for myself also as I know too much about what is happening in various countries, separate from substack, etc., and .... humans have really f*gged this situation up bigtime. Get it? Got it? Good!


Oct 4, 2019
The damage is done, dont worry about what you cant control live ur life to the day you die, like before covid even existed


Apr 19, 2020
Absolutely @SamYo123 > great point. Get on with being healthy and creative in your life, as much as possible. I just heard some of the james corbett interview w Ryan Cristián. My wife heard it all. He covers many facets of the current events, ahem, and is positive (as possible). I don't agree with all he says but he is on the psyops aspects big time. @Steve I highly recommend it.

This is a war on us, make no mistake about it. So yeah, it is tough mentally and psychologically, but we will all do our best. The stakes are high. Very high.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body. One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years, and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.

That's total BS. Systemic damage is caused by the vexxines and hospital treatments (ie, remdesivir, ventilators, etc)

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research

If you value your mental health, turn off that covid-porn channel. Chestnut has no clue what he is talking about. He's a musician, not a scientist; he gets his rocks off reading research papers and composing a symphony of fear-porn. He's a nutcase


Dec 6, 2016
ETA: This ^^^^

Is anyone else seeing all of these studies showing how we're all basically doomed, even from a natural covid infection?

I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.

I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body. One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years, and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.

Just type in spike protein + alzheimers or something like that and down the rabbit hole of terror you go. From what I've read it all sounds pretty scientific I guess.
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research

My girlfriend now has covid for the second time, and here I am in the same small house with her. So I'll probably be on my second round of covid soon. According to these studies I keep reading I feel like we're both doomed, along with everyone else with a natural infection (and of course the mRNA injectees).

Doesn't pass the smell test to me that a covid infection will cause long-term damage like the vexxines would in an otherwise healthy person. Recall that the vexxines employ all kinds of chemical tricks to get the mRNA past cell membranes to continuously produce the spike protein for months or maybe years after injection.

I've seen little mention that the covid virus itself would do that after the viral infection is taken care of via natural immunity.


Jan 25, 2014
Is anyone else seeing all of these studies showing how we're all basically doomed, even from a natural covid infection?
No. I don't think are any such studies.
I'm getting quite depressed and stressed out as I see one study after another on the way too many substacks I visit, and they keep pointing out that the spike protein from both the 'vaccines' and natural infection wreak havoc on the body.
If you look at any studies on the "Spike Protein," you will notice they are all using a synthetic, genetically engineered protein that they claim is the "Spike Protein." Or in some cases, computer models. It's a fantasy that it has anything to do with an actual real world germ, or the alleged "Novel Corona Virus." Remember, they never isolated and purified the alleged virus in the first place (something that no one even denies), so they certainly didn't isolate and purify the alleged "Spike Protein" from the "Novel Corona Virus" itself.

Don't take my word for it, search all the studies and you will find the word "recombinant," which means synthetic.

And truthfully, they never demonstrated that the mRNA shots generate this alleged "Spike Protein," either. The only way to actually come in contact with it for certain is to take the J&J, AZ, or Novavax shots, which use the same synthetic "Spike Protein" grafted onto something like an adenovirus.
I thought I'd be ok because I didn't get the mRNA injections, but it doesn't even seem to matter now. I'm seeing studies that show natural infection will probably lead to diseases of the brain, and basically every single organ in the body.
I doubt you are seeing any studies like that. The only way to have a "study" like this is to have a group that got "naturally infected," and a control group that didn't, and study them until you see differences in body deterioration and such. Of course, since all the "detection" tests are garbage, I wouldn't even trust a study that makes such a claim

