Serotonin causes autism


Dec 1, 2021
United States
I really don't know what it is, but every single serotonergic substance or medication I have ever tried turned me into either an aspie, or a complete autist.

It all started back in 2017 when I had insomnia, I was a pretty normal person but had trouble sleeping, a doctor prescribed melatonin (Melatonin stops your body from converting extra serotonin into melatonin because your body thinks it already has enough, leading to more free serotonin, it's like a mild serotonin reuptake inhibitor) since then my sleep had improved but I became socially withdrawn, no eye contact, overeacting over things, strange body movements when stressed out like flapping arms, about 1 year later I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (aspergers) whilst still taking the melatonin.

The scary part is, about 2 years before the diagnosis when I also had insomnia but didn't take melatonin, I got tested for autism and the results were NEGATIVE (I had eye contact, payed attention and everything)

Now 1 year ago, I fell into deep depression and started taking SSRIS, after my first dose I started making caveman noises, flapping my arms, couldn't sit still, sometimes couldn't talk, everything around me made no sense, everything was confusing, breaking objects, no eye contact, severe anxiety, EVEN MORE insomnia, overeacting.

These all persisted for 2 weeks until my parents realized what was going on, within a few months free from all medications (I also quit melatonin during the time) my eye contact returned, no overeacting, no flapping arms, no caveman noises, better focus, ability to sit still, more cognitive ability, less anxiety and all. I became sort of normal again after quitting all my medications (Which were all serototonergic)

This needs to be known by science, because doing things to increase dopamine also tend to have the opposite effect of these drugs, I become even less autistic, like for example, when I took zinc which is pro-dopamine and pro-testosterone I felt even more "normal" to the point where nobody would be able to tell that I was given an autism diagnosis, strong eye contact, no fiddling, no agitation, no rumination, calm and collected and focus.


May 13, 2015
I really don't know what it is, but every single serotonergic substance or medication I have ever tried turned me into either an aspie, or a complete autist.

It all started back in 2017 when I had insomnia, I was a pretty normal person but had trouble sleeping, a doctor prescribed melatonin (Melatonin stops your body from converting extra serotonin into melatonin because your body thinks it already has enough, leading to more free serotonin, it's like a mild serotonin reuptake inhibitor) since then my sleep had improved but I became socially withdrawn, no eye contact, overeacting over things, strange body movements when stressed out like flapping arms, about 1 year later I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (aspergers) whilst still taking the melatonin.

The scary part is, about 2 years before the diagnosis when I also had insomnia but didn't take melatonin, I got tested for autism and the results were NEGATIVE (I had eye contact, payed attention and everything)

Now 1 year ago, I fell into deep depression and started taking SSRIS, after my first dose I started making caveman noises, flapping my arms, couldn't sit still, sometimes couldn't talk, everything around me made no sense, everything was confusing, breaking objects, no eye contact, severe anxiety, EVEN MORE insomnia, overeacting.

These all persisted for 2 weeks until my parents realized what was going on, within a few months free from all medications (I also quit melatonin during the time) my eye contact returned, no overeacting, no flapping arms, no caveman noises, better focus, ability to sit still, more cognitive ability, less anxiety and all. I became sort of normal again after quitting all my medications (Which were all serototonergic)

This needs to be known by science, because doing things to increase dopamine also tend to have the opposite effect of these drugs, I become even less autistic, like for example, when I took zinc which is pro-dopamine and pro-testosterone I felt even more "normal" to the point where nobody would be able to tell that I was given an autism diagnosis, strong eye contact, no fiddling, no agitation, no rumination, calm and collected and focus.
There is a connection between high serotonin and thiamine deficiency. Thiamine helps lower brain serotonin. During the time I had a thiamine deficiency, high serotonin foods (like banana and pineapple) caused me real problems. Magnesium is needed to utilize thiamine so it also is part of the equation. B vitamins tend to work together so supplementing with a good b-complex is a good idea too. Perhaps you would be interested in looking into thiamine/serotonin connection?

Effect of thiamine on serotonin levels in magnesium-deficient animals


Dec 1, 2021
United States
There is a connection between high serotonin and thiamine deficiency. Thiamine helps lower brain serotonin. During the time I had a thiamine deficiency, high serotonin foods (like banana and pineapple) caused me real problems. Magnesium is needed to utilize thiamine so it also is part of the equation. B vitamins tend to work together so supplementing with a good b-complex is a good idea too. Perhaps you would be interested in looking into thiamine/serotonin connection?

Effect of thiamine on serotonin levels in magnesium-deficient animals
Thanks, are there any good food sources of B1 that are easily digestible, at least for you? I'll look into supplementing with it if there isn't


Dec 4, 2021
You mean serotonin caused you to be misdiagnosed as autistic based on you telling them all of your symptoms/them evaluating them as something that's occuring due to a different neurological make up in your brain.

Autism is so much more than what you're describing. In fact, it's literally someone who's brain is structurally different than that of a neurotypical brain.

So, while you may be exhibiting traits that are lumped into autistic behavior & that's really all the evaluator's are going off of here that doesn't mean autism is caused by high serotonin.

Editing to add: Maybe it's more along the lines of autism behaviors might be elevated by serotonin levels being jacked up because we're all changed behaviorally by excessive serotonin.


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I really don't know what it is, but every single serotonergic substance or medication I have ever tried turned me into either an aspie, or a complete autist.

