Serotonin Inhibits The Senses


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
The hallucinogenic effects of LSD are thought to be due to removing of the inhibition of the "thinking" part of the brain over sensory responsivity. This implies that serotonin inhibits that responsivity. This study seems to confirm that view and makes one wonder how something that inhibits the senses like SSRI can be good for depression. ... ne.0105941

"...The inhibition of sensory responsivity is considered a core serotonin function, yet this hypothesis lacks direct support due to methodological obstacles. We adapted an optogenetic approach to induce acute, robust and specific firing of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons. In vitro, the responsiveness of individual dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons to trains of light pulses varied with frequency and intensity as well as between cells, and the photostimulation protocol was therefore adjusted to maximize their overall output rate. In vivo, the photoactivation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons gave rise to a prominent light-evoked field response that displayed some sensitivity to a 5-HT1A agonist, consistent with autoreceptor inhibition of raphe neurons. In behaving mice, the photostimulation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons produced a rapid and reversible decrease in the animals' responses to plantar stimulation, providing a new level of evidence that serotonin gates sensory-driven responses."


Feb 20, 2013
I think that when your health is poor serotonin increases so you don't feel the full extent of how messed up your health really is. Serotonin numbs the senses so you don't have to deal with it. Imagine taking LSD when you are having severe health problems, it would likely be a confronting experience as you become awake to how toxic, fat or catabolic your body really is.
Nov 26, 2013
You showed me the way out. Hadnt I know there was a way 2 years ago... Thanks!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really? I must inform Rich, man. He'd be ecstatic probably. The man always has something going on.


Nov 22, 2016
The guy writes two books at a time. All from superego liberation. Writing some paper about CBD oil currently. Lives in the woods. Very energetic person.
Thats so nice.

Id love to live in the woods

Do you think lithium would be more or less safe for bipolar disorder?


May 5, 2015
Thats so nice.

Id love to live in the woods

Do you think lithium would be more or less safe for bipolar disorder?

Just look around at reviews of lithium on the internet. It doesn't seem safe at all.
Why not just do high dose sodium? At least the risks are much smaller


May 5, 2015

Does estrogen always equal high serotonin? What would be worse for increasing serotonin, estrogen or cortisol?


May 5, 2015

I had a horrible experience from a few mg's of lithium carbonate, along with diarrhea and insomnia. Try other things first I would say.
Nov 26, 2013
Can you give a quick summary of his practical recommendations? That document seems massive on philosophy and smart lingo

? superego liberation is the key to his energeticness? I'd like to learn more.

Poke @Such_Saturation

Wish you could tell us more about the guy writing this:

What exactly does he propose as therapeutic?

I think he associated certain ideas of Freud with the Default Mode Network, as some neuroscientist has already written about. I quote some paragraphs that contain one practical exercise, but there are plenty of pdf books of his that he can send you if you want more. page 31 said:
Please remember the neuroendocrine changes of the formative process, are initiated through mutually exchanged gaze and glance between mother and infant, where the mother's responsive face becomes the child's entire world…he looks, she responds, and in this reciprocating circular visual circuit, a semiundifferentiated state of world and self-identification which fosters empathy within the infant, is created. The feeling is serene, ultimately safe and warm, the result is an optimistic playful energy which finds the entire of experience and thought––interesting! Irresistible is really a better word. Here is the image, which must be directly entered into in the mind's eye as if into a dream, to be effective:

Can you picture it? The sun pouring down upon your face, shining and warm, golden and loving is this light, a light you are folded into, and have created, shining, pouring back up into the arch of heaven, spilling from your glad face, and again down to fill you, the trees nodding as you dream them, the sky golden and warm as you have poured it––and back around––for it has dreamt you…now as the world, of the world, nourished and warmed, our circle complete, a circuit of golden warmth and light spilling the world into being and returning again, unto you, and again, you unto it…and all the world is eternal, safe, now and again nourished and nourishing, the earth and life, now and again, but a single warmth, a round, a circuit, a circle of happiness, pouring down and returning, warm and sweet, the world now glad and warm, complete, born out and eternal, the human circle glowing, as life spilled round into warmth––and golden light.

This image will allow us access to the brain circuitry which creates reward via dopamine and opioids, and so, will foster Hebbian pairings we will use to re-polarize experience. However, the utility of this idea is far greater than that, and extends to include several modes of functioning which are highly transformative, and quite unexpected. Next, I will quickly spell out the four basic means of repolarization.

1. Reactive re-polarization: this is a psychoanalytic procedure, where reaction formations are removed to access unconscious repressed content in consciousness. [There are of course, some occasions to rightly insert such reactive psychical dams as well.] A reaction formation is an opposite or punitive idea which is attached to a wish to change its valence, and cause its repression (Freud, 1905; Wolman, 1996). Think of a child enjoying itself playing with its feces. The mother says, "NO! That is shameful––DISGUSTING." Now the opposite of the pleasurable wish, disgust, is paired with the pleasurable behavior, and the child feels disgust in consciousness instead of pleasure, and represses the wish/behavior. As we will be removing reaction formations, this is referred to as "reactive repolarization."

2. Active re-polarization via Hebbian learning: A painful event can be actively re-polarized by attaching positive valence to an alternate structure which is then substituted for the dystonic ideation in consciousness. The process of Hebbian active re-polarization is potentially both rapid and highly efficacious, as well as, quite dangerous. Please read the cautionary instructions in the sections below very carefully. This procedure heals quickly, and can cause permanent damage if used improperly. Follow these instructions to the letter, or do not attempt this procedure!