You are probably seeing in vitro studies with the synthetic Spike Protein, and they are writing conclusions (or using substackers) to get you to succumb to the fear pron. In vitro studies often don't have any relevance to the real world anyway, and there is no evidence this synthetic "Spike Protein" is in any way connected with a still unproven "Novel Corona Virus."
One study I read last night said people that were infected would probably be dead within ten years,
Lol. No real study could make such a claim. This is prophecy, something best left to the Miss Cleo's of the world. Look how terribly wrong Neil Ferguson has been with his Covid and Bird Flu preditions.
and that people will be suffering with so many issues that the long covid people complain of today will be absolutely nothing in comparison.
Again, it doesn't sound like a study. And anything they used to predict the future (probably bogus computer modelling) is riddled with problems and has beyond terrible track record.
Just type in spike protein + alzheimers or something like that and down the rabbit hole of terror you go.
Better yet, don't type that in. But if you do, look for the word "recombinant" and check to see if it's an in vitro study. My bet is that most, if not all, are, and as such, has no relevance to the real world.
From what I've read it all sounds pretty scientific I guess.
That's the point. It's supposed to sound scientific. Of course, it isn't scientific in the slightest, but if they can con you into thinking it is with baffling and sciency sounding words, you are more likely to succumb to the fear, and not ask questions like "Why would a common cold virus cause Alzheimers? And why should I trust them when the whole Beta Amyloid theory was just exposed as false?"
This guy's substack is kind of nightmare-inducing: WMC Research
Yeah, because he is relying on the exact In Vitro, synthetic Spike Protein type research I was talking about, that has zero relevance to the real world, and any sort of cold or flu you might get.
My girlfriend now has covid for the second time, and here I am in the same small house with her. So I'll probably be on my second round of covid soon. According to these studies I keep reading I feel like we're both doomed, along with everyone else with a natural infection (and of course the mRNA injectees).

First, stop taking bogus covid tests when you have a common cold.

Then, stop reading In Vitro studies using a synthetic Spike Protein, and stop thinking they have any relevance to the real world. If you do read studies, always question them, be sure to read the "Materials and Methods" section.

And don't let any of these psuedo-scientists let you think they have mastered the art of prophecy by using things like "Computer Models." They absolutely suck at predicting the future, and their goal is to get you scarred (and it's worked so far in your case). Again, just look at how wrong Neil Ferguson, Event 201, and the Mass Satanic Media were at predicting "Covid" deaths. They couldn't hit their absurdly high target (65 Million dead in 18 months, according to Event 201), even when they rebranded anything and everything into Covid (close to 7 Million dead in 2.5 years, 95% of which had serious co-moribidities like cancer, heart disease, or kidney failure, which was likely the real cause of death).
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Nov 9, 2016
No. I don't think are any such studies.

If you look at any studies on the "Spike Protein," you will notice they are all using a synthetic, genetically engineered protein that they claim is the "Spike Protein." Or in some cases, computer models. It's a fantasy that it has anything to do with an actual real world germ, or the alleged "Novel Corona Virus." Remember, they never isolated and purified the alleged virus in the first place (something that no one even denies), so they certainly didn't isolate and purify the alleged "Spike Protein" from the "Novel Corona Virus" itself.

Don't take my word for it, search all the studies and you will find the word "recombinant," which means synthetic.

And truthfully, they never demonstrated that the mRNA shots generate this alleged "Spike Protein," either. The only way to actually come in contact with it for certain is to take the J&J, AZ, or Novavax shots, which use the same synthetic "Spike Protein" grafted onto something like an adenovirus.

I doubt you are seeing any studies like that. The only way to have a "study" like this is to have a group that got "naturally infected," and a control group that didn't, and study them until you see differences in body deterioration and such. Of course, since all the "detection" tests are garbage, I wouldn't even trust a study that makes such a claim

You are probably seeing in vitro studies with the synthetic Spike Protein, and they are writing conclusions (or using substackers) to get you to succumb to the fear pron. In vitro studies often don't have any relevance to the real world anyway, and there is no evidence this synthetic "Spike Protein" is in any way connected with a still unproven "Novel Corona Virus."

Lol. No real study could make such a claim. This is prophecy, something best left to the Miss Cleo's of the world. Look how terribly wrong Neil Ferguson has been with his Covid and Bird Flu preditions.

Again, it doesn't sound like a study. And anything they used to predict the future (probably bogus computer modelling) is riddled with problems and has beyond terrible track record.