It all started back in 2017 when I had insomnia, I was a pretty normal person but had trouble sleeping, a doctor prescribed melatonin (Melatonin stops your body from converting extra serotonin into melatonin because your body thinks it already has enough, leading to more free serotonin, it's like a mild serotonin reuptake inhibitor) since then my sleep had improved but I became socially withdrawn, no eye contact, overeacting over things, strange body movements when stressed out like flapping arms, about 1 year later I was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (aspergers) whilst still taking the melatonin.

The scary part is, about 2 years before the diagnosis when I also had insomnia but didn't take melatonin, I got tested for autism and the results were NEGATIVE (I had eye contact, payed attention and everything)

Now 1 year ago, I fell into deep depression and started taking SSRIS, after my first dose I started making caveman noises, flapping my arms, couldn't sit still, sometimes couldn't talk, everything around me made no sense, everything was confusing, breaking objects, no eye contact, severe anxiety, EVEN MORE insomnia, overeacting.

These all persisted for 2 weeks until my parents realized what was going on, within a few months free from all medications (I also quit melatonin during the time) my eye contact returned, no overeacting, no flapping arms, no caveman noises, better focus, ability to sit still, more cognitive ability, less anxiety and all. I became sort of normal again after quitting all my medications (Which were all serototonergic)

This needs to be known by science, because doing things to increase dopamine also tend to have the opposite effect of these drugs, I become even less autistic, like for example, when I took zinc which is pro-dopamine and pro-testosterone I felt even more "normal" to the point where nobody would be able to tell that I was given an autism diagnosis, strong eye contact, no fiddling, no agitation, no rumination, calm and collected and focus.

The causal link between serotonin and autism is well-supported by the available evidence, even though medicine continues to ignore it as it does not dare kill off a multi-billion USD a year SSRI industry. Estrogen is another factor (of course, it goes hand in hand with serotonin) and medicine won't touch that topic either due to selling billions a year worth of estrogen.


May 13, 2015
Thanks, are there any good food sources of B1 that are easily digestible, at least for you? I'll look into supplementing with it if there isn't
I had to supplement with high dose thiamine in order to achieve recovery from the following: lead poisoning symptoms, thiamine deficiency (lead poisoning uses up available thiamine), thiamine functional blockage via Bactrim antibiotic use summer of 2020. The rda for thiamine is set by the powers that be at less than 2mg/day. My dose of thiamine hcl is 2 grams/day (higher dose needed because absorption in the gut is not efficient). I'm getting very good results via this pharmaceutical sized dose. I've been taking it for a year. Here's a link to a recent post in a discussion on the forum where I give links to information: B1
So, while you may be exhibiting traits that are lumped into autistic behavior & that's really all the evaluator's are going off of here that doesn't mean autism is caused by high serotonin.

Editing to add: Maybe it's more along the lines of autism behaviors might be elevated by serotonin levels being jacked up because we're all changed behaviorally by excessive serotonin.
you may find these of interest:
"Autism spectrum disorders are a group of neuro-developmental conditions characterized by varying degrees of language impairment, including verbal and non-verbal communication, impaired social skill, and repetitive behaviors. In this paper, we review the evidence for an association between autism and thiamine. A relationship between thiamine status and the development of autism has been established, with thiamine supplementation exhibiting a beneficial clinical effect on children with autism."

"Autism spectrum disorders are a group of neuro-developmental conditions characterized by varying degrees of language impairment, including verbal and non-verbal communication, impaired social skill, and repetitive behaviors. In this paper, we review the evidence for an association between autism and thiamine. A relationship between thiamine status and the development of autism has been established, with thiamine supplementation exhibiting a beneficial clinical effect on children with autism. Thiamine may involve in autism via apoptotic factors (transcription factor p53, Bcl-2, and caspase-3), neurotransmitter systems (serotonin, acetylcholine, and glutamate), and oxidative stress (prostaglandins, cyclooxygenase-2, reactive oxygen species, nitric oxide synthase, the reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, and mitochondrial dysfunction). In addition, thiamine has also been implicated in autism via its effects on basic myelin protein, glycogen synthetase kinase-3β, alpha-1 antitrypsin, and glyoxalase 1. Thiamine may play a role in children with autism. Additional investigation of thiamine in children with autism is needed."

So thiamine deficiency is implicated in autism spectrum disorder and thiamine deficiency is also known to cause build up of brain serotonin. I think that the build up of brain serotonin makes symptoms worse. Thiamine supplementation improves the brain serotonin levels. Effect of thiamine deficiency on brain serotonin turnover - PubMed

The symptoms of autism are extremely similar to the symptoms of lead poisoning: Lead Poisoning Often Confused for Autism - Autism Today Although I don't think that Big Pharma puts lead in childhood vaccines, they do put mercury and aluminum in them. These heavy metals are implicated in autism. Heavy metals are a huge problem.

Thiamine supplementation resolves the symptoms of lead poisoning: Thiamin (vitamin B1) effects on lead intoxication and deposition of lead in tissues: Therapeutic potential
"Thus, thiamin appeared to have no protective effect on the ability of Pb to inhibit this enzyme. But in the tissues analyzed, thiamin interacted with Pb in some way to prevent tissue accumulation, thus preventing clinical signs and death. These results suggest that therapeutic doses of thiamin may be of value in the prevention and treatment of Pb poisoning in cattle, and in other animals or humans exposed to high environmental levels of Pb."

This is an interesting interlocking rabbit hole to look into.

Thiamine is key.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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