3. Active re-polarization by regressive neocortical mnemic reconsolidation: In this instance, the word regression is to be taken as a noun. A regression is a direct present identification with a past experience. To experience a regression, is extraordinarily painful. It is however, the most sure method of achieving permanent change. Dr. Doidge's fine book written for a lay audience, The Brain That Changes Itself, contains an excellent example of a regression (Doidge, 2009, pp. 234-237). Regressions can, as in the case in the Doidge book, be encouraged as a function of the psychotherapeutic psychoanalytic situation, and so, can be encouraged by using the memory retrieval techniques I have described, and, can also occur spontaneously as a result of severe stress, and occur more easily, in cases of SSRI withdrawal, where repressive resistance approaches zero. I have created regressive identifications in my own case both spontaneously, and, by way of directed effort at removing resistances––after years not so much actively seeking, but remaining open to repressed thoughts and memories. Often, it is clear what must be found, and a construction will light the way. The most reliable means to find this elusive phenomenon, is simply to open up before your pain––use the OEP. Keep open at all times, invite the unconscious, move toward your pain, without resistance, and all the inner world will soon spill out before you. Resist nothing: this is the pathway to higher functioning.

4. Active re-polarization via undifferentiated alpha function transformation: The source formative impressions of the "alpha function" sympathetic limbic circuitry offer attachment points both active and passive, which function as points of similarity allowing condensation (Freud, 1900) in symbolic/symptomatic formation. This allows the displacement of energetic fixated cathexes en masse onto the dynamic activity of the circuitry, which acts analogously as an oxogen scrubber in a spacecraft that converts unbreathable air into oxygen, by converting the pathogenic fixated impressions' toxic ego dystonic cathexes into primary semi-undifferentiated energy, ripe for healthy experiential sublimation. This functional re-polarization, utilizes the transformative property of "alpha function" applied to specific pathogenic unconscious content, so as to rapidly remove specific symptoms, at the most basic causal level. Here, we are attaching specific pathogenic fixated content onto the formative alpha function key impression, displacing and transferring those pathogenic energies into the dynamic circuitry aroused, sublimating those fixated energies into the dynamic of that symbolic expression, and thereby, returning the cathexis to a near undifferentiated form––now sublimated into our primary impression of the world itself. In this way, fixations of all sorts, even those created by severe sexual trauma, can be integrated into consciousness and act as an energy source to enrich the sublimation which creates experience, and in some cases, liberate those energies necessary for the achievement of higher mental functioning.

The experiential template: This is the final idea which along with the others that have preceded it, must be understood to grasp the whole of re-polarization theory in applied practice as described below. Repolarization theory is an extension of Freudian transference theory. Please recall, that just as in a dream, where unsaturated memory traces are defined, endowed with symbolic meaning by way of transference (Freud, 1900; Norman, 2013, Appendix A), so is affect distributed to give qualitative meaning to waking reality, just as in a dream, by transference and condensation. It is affect which must be assigned from lower structures to give meaning, quality and perceived "reality" to cortically represented mental solids (Solms, 2013). Affective assignment, along with object identification, produce reality (Norman, 2013 quantitative, and 2013, Langan). This means, that all of reality in both the cases of the neurotic/psychotic, and, the case of the normal, are defined as a function of transference. This transference which provides definition to all of reality, is formed as a function of an energetically differentiated composite structure, a stratified conglomerate which mediates the affect assigned to cortically represented experience from lower structures. Think of the entire of our past experience (the neocortical store) along with the predisposed patterns of systemic activity evolutionarily conserved into the structures of the affective systems, as comprising an "experiential template," through which all of reality, both inner and outer, is defined. This stratified structure, is therefore, semi-plastic and adaptive: because along with systemic hardwiring and response, the neocortical store is continuously added to and reconsolidated (Stickgold et al., 2001)––unconscious plasticity being the very notion upon which psychoanalysis is founded upon: "All repressions must be undone." Remember, Freud (1915) discovered that it is not a matter of transcribing an unchanged unconscious cathexis from the unconscious registry to a conscious one, but that the very unconscious ideation, the unconscious cathexis itself is altered, what we now refer to as––reconsolidated. There is support for this idea in modern neuroscience (Schiller et al., 2010; Zellner, 2013 ). This mnemic reconsolidation, alters the transference, via alteration of the experiential template, by which reality is defined. Please remember our example of the condensed definition of reality as represented in two subjects viewing a butterfly, one subject balanced, one neurotic. The external stimulus is the same, only the affective definition assigned to it from the sum of affect associated with past experience, only the resultant experiential template is in variance. That template can be changed.


Jul 13, 2014
The hallucinogenic effects of LSD are thought to be due to removing of the inhibition of the "thinking" part of the brain over sensory responsivity. This implies that serotonin inhibits that responsivity. This study seems to confirm that view and makes one wonder how something that inhibits the senses like SSRI can be good for depression. ... ne.0105941

"...The inhibition of sensory responsivity is considered a core serotonin function, yet this hypothesis lacks direct support due to methodological obstacles. We adapted an optogenetic approach to induce acute, robust and specific firing of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons. In vitro, the responsiveness of individual dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons to trains of light pulses varied with frequency and intensity as well as between cells, and the photostimulation protocol was therefore adjusted to maximize their overall output rate. In vivo, the photoactivation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons gave rise to a prominent light-evoked field response that displayed some sensitivity to a 5-HT1A agonist, consistent with autoreceptor inhibition of raphe neurons. In behaving mice, the photostimulation of dorsal raphe serotonergic neurons produced a rapid and reversible decrease in the animals' responses to plantar stimulation, providing a new level of evidence that serotonin gates sensory-driven responses."

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