Better yet, don't type that in. But if you do, look for the word "recombinant" and check to see if it's an in vitro study. My bet is that most, if not all, are, and as such, has no relevance to the real world.

That's the point. It's supposed to sound scientific. Of course, it isn't scientific in the slightest, but if they can con you into thinking it is with baffling and sciency sounding words, you are more likely to succumb to the fear, and not ask questions like "Why would a common cold virus cause Alzheimers? And why should I trust them when the whole Beta Amyloid theory was just exposed as false?"

Yeah, because he is relying on the exact In Vitro, synthetic Spike Protein type research I was talking about, that has zero relevance to the real world, and any sort of cold or flu you might get.


First, stop taking bogus covid tests when you have a common cold.

Then, stop reading In Vitro studies using a synthetic Spike Protein, and stop thinking they have any relevance to the real world. If you do read studies, always question them, be sure to read the "Materials and Methods" section.

And don't let any of these psuedo-scientists let you think they have mastered the art of prophecy by using things like "Computer Models." They absolutely suck at predicting the future, and their goal is to get you scarred (and it's worked so far in your case). Again, just look at how wrong Neil Ferguson, Event 201, and the Mass Satanic Media were at predicting "Covid" deaths. They could hit their absurdly high target, even when they rebranded anything and everything into Covid.
I like your mini-substack response much better than the fear porn I keep reading. I'm just trying to stay away from it for now, so now my brain will be filled with your contradictory views instead.

Just wanted to say one thing, I never took a Covid test, and my girlfriend didn't take one either this time around.
But, I can't remember having a fever in probably 25 years now as I rarely get sick, and the symptoms were quite unusual.

With this 'probably' Covid illness, I had:
Fever for about 4 days, fatigue, dizziness, headache, nausea, lungs/breathing not feeling quite right, cough and need to keep clearing throat, food tasting funny....too salty/metallic, a phantom non-stop smell of something burning like when you leave metal in the oven for way too long and it stinks up the house.
(It's about a month later now, and I guess I feel back to my normal somewhat unhealthy state (hypothyroid issues mostly.)

I've never had anything similar that I can remember, so that's why I'm pretty sure it was Covid. It was directly after a plane trip.


Oct 11, 2021
ETA: This ^^^^

Doesn't pass the smell test to me that a covid infection will cause long-term damage like the vexxines would in an otherwise healthy person. Recall that the vexxines employ all kinds of chemical tricks to get the mRNA past cell membranes to continuously produce the spike protein for months or maybe years after injection.

I've seen little mention that the covid virus itself would do that after the viral infection is taken care of via natural immunity.
Right, but the concern I have read elsewhere has to do with REPEATED infections in say, within a 6 month window, when certain T-cells have not finished being replenished after the first infection. Not saying this is true, just that this is the concern whether vaccinated or unvaccinated.


Apr 19, 2020
f you look at any studies on the "Spike Protein," you will notice they are all using a synthetic, genetically engineered protein that they claim is the "Spike Protein." Or in some cases, computer models. It's a fantasy that it has anything to do with an actual real world germ, or the alleged "Novel Corona Virus." Remember, they never isolated and purified the alleged virus in the first place (something that no one even denies), so they certainly didn't isolate and purify the alleged "Spike Protein" from the "Novel Corona Virus" itself.

Don't take my word for it, search all the studies and you will find the word "recombinant," which means synthetic.

And truthfully, they never demonstrated that the mRNA shots generate this alleged "Spike Protein," either. The only way to actually come in contact with it for certain is to take the J&J, AZ, or Novavax shots, which use the same synthetic "Spike Protein" grafted onto something like an adenovirus.
Thanks for that clarity Tanka. Also of note is the toxicity of the Nano-lipid coating surrounding the "spike protein" in the shots. 1) Toxic, and 2) this PEG coating is designed to bypass the normal human biochemical defense system, our immune system, and 'deliver to the target area the viral vector'. Oh, and all this can get by the blood brain barrier.

As above if one doesn't take the shots, one doesn't have this problem.

