Social Isolation Causes Sickness And Death From Disconnected Feelings

Nov 21, 2015
Association of social relationships with incident cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality

Methods In 4139 participants from the population-based Heinz Nixdorf Recall study without previous cardiovascular disease (mean (SD) age 59.1 (7.7) years, 46.7% men), the association of self-reported instrumental, emotional and financial support and social integration at baseline with incident fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality during 13.4-year follow-up was assessed in five different multivariable Cox proportional hazards regression models: minimally adjusted model (adjusting for age, sex, social integration or social support, respectively); biological model (minimally adjusted+systolic blood pressure, low-density and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glycated haemoglobin, body mass index, antihypertensive medication, lipid-lowering medication and antidiabetic medication); health behaviour model (minimally adjusted+alcohol consumption, smoking and physical activity); socioeconomic model (minimally adjusted+income, education and employment); and depression model (minimally adjusted+depression, antidepressants and anxiolytics).

Results 339 cardiovascular events and 530 deaths occurred during follow-up. Lack of financial support was associated with an increased cardiovascular event risk (minimally adjusted HR=1.30(95% CI 1.01 to 1.67)). Lack of social integration (social isolation) was associated with increased mortality (minimally adjusted HR=1.47 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.97)). Effect estimates did not decrease to a relevant ex


Nov 22, 2017
This to me is a greater cause of the mortality we've seen amongst the elderly than the actual covid-19.
In my country, some elderly people have been totally isolated for 3.5 months and many of them
haven't received a single phone call, nor seen anybody in that time frame. The stress of isolation is


Nov 10, 2018
Not denying the effects social isolation has, but is this just a correlation rather than a causation?

people who do not socialise are generally depressed, which stems from poor health/stress/inflammation etc... which would be why they do not live as long.

likewise in your quote how lack of financial support also increased cv risk... I think it all just boils down to overall stress.


Sep 25, 2018
Not denying the effects social isolation has, but is this just a correlation rather than a causation?

people who do not socialise are generally depressed, which stems from poor health/stress/inflammation etc... which would be why they do not live as long.

likewise in your quote how lack of financial support also increased cv risk... I think it all just boils down to overall stress.

Very good point


Nov 21, 2019
Like I have said elsewhere, I am by far the most isolated I have ever been in my life and my physical health is objectively improving despite being the most unhappy I have been in my life

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Wait If isolation is self imposed and voluntary? What if being around certain people who are stressed, stresses me out more? Isn’t that protective?


Mar 26, 2014
Like I have said elsewhere, I am by far the most isolated I have ever been in my life and my physical health is objectively improving despite being the most unhappy I have been in my life

Wait If isolation is self imposed and voluntary? What if being around certain people who are stressed, stresses me out more? Isn’t that protective?

As these posts show there are a few different facets to this. The queuing and the masks and the 'social distancing' and the clapping and the busy bodies...stresses me more than not being able to go to the pub.


Feb 18, 2018
Wait If isolation is self imposed and voluntary? What if being around certain people who are stressed, stresses me out more? Isn’t that protective?
If you are self isolating yourself because that is want you want because not being around people makes you happier then I doubt it's going to cause problems but if you are forced to self isolate otherwise you get a fine and are punished when you go out and meet friends and family then it will cause health problems.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
If you are self isolating yourself because that is want you want because not being around people makes you happier then I doubt it's going to cause problems but if you are forced to self isolate otherwise you get a fine and are punished when you go out and meet friends and family then it will cause health problems.
Yea, my thoughts when writing the post were far removed from the quarantine and lock down. I was talking about general social isolation irrespective of the current situation


Mar 29, 2016
Wait If isolation is self imposed and voluntary? What if being around certain people who are stressed, stresses me out more? Isn’t that protective?

Yeah. Good point. Different folks, different strokes. I'm happy being somewhat isolated, precisely for my experience of being around siblings that are cuckoos all my life. I'm the only adult most of the time. I finally realized that you can't change people, but you shouldn't put up with them either by being around them all the time. I can understand that people are shaped by their fears, and many people can't look inwardly enough to overcome their fears and develop. If they're like that and they are a constant pain in the neck, I learn to keep my distance.

Nature and a sense of purpose gives meaning, and I don't care if I'm alone as I don't feel I am.

LUH 3417

Oct 22, 2016
Yeah. Good point. Different folks, different strokes. I'm happy being somewhat isolated, precisely for my experience of being around siblings that are cuckoos all my life. I'm the only adult most of the time. I finally realized that you can't change people, but you shouldn't put up with them either by being around them all the time. I can understand that people are shaped by their fears, and many people can't look inwardly enough to overcome their fears and develop. If they're like that and they are a constant pain in the neck, I learn to keep my distance.

Nature and a sense of purpose gives meaning, and I don't care if I'm alone as I don't feel I am.
That’s my feeling too. A lot of people in my family are addicted to tragedy. Even small situations become super elevated and there is a constant heightened state of anxiety like the world is perpetually ending. It’s stressful to be around. I’d love to be around people who are less stressed, but sometimes I rather be alone than around people who are tragedy junkies.


Mar 26, 2014


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Jul 21, 2019
Near the Promised Land
Hope this article was a joke... karma, determinism.. lots of woo woo

It was pretty interesting to read, although I doubt the rigidity of some of its assertions -- and probably also don't entirely feel fond of its overall gist of ideas possibly.

I think it adds some intriguing ideas between the physical and the purportedly non-physical parts that kind of associate or exist with one another (regarding existence and humanity/human structure).

I can't say if it is "right" or "wrong" or its implications overall with such a set of beliefs, but I think it makes for a pretty interesting set of principles to consider in some light or form -- or at least aims to give a certain outlook on social structures and "systems" people live and operate within, varying through any range of "planes" or existences and forms we are "within" or "outside" of. I think similar ideas even cross along correlations like measuring or understanding health beyond the body, like events in the environment and adaptability, experience, perception and other things mixed in with other more seemingly asinine elements that play parts like spacetime, electricity, toxins, and internal/external mechanisms beyond how most would associate them with health and individuality, longevity, etc.

Sometimes strange or even silly ideas can have gold to them in some contexts or understandings.
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Mar 20, 2013
Perception of loneliness, IMO, is the major player here, as opposed to isolation itself.

Just based on my own experience, being better fed, meditating regularly, and having used quite a bit of NLP on myself, as well as working through a lot of trauma, I am much more comfortable alone than ever. I used to be deeply bothered to the point of being suicidal, all over the idea of being so isolated, that I was never going to find anyone to get close to or have fun with, etc.

The past few months, I've been more isolated than I've been in a long time, but a lot happier. Especially after meditating regularly, my perspective on "loneliness" has changed quite a bit.

I think isolation can either break you down and leave you broken, or break you down and build you back up again. I definitely reached a point where I was so lonely I attempted suicide, a couple times. After surviving through that, it's like a switch flipped or something, and these days I'm much more able to enjoy being alone, and just enjoying being alive.

That being said, I consider myself lucky to now be able to enjoy being alone. I don't think it's the case for the maority of people, especially people like me with social anxiety or other issues that can make normal socializing very difficult, or even impossible. When you feel trapped, that's going to cause a lot of stress.

Having the option to not be alone is one thing. Not having the option to be with other people in the way you want can be very, very stressful. Really, I think my entire life up until a few months ago was a living hell purely because I was so lonely. Then it was like something just broke inside of me while I was meditating one day and ever since then I've felt a lot more able to cope. And then actually enjoy things. It's pretty crazy.

Perception is everything, but to argue that is also to lack compassion. There is so much value in being there for people who are lonely. Especially the elderly.
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