Regarding PEG:
See this:
"These pioneering studies led to the future clinical development of PEGylated NP formulations such as Doxil® (approved by the US FDA in 1995) and Genexol-PM® (approved by Korean FDA and currently in clinical trials in the US) [30]. In addition to synthetic NPs, PEGylation has been applied to reduce the immunogenicity and/or prolong the circulation of viral gene vectors, including adenovirus [31] and adeno-associated virus [32]."

taken from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4798869/


Nov 18, 2019
If you value your mental health, turn off that covid-porn channel. Chestnut has no clue what he is talking about. He's a musician, not a scientist; he gets his rocks off reading research papers and composing a symphony of fear-porn. He's a nutcase
Thank you. I was going to respond to Juno saying he was a solid researcher. But hey you said it clearly and better than me - lol.

@Steve @AlaskaJono @Perry Staltic


Mar 15, 2014
Good to see that people are finally coming around to what I had deduced in 2020

I don't think spike protein will kill everyone, I think a lot of people are naturally resistant. But if you had a bad time with COVID, (meaning you felt ill for 3 weeks or more when you had it) then you're not resistant and it will probably do progressive damage every time it infects you.

If you've never had any sudden, concerning, and lasting symptoms over the last 2.5 years, then there's probably nothing to worry about.

Most estimates of long-COVID are around 10% of the population, so that's a floor for how many people are vulnerable to this.
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Jan 25, 2014
Most estimates of long-COVID are around 10% of the population, so that's a floor for how many people are vulnerable to this.
Ridiculous. The world population is supposedly 8 Billion, and Covid is supposedly a Pandemic, so "Long Covid" affects 800 Million people?

World O Meter has the total number of Covid "Cases" currently sitting at 580 Million- https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

So, most estimates have 137% of "Covid Cases" being "Long Covid." How can that even be possible?


Apr 19, 2020
Thank you. I was going to respond to Juno saying he was a solid researcher. But hey you said it clearly and better than me - lol.

@Steve @AlaskaJono @Perry Staltic
From my point of view, WMC is researching the known entity of the Vaxx produced "Spike proteins'. Prion caused foldings, etc., causing fibrils to fill up organs and or arteries. This is no myth, and should be very concerning those who are vaxxed and want to do take a different approach now. Whether he is a Muso or not, likes heavy metal or classical matters not to me. I totally appreciate this forum and the responsibility to endeavour sovereignty of our own health. This includes accurate information. Which is becoming less common all the time, unfortunately.

I have never read anywhere that someone encountered a virus in the wild. Full stop. And regarding the existence of a covid case, the only thing in my opinion that PCR tests prove is that fake tests can cause world chaos, and the makers of said test profit bigly. @Steve


You need to remember that the MSM is running quite a bit of cover for the vaccine. They're blaming vaccine related injuries and side effects on normal infections.


Jan 25, 2014
From my point of view, WMC is researching the known entity of the Vaxx produced "Spike proteins'.
I don't think that's a known entity, at all. Where is the proof that the mRNA shots are producing the "Spike Protein?" Or producing ANY protein? The "official" story is that they were rushed through development and trials. They didn't test for any Spike Protein in the trials that got them EUA, just for "Covid" itself. The only thing you have on this point is the drug companies word that, oh yes, the mRNA shots really do produce the Spike Protein. If they go back on that point, they risk the billions of dollars they raked in from selling these shots to governments (still the only real consumer, I believe).

I have seen a couple of small trials with healthcare workers (2 trials, both with less than 20 people) and in some of those receiving the vaccine, they never detected ANY spike protein, not after the first or second shot. In the vast majority of others, there was detectable spike protein after the first shot, but nothing after the second. Since they were small trials in the same location, it's quite possible that the detected "Spike Protein" was even from some other stimulus, especially considering they were health care workers, that would be exposed to any sort of "virus," if there is indeed one going around. Or, lab error. Really, studies with less than 20 people aren't good enough to form a conclusion on. Even the trials they used to get EUA approval had over 40,000 people.
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